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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1932)
JUNIORS TAKE | INTER-CLASS TILT Timberline FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1932. VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE FOUR Camp Eight Mrs. Elder and Mrs. McDonald were afternoon callers at the Norman Guinn home on Wed nesday. A five hundred party was held April 21 at the home of Mrs. Neil Lee. High score was held by Mrs. Piert and low score by Mrs. Ward of Vernonia. Those attending the dance at Arcadia on Saturday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Olson, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pringle, Mrs. Chas. Mackie and Mrs. Dennis Ryves of Vernonia. Mr. and Mrs. Chet Taylor re turned last week from their trip through Oregon and Washington. George Plumlb is in the hospital in Portland due to an injured back. Fred Lumm is also in the hospital. ' i 1 Mrs. Taylor and daughter Max ine, Mr. and Mrs. George Baker and family and Junior Portner at tended the Wild Life show at the Washington school on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Hatfield and daughter Johnny Belle were The juniors walked away with1 the honors in the inter-class track meet amassing 52 Mi points to the nearest rival’s, the freshmen, 311 A waffle luncheon was held at points. The seniors followed close-1 the home of Mrs. Mary Adams Editor ......._ ...... Nelle Green ly with 28 points. The sophomores ’ in Vernonia April 20. Guests Aset. Editor ......... Bob Fox were next with 10% points. (present were Mrs. Lisenby, Mrs. Senior Reporter The juniors took nine first Ryves and Mrs. Rollins of Ver Verla Messing paces, the seniors took three, the J nonia, ---- ««-- Mrs. Hatfield — .a Mrs. and Junior Reporter freshmen 3, and the sopohomores Pringle of Camp Eight and Miss Edgar Crawford one. The juniors took first hon Mary Malears of Vancouver, Sophomore Reporter ors in the mile, half-mile, 440, Washington. The afternoon was Zonweiss Douglass 220, low hurdles, high jump, pole spent playing five hundred. Freshman Reporter I vault, javelin and shot, The Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hodge and Leona Hillman seniors took the high hurdles, Ed Hanson attended the baseball tied for first in the low hurdles, game in Portland on Thursday. HONOR ROLL FOR THE and took first and second in the A five hundred party was held SECOND SIX WEEKS discus. The juniors took second April 20 at the home of Mrs. Li Seniors: Edwin Aamodt, Lawr and third in the 100 yard dash, onel Baker. High score was held ence Jesclard, Gertrude Ek, tied for third in the broad jump by Mrs. Chas. Lewis and low George Laird, Edna Owens, Han and tied for second in the high score by Mrs. Sandberg. jump. They took third in the nah Ek, Richard Melis. Mrs. Robert Wood motored Mrs. Juniors:' Margaret McDonald, javelin, third in the discus, and Sandberg of St. Helens and Mrs. Edgar Crawford, Rachel Ek, Mar third in the shot, The seniors took Lawrence Sandberg of Camp third in the mile, third in the half Eight to Cathlamet on Thursday jorie Meeker, Gladys End. Sophomores: Bernice T" >dike, mils, second in the 440 yard where Mrs. Lawrence Sandberg Millicent Ratkii . Eli/..ii>eth ‘iert, dash, third in the 220, third in will stay to care for Chester Sand the high hurdles, third in the pole berg and wife who are quite ill Dorothy Gwinn. J -men Henry Aamoi 1 Mar- vault, second in the discus, and with measles. Their small daugh g ■■ Laird, Billie Cov gton, second in the shot. The fresh ter will remain in camp in the Ruth luge Simmons, i Wil men took second in the mile, care of Sandberg until all danger FREDERICK kerson, June Mich- -leen second in the half mile, third in of infection is over. the 440, second in the 220, first George. Mrs. Lionel Baker and Mrs. in the 100 yd. dash, third in the Ray Baker drove to Astoria on lrtw hurdles, second in the high Thursday and spent a few days PAJAMA DAY COLORFUL hurdles, second in the broad Last Friday one could find al jump, tied for first in the pole visiting friends and relatives. For Reelection Mrs. Olson and Mrs. Pringle most any color desired in _the vault, and took the relay for great variety of pajamas worn five more points. They also took were luncheon guests at the D. UNITED STATES by the fairer sex of Vernonia second in the javelin, and tied Ryves home in Vernonia on Tuesday. high school. for second in the high jump. The colors ranged from one The high point for the meet extreme to the other, some being was Ralph George, junior, who CHEMISTRY CLASS <8 Is Seeking very mild and still others very gathered 17 of the junior’s 52% STUDIES PHOTOGRAPHY Nomination at Primary on “wild.” The chemistry class has been points. All said and done, a good time May 20, 1932, The events and winners were working very diligently for the was had by all, everybody laugh as follows: last three weeks on the experi Republican Party Ticket ing at everybody else. 1-Mile: Ralph George, junior, ment of photography and blue first; Earl Dony, freshman, sec prints. Several of the students LETTERS GIVEN STUDENTS ond; Johnny Roediger, senior, brought their own negatives and made pictures of them. Several The members of the high school third. orchestra received their letters Half Mile:Ralph George, jun attempts were made before the in an assemlbly held on Tuesday, ior, first; Earl Dony, freshman, desired results were obtained. second; Johnny Roediger, senior, While some were making pictures April 19. others were drawing their own The letters were bought with third. the proceeds of the play given 440— Junior Aldrich, senior, original blueprints. The chemistry class is now to some time ago. The letters are first; Marvel Graven, senior, sec orange and black. They have the ond; Louis Graven, freshman, study advance lessons in photo- graphy. shape of a large lyre. third. The following students receiv 220 — Ralph George, junior, ed letters: Rose Sitts, piano; first; Holly Holcomb, freshman, SENIOR BOYS JOIN MARINES Dorothy Gwinn, clarinet; Jean second; nette Johns, clarinet; Clara Wold, 100 Yard Dash—Holly Hol Delmar Morton trombone; Margaret McDonald, comb, freshman, first; Art Nan- Knowles, seniors in the high violinist; Helen Lamoreaux, vio son, junior, second; Bob Cline, school, have signed up with the linist; Bert Mills, drums. junior, third. Marines. They are to leave for Rachel Ek received a certifi Low Hurdles—Tie, Bob Cline, San Diego on May 1, where they cate for making the second place junior, Marvel Graven, senior; will go into extensive training. He has been true to Oregoti in the county in the Washington Paul Jepson, freshman, third. farmers, lumbermen, stockmee, bicentennial essay contest. High Hurdles— ] Marvel Graven, County Track Meet to be veterans, fisheries and all other Leaders in the contest for the senior, first, Paul Jepson, fresh- Held April 30 wtal interests of the state. scholarship cup are named in the man, second; Joe ■ Magoff, sen- The Columbia County Track d«an-Courageous-Efficiont order of their standing: George ior, third. meet will be held next Saturday, His Record Insure* Laird, Gertrude Ek, Marjorie Broad Jump — Babe Powers, April 30 at St. Helens. Verno- Continued Faithful Service Meeker, Margaret McDonald. sophomore, first; Paul Jepson, nia held her try outs last Tues- freshman, second; tie for third. day, April 26, to decide who for OREGON Bob Cline, junior, DeLoss Powell, will ■ go to St. Helens to represent Paid Adv., Steiwer- for -Senator Club, Pacific Building, Portland, Oregon sophomore. Vernonia in the various events. High Jump—Bob Cline, junior, first; tied for second, Babe Pow-| I ers, sophomore, second; Junior ft Aldrich, junior, third. Discuss— Ervin Smith, senior, c American Legion KNOW Vernonia Post first; Marvel Graven, senior, sec YOUR ond; Don Holtham, junior, third. 119, American Shot — Art Nanson, junior, BANK Legion. Meets first; Delmar Morton, senior, sec 2nd and 4th ond; Don Holtham, junior, third. Tuesdays each —o— month, 8. p. m. Babe Powers, a sophomore in J. E. Kerr, Com- mander; Eugene Shipman, Adj. the high school, is leaving for his home in Idaho on Saturday.; « April 30. j A. F. & A. M. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 The senior class held a wiener A. F. & A. M. meets at Masonic Temple, roast nt Arcadia park on Thurs DO YOU KNOW EXACTLY Stated Communication day, April 21. The wieners were First Thursday of each roasted in the fire place in the WHAT YOU SPEND? month. Special called cabin. meetmgs on all other Thurs- Does pay day mean a roll of bills in day nights 7:30 p.m. Visitors your pocket which somehow vanishes most cordially welcome. long before the next? No wonder you Realistic K. A. McNeill, W. M. I don’t know “where the money goes!” Permanent W. E. Bell, Secretary. A checking account will not only give With.. Ringlet»e you conclusive proof you have paid your bills—.it will show you at a glance Ends. A Steam Order of Eastern Star what your general expenses have been. Nehalom Chapter 163, O. E. S. Wave at reduced Pay all bills by check—give yourself a Regular commu prices. cash “allowance” . . . and then watch nication first $0.50 and $^.50 a pleasant surplus grow out of the dol and third Wed i lars that used to slip out of your pocket. nesdays of each month, at Ma Regular $5 wave sonic Temple. All visiting sis iilMM I ters and broth ers welcome. BEAUTY SHOPPE Mrs. Edith Pearse, W. M. Phone 431 Bridge St. Mrs. Alma Bell, Secretary. guests at the Ryves home in Vernonia on Monday evening. Mrs. Pringle accompanied Mrs. Olson to Portland on Friday. FOR COUNTY SHERIFF I respectfully announce my candidacy for Republican nomina tion to office of sheriff of Co lumbia county. I have no interest to serve, but the people of the county, and if elected I will faith fully, impartially and economical ly serve them. I am a resident of St. Helens. I promise a clean, sen sible conduct of the office. (Pd. Adv.) Respectfully, r . e . (Bob) M c L aughlin The ADVERTISEMENTS STEIWER SENATOR MM Printed for your convenience Suppose all the advertisers in your favorite newspaper should stop advertis ing for a week. 1i 11 u What inconvenience would result! How much telephoning and shopping around to get the answers to such ques tions as: “What’s playing at the theatres? When will that new vacuum cleaner be on sale? Who is offering shoe bargains? Where can I buy that dry shampoo Emily told me about?’’ 11 11 u The answers to these questions, and to hundreds of similar ones that people ask every day, are news. VITAL news. You’re really interested to learn that a certain store is selling a product you need for a price you can afford to pay. U 11 11 aa 5 Furthermore, the advertisements save your time, for you can read them quickly. They save your energy, for you can read them at home and plan just what to buy and where to buy. And they save your money, by enabling you to adjust your needs to the limitations of your budget. In short, they are pocketbook editorials, condensing and interpreting for you the merchandise news of the day. Vernonia Eagle B ank of V ernonia Mountain Heart Rebekah Lodge No. 243 THE FEATHERHEADS a Modem Solomon 1 No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets »very second and fourth Thursdays in I. O. O. F. hall, Vernonia. Visit ors always welcome. Marie O’Donnell, N. G. Emma Miller, Secretary. Pythian Sitter* Vernonia Temple 61 meets every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in W.O.W. hall. Edna Brown, M. E. C. Clara Kerns. M. or R. & C. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS HARDING LODGE 11« Meets every Monday night in the I.O.O.F. hall. Visiting broth ers welcome. R. M. Aldrich, C. C. H. Culbertson, K.R.S. I ! I I