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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1932)
.... ............... weekend with Edith Mae Lind sey at Keasey. ' Mrs. Whitter and two daugh ters, Mrs. Joseph Banzer and Mrs. Mildred Hawkins F. Bush of Mist, visited Mrs. M. Dunlap Friday. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Pruitt and Mr. and Mrs. Lionberger of St. son Alvin and Paul Cummings Helens were guests of Mr. and started on a trip toward Cali Mrs. Charley Christiansen for fornia looking for work. Wednesday dinner. Bruce Cummings expects to sail Mrs. Glen Peoples and daugh ter went to Portland Sunday to for Korea and other points in Ja visit her husband, who is in the pan soon. Mrs. Charles Ratkie, who has St. Vincents hospital. It was thought that he would soon be employment at Longview, visited home but it was found necessary home folks for the weekend. to reDreak his leg twice. Mrs. I Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Matson Peoples left Tuesday to stay in have moved their household goods Portland where she will be near to Camas, Washington. Mrs. B. B. Hawkins was an her husband. Mrs. Glen Peoples had as her overnight guest of Mrs. Alden guests Saturday Mesdames Clar Lee Monday. Miss Amy Coffman of Strassel, ence Nelson of Port Angeles. Washington, Rube Nelson, of Oregon, was an overnight guest Westport, Love Stevens, Art of Mildred Hawkins Monday. ! Mr. and Mrs. Charley Mitchell Workman and children. Mrs. M. Dunlap accompanied 'of Camp Eight visited Mr. and her son Noble to St. Helens Mrs. Craig Donaway Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Streadwick Thursday. While there she visit I spent the weekend in Portland vi ed many old friends. Gladys End and Virginia Cum- siting the latter’s mother. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Throop and mi "■ Keasey Saturday. . ns spent the son Tommy and daughter May DeEtt and Becky, also- Aunt Sally SUM' ONS spent Tuesday evening with Mr. In the Circuit Court ’of the and Mrs. R. L. Spencer of Tre- State of Oregon for the County . harne. of Columbia. Mr. and Mrs. Al Austin re Hattie K. Jermain, Plaintiff, i turned from Burns Sunday even- vs. |ing. Aubrey Austin remained in F. J. Jermain, Defendant. Burns for a short time. To F. J. Jermain, defendant Elzo Varley spent the weekend above named: in Forest Grove. In the name of the State of* Mr. and Mrs. Omar Spencer Oregon, you are hereby required' and son “Buzz” spent Saturday to appear and answer the com-1 with the former’s mother, Aunt plaint filed against you in the I Sally Spencer. albove entitled suit on or before [ Dorothy Throop, Who is teach the expiration of four weeks' ing in Manning, Oregon, was from the date of the first publi home for the weekend. cation of this summons, which T. R. Throop, who has been first publication is made and working in Dayville, Oregon, has dated April 22, 1932. said four been home visiting for some time, weeks being the time prescribed but left Wednesday, taking with by the court in its order for the him his daughter, May DeEtt, publication of this summons; and who has employment there. if you fail to appear and answer Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Heath the complaint the plaintiff will Jeft Monday for Spokane, Wash cause your default to be entered ington. and apply to the court above Little Joy Willard has been named for the relief demanded very sick but is some better at in said complaint, to-wit: For this writing. a decree dissolving the marriage Clarence Fowler is visiting rela contract now existing between tives in Treharne. plaintiff and defendant on the Mr. and Mrs. Bud Robbins are grounds of cruel and inhuman ^spending a few days with Mr. treatment, and for an order and Mrs. Jay Burtraw. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cameron awarding the care and custody of Jerome B. Jermain and Leon 4 spent the weekend in Longview. ard L. Jermain, minor children ! Mr. and Mrs. Charley White of plaintiff and defendant, to and daughter Leota, Mrs. Gus Ol the plaintiff; for $75.00 attor son, Mrs. J. W. White and Evelyn ney’s fee, for her costs herein, May motored to Camp Eight Sun- and for such other and further day. Lucille Lindberg spent the relief as to the court may seem just. || weekend with Evelyn Varley. This summons is served upon COUNTY CORONER you by publication thereof in the I am a candidate for coroner Vernonia Eagle, a newspaper of general circulation printed and of Columbia county in the Re published in Columbia county, publican primary May 20. I have Oregon, by order of the Hon. H. had 10 years experience as an K. Zimmerman, judge of the undertaker of Rainier, besides circuit court of said county and taking a course under three of the state, made on the 19th day of best undertakers and coroners in the Pacific northwest. The pres April, 1932. ent coroner has had the position A. E. VEATCH Attorney for Plaintiff. 18 years. If you see fit to make Office and postoffice address: a change I will appreciate your (16c4) Rainier Oregon. vote. Date of last publication May J. O. ELBON, 13, 1932. Rainier, Oregon. (Pd. adv.) Riverview’ I lage visiting his old school mates and friends. He lived with his parents here in the village a few years ago. They moved to Mrs. A. A. Dowling Chico, where they now reside. Mrs. L. Lawyer is having er Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fisher and ected a small bungalow on her daughter from Astoria were call property, having rented her home ing on relatives and friends here and farm to the Otto Smith fa Monday. mily. The Aurrington family are Mrs. Ed Reynolds and Mrs. Hattie Buckley were dinner moving to Hillsboro this week. L. B. Eastman bought i couple guests Sunday of the James of fine pigs from Dave McMullin Jones folks. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sundland last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Schlippy were Portland business visitors were town shoppers on Saturday. Tuesday. , Geo. Van Vleet started his Bernice Turner stayed over timber fallers on the Wilson tim the weekend with her grandmo ber he recently purchased from ther, Mrs. Reynolds. The farmers are taking ad the Wilson heirs. There will be preaching by an vantage of the nice weather, and Adventist pastor next Sunday at doing their spring plowing. the Lutheran church. Tom Riggles was down from i Miss Marian McMullin took the summit Monday evening on' charge of central office Satur business in the village. day while Miss Holmstrom did Ernest Lane is working a few some work on the interior of her days for Riggles Logging com home, painting, etc. pany, helping move a donkey. Miss Gieverts and Miss Gross LUMBER CUT REMAINS LOW spent Monday evening at the Dowling home. (Oregonian.) There were services last Sun A total of 321 mills reporting day at the church by the Lu to the West Coast Lumbermen’s theran pastor. He will be here association for the week ending again the fourth Sunday in May. April 16 operated at 24.5 per Mrs. A. R. Melis gave a party cent of capacity, as compared last Wednesday evening for the to 24.8 per cent of capacity for Sunday school pupils. the previous week, and 45.7 per T. S. Crowder has purchased cent for the same week last property in Vernonia and moved year. During the week of April 9, his family there. 187 of these plants were reported Mrs. L. Lawyer was on the as down and 135 operating. sick list for a few days recently. Those operating reported pro Jewell Waterman is in the vil- duction as 47.3 per cent of their group capacity. FOR SHERIFF Current new business of 216 I hereby announce my candi identical mills was 1.7 per cent dacy for sheriff of Columbia over production and totaled 7,- county subject to the republican 000,000 feet more than the or vote at the May primary election. ders of the previous week. This My experience as a peace officer group reported production as ap in the county and the city of St. proximately the same as the pre Helens will be of benefit to me if vious week. Shipments for the nominated and elected sheriff. To those taxpayers who wish a sensi ble conduct of the office and an economical administration of the office, I wish to state that I will appreciate their support. (Pd. Adv.) Respectfully, (i8c3) ira e . M c I ntire Mist week were 0.2 per cent over production. Inventories, as reported by 144 mills, remained about the same as the week ending April 9 but are 18.5 per cent less than at this time last year. CORN FRITTERS 1 can corn 1 egg H teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 cup flour 2 tablespoons rich milk Beat egg, add corn, beat well, add milk, then flour, salt and baking powder. Stir well and fry in an iron skillet that has a gen erous amount of bacon fat. Each frying, fry as you would hot cakes. Serve with butter. Makes 12 to 14 cakes, depending on size. —Mrs. A. A. Dowling. Apri 16 following an illness of a year. Services were held at the Quincy church the following Wed nesday. Mrs. Erkkila was born in Fin land June 24, 1868. She and Mr. Erkkila came to America in 1900 and settled in the vicinity of Clatskanie. Surviving are her husband and CHOCOLATE DROP COOKIES five children, Andre and Eleanor Vk cup shortening at home, Mrs. Harold Tufts and 1 cup sugar Mrs. Ray Peterson of Portland, 2 squares melted chocolate and Mrs. Zimmerdahl. 1 beaten egg 2H cups flour Collegians Enjoy H teaspoon cinnamon V4 teaspoon soda “Skip Day” at Park 2 teaspoons baking powder % teaspoon salt Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Shay of 4 tablespoons milk Arcadia park were very much H cup chopped nuts surprised Wednesday morning. Cream shortening and sugar, April 20, to have the senior class add melted chocolate and beaten of Pacific college pay them a egg, add sifted dry ingredients visit. They arrived about 7:30 a. and nuts, drop by teaspoon on m. in the cold and rain, expect greased cookie sheet. This makes ing a nice sun shiny day and a about 65 cookies. —Mrs. J. W. picnic in the park. Mr. Shay in Neurer. vited them in and built a fire n the big fire place and they had a Mrs. Zimmerdahl’s happy day after all. Mother Passes Away They were celebrating their “skip” day. Mrs. Herman Erkkila, 64, of Quincy, mother of Mrs. Roy Zim For real bargains—watch the merdahl of Vernonia, passed away classified columns of the Eagle. have a For your convenience the following business and professional people are listed on this page alphabetically. These men and women are known in Vernonia as reliable business and professional people. Mwz SHOPS DENTISTS BARBER Willard Batteries M. D. COLE VIOLET RAY GASOLINE Oil« • • . Expert Greasing Haircutting for Men Women ana Children Expert Work Guaranteed Dentist Vernonia, Oregon VERNONIA SERVICE STATION CARD ROOM DOCTORS TRANSFER — TRUCK PASTIME Marvin R. Eby, M. D. CARDS AND LIGHT LUNCHES Physican and Surgeon PORTERFIELD’S TRANSFER AND FEED CO. JOy shop Lloyd Baker, Prop. CONTRACTORS JOHN A. MILLER General Contractor Maaon Work, Building Phone Hospital 931 Town Office 891 — Physician and Surgeon Office Phone 663 Ses. Phone 664 Vernonia, Oregon RESTAURANTS BAFFORD BROS. Genera! Plumbing Vernonia C. BRUCE WkolMale and Retail LUMBER Venoaia, Oregon OPEN FRIDAY, SAT URDAY AND SUNDAY 729 THIRD STREET FOR SALE—Rhode Island Reds' setting eggs, 30 cents a dozen. Mrs. Viola Treharne 16c3 ACREAGE AND FARMS — For sale. T. B. Mills.(2tf) FOR SALE — 6-Weeks old pigs, $2.25 cash. Elmer Bergerson. Phone 14F1555. 17*2 WANTED WANTED— Good cooking stove to be issued out to a needy family. Pleaes notify Community Ohest headquarters. 18*1 CASON TRANSFER Local & long distance HAULING Phone 923 Office in Workingmen’s Store and * ♦ Listen to the rich low bass notes and the silvery trebles that the PuU Range Sensitiv ity brings in— Notice how every word of the songs can be heard clearly. Let us demonstrate how Full Range Sdco tivity prevents overlapping. — Mary Kato Chop Suey Restaurant SOMETHING BETTER IN RAB BITS! My Artic and Snowdrift strains of New Zealand whites are result of six years of careful culling and breeding for early de velopment and large size. 4 to 5 lbs. at 8-weeks is the rule of on my young stock. Stock priced according to age and quality. A few good breeders for sale. R. L. Harris, Mist Route, near 1- mile bridge. (16c3 General Electric Radio Concert in Our Showroom All Kinds of Hay and Feed. Prices right. Also all kinds of good wood. Phone 253 — DR. J. A. HUGHES FOR SALE FOR SALE—Two registered spot ted Poland China brood sows, 1 boar, 15 pigs, all for $15.00 cash if taken before May 10. Eben L. John, nine miles south of Vernonia on Forest Grove road.____________________ (18*2) FOR CORONER To the Voters of Columbia County:—I am a candidate to suc ceed myself as County Coroner. Should I be nominated and elected the people may expect the same prompt and efficient service that has been rendered during the years I have endeavored to satis factorily administer the affairs of the office. Often-times a matter of judgment and based on exper ience saves the county consider able sums as to holding inquests and other duties in connection with the office. Proper equipment convenient location and every fa cility together with the fact that sole attention is given to the care of the business conducted makes it posible to render prompt ser vice and at a minimum cost to the taxpayers, a policy I have ad hered to and will be continued should the people again decide that I serve them. Respectfully, (Paid Adv.) T. S. WHITE, 17c4 St. Helens. Professional and Business Directory RARRFR PAGE FIVE VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1932. You can buy any General Electric Radio on the Budg et Payment Plan And—let us tell you for how very litde YOU can have the added enjoyment of Full Range entertainment in your home today. GENERAL Hoar tha now typo radio receiver that carries tbo O-4E Monogram ELECTRIC » e e e e e g I best time to 1 1 buy needed 1 I printing Is ■ l^NOWs-J FULLRANG RADIO Oregon Gas and Electric Co. 622 Bridge Street Telephone 691