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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1932)
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1932. VERNONIA EAGLE. VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE SIX BUSINESS IS | feated th» Legion team Wednes- PICK1NG UP I day evening 27 to 11. The game SAYS TAXPAYER was uninteresting to the handful ----------- I of spectators on hand and was A Vernonia taxpayer writes, marred by a good many fumbles. “Business is picking up. I see L)on jfolthanri played his usual Dad Ritz is building a small chick-^00(J brand of ball both jn the en pen at his home on Rose ave- fje|j and aj bat for jbe Athletics, nue. His wife has four Rhode score(j a total of seven of his Island Red pullets of which the jeam>s 27 runs. Larry Marshall old folks are very fond. , a|8O performed we]] jn the field. “Some of the neighbors thought Hodges and Van Loo, a new that times are too dull for build- p]ayer for the Legions, scored ing, but Dad said, ‘Well, it’s on-!three counters apiece to lead the ly left-over lumber and the cost Liegiuii Legion ouys boys in scoring while wnue the me was a few nails.’ I doctors Cole and Hughes gave “Mrs. Ritz said, ‘O, the pul-1 good exhibitions in the field. lets will soon pay for it. I get The score: two eggs a day. Keep the spirit j Athletics ....... 443 402 055—27 up and the business also. Verno Legions .......... 002 114 201—11 nia’s not a dead town. Keep a| Batteries: Ray and Austin; Cole little building going on and the I and Van Loo. mill will soon start operating.’’ RECORDER, MAYOR OFFER RESIGNATIONS (Continued from Page 1) I I i iBini treasurer H. E. McGraw to confer Rebekah card party, tonight, about purchase of certain water bonds, adjournment was had until I. O. O. F. hall. Pacific university frosh vs. V. H. S., grade school Tuesday night. ?ym, 7:30 p. m. tonight. Rain- Bond* Purchased At the adjourned session Tues--!l™ girls, Feb. 22 in Masonic Helens high school vs. day the council voted to buy from ^-Helens bond houses $2500 worth of city V- H. S. February 22, grade school water bonds at 63 cents and 65 gym, 7 p. m. W. C. T. U. at Mrs. cents on the dollar, saving money Chas. Malmsten’s February 23. for the city when they become Loyal Gleaners at Mrs. J. F. ; Rose’s Feb. 24. Legion vs. Teach- due. There was no discussion of'ers Feb. 24, 7 p. m., Legion hall, controversial topics at this meet- i Washington program, Rebekahs, . 25. Fédérais vs. Outlaws ing, somewhat to the disappoint- ment of the large crowd in atten- i Feb. 25, Legion hall 7:30 p. m. Athletics vs. Legions Feb. 26. dence. Bishop G. Epps, Evangelical RARE BIRDS SEEN church March 1, 7:30 p. m. Pyth A flock of Western Evening ian Sisters card party March 9. Grosbeaks have been noticed early Nehalem club at Mrs. Tom Craw this week on O.-A. hill, particu-1 ford's March 9. larly on the W. T. Lilly place. | They are unusual in this vicinity, and are noted for their brilliant | plumage. They feed chiefly on. seeds from maple trees, and are | remarkably tame. H. E. McGraw made a busin- | ess trip to St. Helens Thursday FEDERALS HAVE FIRM ' afternoon. HOLD ON FIRST PLACE IN BALL SERIES, Commissioner T. B. Mills has _______ I been detained at his home this (Continued from page 1.) week because of the illness of it is said that fully 90 per cent Mrs. Mills. H. E. McGraw and Ray D. Fish- of them were rooting for the Teachers to win, no doubt on the er attended a directors’ meet theory that the Feds, more com ing of the county chamber of monly known as the House of commerce in St. Helens Friday David team, had won enough. night of last week. This same thought was expressed Miss Gladys Petty of Portland, during the last world series when a graduate nurse, is taking care most of the fans of the country of her sister-in-law, Mrs. R. C. were pulling for the St. Louis Petty. Cards to win from the Philadel Dr. Marvin R. Eby, while re- phia Athletics. turning late Thursday night af- The Federal» scored two or I ter operating upon a patient, was more runs in each inning except stopped by a tree that had fallen the last. On the other hand the aeross the road about three miles Profs did all of their scoring: the other side of Arcadia park, in three innings. Their most sue- and had to walk that distance cessful frame was the second and back in order to get a saw when they counted nine times.! and axe. They scored five runs each in the fourth and seventh innings, j ELECTION NOTICE Frank Hartwick was the batting! Notice is hereby given that on star for the “Mustache Boys” gar nering four runs and making no' the 27th day of February, 1932 outs. Jordan did a mighty good at the City Hall in the City of job of holding down Tom Bate-■ Vernonia, County of Columbia, man while Nanson and Hawkins State of Oregon, an election will lived up to their excellent 1 >pu be held for the purpose of vot- tations in the field. Ray Mills ing upon the recall of the fol- with six runs did the heavy scor- ■ lowing named officers: J. E. Tapp ing for the Teachers while Kil- Mayor E. W. Holtham gore and Spring held down their Councilman Thomas A. Gordon fielding assignments in good Councilman 1 Councilman B. J. Cline shape. ____ which election will be held at The score by innings: 225 223 320—21 one o’clock in the afternoon and Federal» ..... 090 500 500—19 will continue until seven in the Teachers Batteries: Bateman and Jor- afternoon of said day. 1 Dated this 18th day of Feb dan; Kilgore and Tucker. ruary, 1932. Athletic* 27, Legion* 11 D. B. Reasoner In the final and poorest game City Recorder of the week the Athletics de- “Gusto” Rolls SPECIAL FOK FEBRUARY Something new—combining the lightness anti fine texture of modern bread with the added vitamin content of PURE WHEAT GERM Which is the actual germ of the wheat, rich in vitamins A, B, E and G, containing 25% more vitamins than whole ground wheat bread. Used with amazing results in University of California test with undernourished children. “GUSTO” ROLLS have a delicious flavor, and stimulate both the appetite and the diges tive functions. Baked each day this week and once or twice a week during February ...... 20c a Dozen HOT CROSS BUNS—Fresh each day till Easter Vernonia Bakery “HOME OF MOTHER’S BREAD” | JI Candle Study Club Holds I Valentine Party quests each member to be there ens, Mrs. Ray Charlesworth, Mrs. ' Women’s Class next Sunday (and remember the Harry Culbertson, and Mrs. Her man Veal. hike). ¡Elects Officers Refreshments were served by the hostess during the social hour. i . The Women’s class of the ____ pres- Christian ClUD Other members and guests unrisnan church enuren met met February renruary JllSt Eight _ ent included Mrs. Lyons, Mrs.'ll . 4 ■ «linpil • a Mrs.'H with their teacher, Mrs. C. C. ’ p p,-*-.. Wells, Mrs. J. F. Rose, Mrs. E. Brown. New officers were elected: Lintel vu Knight, Mrs. Phil Taylor, Mrs. Mrs. B. J. Cline, president; Mrs. I Mrs. W. M. Henderson enter W. L. Van Doren, and Mrs. J.'J- . W. Skinner, secretary and tained the Just Eight Bridge club ¡treasurer; Mrs. C. C. Brown, Thursday evening at Mrs. Rose L. Timmons. o V Mrs. A. J. Sitts, as- The next meeting will be at, teacher and Fletcher’s apartments. the home of Mrs. Harry Culbert-j s*stant teacher. The next meeting Mrs. W. J. Armitage held high Cline,' son, March 15. will be with Mrs. B. J. CH", score at cards, and Mrs. Fletcher March 3. low. A dainty lunch of ice cream, Refreshments were served by angel food cake, heart-shaped Pythians Have the hostess to thg 11 ladies pres cookies and coffee was served by ent. | Social Evening I Mrs. Henderson. Chris- ’ Other members present were The Son ’ s class of the Pythian Sisters and Knights of Pythias and their friends en tian church is increasing in ment Mrs. J. L. Timmons, Mrs. Harry joyed another delightful social bership and at the present is an- Kerns, and Mrs. Lloyd Baker. evening in the lodge hall Monday ticipating a big surprise. Their Mrs. James Nanson and Mrs. Vir- night. Mr. and Mrs. James Nanson and Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Aldrich were in charge of arrangements and refreshments. It is the hope of the lodge members to heighten the interest in these social evenings for their friends and themselves by taking up, for those who wish it, con tract bridge, which is a much more intriguing game than auc tion. The annual Valentine party of the Vernonia Study club held at the home of Mrs. E. A. Green on Thursday of last week, was the occasion of much merriment on ! JI Tala of the Bcqinninq the part of the 14 members pres- of New England ' ent. The social committee, consist * ing of Mrs. H. V. Holcomb, Mrs. ? by lruinq Bacheller A. J. Hughes, and Mrs. E. A. Green provided varied entertain ment consisting of “golfing for WNU Servie» fortunes,” extemporaneous quar Copyright by Irving Bacheller tet renditions, the “taking” and exhibiting of shadow photographs He told of tin Ir escape and of the Dutch trader through whose of the members, and the writing friendly offices they had arrived at of Valentine rhymes to each oth Fort Orange. He spoke also of er. Following the games, a Val their deep sense of obligation to entine box was opened and each the Dutch which his young friend member received a Valentine from —a man of ample means—wished to signalize with a gift to the par her 1932 birthday friend. Following this the refreshment ish, and of their desire to take the first ship to Holland. committee, consisting of Mrs. “You may have to wait long be Dave Marshall, Mrs. W. E. Bell, fore you can get a ship,” said the dominie. “Meanwhile I am sure and Mrs. M. D. Cole, served de that the director general will make lightful refreshments of ice you comfortable. Come with me. cream, cake, cookies and tea. We will go to his house.” Other members present were Mrs. E. E. Garner, Mrs. Judd CHAPTER XII Greenman, Mrs. Lillian Hanson, How the Night In New Amster Mrs. Carl Reithner, Mrs. Chas. dam Changed Their Plans. Richardson, Mrs. E. S. Thompson, HEY went along the strand to the fort which stood near the Mrs. E. E. Yeo, and Mrs. Lloyd water’s edge. Within the en Thomas. closure of the fort they were ad Mrs. Greenman’s mother, Mrs. mitted to the house of the director Hale, was a guest of the club. general, Mr. Wouter Van Twiller, The next meeting of the club who sat drinking with a jolly bur gomaster. Amos describes the lat will be on February 25, at the ter In Ids diary as “a proper lusty home of Mrs. Dewey. At that man, with a brain like a cork and time the discussing of China, her a body like a sponge.” The direc tor general smoked silently as the cities, customs, etc., will continue. dominie said: “Here are two worthy men just arrived from Fort McCormicks Have Orange to take a ship for Holland. They are Protestants of substance Valentine Party and good manners, who have come NATAL—(Special.) — A gay down on the Ice. They will be glad to pay for entertainment and colorful Valentine party was while they stay here.” The jolly burgomaster spoke for given by Mr. and Mrs. James Mc hl* friend, so preoccupied with his Cormick last Saturday evening. pipe, Ills beer and his thoughts. About 40 couples danced to music “God give you peace,” he said as furnished by Andrew Woods, he shook their hands. “The gov Donald Pringle, Mr. and Mrs. ernor will give you his best room and his best slave to serve you. Wilbur Melton and several others. The host and hostess had charge If that Is not enough he will hire a fiddler and a wit to keep you of the kitchen. Mr. McCormick merry and a lady to curl your hair made the coffee and Mrs. Mc and tell you love stories.” Meanwhile the governor himself Cormick was assisted by Mrs. E. sat smoking a long Turkish pipe Lane, Mrs. J. W. Neurer and Mrs. wrought of amber and Jasmine R. S. Lindsay. The refreshments wood. He smiled and looked al were cakes, cookies of many dif the strangers but said nothing. His ferent varieties, and coffee. feet could never bask in the sun light of his smiles, being shad owed by bls own periphery. He Bridge Club was as silent as a beer barrel, whose structure his mid section re Entertains Husbands sembled. A delightful evening of cards The Jolly burgomaster hade the negro, who hud opened the door, was sponsored by the Queen of take the newcomers to their room Hearts Bridge club members who with their luggage. Robert put on a new tan coat, hose, shoes and entertained their husbands Sat doublet which he had bought at urday night at the home of Mr. Fort Orange. and Mrs. Henry Fogel. "They’ll have to take me as I am High scores were held by Miss In this suit of new buckskin which Macile Roberts and John Grady. I I put on at the fort,” Amos re A dainty lunch, carrying out the marked. "It's as good as new.” Coming below they found the valentine idea, was served follow house lighted for the great fete of ing play. Twelfth Night. Mr. Van Twiller Those present were Mr. and I, and the dominie sat at a table Mrs. George Van Vleet, Mr. and driBkin* together- (Continued Next Week) Mrs. Lowell Hieber, Mr. and Mrs. I Ben Brickel, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Deputy Collector Coming Hartwick, Miss Roberts, Mr. A deputy collector of internal Grady and Mr. and Mrs. Fogel. revenue will be in Vernonia Mon day and Tuesday, February 22 Christian W. M. S. and 23, to assist taxpayers in making out their income tax re At Mrs. Sitts’ Activities of missionaries in turns. Other dates for the county are various countries were reviewed St. Helens February 24 and 25, at the Christian Church Mission Rainier February 26, and Clat ary society meeting at the home of Mrs. Alma Sitts Tuesday after skanie February 27. Exact locations were not spec noon. I Those having a part in the pro ified in the notice sent this news gram were Mrs. F. Claude Steph- paper. in the < Wilderness T I Saturday and Monday, February 20 and 22 FLOUR SAFEWAY — Finest Family Blend. Guar anteed 100% llardwheat. 49-lb Sack. Beans Small White Navy — the most substantial and economical food. Buy a supply and save. 6 13 Hot Sauce Our Choice. Adds zest to your foods 3 Pure Cane — fine granulated GILLETTE PALMOLIVE i) Q _ MUG SOAP Low LISTER1NE Shaving Cream ................. AYWON Mouth Wash COLGATES Tooth- paste li» IQ/» L V ilr ¿ItJl | q JL «7 V OUR BEST 6 QO Razor PROBAK 13 LBS. 63c Finest quality — Firm Heads. CRYSTAL WHITE — A new and better cleans er. Guaranteed to give perfect results. CANS CANS Matches MOREDGE Razor Blades .................... OKp iltjl PEPSODENT tJ Q 1 1 C z* For your Teeth WOODSBURY £......... 17c LUCKY TIGER 19c Tonic 3 39C ........ Hundreds of other articles to choose from. Re member we carry about all brands of Toilet ries, and we can save you money on each and every article. Come visit our store now and treat your self to some real values. Extra fancy, large Chula Vista. BOXES 7c Bunch Mid*Week Specials! Safeway Stores have REAL SPECIALS every day in the week — Watch their windows, visit their clean, modern stores and take advantage of their Greater Everyday Bargains JK lilt Razor Blades Grapefruit Fancy Imperial Seedless. Large thinskinned 80’s— 3 for Cleanser Lettuce 4 13c 3 Heads IOC 9 25c Celery J.C.PENNEYGO. Shaving 13c Sugar Hiway Brand — A light in every match DEPARTMENT ♦ STORK STORE NUMBER 1436 VERNONIA, OREGON CANS Market F»atur«s[B^B BEEF ROAST Young, tender beef — LB. 1272C and 1 ork Chops Nice lean—lb ] 4c Sliced Bacon »Hd 19c n I ZX1 HAMBURGER & Fresh Ground— PORK SAUSAGE IB Lamb Roast 13V2C Hearts b SALT PORK STORE NO. 225 Streaked With Lean — LB. * -g ilc » 10c 13’/2c PHONE NO. 741