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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1932)
FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1932. VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE TWO week. SUNDAY SCHOOL NOTES a solo in the church service fol- A group of Vernonia young lowing. people attended the Christian En The preparations for Mother’s Next Sunday is Temperance deavor convention in Portland I Sunday. As a special feature, day are arousing interest. There CATHOLIC CHURCH Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Jeannette Johns, winner of sec ' is already considerable competi- Usual services Sunday at 11:30 ond place in the lower division I tion as to who will receive the The party included Marian Lind- a. m. ley, Rose Sitts, Verna Ray, Rho CHRISTIAN CHURCH high school W. C. T. U. essay ' special bouquets to be presented da Bell, Velma Veal, Leonard contest, will read her essay, “To to the oldest mother, the young- CHANGE IN DATE F. Claude Stephen», Minister Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Holyfield Malmsten, Thomas Graves, Allen | est mother and the mother who tal Abstinence in Sports.” J. H. Burnside is reported to be Prayer meeting night at Dad For May 1st—9:45 a. m., Bible of Portland, formerly Vernonia Ray and Mrs. Alma Sitts. improving in health. The memory work honor roll has the most children Present with Roberts has been changed to school; 10:45 a. m., divine morn residents, visited a number of her. Mrs. Herman Veal has as her ing worship, theme, “Choked Thursday instead of Wednesday list is growing. Those adding their O. S. Poynter has been ill this friends here last Friday. The plan now is to have the names Sunday were E. H. Condit, house guests her sister, Mrs. M. Wells.” so as not to conflict with the week with the grippe. Sunday school and church ser- Mr. Troutwine, Mrs. E. J. Doug wel- Christian church. Everyone Wesley Brady was operated C. Robbins and son Clayton of Christian Endeavor, 6:45 p. m.; lass and A. C. Knauss. We expect ' vice on Mother’s day a merged Sheriff Oscar G. Weed was in on Saturday morning and had Cottage Grove. They arrived on convention report is promised; come. many more to be ready with the ¡service. A detailed program will Wednesday and will town Monday on an investigation. two tubes put in the right lung. visit here 7:45, a great evening service. books of the Old Testament next'be given next week. RADIO SERVICES for a week or more. They came Theme, Neiw Testament Baptism. He is improving nicely now. Mrs. Fritz Hausler went to with Mr. and Mrs. George Rab I Hear about Mother’s day. Rev. Williard H. Pope, of Port- Portland Tuesday for medical Mr. and Mrs. Verne Mowe and bins of Saginaw who will spend land, over Station KWJJ, 1060 THE FAMILY ALTAR HOUR treatment. BIBLE SCHOOL NOTES children, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bra several days looking after prop- kilocycles, weekdays 7 to 7:45 The attendance last Sunday a. m., Sunday 1 to 2 p. m. and Mr. and Mrs. Connie Ander dy and children visited at the erty interests here. Forty-five minutes of Christian was 164 with the Lads class win 10 to 11 p. m. son and children were Portland home of Roy Brady’s Sunday. A jolly party of young Port- ning the banner again. fellowship and song. Hear it every visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Drorbaugh land musicians spent the weekend week day morning from 7 to 7:45 EVANGELICAL CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Rose fur Mrs. Claude Gibson has recov left Thursday for a short visit with Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Shay of nished the special music, singing a. m. Sunday, 1 to 2 p. m., Ev G. W. Plumer, Pastor ered from a severe illness of sev at the home of their daughter, Arcadia park. Juanita and Bon a duet. angelistic. Sunday 10 to 11 p. nie Bell James, Ruby Asquith, eral weeks duration. Mrs. Hazel Bean, in Portland. m., Christian Worker’s Jubilee Miss Marie Kirkpatrick sang . I The Sunday school had an in- Adelle Easly, Gay McCandless, ■.crease over the Sunday before of hour, over KWJJ, 1060 Key., Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Knauss Emil Messing, C. Bruce, Joe Norman Easly and Mr. and Mrs. 130. Be on hand at 9:45 a. m. Portland. and son Lawrence returned last Peachey and Dr. M. R. Eby went Frank Holbrook. A happy day was and bring someone with you. Friday from several days outing to Oregon City on Thursday of spent climbing the hills and com Rev. Williard H. Pope I Mrs. E. E. Garner, the superin- at Seaside. last week to fish, but had no ing back loaded with wild flowers. I tendent in charge, is urging every Box 3374 Poi and, Oregon one to do their best. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry luck. Local garden club members Bernice Reed is working this The pastor will speak on the Fogel over the weekend were Mrs. G. W. Plumer is leader hope that as many Vernonia re week for Mrs. Comstock at the ‘ subject "Investing Our Life,” at Mrs. Glade Follis and daughter for the Evangelical Missionary sidents as possible will attend the power plant. 11 a. m. Patsy of Hillsboro. society meeting to be held in the annual spring flower show in Mildred Hawkins of Riverview j The Christian Endeavor will church Wednesday afternoon, Laurelhurst park in Park in Port- visited Edith Lindsley over the Mrs. E. A. Green, Mrs. L. H. meet at 6:30 p. m. Miss Elna land, April 30, May 1 and 2. weekend. Roberson, Louise Roberson, Char May 4. I Spencer, leader. Theme, “Finding Those who have seen it in pre- lotte and Nelle Green were Port Mrs. L. H. Young spent the | My Place in Life.” The 7:30 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fulton land visitors Wednesday. left Monday for Burns, where vious years say it is a wonder- weekend in Vernonia with her p. m. subject will be, “When Mr. Fulton has obtained employ fully beautiful sight, well worth husband. Should I Be Saved?” NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ment. Their many friends wish the trip. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cummings There will be special music at In the Circuit Court of the State them well. spent the weekend in Portland. all the services. JOY THEATRE of Oregon for the County of Those shopping in Vernonia The Woman’s Missionary socie Columbia. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brady and Barbara Stanwyck exposes 1000 this week were Mr. and Mrs. ty meets at the church next Wed Albert Schmidlin and Judith two children motored to Port and 1 nights of a NIGHT NURSE, White, C. O. Evers, Mrs. D. K. nesday, May 4, at 2 p. m., study Schmidlin, Plaintiffs, vs. land Wednesday to see Wesley Friday and Saturday, Apr. 29, 30. Mendenhall, Mr. and Mrs. L. ing the book, “Christ Comes to Herman L. Greener, Defendant. Brady and also visited Pearl AFTER TOMORROW, with Chas. Gilham, Mrs. Devaney. the Village.” This is the last UNDER and by virtue of an Farrel, Marian Hixon, Wm. Col Mayo Pettijohn returned from , missionary society meeting before execution issued out of the above Brady at Forest Grove. entitled Court in the above en Robert and Lawrence Hastings lier, Sr., Sunday, May 1. Admis southern Oregon Sunday. our annual conference and all titled matter on the 25th day of sion 10 and 25 cents. (Adv.) The teacher and children have members should be present. Bring March, 1932, to me directed upon grandsons of Mr. and Mrs. Shay, made a very attractive rock gar a friend. a judgment, decree and order of attended the funeral of their den on the school grounds. sale, rendered on the 25th day grandmother, Mrs. J. L. Hastings The preparations for the great D. K. Mendenhall made a busi merged Mother’s day service for of March, 1932, and entered in of Portland, Saturday. said Court on said 25th day of ness trip to Portland Wednes I Sunday morning, May 8, are March, 1932, in a mortgage fore J. R. Dougherty of Portland, Mr«. Jake Neurer day. I moving fine. closure suit wherein the plaintiffs, The county cow tester for T. j The Bible study led by the pas Albert Schmidlin and Judith district manager of the J. C. The reason behind the sensational acceptance B. visited Keasey last week. All tor on Thursday evenings at 7 Schmidlin, recovered judgment Penney company, was in town of our Mother’s Bread by the housewives of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kuback cows here were O. K. against defendant, Herman L. Wednesday morning to confer o’clock is gaining in interest. We Vernonia is apparent to all who have tasted the are the proud parents of an eight Greener, for the sum of $4000.00 with Manager C. G. Whitlock. are studying the book of Ephe delicious goodness of our several varieties—baked with interest thereon from 6th pound boy born Friday, April 22. week in Portland visiting rela sians. day of March, 1931, at the rate under the most strict sanitary conditions, with Colonel Alfred E. Clark, who is Mother and son are both doing of 6% per annum; the further seeking the Republican nomina well. The boy has not yet been tives. the purest and best ingredients obtainable. sum of $231.50 with interest Miss Annie McMullin, who has thereon at the rate of 10% per tion for United States senator, is named. been taking beauty culture in Agency for annum from the 8th day of De the man who is first vice-president Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hill from cember, 1931; the sum of $400.00 of the Oregon National Convention Portland spent the weekend here Portland this winter, came home STATE LAUNDRY CO. last Saturday. attorney’s fees, and the sum of commission of the American Le at their summer home. $27.60 costs, and the costs of at hotel M c D onald Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lindsay and “HOME OF MOTHER’S BREAD” gion, which is sponsoring the na Miss Millie McMullin, attend- and upon this Writ, and com Laundry and Dry Cleaning mand me to make sale of the tional convention in Portland ing Pacific university at Forest Bon Clarence and Mr. and Mrs. Pick-up Tues. — Deliver Fri. mortgaged property described as from September' 12 to 15, this Grove, was home with her parents Jake Neurer spent Sunday even ing with Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dun follows, to-wit: All that part of the West year, and stands high in American Saturday and Sunday. lap. Legion activities throughout the Noble Dunlap was in St. Hel- half of the Northwest Quar Mrs. Louise Micek and her son entire United States. Colonel ens all day Thursday on legal ter of Section 34, Township John from Tualatin were in Sun 5 North, Range 4 North, Clark’s activities on behalf of ex- business. day to see Mrs. Micek’s daugh West of the Willamette Mer service men and women should Lewis Carmichael went to work idian, lying South of the Ne draw to him a large percentage ter, Mrs. Stanley Kuback and for Clyde Johnson farming. halem River and between said new baby. of their votes at the May Prim river and the County road, Lee Osborn was in Portland The county has been busy grad containing 3.50 acres, more aries.— (Pd. adv.—Clark for U. for a couple of days last week (Incorporated) or less; ALSO, all of the S. Senator committee, 820 Yeon visiting his wife. Mrs. Odborn is ing the Nehalem highway this week after the rains. North half of the Southwest Bldg., Portland, Oregon.) managing a rooming house in Quarter of said Section ly Portland.' ing East of the Nehalem To buy, sell or trade, use Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hughes River, excepting therefrom Dr. F. G. Rankn tested several Eagle classified ads. and Miss Amy Hughes motored the North 20 feet of that to Portland Saturday. Accompany dairy herds in this vicinity for part of the above described tract of land lying between ing them was Mrs. R. A. Space, contagious abortion recently. Mrs. George Taylor and her said river and said County SCHOOL PUREX—The Master Bleacher and Road; also excepting: Com who was leaving after several son Ray and his wife were in Ver days ’ visit with Vernonia friends. mencing at the center of said water softener, quart size. PC z» GIRLS nonia on business Saturday. Section 34; thence South 20 BOTTLE .......................... S. E. Couper and family re Mr. and Mrs. Pasco Hill from rods; thence West parallel LOVE with the East and West cen turned Sunday night from a trip Vernonia were guests of Mr. and ter line of said Section to to Weiser, Idaho. They report Mrs. Bud Baldridge Sunday. TOMATOES — Alta Villa, Rich, red County road; thence North farmers as all busy there now, Miss Olga Holmstrom, telephone Ringlette Permanent California pack, 21'2’s— to said center line and thence East to the place of begin and the diversified farms in good operator, had a vacation Satur It’s so easy without those CAN ........................................... shape. day, and Marian McMullin took ning; also excepting: Begin torturous over-head weights ning at an iron pipe on the her place in the office. and with so much less heat. Mr. Mitchell of the state fish West line of the County road OVEN BAKED BEANS — B & M — Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer were Besides its beautifully soft North 89’22' West 553.8 feet commission and wife had business in Vernonia Saturday looking Large size, delicious and con- from the Southeast corner of and natural looking. with Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Shay after some business. the Northwest Quarter of the venient — CAN .... .................. Sunday. Mr. Shay expects to in French Curls $3.50 Southwest Quarter of said Miss Beatrice Perry, accompa stall trout and other game fish Long Hair $4.50 Section 34; thence on the nied by Mrs. Oliver Burris, was PEAS—Rodman. Very fancy petit Pois West line of said road North in the near future. in Vernonia shopping Friday. 17’ 32’ East 165.0 feet to an Tender, sweet Utah pack, 2’s. Several Natal grangers were Dr. and Mrs. Marvin R. Eby iron pipe; thence North 89’ CAN ................. 40 C 22’ West 322.0 feet to an and children were in Portland guests of Winema grange at Bir- kenfeld April 21. said river, thence North 89° and Oregon City Thursday of last Vernonia Hotel Building STARCH—Argo, Corn or gloss, l’s— 22’ West 100 feet to the Mr. and Mrs. L. Weedell and week. Dr. Eby has made several Phone 1261 iron pin on the East bank of children spent a few days last Your choice with trips to Oregon City since to center of said river; thence for Shopping Bag ....... see his grandmother, who is quite following up the center of said river in a Southwesterly Hl. , CHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZ direction 160 feet; more or SARDINES — Otter Brand — Finest less, to the South line of said A farewell dinner was held Northwest Quarter of the quality—Tomato or Saturday in honor of Mr. and Southwest Quarter of said for Mrs. Robert Fulton at the home Mustard — l’s oval SALAD TIME MAYONNAISE — It’s Section 34; thence along said of Mrs. Ruth Grey. Others pres ling South 89’ 22’ East 86 Nalley’s Quality — feet to an iron pipe on the ent were Mrs. Mary Graney, SAUER KRAUT — Ravalli Brand — PINT JAR ................................. East bank of the Nehalem ri Miss Grace Sell and Miss Dorothy Choice Silver ver: thence South 89’ 22’ CORNED BEEF —Fray Bentos brand. Grey. East 318.8 feet to the place Shredded. 2*'£'s ......... m for Very finest quality, l’s— 1Q_ of beginning and containing Mrs. Dave Marshall, Mrs. W. E. CAN ..................... in this last exception 1.5 Bell, Miss Parks, Jack Marshall KNOX GELATINE — One Package is acres, more or less; also ex and Holly Holcomb made up a equivalent to 4 packages Qz» cepting: Beginning at an iron COCOA — Walter Baker’s — Rich, pipe on the West line of the party of Portland visitors Sun Jell Powder — PACKAGE ..... pure and nourishing, Va-lb. 1 J County road said point being day. They called upon Dorothy CAN ........................................... Wilson and McGregor Clubs 89’ 22’ West 553.8 feet and June Wolff, who is convalescing PEACHES — Mission brand, 21/j’s — North 17’ 32’ East 165 feet SYRUP — Vermont Maid — Cane and from an operation in Emanuel from the Southeast corner of Large banquet size O Edgemont Clubs - - Maple — 26-oz. jug hospital. the Northwest Quarter of the in rich syrup ........... for Southwest Quarter of said day at the West Front Door of Section 34; thence following the Court House in the City of the West line of said County St. Helens, Oregon. 1 will sell in road North 17’ 32’ East 165 obedience to said execution, de feet, thence North 89’ 22’ WILSON & READ. 75c Golf Balls 54c cree and order of sale, at public West 427.6 feet, more or auction (subject to redemption) less, to the center of the DE LUX GOLF BALLS, 1.68 size 24c to the highest bidder for cash, Nehalem river; thence up the all the right, title and interest center of the stream in a which the above named defen Southwesterly direction, to a dant has in and to said real pro point which is North 89’ 22’ perty tp satisfy said execution, in West 422 feet from the place terest. attorney's fees, costs and of beginning and thence South accruing costs and the overplus, 89’ 22’ East 422 feet to the Look these over, only a few left. place of beginning, and con if any, be paid to the person or persons entitled thereto. taining in this exception 1.54 Dated and first published April acres, more or leas, all being 1, 1932. within Columbia County, Ore- OSCAR G. WEED. Sheriff of Columbia County NOW, THEREFORE. NOTICE FOR BARGAINS—SEE HOFFMAN ABOUT IT Oregon. (14c5 IS HEREBY GIVEN,That on Mon day, the 2nd day of May, 1932, First publication April 1, 1932. at 10:00 o’clock A. M. of said Last publication April 29, 1932. HZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZ» id KEASEY HERE IT IS! Mother’s BREAD Natal Vernonia Eakery Nehalem Market & Grocery Specials for Fri. and Sat 1 lot 1 Az» IVI Q Ivv Milady’s Beauty Slioppe Sale Prices Golf Clubs and Golf Balls BAGS Half Price Hoffman Hdwe. Co. 15c 3 25c Q 1 Qz» Leg Pork 15 Roast lb. PorkShouder 1Ô Roast lb. Fresh Side 10 Pork lb. Hamburger oe 2-lbs. -tQ Pork Sau sage 2-lbs 25 Oil/» «Ul IOC 1 S1.98 88<* GOLF BALLS 2 MEAT OQn IOC 49c 1. ...... ♦ « « PRODUCE * * * Green Onions 3 beh. 10c Rhubarb - 3 lbs. 12c - 3 beh. 10c Lettuce - 2 heads 15c Radishes