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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1936)
VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA. OREGON Hitch to Nature Quick Stitchery for the Home "Artist" Fit Guaranteed Drowning Man — Quick, throw me a life belt! Rescuer (tailor)—Yes, sir. What size round the waist? Greenhorn Hunters everly hills , calif . —Now that the casualty Here’s Another lists are drifting in, there’s Voice on the Telephone—Oh, will you ask the doctor to hurry round. talk of action to cut down the My little girl has just swallowed needless fatalities that mark a needle. every gunning season. Pattern 1212 Here’s a famous painting—“The Angelus,” to reproduce in quick stitchery. You’ve no idea what a charming picture will result as you stitch away in wool or rope silk, but you’re assured a speedy finish due to the plain background So send for your pattern today and get started on this fascinat ing piece of needlework. You’ll want to frame it, when it’s fin ished. Pattern 1212 contains a transfer pattern of a picture 13% by 16 inches; a color chart and key; material requirements; illustra tions of all stitches needed. Send 15 cents in stamps or coins (coins preferred) for this pattern to The Sewing Circle Needlecraft Dept, 82 Eighth Ave., New York, N. Y. Write plainly pattern number, your name and address. CHECK THAT COUGH BEFORE IT GETS WORSE Check it before it gets you down. Check it before others, maybe the children, catch it. Check it with FOLEY’S HONEY & TAR. This double-acting compound gives quick relief and speeds recovery. Soothes raw, irritated tissues; quickly allays tickling, hacking. Spoon ful on retiring makes for a cough-free sleep. No habit-forming, stomach-upsetting drug^ Ideal for children, too. Don’t let that cough due to a cold hang on! For quick relief and speeded ucovery insist on FOLEY’S HONEY & TAR. Maid—Well, the doctor is very Greenhorns prowl the glade, firing busy just now, ma’am. Did you at anything that moves. All who want the needle at once? can afford hunting Mark the Spot Old Lady (to driver of steam roller)—Have you seen a packet of butter, my man? Driver (scratching his head) — Well, come to think of it, mum, I did feel a bit of a bump up yonder. In His Footsteps Son—Do you remember telling me about the time you were ex pelled from school? Father—Yes, my boy. I do. Son—Well, I’m telling you. Too Much for Him “But, constable, I didn’t knock him down, I pulled up at the light to let him cross and he just fainted!” NEARLY DROVE HER CRAZY Got Quick RELIEF Muscles were so sore she could hardly touch them. Used Hamlins Wizard Oil and found wonderful relief. Just rubbed it on and rubbed it in. Thousands say Hamlins Wizard Oil works wonders for stiff, aching muscles. Why suffer? Get a bottle for speedy comfort. Pleasant odor. Will not stain clothes. At all druggists. WIZARD OIL FREE SAMPLE wrife ’’Cuticura Dept. 37 Malden, Mass. getCuticura SOOTHES FAST HELPS HEAL CUTICURA SOAP and OINTMENT We had a set of overcoat but tons, the top off of a stop signal and part of a gocart in our car when we arrived. So we didn’t actually hit anybody, this being due, I think, to his holding dead on the mark instead of leading it by a few inches, as one should when one’s target is moving. He hopes for better luck next time. For MUSCULAR ACHES and PAINS Du. to RHEUMATISM —NEURALGIA LUMBAGO—CHEST COLDS Travels Alone One can leave human society and discard its rules, but he loses its protection. Yet there was no rush. There rarely is. And that’s the funny part about an automaniac’s reactions. It's the only funny part—the rest is tragedy. • • • KILL RATS TODAY! Health offi cers urge the killing CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT AGENTS Crew Manager« nml Salesmen for collec tion agency. Straight commission no sys tem to m H. Give Qualifications and experi ence. BOX 2tM, SALT LAKE l 1TÌ , I TAIL of RATS, MICE, COCKROACHES, WATERBUGS STEARNS’ pash Recognized for 58 years as the guaranteed killer of these food-destroying and disease-carrying pests. Ask your dealer. Money back if it tails. IN TUBES 35c—LARGE BOXES $1.00 Have You Vision? • We can help you achieve your aim in life. “Planning Your Future’' FREE ON REQUEST EATING HEAVY FOODS brings on highly acid stomach condition —“morning after” distress. Milnesia, original milk of magnesia in wafer form, quickly relieves distress. Each wafer equals 4 teaspoonfuls milk of magnesia. Crunchy, delicious flavor. 20c, 35c & 60c at druggists. BUSINESS COLLEGE S. W. Salmon at 11th Avenue PORTLAND, OREGON ADVICE TO WOMEN Mrs. W. H. Seelye of 213» Humboldt SL, Bell ingham, Wash., said: ‘’Some time ago I had no strength. I would become tired easily, it was an effort for me to do anything Dr. Fierce s Favorite Prescription improved my appetite and helped to build me up so that I felt fine, and housework became a pleasure instead ut a burden.” New size, tableta 50 « caia . licenses and high- powered rifles are eligible. They rarely hit big game, but seem able to blast down humans at any distance. If it were permissible to mount guides’ heads there’d be handsome trophies over many a mantelpiece in this IrvinS. Cobb fair but careless land. Once there was a Maine guide— so the old story runs—who got gosh- awfully tired of being shot at by city slickers. So he made a complete suit of broad awning stripes, al ternately white and black. He fig ured that ought to save him, but, on his next trip into the woods, an amateur potted him the first shot. At the inquest, the coroner said: “We know you didn’t mean to kill poor Eph, but how in thunder did you think a man dressed like him could be a deer?" “I didn’t think he was a deer,” confessed the remorseful one, "I thought he was a zebra.” ... Antics of “Automaniacs” TT MUST indeed be true that provi- 1 dence looks after idiots and drunk ards. Else how could all such be able to get drivers’ licenses? I rode with a prize specimen yes terday. He seemed lucid enough un til he got his foot on the gas. That was what fooled me. If ever I ride with him again, which heaven for bid, I shall carry a lily in my hand —just in case. By Rubbing HAMLINS BUaHUBtmPlB B ¡ The Simpson Affair. ' I 'HE simple name of Simpson has *• become practically a household word in America, but ’tis said millions of English people haven’t so much as heard it yet—or at least not in their public prints. It's an other case of having to go away from home to hear the news. If it's true, as exclusively reported over here, that his majesty invited a premier and primate—two of the highest cards in the whole deck— to mind their own business, he set the tune for the daily press of his realm to dance by. However, the British newspapers never did develop the high arts of keyhole peeping and transom lift ing to the extent practiced by a certain peculiar school of Ameri can journalism. With them, an Eng lishman's house still is his car.le, though it be a glass house. Or even a royal palace. But some of the London gossip writers must be so swollen up with strangulated copy they’ve probably had to have their clothes let out. Now, if haply 'twas purely a Yankee affair—instead of being, as it were, fifty-fifty—how those boys would love to cut loose. U’.VIN S. COBB. • s.rvlM. Emerson’s wonderful line, “Hitch your wagon to a star,” is often quoted as though is simply meant “Aim high,” but this was not Emerson’s meaning. He meant that man, if he would ac complish his best work, must hitch to nature’s forces, and make gravitation and all the star forces do his bidding. He must swing his hammer down and not up, so that the pull of the sun and the earth and the stars will supplement his human Egg Milady muscle. The farmer is doing this Red pimientos stuffed with three when he ploughs and sows, the miner is doing this when he . eggs beaten slightly; add % pint Season with delves for gold or coal. The double cream. preacher is doing this when he ' cayenne and salt. Put pimiento suits his address to the capacity [ into mold previously buttered. The teacher is Pour this mixture into sound red j of his audience. doing this when he teaches in pimiento and fill a pan with water ■ three-quarters the height of mold. | such a way that the child can Bake in moderate oven for fifteen understand. ThS man who imagines that he minutes. Unmold on crouton piece can force nature to go his way is of round toast which is covered a fool; he had better save his with pate de fois gras and serve labor; he must do nature’s way j with Newburgh sauce poured over if he would accomplish anything. this. Piece of black truffle on top. ©—WNU Service. 44 AWARDS Courage of Innocence There is no courage but in in nocence; no constancy but in an honest cause.—Southern. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets are the orig inal little liver pills put up 60 years ago. They regulate liver and bowels.—Adv. Individuality Individuality is everywhere to be spared and respected as the root of everything good.—Richter. CONSTIPATION MADE HUSBAND DRAGGY E just didn’t fee! like work or play. Always H draggy and worn out—of ten CLABBER GIRL BAKING POWDER Reflection and Action How shall we learn to know our selves? By reflection? Never; but only through action. Strive to do thy duty; then shalt thou know what is in thee.—Goethe. cross and irritable. But like so many women, his wife knew about Nature’s Rem- edy (NR Tablets). She put him wise. He found out what an astonishing difference there was in this purely vegetable laxative. Not merely par tial relief. Instead thorough cleansing action that aided in ridding his system of poisonous waste, refreshed him, made him feel like a “mil lion.” Try N R Tablets yourself. Note how gentle they are and non-habit form LOTONICHT ing. 25 tablets I TN TOMORROW ALRIGHT —25 cents at any drugstore. on t&z, cufef JIMMIE FIDLER with Hot News from HOLLYWOOD N. B. C. (Red Network)Tuesday 10:30 P.M.,E.S.T. Coleman AIR-PRESSURE Mantle LANTERN Use your Coleman In hundreds of places where an ordinary lan tern is useless. Use it for after-dark chores, hunt ing. fishing, or on any night iob . . . it turns night into day. Wind, rain or snow can’t put it out. Up to 300 candle powerair-pressurelight. Kerosene and gasoline models. The finest made. Prices as low as $4.45. Your local dealer can supply you. Send post card for FREE Folders. THE COLEMAN LAMP AND STOVE CO. Dept.WUlTZ, Wichita, Kan,.i Chicago, III., Philadelphia, Pa.} Loa Angele,. Calif. (6172) ADVERTISING is as essential to business as is rain to growing crops. It is the keystone in the arch of successful mer chandising. Let us show you how to apply it to your business. LU DEN'S THE ONLY COUGH DROPS WHICH HELP BUILD UP YOUR ALKALINE RESERVE 5/ Pushing On We make way for the man who boldly pushes past us.—Bovee. Black Leaf 40 B Kad BLACK LLAF 40^ JUST 4 EQEffiZ£K2K££SQ DASH IN KATHi>»TVO“UCM Don’t be BALD! Don’t give up! Faithful use of Glover’s Mange Medicine and G lover’s Medicated Soap for the shampoo helps ward off exces sive Falling Hair and Dandruff; promotes •calp health. Start today! Sold by all Druggists. GLOVERS MANGE MEDICINE /fri I Yaer