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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1936)
- ------------------------------------------------- j did the heavy work for the Log- Vernonia. Mrs. Glen Hawkins entered St Vincents hospital Thursday even ing, expecting to submit to a FOR SALE— An A-l farm team. COUNTY OFFICES TO BE major operation in the near See Harry Culbertson. ? /FILLED BY REPUBLICANS future. FOR SALE— Three room house | (Continued from Page 1) Get your Christmas shopping completely renovated and paint- j can) for representative from the done early this year by attend ed. Inquire Mrs. R. D. Eby. 44tf|33j district. Fulton led in Clat- ing the bazaar of the Evangeli ~ i 7" sop county by 600 votes, but cal Missionary society, Saturday, FOR SALE— Rhode Island reds. * ' J , , ,. . Columbia gave Mrs. Magruder a November 14. Hundreds of prac and whites, also pigs, bleep-1 tical and beautiful articles of . w ing rooms , to rent. W. m O. t>, Porter-1 i pluarlity of 1929. for your total votes were as fol- exquisit handwork field, 376 Nort st.__________ 43tf I i„„7n ■ Adv. Landon, 1815, Roosevelt, choicest gifts. E. R. Estey was brought to FOR SALE— Model A 1% ton ¡5584; Mahoney, 4281, McNary, truck. Dual wheels, platform 3095; Kirkpactrick, 2968, Mott, his home Sunday following a tires, overload j 4119; Burt, 3876, Holman, 2990; long convalescence in a Port- body, 10-ply 2843, Van Winkle, land hospital. springs, good condition. $200. Dobson, , Herman, 2775, Oleen, Mrs. Dave Marshall, who ha3 42*612880; 1046 Rose Ave. ------- 4487-; 1 Fulton, 2397, Magruder, spent several weeks visiting her FOR SALE, Weaner pigs. Stony 4626; Bennett, 3966, Storla, mother and sister in Jackson- Point road. J. T. Hollett. 45*3 ' 3268; Mills, 2846, Pringle, 3645; ville, Florida, arrived home Sat- I Barnett, 1203, Calhoun, 3338, urday evening. On the return USED RANGE for sale. Inquire • : Cody, 1603, Johnson, 935; Cho- trip she stopped at Beaumont, 449 Bridge St. 4561 lick, 2363, Hunt, 4480; Steward, Texas and at Los Angeles where 1 Vernonise range, 1 complete 2139, Watkins, 4459; Peterson, she visited Mrs. Cropper, a for bed, 1 dresser and stool and 1 ¡3821, Ketel, 2917; Eilertson, mer Vernonia resident. I .Jack Marshall came down from chest of drawers. See George 3350, White, 3022. I Seattle during the week end to Hawkins at 1061 Washington CARD OF THANKS greet his mother, Mrs. Dave Mar Avenue, Vernonia, Oregon. 45*1 I wish to thank the voters who shall, who has returned from her AUXILIARY PLANS FOR supported me in the recent elec trip to Florida. ARMISTICE DAY DINNER Mrs. Albert Childs was called tion, and will do my utmost to to Albany Thursday of last merit their confidence. (Continued from page 1.) week by the death of her sister, D. 0. Bennett Mrs. Lloyd Cummings, Mrs. John I Mrs. Everett Ingram, who had Luther, Mrs. Albert Schultz and been bedfast for the past 5 Mrs. George Welch. Those plan years, Mrs. Childs spent most ning to attend the dinner may of the summer at her sister’s secure further information from Coming! Saturday, November bedside. the committee which states that Mrs. R. M. Aldrich, Jr., suffer 14, Bazaar of the Evangelical pies or cakes are being solicited. Wide var- ed an attack of appendicitis Sun Missionary society. An unusually large number iety of lovely and useful gifts. day and was taken Monday to a was present at the meeting and j Home cooked foods, candy, chick- hospital in Hillsboro. She is re- a surprise feature was the a- | Adv. en lunch. warding of an attendance prize, i is be- An initiation ceremony persented by Mrs. J. L. Tim- I witich was won by Mrs. planned for next Monday mons, hour I evening, November 9, by mem- Stone, During the social ■ > — — k ..Hfl -Ç NT z\ Vx zx 1 zx wx A a o wx lx I XT i ■ V" _ refreshments were served by Mrs. bers of Nehalem Assembly, Or der of Rainbow for girls. John Luther. I Mrs. H. R. Scheuerman has been making a nice recovery fol LOGGERS CONTINUE WINS lowing her recent operation in IN WASHINGTON COUNTY St. Vincents hospital. Mr. Scheu (Continued from page 1) erman planned to take her to her giant Oriental guard. mother’s home in Gervais yester For Vernonia in the backfield day where she will remain for a Meeker, Henderson and Jarvis week longer before returning to turned in their best games, while McDonald, Storey and Buckner Claxsified Ads\gtn’line ---------- •---------- ----------------------------------------------- — ‘AwGee.Ma- I Cant Study My Head Aches H El 4*^ 1 , 1101 1 ES Now s the time to get the watch you've always wanted. Today you can buy a Hamilton for as little as $37,50. Or, if you will, as much as $1,500. Let us show you these fine watches today. • What mother, with children com pelled to study under the yellow light of the old-style kerosene lamp, but who has heard this expression from her chil dren ? Study is ever a task for the little folks, and poor light only adds to their discomfort. Poor light, too, puts a se vere strain upon their eye nerves and muscles, often leading to serious dis tortion and defects which handicap the child all through life. Many mothers have solved this serious problem by lighting their homes with Modern 1 ' ported as getting along nicely . A. L. Kullander was in Port land Saturday on business, and also witnessed the Oregon-Wash ington game. M. E. Turkington returned Sunday from an automobile trip to Kansas City, where he visited ! relatives. Many of the crops ' around there were burned up dur- i ing the last season, he reports, and many families are already moving to the Pacific coast, while others are contemplating doing so. H. E. McGraw, who is em- | ployed in the audit department I of the secretary of state’s office in Salem, came to Vernonia Tues day to cast his vote. Ernest Nanson and Ronald Fetsch went to Chehalis, Wash., Saturday to get Mr. Nanson’s car, which has been repaired after being wrecked several weeks ago. M. R. Calhoun and D. O. Ben- ! nett of St. Helens attended the ■ sportsmen’s banquet here Friday . night. J. H. Butler of Ballston, Ore gon, father of Mrs. Tufford and Mrs. R. E. Silvis of Vernonia, ! died October 29. He was a resi- i dent of Ballston for 40 years. Mrs. Adolph Nelson was cal- cel to Moscow, Idaho, Wednes day of last week by the death of her mother, Mrs. A. J. Lind quist, a pioneer of that section. COFFEE COCOA AIRWAY Bakers, Vi lb. can ...... 17c Lb Light from. the KEIOSEK! Ask For • Beautiful TABLE LAMPS with out shade ar tripod . • TWIST BREAD That Is Giving Wide Satisfaction Try it A.L.Kullander Vernonia Bakery Watchmaker and Jeweler 3-ibs.. 49c FLOUR Harvest Blossom 49 lb. bag ........ d* j EQ <P l»vJ OLEOMARGARINE Dinner Bell n £ 2 lbs. ¿Ot LAUNDRY SOAP Big Peets yellow bars 3 for ........................... 10c Baking Powder K. C. 16 Oz. cans .................. Fresh Egg 1 A 1 lb. Cello bag ............ luC CRANBERRIES Deviled Meat U. S. No. 1 2 lbs.............................. Libby’s, Fine for lunches, 3 for ...... in IvC 10c Hillsdale Broken Slice No. 2 Vi tins 3 for 35c YAMS 49C Jello or Jell Well Louisiana New Crop 19c APPLES Pkg...................... CRACKERS 35c GRAPEFRUIT Arizona Seedless Dozen ........................... PINEAPPLE 17c 9c Produce NOODLES 20c Wine Saps - Bellflour Box .............................. All Krisp, 2 lb box .... GRAPES SALT Blue Ribbon Takays lb....................................... Old Hickory smoked for sugar cured meat TQ 9 lb. can ...................... • vC ONIONS 10 lb. Cloth Bag ....... 39c 5c 15c Available in Hanging, Bracket and Floor Styles at but little more BEEF ROASTS, lb ............................... 15c Supplies Here for All Models Fresh Ground STEAK, lb..................... 15c Hoffman Hardware Co. In Our Market BACON Lean Sugar Cured, By the Piece PURE LARD. lb. 33c 2 lbs. ................................ 29c DILL PICKLES, qt ■ having lived in the same house for 40 years. To attend the fun eral all of the 10 children were present at the home together for the first time in 21 years. Last summer when Mrs. Nelson visited her mother all but one of j the children were present at one I time. Specials fur Fri. & Sat. each »365.0 $40°.° 193« FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6, VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE TEN 5c WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES