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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1931)
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1931. VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE SIX Outlaws Win After Wild Wooly Ninth Inning Rally Mrs. Sundland Entertains W. M. S UNUSUAL HANDS IN PINOCHLE GAME AT VAN DOREN’S MIST—(Special. — Mrs. Chas. Two hands of 1000 aces each, Sundland entertained the Wo drawn in succession by husband (Continued from page 1.) Comedy, “Too Much of a Good men’s Missionary society ThursfWW and wife was an interesting and the biggest majority of the Ath unusual occurrence in a six-hand I Thing,” Washington Grade school afternoon, December 10. Fourteen members were pres letic sluggers to hit directly to ed pinochle game played here tonight at 8 p. m. Christmas program, Evangeli ent. A special collection was him. He was accorded nice sup- Saturday night at a birthday par por by Charlie Mills at third base ty. for W. L. Van Doren. Arthur cal Sunday school, Tuesday, Dec. taken for Christmas cheer for the needy. and Ben Davis behind the bat. Henges and Mrs. Henges held the 22, 7:30 p. m. Christmas cantata, Christian The members hemmed and don- Nance, Welch and Malmsten were two hands. church, Sunday, Dec. 20, 7:30 ated towels for some far-away the heavy stickers for the Out p. m. hospitals. laws. '♦FlW.f TISDALES RETURN Wide Awake Thimble club at Lunch was served by the hos- On the other hand, Ray, star AFTER BRIEF TRIP Rilla Schneider’s, Dec. 22. tess at the close of the meeting, twirler for the A’s, was inclined TO CALIFORNIA American Legion, joint meet and a short program was enjoyed, to be rather wild and while his The next meeting will be with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tisdale and ing with St. Helens, Legion hall, change of pace was plenty good, Mrs. E. T. Wallace, the date to fooling the Outlaws ¡numerable two children returned Sunday Dec. 22. Christmas party for K. P’s. be set later, some time in Janu times, his free pases more than from a ten days trip to Napa, offset his excellent change of California, where they visited Pythian Sisters and their families, ary. pace. Sheeley and Holtham were Mr. Tisdale’s brother, J. F. Tis Wednesday, Dee. 23, I. O. O. F. Wide Awake Club the outstanding fielders for the dale, and Mrs. Tisdale's mother, hall. Christmas pageant, “Following Athletics while Ben Brickel and Mrs. Florence Nelson. Mrs. Nel At Mrs. Wridge’s the Stur, ” Christian church. Allen Ray perfomed nobly at bat. son returned with him for a visit Thursday, Dec. 24. over the holiday*. The score by innings follows: The Wide-Awake Thimble club City budget election, Monday, met at the home of Mrs. Art They encountered no snow un- Athletics .......... 110 000 307—12 28. I Outlaw s.......... 432 013 OOx—13 til they reached Vernonia, Mr. ¡Dec. Wridge December 10. After the Batteries: Ray and Drorbaugh, Tisdale reports. They came up | business meeting the afternoon on the Redwood highway to Ban- j was spent in sewing, rehearsing a Brady; Malmsten and Davis. don, Coquille, and thence to , play, and singing. Federals 12, Teachers 18 Roseburg, and found first class Lunch was served to Ida John For instructions on hitting slow In the game Tuesday the ball pitching see Curly Buff- son, Pearl Adams, Emma Miller, Teachers continued their heavy pavement all the way. Emergency highway work is mire. He’s an expert. Rilla Schneider, Mary Hankel, hitting tactics to drag down the much more in evidence in Califor Prof Condit is likewise an ex- Hazel Stevenson, Eda Parker, Hil Federals 18 to 12. The Teachers nia than in Oregon, Mr. Tisdale pert but along somewhat differ- da Keasey, Melian Treharne, Er were especially merciless in the says, there being about 25 men!en^ iine. He has a knack of us- ma Johnson, and visitors, Mrs. early part of the game, garner at work on the roads there to ing his third strike for swinging Jacobs, Mrs. Hall, Nola Brady, ing three runs in the first inning, one in this state. at a high ball about 14 miles F. Hankel, A. Wridge, by the six in the second, two in the third over the catcher’s head and then hostesses, Eleanor Wridge and and four in thefourth. The Fed Vernonia Post To Sylvia Turner. running down to first. erals settled down after this late Entertain St. Helens Who is this man Frank Baker The next meeting will be at Ril outburst and held the Profs fair that the Federals have signed la Schneider’s Dec. 22, Alta Johns ly well in check from then on. Vernonia post of the American up ? ? ? assisting. The Teachers seem to get Legion will be host Tuesday, De- Ben Brickel was out the other stronger with each game they cember 22, to Columbia post of night for the first time this sea- Mrs. Henderson Is play. They started the season as St. Helens, The purpose of the With a little more practice Hostess to Club if they were going to fizzle out meeting according to Comman son. be hard to hold down. In Mrs. W. M. Henderson enter at most any minute. If they con der J. E. Kerr of Vernonia, is to he’ll he gave a good account of tained the Just Eight Bridge club tinue playing much longer and discuss the unemployment condi fact, himself the other night. at her home Thursday night with continue to improve at as fast tions of ex-service men. The “Tusko” Ray pitches a good Mrs. Mary Nelson receiving high a pace as they have already set, meeting will also be in the nature fast ball but he needs more con score. the world’s indoor championship of a friendly get-together, he trol. If he ever gets it he’ll be Folowing cards a delicious hot flag will be theirs for the asking. says. plenty hard to beat. lunch was served by the hostess Kilgore for the winners pitched Vernonia post will have a full Drorbaugh and Welch went in whose guests were Mrs. Nelson, a good speedy game of ball and year ahead of it next year, Mr. to competition with each other Mrs. Lloyd Baker, Mrs. Jack he was given nice support by Kerr declares on account of the Wednesday night to see who could Nance, Mrs. Harry Kerns, Mrs. J. his cohorts all the way around. national convention to be held in talk the umps out of the most A Hughes, Mrs. J. L. Timmons Deacon Ray Mills was tne hitting Portland. Posts contiguous to decisions. Incidentally, neither and Miss Gladys Pressnall. star of the game getting five hits Portland will probably be called one of them got very far. and four runs out of six trips to upon to assist in making the con Charlie Mills is a hard man to W. L. Van Doren’s the plate. He was followed close vention a success, he believes. hold down. He’s all over the ly by Tucker who garnered five Honored place. Reminds us a good deal Birthday In honor of the birthday of her hits and three runs out of seven Willing Workers Always of Bill Gregory at bat. brother, W. L. Van Doren, Mrs. visits to the plate. Jordan was let’s the first one go by. the outstanding performer for Elect Officers Arthur Henges entertained with Election of officers and sew- about Nothing spectacular at her home the Feds both at bat and in the ing occupied the time of the Wil- always two tables of 500 John Miller but he ’ s fields. He reached first base ev- ling Workers of the Christian Saturday evening. Usually ery time he came to bat either church at their meeting Wednes steady and dependable, Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Soden re- bats about .500 per game. through a hit, walk or a fielder’s day afternoon at the home of ceived prizes for high score. Frank Hartwick donned a suit choice. | Others present were Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. F. Claude Stephens. for the first time the other nighf Van Doren, Georgia Van The score by innings: Mrs. J. A. McDonald was elect also. He too needs a little prac W. L. Federals .......... 001 401 024—12 ed president; Mrs. Ben Owens, Doren, Oliver Mellinger, and Mr. tice • to smooth off the rough and Sirs. Henges, Cake and cof- Teachers .......... 362 500 12x—18 vice president; Mrs. Ethel Wood fee were served at a late hour. Batteries: Bateman and Bark ruff, secretary; and Mrs. W. L. spots. er, Jordan; Kilgore and Russell Van Doren, treasurer. Rebekahs Plan Mills. Miss Kirkpatrick Mrs. Ray Charlesworth was the Installation Complimented hostess, serving refreshments fol- Plans for the installation of Good Attendance Complimenting Miss Marie lowing sewing. officers on January 14 were Kirkpatrick on her birthday, Mrs. At Ridgefield din- made at the all day pot luck Henry Fogel entertained at a Benefit Card Party ner of the Rebekah lodge on dinner at her home Mondey even- (Continued from page 1.) I Tuesday, December 7. At Mrs. Powell’s state highway commission to bring Mrs. V. L. Powell, chairman of The elective officers for the. IM- about widening and straighten the child welfare committee of new year are noble grand, Mrs. I Covers were laid for Miss Kirk- ing of the Lower Columbia high the American Legion Auxiliary, Marie O'Donnell; vice grand, Mrs. I patrick, Miss Florence Santee, way. A similar committee is to entertained Thursday afternoon, Helen Fogel; secretary, Mrs. l ! Mr. and Mrs. Ross Duncan and be appointed for the state of December 10, with two tables of Grace Sunell; and treasurer, Mrs. ‘ I children, Elsie and Billy, and Mr. and Mrs. Fogel and children. Washington to promote work on bridge and two of 500, the pro Irene Spencer. Cards were enjoyed later in Ocean Beach highway. Another ceeds going to child welfare The pot luck dinner was the the evening. resolution was passed approving work. $5.50 was realized. quarterly birthday dinner cele the report of the United States Mrs. Evelyn Heath had high brating the anniversaries of the Ray King, who worked for Em Engineers on the Columbia river score for bridge and Mrs. Kate. following d members: Mrs. Grace mett and Culver in this city development project. Fesch consolation. Mrs. Irene I Miner, Mrs. Mae Mellinger, Mrs. about five years ago, was in town Business houses in Ridgefield Ilyves had high score for 500 and I Irene Spencer. Mrs. Hazel Thomp- Tuesday while making his rounds decorated their windows with Mrs. Florence Olson consolation.' son, Miss Florence Santee, and as district supervisor for the farm products and a display of Refreshments were served by Miss Marie Kirkpatrick, Safeway markets. Clark county potatoes was on ex the hostess. | Implication Unintentional hibition in the school gymnasium, Those present were Eurma' where the meeting was held. Hartwick, Evelyn Heath, Peggy From the wording of an Each guest at the meeting was Hatfield, Emma Lisenby, Emily tide regarding a collision furnished with a souvenir sack King, Mary Adams, Helen Hughes, State and ----- Bridge ------ ---- =- streets last of baking potatoes. Irene Ryves, Nell Baker, Flor-'week leading to the arrest of a The time and place committee ence Olson, Helma King, Kate 6oy on the charge of possession through George B. Conyers, Clat Fesch, Emma Rollins, Waunetia of liquor, some readers inferred CHRISTMAS skanie, announced that the next Timmons, Rylvia Grenia, Fern that Marshall Malmsten, the only meeting of the association would Kullander, Olivia Brickel, Mrs. I person named, was the accused be held in March in Longview. R. F. Ruhl and the hostess. ■ party. This will be the annual meeting The car in which the liquor at which election of officers will Mrs. J. E. Kerr and infant 1 was found was not Mr. Malm- take place. son are expected home Sunday sten’s. The name of the other The nominating committee is from Grants Pas*. I driver was withheld. composed of Emil Orth, Cath- ON ALL lamet, chairman, Gus Person, Clatskanie, and E. S. Lindley, Vancouver. Colonel A. E. Clark of Port- land delivered the principal ad Key cases, billfolds, purses, dress on development of the Co etc., with a MENT • STORE DEPART lumbia river. He stressed the NAME importance of developing inex monogram or emblem put VERNONIA. OREGON STORE NUMBER 1436 pensive power as a step in se on in gold letters curing industrial development for FREE FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF OUR Oregon and Washington. line of fascinating A full OUR STORE CUSTOMERS I Eagle classifieds will pay you TOYS at extremely low prices. "Sport Shots" Dawning,” by Miss Marie Kirk sic was presented by Mrs. Hel en Stover, following which re patrick. The remainder of the evening freshments were served. A bridal shower honoring Miss was spent in playing games. A Melba Laramore was given Satur delicious lunch was served by Christian W. M. S. day night by Mrs. Mike Willard the hostesses assisted by their At Mrs. Stephens* and Mrs. Harvey Heath at the mother, Mrs. John Laramore. The Missionary society of the Those attending the affair were home of Mrs. Willard in River Christian church met at the home Mrs. E. B. Miner, Mrs. John view. of Mrs. F. Claude Stephens Tues The gifts were presented in a Laramore, , Mrs. Edwin Condit, . . . , ... ... 1 1,_ Fred Spring, Mrs. William day afternoon for their regular similar to the'Mrs. miniature boat L. study. which Miss Lara- Mats onia on ..... ............... — 1 ‘Heath, Mrs. Harry King, Mrs. The theme, “Un the Road to more sailed from San Francisco' Ross Duncan, Mrs. Milo King, stressed on December 16 for Honolulu, Miss Charlotte Hilts, Miss Mild- Bethlehem,” especially Charles- benevolence. Mrs. Ray become the bride red Drake, Miss Marie Kirkpat- where she will of Dr. Clyde L. Phillips. The' rick, Miss Florence Santee, and worth lead the devotions and Mrs. Mrs. H. wedding will be an event of [ the guest of honor, Miss Melba Harry Culbertson and Veal had parts on the program. Tuesday afternoon, December 22, i Laramore. Others present included Mrs. E. at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Lyle i MRS. HOLTHAM IS Knight, Mrs. Phil Taylor, Mrs. Phillips. Alma Sitts, and Mrs. George Little Miss Joy Willard, niece IN1TIATION_CANDIDAE Laird. The hostess served light of the honored guest, and Jackie I At the regular meeting of the refreshments at the close of Heenan, who were dressed as a Rebekah lodge Thursday, Decem afternooa. small bride and groom, drew the ber 10, Mrs. Leia Holtham was Next month the society boat in as Miss Marie Kirkpatrick the candidate for initiation. meet with Mrs. Alma Sitts sang “Sailin’ On.” Miss Laramore A short program of violin mu- Rose avenue. received many beautiful gifts of linen from those present as well as from a number who were un able to attend. Those sending gifts were Mrs. Rose Fletcher, Mrs. J. B. Wilkerson, Mrs. Lee Johnson, Mrs. Kenneth Bentley' and Miss Ruth Taylor. An evening of music was en-1 oyed which included the follow- ; ing numbers: “My Isle of Gold en Dreams,” and “My Song ofI Please register with Jack Kerr, Commander af Hawaii,” by Miss Mildred Drake ;| Vernonia Post 119, at Kerr Motor Company, Verno “Song of the Islands,” and “Auld j nia, Oregon. Lang Syne,” violin solos by Miss Constance Bougher, and “At A Bridal Shower For Miss Laramore To all Ex-Service Men Do this Now 5 Savings Days, Sat. Mon. Tues. Wed. and Thurs. Dec. 19-24 Christmas season is here again with its gay, hustling holiday spirit and good cheer. The busy housewife appreciates our convenient and complete food service, our stores with hundreds of good things to eat. MALT Bulk—Golden sweet fruit. POUND With RINGLETTE ENDS A Steam Wave $4 and $5 Annette BEAUTY SHOPPE Phone 431 Bridge St. All next week Until Christmas 10 BARS Corn Mayonnaise Butter Kernel— No. 2 tins ....... Best Foods — Pint Jars ...... ..................................... 2 PEANUTS CANDY The finest, crispest, plumpest, golden- brown peanuts that the crop 1 Q n affords — POUND ............. Satin Mix — A fine assortment of pil low shapes and straws— "| POUND ................................ \-Li C Coffee Syrup Safeway — You’ll like its full flavor and rich aroma — POUND Amaizó — White, dandy for acndy .. Mince Meat 5 LB. PAIL Fancy Rice Bulk — made from selected meats, suet, citron, rainsins, cur LBS. rants and apples .. . Delightful for puddings, economical at this price Choice Meats MarketFealurvt AMITY Realistic Permanent Answers all wash day problems ...... Helps to reduce your dessert budget — PACKAGE 25% OFF Will Remain OPEN Until 8 P. M. Luna Soap Flavo Jell GIFTS J.C. PENNEY CO. Superb — No. 21/^ tins. No artificial color or flavoring. 4 Cans $1.00 CAN . brown, PORK ROAST Leather Goods SHORTENING 100 % Pure Vegetable LB........................................................ VEAL STEAK ............... PORK CHOPS ............... SIRLOIN STEAK ........ GROUND Round Steak RADIO LAMPS PEN AND PENCIL SETS TOILET SETS CLEVER GIFTS FOR SMOKERS STATIONERY NOVELTIES of all sorts °S 11\ 9c Oysters STRICTLY FRESH PINT 29c BACON SQUARES, Lb. 12} Armitage Drug Co. STORE NO. 225 PHONE NO. 741 WE DELIVER QUANTITY ORDERS FREE Next to Post Office I