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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1932)
VOLUME X. VERNONIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY, OREGON FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1932. $2.00 per Year; 5c a copy Report of Inspection Arcadia Park To Give Series Of Smokers NUMBER 18. Attic* Ransacked Largest Crowd Witnesses Locals Win For Rainbow Party Costume* Wild Life Film Showing Attics, Cup Again of county ranascked Wellington, Mills Recall Targets The first of a series of smokers is scheduled for Arcadia park Sat urday night, April 30, with Dane Brady of Vernonia and Wes Shu- ley of Clatskanie in the main event. old trunks, and chests Petitions for recall have been by Vernonia Judge J. H. Wellington and of The largest crowd that has ev-j of California. Members of the or- Rainbow girls this week for cos County Commissioner T. B. Mills er witnessed the presentation of chestra ‘ —- • ■ tumes of their great grandmoth are Marie , Kirkpatrick, were filed Tuesday in the office the state game commission’s wild Betty Jagen and Tovio Eloranta, ers’ day to wear in one of the of the county clerk. Election will life films, according to Ernest violins; Elbert Brock, Leon Brock, events of the program to be pre be on the date of the primaries, L. Crockett, supervisor in charge, Alice Hoffman and Harold Davis, sented in the Masonic temple to Joe Magoff will tangle May 20. thronged the auditorium of the trumpets; Ralph Condit, trom morrow night, April 30, by Bet Vernonia and Wolf Creek Bud Taylor, Ken Parker Petitions were also submitted Washington grade school Monday bone; Loren Kostur and Charles ty Allyn’s Rainlbow patrol team Vernonia Golfer* Defeat Frank Buglund, and George for recall of Commissioner J. N. Both St. Helen* and Routes Compared |Kuia kola wun with Ted lea AniiKer. Anliker. There mere win will MiUer> but Cierk j - Hunt night. The attendance, estimated Taya, drums; Leona Fetsch, piano. of Portland. at 750, is also said to be the A series of pantomimes was A clever program of skits, also be a heavy-weight bout fea-would not accept them because Briarcliff and Logged tunng Camp Eight and Cochran,; neither cash nor guarantee bond largest ever in the room. School presented by the following: Dor drills and a style show is promised children filled nearly all the floor ris Nixon, Wilbur Wridge, and by the Portland girls who are land a fly-weight featuring Rai-i cove . in _ the cogt of th _ Drevious covering the cost of the previous seats, while adults sat chiefly in Norma Corwder, representing a coming here 22 strong to furnish The local golfing team compris- Report of inspection of surveys nier. recall against Mr. Miller was pro- the balcony. proposal; Elizabeth Wall, an op an evening’s entertainment for ing 13 men which journeyed to of the Wolf creek route to the In addition to the bouts, there vided, as required by law. The The pictures showed the propa era singer; Norman Crowder, a Nehalem assembly, all Masons, the Briarcliff course last Sunday sea made by Chairman Leslie M. will the customary dancing after I sum amounts to slightly over gation of fish at Diamond lake, politician; Enid Shumway and Eastern Stars, and friends. gained possession of the Colum Scott of the highway commission' wajds $1400. The small admission charge will bia County Golf association cup fishing scenes along the Nehalem, Esther Froembling, a trip to the and state and federal engineers j go entirely to the local Rainbow the second consecutive year by game birds at the state game dentist. was published in the daily press FIVE NEW FAMILIES A group of boys performed a assembly. farms, deer and elk roaming the turning in another win over both Monday. The report for the Ver MOVE TO VERNONIA hills, and other scenes of wild tumbling act. They were Elmer the Briarcliff and St. Helens nonia route appeared the week be Micheaer, Florian Mauer, Albert life in Oregon. clubs. This gives them two con fore. i Five new families have moved Ervin, Robert There are over 1000 lakes and Schalock, Fred secutive yearly wins and should According to the findings, the into Vernonia or vicinity within 1000 streams in Oregon, declared i Holmes, La Von George, Bruce they be able to capture it again Vernonia route has a length of the past few weeks, according Holcomb, Harold Davis, Billy next year they would be given 8814 miles and the Wolf creek, Three grand officers and oth-1 to records at the office of the Mr. Crockett in the lecture ac Crane, Bill Byers, Amos Iles, companying the presentation of permanent possession of the much 83 miles, Portland to Seaside, er distinguished visitors were Oregon Gas and Electric com the films. Five hundred of the j Harold Graven, Bill Larson, Clar wanted trophy. Construction of 30 miles of the present at the regular meeting* pany. They are J. E. Eggers, on The names of A. R. Stanton, The Vernonia team played con lalkes are in the Cascade range, ence Lamping, Jack Childs and Wolf creek route will connect I o _ f _______ __ Knights ___ __ of Py- Harding __ lodge, A street, A. F. Hartung in River- Ed Sesseman, H. A. Wilson, B. sistent golf on a very wet course R. L. Harris. existing roads at 90 miles. Ele- thias, Monday nighT. Members of J ' view, L. U. Johnson in Treharne, most of them barren of fish life A wand drill and fancy danc- J. Cline, Bruce McDonald and to turn in the victory and until vations on the Vernonia route* Vernonia temple, Pythian Sisters,1 g until planted by the game com (Z. L2. Keene on Rose avenue, ing were presented by Martha Charles Malmsten of Vernonia, the final threesome reported their are lower, most of the route be-| were also guests. mission. In some, where the fish | and Mrs. Jesse Harris at Tre Middlebrook, Rachel Throop, Dor and L. E. McGee of Mist were scores the result was in doubt, tween Scappoose and Elsie-Hum-! appear to lack sustenance, the harne. is Phelps, Evelyn Shipley, Maxine drawn for the May term of cir St Helens finally being beaten by Warren S. Barnes, vice grand water commission planted live bug creek 26 miles from Seaside chancellor of Oregon; Walter | Mr. Eggers is head rigger for Taylor, Hazel Chapman, Zelma cuit court at St. Helens. a margin of only two pointe. Per —runs through stump land, while shrimps for the fish to feed upon, Thirty-one names were drawn, Clark and Wilson. Hambley, Beulah Harris, Alfreds haps on account of the weather the Wolf creek route—Sunset; i Gleason, grand keeper of records Oregon produces more game Mrs. Harris lived in Vernonia of which 10 are from St. Helens Vinall. Edith Anderson. Eloise land seals; Millard Hardesty, past camp to Elsie, 1814 miles—passes!ana aea“J M1"*ra or other reasons unknown some birds under wire than any other three years but has been away and Houlton, 4 from Scappoose, _____ through green timber, said to be!* 1“11 c _________ anceR°r , > who installed state in the union, Mr. Crockett Shumway, Delpha Killian, Doro of the Vernonia "Big Shots” and 3 from Rainier, 2 from Clatska one year. were somewhat off their game and said. He advocated erecting hold thy Overson, Leona Fetsch the finest yelloiw fir in tbe Harding lodge when it was or) nie, 3 from Warren, and 1 each Lorraine Harper. | ganized here years ago, and “ Dad- it remained for the high handicap ing pens, such as Vernonia plans, northwest. from Deer Island and Chapman. i dy” Clark, head of the relief players to cinoh the win for the Costs About Same in city parks. Thirteen are farmers and seven local club. H. E. McGraw, Al will! bureau for Knights of Pythias With Mr. Crockett was Vic The cost of each route are housewives. " of - — Port ■ Childs, Harry King, Emil Messing approximate »3,000,000. Five per and Pythian Sisters, all Bracher, who operated the mov and Henry Fogel were among cent maximum grades and four land, came to create interest and ing picture machine. STUDIO COMING HERE I enthusiasm among local lodge degrees maximum curves will be School Gives Program those of the lower bracket who FOR TWO DAYS IN MAY the uie sianuaru, standard, the me aim being uciiig to w I members and each — gave an in- Preceding the showing of the turned in nice scores to win Discussions of the merits of provide the finest and fastest road /“ml. “Y..- The Coffey Studio of Portland above the average of individual political candidates for the May films the Vernonia grade schools Registration figures for this Weed vice chancellor of Avon i in the west. gave a musical and athletic pro points. year as released by County Clerk is to take photographs in Verno The heaviest construction will of St. Helens, was also primaries, of the advisability of gram. . Summary of Point» nia May 4 and 5, in the building a prohibition referendum, and J. W. Hunt, show an increase of be on the Elsie-Hamlet Junction.present' Three numbers were played by 733 over registration for the gen- *4 on Bridge street formerly occu Points scored were as follows: the announcement of the public section of 12 miles. This will ex-i “Daddy” Clark, 84 years old, is ♦ ernonia 2014, St. Helens 1814; school contest winners were the the school orchestra, under the ieral election in November, 1930. pied by the Hieber toggery. ceed that of any previous work I one of the most interesting and of Miss Constance Mr. Coffey, proprietor, is past Vernonia 21, Briarcliff 12; St. points of the sessions of the direction I The count for the present re- on the state highway system. beloved members of the lodge, , W. C. T. U. institute held in the Bougher: The Champion, New ■ gistration, subject to possible president of the Pacific Interna Helens 21, Briarcliff 12. New Survey Ordered according to local Pythians, who (Christian church all day Tuesday. York Life, Our Girls and Boys correction, is as follows: tional Photographers’ association, Most of the matches were hot A new survey that will aim say he visits every hospital in The qualifications of all politi Precinct Rep. Dem. Mis. a director in the International ly Contested and in many cases to shorten the Vernonia route Portland once each week taking cal candidates were frankly dis COLLISION OCCURS 1 Photographers’ association of Am the last putt on the eighteenth 42 Apiary ................. 112 NEAR BRIDGE ST. by two or three miles by a cut flowers, that he raises himself cussed in a round table confer 7 erica, and for the past three years green was necessary to determine Delena ................. 163 116 AND ROSE AVENUE off along Humbug creek has been for the purpose, to all Pythians ence lead by Mrs. Effie Wilson ¡Clatskanie No. 1 245 6 has taken the Vernonia high the winners. Mel Parker, playing 76 ordered by Engineer R. H. Bald- or their friends. I Clatskanie No. 2 318 number one for Briarcliff, upset of St. Helens, county president of 4 school photographs. 77 collision occured Monday A ock. His wife, who is 77 years old, i the W. C. T. U., during the Hffl associate, W. Sanford Neal, the dope bucket by taking all 36 4 Columbia City .... 88 night near the intersection of Survey Logged is captain of one of the largest morning hours. is a photographer of national re three points from both of his 4 j Sauvies Island .... 28 Chairman Scott kept a log of degree teams in Portland, and she In the afternoon Mrs. Wilson Bridge street and Rose avenue (Birkeiifeld ........... 66 24 S pute, who has won a large num opponents. the Scappoose-Vernonia-Hamlet and “Daddy” Clark, both being spoke on “Shall We Have a Re- between cars driven by Mike An Deer Island ........ 92 Howard Hudson of St. Helens 44 s ber of salon honors, as has Mr. presenting fairly drews and Dr. Ruth M. Coon, Goble ................... 214 116 journey, which he and the high small of stature and bubbling . ferendum?” was medalist with a 76 and Gor • Coffey alee. way engineers made April 14-15, with energy and enthusiasm, are j both sides of the question, after Little damage was done except( ¡Scappoose ............. 254 don Thompson of St. Helens sec 99 4 to the bumpers of both machines, j known in Portland lodge circles which she opened the meeting for - ond with 79. Mel Parker of as follows: 5 iSouth Scappoose 113 57 on Andrews was bruised Mr. Scappoose (town) to divide of as “the kids.” general discussion. No definite ac Briarcliff took third with an 80. 25 ¡Chapman ............ 38 4 the forehead. North Fork of Scappoose cerek, The home-coming day for the tion was taken on the subject. Anothar Triangle Match 42 Prescott ............... 48 17 crossings of creek (lower Pythian old peoples’ home in Van Mrs. F. Claude Stephens read 14 Next Sunday, May 1, the team 49 Quincy ................. 207 line); tunnel 1000 feet long at couver was announced for next a paper entiled “The Ballot—the plays another triangle match with 79 4 St. Helens No. 1 293 the same clubs on the St. Helens 1000 feet elevation (divide 1124 Sunday. Scepter of the Citizen,” in which 89 10 St. Helens No. 2 333 The anniversary of the found course and this match will also feet); higher line, no tunnel; 66 4 St. K?'-ns No. 3 210 Refreshments of sandwiches, she pled for law enforcement stump land 12 miles. 4 ing of I. O. O. F. on April 26 provide the qualifying scores for 86 St. Helens No. 4 196 cake and coffee were served by and not repeal, urging intelligent Camp Eight, East fork Nehal t?ie knights. voting and stressing the power 17 97 years ago, was observed by the Columbia county champion St Helens No. 5 261 142 of the ballot in electing officers em, stump land, 14 miles. 12 local Odd Fellows Tuesday night ship, which will begin on this day. 13 94 “Beads On a String,” a three- in a joint meeting with the Re Immediately after the three-way Parker pass, 769 feet eleva who will enforce the laws. 106 36 Mist ..................... act comedy will be presented by Mrs. John B. Hair talked on tion, deep cut, 1614 miles. 4 bekahs, who were celebrating the match is over and thevarious 199 41 Warren ............ members of the eighth grade Nehalem river, bridge at 6000 “The Best Method of Securing 146 6 eighth anniversary of Mountain flights decided by the individual class Thursday evening, May 5, McNulty .............. 123 scores, the first round elimina feet elevation, 17 miles. Observance of the Law,” and Mrs. 58 175 4 Heart Rebekah lodge. Yankton .............. 7:45 p. m., instead of May 6 as The Rebekah lodge arranged tions will begin and be decided Rock creek pass, 775 feet ele F. E. Malmsten on “Best Method 33 4 77 Milton .................. previously announced. vation, 19 miles. for Safeguarding Prohibition.” 219 70 7 the entertainment which included over the 18-hole route. The sec When the play opens the Dav Rainier No. 1 .... Rock creek, 664 feet elevstion, Mrs. Sidney Malmsten, head of 5 musical numbers by Mr. Frey, ond elimination and final rounds 125 52 Rainier No. 2 ..... is family are very much upset ort last crossing at 738 feet eleva the local group, presided at all 63 8 who played the accordian, and of 18-holes each will be played 166 Rainier No. 3 .... account of a letter from their sessions, and lead the early morn over the same course on May 8, tion, 24 % miles. 200 7 two one-act comedies. 67 Vernonia No. 1 . Doc Hurley says he made a (Jncle Ben saying he is coming to In the first play, “Prince except the championship flight Ivy creek pass, 1099 feet eleva good start in his new field. He ing devotions. Mrs. F. E. Malm 248 77 7 Vernonia No. tion, tunnel 1000 feet, 5 per was introduced to a preacher the sten and Mrs. E. J. Douglass also see their daughter and that if he Vernonia No. 1 Charming,” Mrs. E. W. Holtham which will be decided at 36 holes 242 105 is impressed with her he will give played the part of the prince, on May 15, wherever the win- sent approaches, 2614 miles. led devotional services. 228 61 a No. Vernonia first thing. her a portion of his fortune. As Mrs. E. B. Miner was the prin- ners will so decide. The prize winners in the pub Deep creek, 672 feet elevation, it happens the Davis family have Many of the Vernonia pellet 28 miles. Totals ........ 5841 1991 172 cess, and Miss Marie Kirkpatrick A lively horseshoe pitching con- lic school essay and poster con a son Bennie, but no daughter. the king. They were assisted by pounders are tuning up their Divide, Deep creek-Buster creek test absorbed attention near the, test, announced by Mrs. F. Claude Total registrations: 7,644. They hatch up a scheme to have Miss Florence Santee, Mrs. Hen game daily in preparation to mak 1154 feet elevation, 31.8 miles. Rock creek bridge Thursday after Stephens follows: him assume the role of their ry Fogel and Mrs. Marie O’Don ing a steal of the many prizes Down Buster creek, abandoned noon. A bunch of golf bugs such High school poster contest — LONGVIEW MAN nell. railroad grade, 3.7 miles stump ag E'mil Messing and clyde Jor. First prize, Clarence Lindsay, daughter, “Zezzalee,” during the which are being offered by the uncle’s stay. Bennie objects but AT POWER PLANT The second play "Here She St. Hlens club. Several of the land; 35.5 miles. dan participated while waiting doing it. is finally forced into (Continued on Page 6) was Goes; There She Goes,” local players are conceded to be Summit, above Tideport (Ne for some one to pick them up George Comstock, of Longview, presented His friends Molly and Harold by the ladies from much in the running for the halem river), 36 miles. DR. HURLEY LEAVES and give them a lift to Sandy’s miss him and engage the services has been put in charge of the Treharne with the following cast: championship cup, notably Bate meadow. Dr. W. H. Hurley, dentist with of Ab Dinkier, a correspondence power plant at Keasey, and with Landlord, Mrs. Viola Treharne; (Continued on Page 6) man, Bush and Greenman. offices in the Hoffman building, school detective, to find him. The his wife an tiwo children arrived landlord’s wife, Mrs. Beulah Bateman was runner-up last SEEN HERE AND THERE closed his business here Wednes April 16. Uncl | arrives and is favorably ANTONE VOSNICK Stanton; landlord’s mother, Mrs. year, losing to M. E. Ulshoffer and is moving today to the impressed with the “daughter.” Mr. Comstock has been for Ora Glassner; barber, Mrs. Irene IS BURIED SUNDAY Nina McDonald’s duck follow day on the Vernonia links, while in Portland, In course of time, Ab has Uncle several years an employe of the Spencer; Dr. Gray, Mrs. Al Webb; ing her around the yard . .'. Kenton district, Greenman was low medalist. Jack where he will establish an office Washington Gas and Electric com Ben arrested for the murder of Antone Vosnick, 60, father of Dave McDonald pouring hot wa- Dr. Blank, Mrs. George Basling- Bush is today playing the game Bennie, but the latter upsets it pany, of which the Oregon Gas ton; Dr. White, Mrs. Frank Lines; of his life; so all in all the Ver George Vosnick, was buried Sun- ter on the grass bordering his in the Kenton bank building. Dr. and Mrs. Hurley have been all again by appearing on the and Electric company is a sub Tom and Willie, Mrs. Lines and day in the North cemetery, F. sidewalk . . . Jim Brown wield- nonia club has nothing to be sidiary. He takes the place made Mrs. Baslington. Claude Sfcphens officiating. ing a dandelion puller, while prominent in professional, social scene. downhearted about. and fraternal circles in Verno vacant by the death of Charles Bennie Davis and "Zezzalee ” Mr. Vosnick died at the home Sheriff Weed and Lester Sheeley Mrs. Lena Stanton made a brief F. Altree. of his son April 15. He was bom watch him . . . Mrs. O. H. Dror- nia. Dr. Hurley is a past master are played by Hamp Roberson. talk in presenting pa»t grand jew POMONA TO MEET Elbert Brock takes the part of in Austria-Hungary. I baugh handing over a Boston of Vernonia Lodge 184, A. F. and els to Mrs. Viola Treharne and The Columbia County Pomona JURY DISAGREES Bull pup for Tommy Bateman A. M., and a director of tha Mr. Davis, the father. Stanley Mrs. Edna Kilby. grange will meet with Warren TO VISIT MASONIC HOME to weigh Oversen is the rich uncle. Toivo Trial of Clinton J. Emmerson . . Walter Kent car- Chamber of commerce. Gilbert Holt, noble grand of grange as hostess in the Metho Eloranta and Thelma Lincoln are on a charge of setting fire to the Odd Fellow lodge gave a talk, dist church at St Helens Satur- Vernonia Masons and Eastern rying a section of water pipe Stan are planning a trip to the down the street . . . C. F. Hieber FORMER RESIDENT VISITS Bennie’s friends. Robert Depue a building with intent to defraud A lunch of hot beef sand day. May 7, according to notice A. W. Peterson, who operated takes the part of Ab Dinkier, the the insurer, held in circuit court, wiches, pickles, cake and coffee sent by Lillian Daniels, secretary, Masonic home at Forest Grove rearranging records in neat piles a men’s furnishing store several detective. St. Helens, from Thursday to was served by the committee in now of Ridgefield, Washington, Sunday, when Columbia county in the city hall vault, Erma Thompson is Mrs. Davis, Saturday of last week, resulted charge, Mrs. Webb, Mrs. Lines, Route 1. members of the order will have ‘ ■ ---------------- yean ago, selling out to E. W. charge of the services. I The Garden club «rill meet for Holtham in 1926, was a visitor in Bennie’s mother; Alice Hoffman in no verdict. and Mrs. Beulah Stanton. is Jeanette Blue, Uncle Ben’s Each temple will present two the annual election of officers town Wednesday. It is reported that the jury The Contract Bridge club will numbers. For Vernonia there will next Tuesday afternoon at 3 o’- Until recently Mr. Peterson niece. Margaret Byers takes the stood six to six. Gao. L. Tarbell, 78, prominent meet at the home of Emil Messing be the Douglass orchestra and a clock in the Christian church has been located in Bieber, Cali part of Cleopatra Oleomargarine Retrial is planned, according farmer of the Yankton district, Monday evening, May 2, at 8 recitation by Doris Nixon. | parlors. Johnson, the darkey maid. to Sheriff Oscar G. Weed. died Tuesday. fornia. o’clock. Is Made GRAND OFFICERS VISIT PYTHIANS ------- This Year NAMES DRAWN FOR JURY DUTY | Women Discuss May Primaries Registration List Increased by 733 8th Grade Play To Be on the 5th Feathers and • • • s 97th Anniversary Of Order Observed