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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1932)
FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1932 VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE SIX SUMMONS The delegation pointed out that Vernonia Winner if this were done there would be In the Circuit Court of the more probabiity of the state State of Oregon for the County Of Grade Meet , taking it over and completing of Columbia. The Mountain Heart Rebekah it. The road, it will be recalled, Hattie K. Jermain, Plaintiff, cltib was entertained by Mrs. ' was designated as a Market Road vs. Perry Mellinger at her home Vernonia captured the gratie I F. J. Jermain, Defendant. Tuesday afternoon. Conversation Smith, Wilma Stolin, Rose Yana MISS HILTS’ ROOM, 8-1 school track meet held in the St. land about $10,000 was spent in 1 surveys to a connection with the and needlework occupied the so To F. J. Jermain, defendant By A. GOF BUG Helens high school field last Sat The eighth grade final exams and Clarence Lamping. cial hours. Refreshments of cake, ; Nehalem highway below Mist. above named: points, urday with a total of 79 % MUSIC ROOM jello and coffee were served by will be held at the Vernonia high In the name of the State of John Gumm was a close second ! The state refused to take over There has been much argu the hostess. school Thursday, May 12. The sixth grade girls will give ! the road and a portion of the ment since the number 7 tee Guests of the club were Mrs. J. Graduation exercises will be a musical program for their par- Oregon, you are hereby required with 72 points. Ollila, of Quincy . $40,000 to the credit of the road has been moved back to its new H.Stubbs, and Mrs. Dereberry, held Monday evening, May 16, at to appear and answer the com winner school was the high point ents and friends Tuesday, May 17, was divided among several other location. All arguments may now mother of Mrs. Mellinger. The plaint filed against you in the cease for the distance was meas members present included Mrs. the Washington grade school audi at 9:50 a. m. in the music room. albove entitled suit on or before for the day with 15% points. market roads in the county. ured Tuesday evening and found Mike Miller, Mrs. Edna Kilby, torium. Everyone is invited. The program will include a St. Helens Sentinel. to be exactly four hundred yards. Mrs. Frank Lines, Mrs. Ruby Open house which was held last song, “Moonlight on the Colora the expiration of four weeks | RAINIER DELEGATION That, gentlemen, means that we Biggs, Mrs. Rose Schultz, and Wednesday at the school was en from the date of the first publi MAKES CALL ON COURT do,” by the class; a piano solo by Wm. Bridgers sold a new sep have no par 5 hole. Mrs. Henry Fogel. joyed by everyone. The art work Daisy McDonald; a vocal number, cation of this summons, which Sandy suggests that the pen first publication is made and The club plans to disband for and also the work of the sewing A delegation from Rainier call- arator recently to one of the alty stroke behind number seven “Song of Exiles,” by Louise Hig ranchers down the river. green be eliminated, and you all the summer, this being the last and cooking clubs was exhibited. bee, Marjorie Lange, Thelma dated April 22, 1932, said four ed on the county court Thursday, weeks being the time prescribed ' afternoon to urge them to desig-1 no doubt will agree that it will meeting until 'the first of Octo Mrs. Wanita Flynn was a visit The play, “Beads on a String,” Trudgian and Wilma Stolin; a be a hard par 4 with a penalty ber. by the court in its order for the'nate the Rainier-Apiary market! or at the Ernest Lane home Sun- presented by the eighth grade for going over the green. piano solo by Margaret Salomon- last Thursday night was a big sen; a guitar solo by Rose Yana; publication of this summons; and ' road as a secondary highway, day. The length of the course now with two and seven yardage in success. After expenses were paid a piano solo by Ruby Condit; a if you fail to appear and answer creased is 3105 yards and that there was about $36 left. The vocal number, “My Travels,” by the complaint the plaintiff will will be a good test for the skill eighth grade is planning on buy Esther Froem'bling, Enid Shum cause your default to be entered of any golfer, with a par at 35. ing trees for the front lawn of way, Mava Williams and Evelyn and apply to the court above Miss Dorothy Holtham shot a IN COOPERATION WITH THE neat 49 Tuesday evening, and the school and also the athletic May; a piano solo by Mildred named for the relief demanded! VERNONIA MERCHANTS’ in said complaint, to-wit: For during the round barely missed Editor, Vernonia Eagle: Les letters. Woods; a vocal number, “The a decree dissolving the marriage a birdie. You should have seen ASSOCIATION her approach on No. 9. Couldn’t ter Sheeley, who is a candidate Mr.. Sandon*. Room, 7th Grade Builders,” by Bertha Thompson, contract now existing between | for the position of Columbia be improved on. Martha Middlebrook has been Virginia Henderson, Doris Nixon plaintiff and defendant on the VERNONIA EAGLE WILL GRANT To Ruhl foes the honor (?) of County Representative in the leg absent last week. and Elizabeth Wall; and a piano grounds of cruel and inhuman islature, is in my opinion the best putting the first ball in the soup fitted —Until Saturday, May 21— man in Columbia county. Paul Adams was absent three solo, “Valse Petite,” by Cecilia treatment, and for an order off the new number 2 tee. Where Although Sheeley has never been days. Gough. one goes more will follow. the care and custody | awarding of the legislature he Congratulations, Doc, for bring- a has member Those receiving ribbons at the of Jerome B. Jermain and Leon-J attended many sessions of to the Vernonia club the honor that 'body in the interest of legis county track meet were Beulah ard L. Jermain, minor children of winning one cup in the county lation for the development of Co Harris, third place in ball throw; of plaintiff and defendant, to tournament. To think but for lumbia county and according to Rachel Throop, second in jump the plaintiff; for $75.00 attor you Vernonia would have been Senators and Representatives in ney’s fee, for her costs herein, skunked. that body has written more let ing; Evelyn Shipley, first in jump Seems the home club has a ters to them concerning legisla ing, third in running; Everett and for such other and further monopoly on prizes given at tion effecting Columbia county Meeker, second in broad jump; Saturday, May 14 relief as to the court may seem NEW OR RENEWAL these tournaments. Last year than all others combined from Lorraine Harper, second in run Clean-up Day. just. Vernonia took fourteen of the Columbia county. ning. Sunday, May 15 This rate will apply within the Vernonia j This summons is served upon sixteen, if my figures are correct. The seventh grade will have a Of the younger set Billie Wash Sheeley was born in Columbia High school Baccalaureate ser-'you by publication thereof in the trading area only—Vernonia, Mist Route, bum has been showing a very county of pioneer parents and state test in geography Friday. vice, Evangelical church, 7:30 p.¡Vernonia Eagle, a newspaper of steady game the last few weeks. received his education at Oregon Mist, Birkenfeld, Chmp Eight, Wilark, Mr. Calef ’ s Room, 6-2 m. ! general circulation printed and Predict that he will be one of State college, Philomath college Monday, May 16 ¡published in Columbia county, the better golfers before many and Willamette university, and Keasey, Timber Route, Timber, Westimber Those who received 100 all has since practiced law at Ver last week in spelling are Robert years. Eighth grade graduation exer- J Oregon, by order of the Hon. H. and Cochran. nonia. He was city attorney of Jack Bush is hereby nominated cises, Washington school auditor- K. Zimmerman, judge of the to assist getting son Bruce out that city for many years and Acord, Bill Byers, Aubrey Fitz ium, 8 p. m. circuit court of said county and All Copies Mailed Outside this Area, $2.00 for his initial start. Tell you during that period secured a pow gerald, Virginia Henderson, Lou rate for Tuesday, May 17 what, Jack, take Bruce out and | er race lur pumping water for iur ise Higbee, Marjorie Lang, Evelyn I state, made on the 19th day of turn him over to Sandy. All > municipal water suppply of one May, Daisy McDonald, Clifford Contract Bridge club at Emil April, 1932. we need to do is get him started' and a half cents per K. W. H. Messing’s. A. E. VEATCII and he will throw his guns and' which J believe is the lowest in Thursday, May 19 Attorney for Plaintiff. fishing tackle away, so inter-1 High school graduation Office and postoffice address: ested will he become in mastering ( ^he city of Vernonia, which cises, Washington school auditor Rainier Oregon. the arts of the ancient ajid | ha8 ¿een copied by many cities in ium, 8 p. m. Date of last publication May honorable game. And too, golf j anj ou^ of Oregon as the most Friday, May 20 13, 1932. stories are on a par with fishing. • progressiVe forms for governing The Campfire guardians of Primary and recall election. municipal affairs. He has foster- ! and Miss Rowena Whitlock moved I 1 ed and promoted as secretary of Washington county met in Timber the Vernonia Chamber of Com- on the evening May 4. A lunch Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Whitlock Sunday to Chehalis, Washington. I 1 merce a road system in the Ne was served at 7 o’clock followed halem valley which is considered by a business session, Nineteen by every one who has traveled guardians were present and six it, the most extensive and com We appreciate the patronage of our regular customers plete of any in the state outside visitors. Two state officers were and we take this way to 'thank you—one and all. Also of Federal or state roads. He has preent from Portland. worked for the building up of we want new customers to get acquainted with Safeway Friday evening, May 6, Mrs. the wild life interests of Colum Charles Stanton presented a short values ... to know the satisfaction of genuine savings bia county and while secretary DEPARTMENT • STORE on high quality, well known merchandise. of the Nehalem Rod and Gun program at the school house, for STORE NUMBER 1436 VERNONIA, OREGON club last year secured the plant the school assembly. The chil ing of the streams of Columbia dren gave a program for music county with 273,000 trout while week, consisting of piano solos, 10-Quart Galvanized 1 only 67,000 had been placed in “FREE SALE” Saturday and Monday, May 14th & 16th the four years prior 'to that time. musical readings, history of com He has before congress two bills I posers, rhythm drawing and rythm for the construction of a federal orchestra. fish hatchery on the Nehalem Saturday afternoon, May 7, at 1 No. 2 Can Tomatoes WITH watershed and has secured the two o’clock Mrs. Charles Stan- Guaranteed approval of the plant from the not to leak Federal Beureau of Fisheries but ton presented her pupils in a pi- not the immediate construction ano recital at her home. A num- on account of economic condi-¡ter c " ... of . of ‘ mothers and . friends Fairways and Rough Rebekah Club At Mrs. Mellinger’s i SCHOPSi The Open Forum - - A Special Rate Of Si.oo A Year For Subscriptions Vernonia Eagle Timber THE THE ATS ON US! J.C. PENNEY GO. Folks, happy days are here again Pail Free l-lbs. MACARONI 25c Only 18c 1-Pair Ladies’ White CANVAS GLOVES FREE For Bargains — see HOFFMAN Hoffman Hdw. Co. Vernonia, Oregon halem valley, and now according program, to reliable data the Nehalem val I-1 Sunday afternoon the Timber ley has made more progress in its 8'Community Sunday school pre- dairy herds than any other part sented a very fine Mother’s day of the county. program following whicfy Mr. If /Sheeley could accomplish Sabin of Forest Grove preached these things for Vernonia and the whole of Columbia county, a Mother’s day sermon. There what could he do if elected to was a fine attendance and all en (the legislature? I, for one, am in joyed the service. favor of electing him to the leg islature and getting some results for our county which has been one of the neglected counties of Oregon. Yours very truly, A Columbia County Taxpayer. Nominate FREDERICK For Sheriff STEIWER of Columbia County FOR UNITED STATES SENATOR i R EPUBLICAN NEED they LIKE what they what Follow the Crowd to Pen neys, Where SAVINGS Are GREATEST We do not hold Special Sales—We do not give Cash Prizes, but we warrant to sell you better merchandise for the money than can be purchased elsewhere. Come visit Verno nia's most beautiful dry goods store. READ OUR ADS— SHOP OUR WINDOWS— BUY AT PENNEYS AND SAVE LADIES’ HATS LADIES’ HOSE Of quality, regular $2 value Made for wear. IOC 15c NOW HATEVER your choice for graduation gifts you will find it in the Rexall thrifty Gift selection. That means at prices you can afford. And it means QUALITY. GEORGETTE 49c CHILDREN YARD SHOES In Slippers and Oxfords— 98c CURTAIN SCRIM Continued Faithful Servie* for OREGON PRIMARY, May 20th 3-1 b "Your Store and Ours And flat Crepe. Reg. $1.49 W Candidate for Republican Nomination A BUSINESS MAN FOR A BUSINESS OFFICE "No interest Except the Peoples” A Fair and Impartial Administra tion and Law Enforcement. If such platform meets with your approval, your support will be appreciated._________ (PcLadvJ Free SILK THRIFTY GIFT SELECTIONI 1 Can Milk WITH 3-lbs. NOW It's in the R. E. (Bob) McLoughlin Free For your Home— IOC YARD LEATHER GLOVES Regular $2.49 NOW Men's Sateen WORK SHIRTS Regular 98c— NOW 9 E p Men’s GLOVES A 10c Value for— 5C PAIR’ CANVAS SHOES Fast Colors Men or Boys— each FORMAY 59c 1 bar Soap WITH 4 Bars Toilet Soap 25c Hl Com r lakes »«It IZ MILK Kellogg’s 6c 6c 5c p««*««* Max-i-muM— Tall Can ...................... Any Flavor — ......... Flavo Jell Package Primrose — FLOUR 49-lb. Bag I r meapple Hillsdale — no . 10c 2 c.n See Our Windows for Latest in Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Local, green, tender n stalks — LB. ......... f L Oranges Sweet and juicy — EACH ................ 1 „ 1C «JOC BED SPREADS 50c can Free Coffee 65c 1-lb. can Formay Shortening WITH Asparagus Men’s CANVAS Airway 49c PAIR Choice Meats Ig Market Fea tu rat P Fryers, milk fed 2 Sirloin Steak Pork Chops Boneless Beef stew Baeon Nuggets for lb. lb. lb. lb. 65c 22c 18c 15c 17c h > i W ?