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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1932)
VERNONIA EAGLE. VERNONIA, OREGON FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1932 here with his parents and rela Brown and Mrs. A. B. Carlson. On tne way home from Salem tives. Floyd was accompanied by the tie rod on the Cole car broke his grandmother, Mrs. M. Peter when the women were about nine son. Mildred Hawkin* Mr*. Jake Neurer miles beyond Timber. The acci Mrs. Oliver Burris and Mise dent, which occurred at two o’ clock in the morning, fortunately Beatrice Perry shopped in Ver- Mrs. S. V. Malmsten and Mrs. did not cause a wreck, but it John McMullin is employed at nonia Friday. the farm owned by Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Eby entertained the Co forced the women to walk back Elmer Thomas, who far a week miles to Wash'burn where Jim Moran. j lumbia County Medical associa- three they routed from sleep the pro was the guest of his uncle and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lindsay and family here, left Saturday for tion at the former's home Wed- prietor of the store, who very graciously got out his car and Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap hon San Pedro, California, to join a nesday. them to their homes in ored their mothers, Mrs. M. Pet marine pal where they have a po Norman Anderson spent Sun- brought plenty of time to get breakfast erson and Mrs. M. Dunlap, on sition on an oil steamei. day with her mother, Mrs. C. I. for their respective husbands. Sunday with a lovely dinner. The Cole car was left by the Mrs. Dave McMullin had for . Anderson of Riverview. until the next day. Dr. Big Eddy park was crowded Sunday guests her father and Elmer Lindberg left Sunday roadside Cole went after it with a me with visitors and picnickers all mother and two brothers from Ri- for Astoria, where he has em chanic and a new part and after last weekend, Sunday people came verview, the John Estes family, ployment. a few minutes work he was able all day long, many enjoying bas- Mrs. Inez Nichols and some Charles Ratkie was home over to drive it home. ket lunches. friends from St. Helens were vi- the weekend from Longview, Mrs. Mollie Wright and her siting some acquaintances here where he has employment. daughter, Mrs. Ella Caywood, en-1 last week while on their way to Mrs. J. P. McDonald and Mrs. tertained Mr. and Mrs. P. Hill Seaside. Annie Karhan visited Mrs. M. Mrs. A. A. Dowling from Vernonia Sunday. | Grandpa Weedell from Port- Dunlap Friday. Ira Peterson and Lee Osborn land is here visiting his daughter, Mrs. Anona Lewis is expecting are working for the county this,®^rs* John Thomas and family, her sister, Miss Margaret Cut Ed Reynolds and A. Buckley week on the Fishhawk. |and his son L- Weedell and fami- right, in a short time to spend were up from Astoria over the week end and Mrs. Buckley re Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Nixon and __________ the summer months with her. son from Vernonia spent Wednes- ’ Prof, and Mrs. W. K. Ferrier, turned with her husband to day in this vicinity on business. Mr. 1111(1 MlS. Beil Mr. Stockton, Mrs. Ruth Wells, live for the summer months. Floyd Deeds, a college student' Bliekel are Hosts Earl Holce is working for the Prof. Ott, Prof. May, Prof. Horn at Eugene, come home Thursday ing, all of the Grant high school Van Vleet Logging company. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sundland to spend Sunday, Mother’s day, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Brickel were of Portland, were the guests of hosts for a contract bridge party Mr. and Mrs. S. were Portland 'business visitors Malmsten V. on Wednesday. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE Monday evening, preceded by a | for Mother’s day. In the Circuit Court of the State pot luck dinner. Mrs. Edith Lawyer has moved Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Dan Harvard Malmsten was home of Oregon for the County of Browp, Mr. and Mrs. Harold from Portland to spend Mother’s in to her new bungalow. Columbia. Bernard Dowling left Wednes UNITED INVESTORS CORPOR Decker and Mr. and Mrs. Henry day and returned with Prof, and Fogel. ATION ( a corporation) Mrs. Ferrier, where he is work day for a sightseeing trip. While Plaintiff away he visited Monmouth, Port FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER ing. vs. After much and serious consid Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Malmsten land, Corvallis, and Independence, Roy G. Cook and May E. Cook, eration and urging of friends and attended Pomona grange in St. returning home Sunday. husband and wife, Defendant. taxpayers, I decided to be J. L. George and family went UNDER and by virtue of an many come a candidate for the Repub Helens Saturday. execution issued out of the above lican to Corvallis on Saturday. nomination for County Com Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fowler entitled Court in the above en missioner of Columbia county. In Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Isakson titled matter on the 13th day of making this decision I had in were Saturday night guests of April, 1932, to directed upon a mind that my services might be Mr. and Mrs. Art Kirk of Pleas from Midland visited with the Chas. Hanson family on Thursday. judgment, decree and order of of benefit to the taxpayers and ant Hill. sale, rendered and entered on the entire county. My motto is Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dowling Mrs. B. B. Hawkins left Sat- April 13th, 1932, in a mortgage I and Florence and Bernard were and will be followed out, justice, urday for Carson, Washington, foreclosure suit wherein plaintiff honesty and economy. I solicit recovered judgment for Five Hun support of those citizens of Col where she will spend a week or Astoria visitors on Sunday. Guests at the Chas Hanson dred Twenty Three and 28/100 umbia county who favor such a so. Dollars ($523.28) with interest program. I have been a resident Mr. and Mrs. John Estes and home on Mother’s day were Mr. thereon at the rate of 7 per cent taxpayer in the Warren sec sons Ole and Oral spent Sunday and Mrs. E. Coombs and daugh- per annum from the 5th day of and tion for the past 26 years and I with Mr. and Mrs. McMullin of March, 1931, and the further am in the welfare of all sum of Forty Nine and 96/100 the interested FOR CONGRESS people of Columbia county. Natal. Dollars ($49.96) with interest Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Fowler Respectfully, thereon at the rate of 7 per cent (Pd.adv.)________ C. J. LARSON as their guests Sunday Mr. per annum from the 4th day of Mrs. Earl Latin, Mrs. Ada March, 1932, and the further sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) Allister, of St. Helens, and attorney’s fees allowed, with in and Mrs. C. R. Fowler, Mr. terest thereon at the rate of 6 Mrs. Clifford Fowler and children per cent per annum from this FOR SALE and Kenneth Fowler. date until paid, and the further Mrs. Virgil Powell is spending sum of Twenty-three and 00/100 FOR SALE—1 library table, 1 Dollars ($23.00) costs and dis several days with her mother in light fixture, 1 cedar chest; bursements and the costs of and upon this Writ, commanding me cheap. See Mrs. Bleile.____ (20*1 Portland. Grandma Cameron has be?n ill to make sale of the mortgaged FOR SALE—Small house and one property described as follows, to- acre of land near the end of the past few days. wit: Aunt Sally spent Sunday with the pavement at a real bargain. Beginning at a point on Plenty of fruit trees and a good Mrs. S. E. Richy. the Westerly line of the Ne well. J. B. Wilkerson._____ (20c2) halem Highway and on the Section line, said point being ’ FOR SALE—Thoroughbred spot Mrs. Cole Attends East 1168 feet from the quar ted Poland China pigs, $2.50 ter post between Section apiece. Eben L. John, 9 miles District Meetings Nineteen (19) and Thirty south of Vernonia on Forest M. D. Cole, grand junior (30) Township Six (6) North Grove road.______________ (20*2) of Mrs. the Pythian Sisters, attended of Range Five (5) West of FOR SALE—Rhode Island Reds' district meetings of Pythian Sis the Willamette Meridian, and setting eggs, 30c a dozen. Vio- ters temples in Portland and running thence Northerly la Treharne. _____ ______ (20*3) Salem Saturday and Tuesday re along said Westerly line of spectively. JAMES W. MOTT Highway 864.0 feet; thence ACREAGE AND FARMS — For Mrs. Dan Brown, Mrs. Tom Leading Republican Candidate Westerly 184.0 feet; thence Crawford and Mrs. Earl Smith sale. T. B. Mills. (2tf) Southerly 864.0 feet to a both as a legislator went with her to Portland Sat and His as record, point on said section line Corporation Commission urday. Joining them there was FOR SALE — Good 7-room house, that is 48.0 feet west of the er, is a record of achievement. city water and lights, Iti- Mrs. Minnie Aspland, former Ver point of beginning; thence His election will assure to the acres of ground, 2 good chicken nonia resident. East 48.0 feet to the point neople this district active and Accompanying Mrs. Cole to effective of representation houses. 94 mile out. Very cheap. of beginning, excepting roads in Con- Salem Tuesday evening were Mr s. ; Joe Hopson, Mist Route. (19*3 and highways. gress. NOW THEREFORE, NOTICE “DELCO” Farm Lighting system Continue the present cheerful, A VOTE FOR ANY OTHER IS HEREBY GIVEN, That on CANDIDATE IS A VOTE for sale, or trade for horses or conservative efficient service in Monday the 6th day of June, the office of the County Super FOR HAWLEY 1932, at 10:00 o'cock a. m., at cattle. D. S. Graven, Mist Route, intendent of Schools. Vote 59 X (Pd. adv.—Mott for Congress the West front door of the Court Vernonia. (19tfc) Yes for Elizabeth C. Murray. , Com., Wm. P. Ellis, Chairman.) House in the City of St. Helens, (Pd. adv.) Oregon, I will sell in obedience FOR SALE—Baby Crib and Mat to said execution, decree and or tress, very good condition. Mrs. der of sale, at public auction M. D. Cole._____________ (19c?) (subject to redemption) to the highest bidder for cash, all the I FOR RENT right, title and interest which the above named defendants may FOR RENT— 3-room furnished have in and to the said real pro house in heart of Vernonia. n * vr perty to satisfy execution, in Only $5.00 per month. Address, terest, attorney’s fees, costs and Box 126, Vernonia.______ (20*1) accruing costs, and the overplus, if any, be paid to the person or TRADE OR SWAP persons entitled thereto. OSCAR G. WEED, WILL TRADE 1927 Star six se Sheriff of Columbia dan in good shape for cows or County, Oregon. young stock. L. A. Kiesel, 1 mile' First Publication May 6, 1932. nortfi of Timber._________ (19c2) Last Publication, June 3, 1932. Riverview Natal Mist PAGE FIVE ter Barbara from Bend, Mr. and son Tuesday afternoon. Forest Harding’s mother and Mrs. A. M. Salm and children L. Wickstrom took his daugh father from Kelso, Washington from Woodson, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. [ ter Laura out to Clatskanie Wed spent the week end with the Tiderman and daughter Jean, nesday for medical attention. Harding family. from Jewell and Clifford and I Shady Lane Is working a few- George Salmi from Marshland.1 days this week down on the Fish-' Mrs. Pasco Hill visited on Fri hawk. JUDGE Austin Dowling looked after day with Mrs. E. Reynolds. the interests of the Mist Garage j Mr. and Mrs. Wm Bridgers and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Keaton mot-j Wednesday during the Sundlands’i i ored to Portland Sunday and' absence. spent the day. Mrs. Grover Devine was over from Deep Creek Tuesday visit FOR ing old friends in the village. j YOUR The power line was out Satur DAUGHTER’S day evening until midnight. L. Wickstrom bought 100 lay-1 ing hens this week from parties' Graduation Gift — a at Delena. Ringlette Permanent The Women’s Missionary society Would please her most, es I met with Mrs. G. Wanstrom this pecially if presented now so Thursday. FIRST CHOICE OF OREGON “AR FOR she will look her prettiest Mrs. Lydia Brewer came down | when she receives her dip SUPREME COURT from Everett, Washington, and | loma. (POSITION NO. SI visited her sister, Mrs. L. Wick-' French Curls, $3.50 Long Hair, $4.50 Judge Brand I* .. strom last week. Her daughter (1) Circuit Judge of Second Judicial Georgia, who has been staying Diitric' ... with Mrs. Wickstrom returned to (2) Originator of Brand Probation Everett with her mother. Plan ., . Mrs. Francis Burnham and (3) Fair . Learned .. . Efficient. Vernonia Hotel Building small son and her mother Mrs. Adv Phone 1261 Libel called on Mrs. Chas. Han JAMES T. BRAND Milady’s Beauty Shoppe Classified Ads ICE CREAM DAYS are here Professional and Business Directory For your convenience the following business and professional people are listed on this page alphabetically. These men and women are known in Vernonia as reliable business and professional people. RARRFR ■ shops barber J€y shop Haircutting for Men Women and Children Expert Work Guaranteed CARD ROOM VOTE FOR H. E. McGraw FOR Representative from Columbia County 45 X ON THE BALLOT Republican Primarie» For sound, sensible legislation, de velopment of Columbia County and Oregon in the interest of all its people. PROGRESSIVE ECONOMY” (Paid Adv.) DENTISTS RESTAURANTS M. D. COLE PASTIME Marvin R. Eby, M. D. We hope that means Physican and Surgeon “Nehalia” Days for all Vernonia Folks Lloyd Baker, Prop. Nehalia” ic cream is made of pure, rich milk and cream, under careful sanitary conditions, and it has that fresh, delicious, home-made flavor so liked by all ice cream “fans.” JOHN A. MILLER M E & CREAMERY CO PHONE 741 OPEN FRIDAY, SAT URDAY AND SUNDAY 729 Phone Hospital 931 Town Office 891 CONTRACTORS General Contractor Mason Work, Building THIRD STREET Willard Batteries DR. J. A. HUGHES VIOLET RAY GASOLINE Oils • • • Expert Greasing Physician and Surgeon Office Phone 663 Saa, Phone 664 VERNONIA SERVICE STATION — Vernonia, Oregon TRANSFER — TRUCK BAFFORD BROS. DR. RUTH M. COON General Plumbing CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN Vernonia Nehalem Valley Chop Sney Restaurant DOCTORS CARDS AND LIGHT LUNCHES “Nehalia” ice cream is made in Vernonia for Vernonia people and we believe it mer its your exclusive patronage. Mary Kato Dentist Vernonia, Oregon C. BRUCE Wholesale and Retail LUMBER Veneti*, Oregon Phone 291 Phone Walnut 7586 994 Bridge St. Res. Phone Walnut 2911 Willard H. Hurley, D. M. D. DENTISTRY 1729 Denver Ave. at Kilpat rick St., Portland, Ore. I CASON TRANSFER Local & long distance HAULING Phone 923 Office in Workingmen’s Store For real bargains—watch the classified columns of the Eagle.