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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1932)
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1932. VERNONIA EAGLE. VERNONIA, OREGON The students of the Vernonia high school will receive an all day vacation on Monday, Feb ruary 22. »Mai ■u Riverview Mildred Hawkins ASSEMBLY PROGRAM FRIDAY Song by assembly, America and Ameirca the Beautiful; speech by Marian Lindley, Lincoln; song by glee club, God Speed the Right; boys’ quartet, song on Washington; speech by Helen Charlesworth, Washington; selec tion by orchestra, Spirt of Ameri ca. Mr. and Mrs. LaCline of Wilark spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. The eighth grade class honored Blackman. Lincoln’s birthday Friday by re Mrs. H. C. Ridenour and daugh citing the Gettysburg Address. ter Patsy of Camp McGregor The eighth grade girls made spent the weekend with Mr. and valentines last week in art. Mrs. P. H. Matson. Josephine Hall, Syvia Sessman Editor ........... . .... Nelle Green Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Miller made and Glennie Russell made the A>»t. Editor ..... . Bob Fox .a trip to Portland Sunday. class valentine box, which was i Senior Reporter Mrs. Margaret Garrigus and opened Friday morning on ac- Verla Messing Mr. Erickson of Portland spent ÜT7 count of the basketball boys Junior Reporter Friday with the former’s mother, leaving at noon. Edgar Crawford HOUSEHOLD HINTS Mrs. J. W. White. Sophomore Reporter MRS. SANDON’S ROOM, 7 CREAM PIE Mrs. Andy Kostur spent Sun Zonweiss Douglass Receiving 100 in spelling were day evening with Mrs. J. W. Freshman Reporter Mrs. J. W. Neurer White. Hazel Chapman, Leona Fetsch, Leona Hillman 2 cups rich milk or thin cream Mr. and Mrs. S. E. May of Jew Everett Meeker, Evelyn Shipley, % cup sugar ell called on Mr. and Mrs. Dan and Bonnie Buffmire. VERNONIA DEFEATS Pinch of salt May and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lewis Beveridge was absent SCAPPOOSE, 34 TO 9 2 eggs White Sunday. Monday. '4 cup flour Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Robbins Vernonia defeated Scappoose Vanilla MRS. DUNCAN’S ROOM, 5 and children enjoyed a delightful Friday, February 12, in the Ver Scald milk or cream in double luncheon with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Jean Shurman will spell for the fifth grade Wednesday night nonia grade school gymnasium. boiler. Add flour, sugar and salt, Christiansen Wednesday. well mixed together and stir con at the grade school auditorium. The score was 34 to 9. In the first and second quarters stantly until the mixtun. thick Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Cox and The fifth grade is making book Vernonia took the lead from the ens. Cook 10 minutes ana add the children of Portland spent Wed reports on library books. beginning, and the half ended beaten yolks and vanilla. Beat nesday here visiting relatives, i Mrs. A. E. Lindberg returned with the score 17-4. (Omitted Last Week) with egg beater and pour into a home Wednesday after spending Scappoose had two teams and baked crust. two weeks in Portland visiting MISS HILT’S ROOM, 8-1 whenever a substitution was made Beat egg whites, add 4 table- her daughter and family. The 8-1 girls have made a val they would put in a complete team spoons sugar and a few drops of A number of friends gathered entine border for their room. of five. When that team had play vanilla, Pile lightly over top and at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ed awhile, the other one was brown In hot oven. MR. SPRING'S ROOM, 8-2 Nels Chambers Saturday at a put back into the game. Harold Purney has returned af- i surprise house warming. The There were a number of fouls LEMON PIE ter a few weeks of absence. evening was spent in dancing. A made by both sides throughout the Nadine Aldrich has been ab- Mrs. A. Dowling dainty and delightful luncheon game. sent for two days. 1 large lemon was served by the hostess. Those The second half was slower and Those who received 100 in spel 1 cup sugar, large present were Mr. and Mrs. Tom ling last week are Harry Colson, not so interesting as the first scant cup flour Magoff, Mr. and Mrs. Art half. The score at the end of the George Crawford, Robert Depue, large piece butter Wridge, Harry Spencer, Mr. and game was 3<-9. Elizabeth George, Alice Hoff 3 eggs Mrs. George McNutt, Mr. and Loran Woodeage of St. Helens man, Jeanne Hughes, Bobbie King, 2 cups hot water Mrs. P. H. Matson, Mrs. Black refereed the game. Glennie Russell, Sylvia Sessman, Sift flour and sugar twice, add man. Mrs. H. C. Ridenour, Camp Vernonia’s second team also and Evelyn Varley. defeated Scappoose, the score be egg yolks, beat until creamy. Add McGregor, and Mr. and Mrs. hot water little at a time, stirring Chet Shoemaker. ing 28-17. MRS. SANDON’S ROOM all the time. Put mixture into Mrs. L. H. Plummer has been Zelma Hambley was absent We wish to make a correction double boiler, add butter, cook very ill for the past few days. Friday. Egil Nygaard received word Edith Anderson was absent all pertaining to the senior play. It until thick. Just as removed from has not as yet been chosen. fire add grated rhind of lemon this week, that his mother passed week. away. She is in Sweden. and juice, stir well. Bobbie Marker, Hazel Chapman -O------- O--------- o Have pastry shells baked ready Mrs. Glen Peoples and little and Ted Davis received 100 in for the filling and pour in mix daughter Irene have both been NEWSY BITS a history test. ture, whip whites of eggs, add ill the past week. Those who received 100 in the ■o-------- o--------- o 3 tablespoons of sugar and spread Mrs. Rose Plummer made a seventh grade are Bonita Buff V. H. S. basketball squad will over the top of pies. Return to business trip to Camp Eight last mire, Hazel Chapman, Delphia Wednesday. Killian, Evelyn Shipley and El- play the Pacific university fresh oven to brown. men five on Friday, February 19, Weaver Clark and son of Bea Makes two medium size pies. oise Shumway. at the grade school gym. This is ver creek visited friends in Riv MR. CAl.EF’S ROOM, 6-2 not a conference game. erview Saturday. Those who received 100 all Gladys End spent Saturday The V. H. S. basketball team week in spelling are Virginia will clash with the St. Helens night with Mildred Hawkins. Henderson, Louise Higbee, Eve- team on Monday, February 22. Kenneth Fowler left Sunday lyn May, Daisy McDonald, Mar- The game will be played on the for Scappoose where he has em Saturday, February 13, garet Salomonsen, Albert Shal- grade school gym floor. ployment. Timber Parent-Teacher’s associa lock, Wilma Stolin and Rose The civics class has completed tion was represented at the coun Little Alice Brown is very ill Yana. the study of parliamentary law ty council meeting held at Aloha. with pneumonia at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. John Estes and and is now studying on the sub Those attending were Mrs. C. ject of etiquette. The class will Stanton, Mrs. J. Brown, Mrs. A. Redmond, Oregon, for a visit with Anniversary study on this subject for three Pearson, Mrs. P. McCampbell. her sister, Mrs. J. Greenbo. weeks. After the three weeks are Party at Webbs’ The Campfire Girls are dis- cimpleted the class will study posing of a quilt which was re cently completed by the ladies at Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Webb of character education. The graduating class of ’31 an all day gathering where a pot Treharne entertained a number of friends at a combined birth presented the present student I ; luck dinner was served, Mrs. B. Wright entertained at day and wedding anniversary par body with a trophy case last week. The school has four trophy bridge in honor of Mrs. W. Gil- ty February 13. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. R. cases at present. The students more’s sister, Mrs. J. Greenbo. American Legion L. Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. are hoping to gain the basketball Those attending were Mrs. B. Vernonia Post trophy. | Hoffman, Mrs. A. Richie, Mrs. Baslington, Mr. and Mrs. Frank 119, American The newly elected officers of M. Welter, Mrs. J. Greenbo, Mrs. Schmidlin, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Legion. Meets McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph the civics class are president, ■ W. Gilmore and the hostess, Mrs. 2nd and 4th Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Smej- George Laird; vice-president, Ger- B. Wright. Dainty refreshments Tuesdays each trude Ek; secretary-treasurer, were served. kal, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Uhlin. month, 8. p. m. Christine Rainey. | Mrs. W. Gilmore is returning to Refreshments were served. J. E. Kerr, Com mander; Eugene Shipman, Adj. MR. SPRING’S ROOM, 8-2 Timberline Timber LODGES Professional and Business Directory For your convenience the following business and professional people are listed on this page alphabetically. These men and women are known in Vernonia as reliable business and professional people. RARRFR M DENTISTS SHOPS BARBER Willard Batterie» M. D. COLE VIOLET RAY GASOLINE Oils . . . Expert Greasing Haircutting for Men Women ana Children Expert Work Guaranteed Dentist Vernonia, Oregon VERNONIA SERVICE STATION CARD ROOM DOCTORS TRANSFER — TRUCK PASTIME Marvin R. Eby, M. D. CARDS AND LIGHT LUNCHES Physican and Surgeon PORTERFIELD’S TRANSFER AND FEED CO. Jt>y shop Lloyd Baker, Prop. Phone Hospital 931 Town Office 891 General Contractor Mason Work, Building DR. J. A. HUGHES Physician and Surgeon Office Phone 663 les. Phone 664 Vernonia, Oregon Vernonia Lodge No. 184 A. F. & A. M. meets at Masonic Temple. Stated Communication First Thursday of each month. Special called meetings on all other Thurs- day nights 7:30 p.m. Visitors most cordially welcome. K. A. McNeill, W. M. W. E. Bell, Secretary. Order of Eastern Star All Kinds of Hay and Feed. Prices right. Also all kinda of Rood wood. Phone 253 Nehalom Chapter 153, O. E. S. Regular commu nication first and third ■ Wed nesdays of each month, at Ma sonic Temple. All visiting sis ters and Eroth- ers welcome. Mrs. Edith Pearse, W. M. Mrs. Alma Bell, Secretary. CURLY’S TRANSFER Mountain Heart Rebekah Lodge No. 243 CONTRACTORS------------------------------ JOHN A. MILLER A. F. & A. M. Phone Business 221 Residence 653 Local and Long Dis tance Hauling No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets every second and fourth Thursdays in I. O. O. F. hall, Vernonia. Visit ors always welcome. Marie O’Donnell, N. G. Emma Miller, Secretary. RESTAURANTS BAFFORD BROS. Mary Kato General Plumbing Chop Suey Restaurant Vernonia C. BRUCE Wholetal« and Retail LUMBER Vernonia, Oregon OPEN FRIDAY, SAT URDAY AND SUNDAY 729 THIRD STREET CASON TRANSFER Local & long distance HAULING Phone 923 Office in Workingmen’s Store Watch the classified section and see for yourself the many opportunities listed there. Read it every week. Pythian Sisters Vernonia Temple «1 meet» every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in W.O.W. hall. Isabel Culbertson, M. E. C. Clara Kerns, M. or R. 4 C. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS HARDING LODGE 11« Meets every Monday night in the I.O.O.F. hall. Visiting broth ers welcome. R. M. Aldrich, C. C. H. Culbertson, K.R.S. PAGE FIVE sons spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dave McMullin at Natal. Mrs. Edith Varley entertained a group of friends Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Ridderbusch and children spent Thursday with Mrs. Edith Varley. Bill Nixon has gone to Tilla mook to open a new territory for the Caswell Coffee company. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Cline spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Merle Cline. Romey Howell and wife spent the day with Mrs. Jim Morgan | Tuesday. Billy Nixon, who has been suf fering from the whooping cough, is somewhat better at this writ FOR SALE ing. Mrs. Charley Wilson is ill at M. Peterson. Mrs. Dunlap re Pair of Canary birds and cage turned to her home Sunday. this writing. for sale. Call at house No. 35, James McCormick butchered a Mrs. Jim Morgan is also quite porker last week and Jake Neur O.-A. Hill._______________ (8*1) ill. Aunt Sally spent the afternoon er butchered a baby beef. Mr. and Mrs. Dave McMullin 2-MONTHS OLD PIGS, $3.50. with Mrs. McCabe Tuesday. Brood sows, will farrow this were greatly surprised Wednes Mrs. Art Wridge made a trip spring, $10 and up. R. M. Whit day evening when several neigh to Portland Monday to get her sell, ",4-mile south of Vernonia. sister-in-law, Mrs. Harry Spencer, bors and families called to spend (7*2) the evening with them. and small daughter, Betty Lou, R. Lincoln from Portland was who came from Trout Lake, WEANER PIGS For sale. Har the weekend guest of Lincoln Washingt n. ry Culbertson. 2tf. Mrs. B. B. Hawkins entertained | Peterson and Elmer Lindberg. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kuback Mrs. Dan May, Gladys End, Elza! ACREAGE AND FARMS — For Varley and Lloyd Coffman to and little Louise spent Sunday sale. T. B, Mills.________ (2tf) in St. Helens visiting relatives supper Friday night. and friends. The Kubacks form FOR RENT erly lived in St .Helens. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lindsay FOR RENT —5-furnished rooms, called to see Mr. and Mrs. Jake good range, . bath and toilet. Neurer Sunday. Very pleasant. No small children. Mr*. Jake Neurer Mr. and Mrs. Louis Carmicheal Rent $15.00, water and lights are making arrangements now to furnished. Apply 1024 Columbia move in a short time. The Car- (7*1) A number of local farmers at misheals living below Mist now street, Mrs. Cleveland. tended the 39th Annual Oregon are in the dairy business. TRADE OR SWAP Dairymen’s association last week Several folks from Vernonia at Clatskanie. were down to spend Sunday even Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Johnson ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. FOR SALE OR TRADE—Hotel Vista, no reasonable offer re from Mist were supper guests at Bob Lindsay. fused; terms. Could be remodel their daughter’s family Wednes Mrs. Oliver Burris and her ed into four flats. Trade for any day evening at Natal. granddaughter, Miss Beatrice Per thing near Portland. Mrs. C. R. Ed Tapp from the Vernonia ry drove to Vernonia Tuesday. Twineham, 709 Flanders St., Trading company was down the Floyd Deeds and Alberta De Portland, Ore.______________5*4 river after feed and baled straw Rock accompanied by Mrs. M. last week. Peterson will be home for the COLONIAL JUNIOR RANGE — Nearly new, to exchange for Noble Dunlap, Stanley Kuback, weekend. cow or young stock. J. M. Luther, Clyde Johnson and Lee Osborn Keasey. (8*3) were all in Vernonia Saturday. The county put their crew of MISCELLANEOUS men to work on the Natal bluff Th® • • • • • last week. This work has been i WANTED—Use of about a 1300 delayed during the recent snow best time to lb work horse for its feed. and cold. They ase now blasting buy needed Very little work. J. Burtraw, Ver and moving rock and dirt to widen nonia. (8*1) the highway around the curve. printing is Mrs. Noble Dunlap went to Read the Eagle classified ads Eugene Thursday to visit her —there may be something that son Floyd and her mother, Mrs. 1 will save you money. Natal ►NOW*