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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1931)
** A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL^ Derno VOLUME IX. City Budget VERNONIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1931. STORE COMPLAINS OF SHOPLIFTING ----------- I Several dresses, some hosiery, j gift items and Christmas cards have been shoplifted from the Mil-! ler Mercantile store during the past two weeks, reports L. H. Dewey, manager. At least five of these parties were recognized, Mr. Dewey states, and he plans to take ac- 30 tion against them. A warning issued by the firm appears in another column of this issue. Facts About the City fíudyet Shows Large Reduction Controllable Expenses Per Cent Under Year Ago The proposed city budget for 1932 shows a reduction in con trollable expenses of 30 per cent from the actual expenses of 1930, declares Walter W. Wolff, auditor of the Oregon- American Lumber company, who audited the city books for that year« In 1930, he states, the actual expenditures subject to control by the council were $11,450.00 while the estimated expenditures in the same classification for 1932 are $8,015.00. The balance of the expenditures for next year, $11 ,159.00 is for interest and re tirement of debt, he says, over which the council has no control. Figures showing the actual ex penditures for 1931 are of course not complete, but the estimated allowance for controllable ex penditures in the 1931 budget is $10,395.00, Mr. Wolff states. The reduction in the 1932 budget from the estimated expenditures according to the 1931 budget is approximately 23 per cent. The actual reduction will be somewhat less, as the council has not been spending the amount allowed. INSTALLATION AT MASONIC TEMPLE DIRECT TAX LEVY: 1931 budget, $17,340.00; 1932 bud get, $15,804.00, a DECREASE of $1,536.00. CONTROLLABLE EXPENDITURES: 30 per cent less than actual expenditures in 1930; 23 per cent less than budgeted expenditures in 1931. ITEMS INCREASED (controllable expenditures) : street de partment, maintenance and lighting, $50.00 more than in 1931 budget. ITEMS REDUCED (controllable expenditures): city dump, $45.00; recorder’s supplies, $25.00; treasurer’s supplies, $5.00; marshal’s salary, $180.00; deputy marshal’s salary, $400.00; marshal’s supplies and jail expense, $100.00; fire department, $250.00; librarian’s salary $20.00; new books, transportation, shelving, $155.00; city park, $200.00—each less than in the 1931 budget. NUMBER 74. I TIMMONS’ FATHER PASSES IN SOUTH J. L. Timmons and Albert Timmons have received word of the death of their father, J. P. Timmons, who passed away at his home in Sentinel, Oklahoma, Mon day, following a long illness. He is survived by his widow, and eight sons and one daughter. With the excepion of J. L. and Albert Timmons of Vernonia they all live in the south. TWO OFFICIALS INSPECT CREEK Coyle and Emmerson Bound Over Preliminary Trial Take* Place in Justice Court Clarence Coyle and Clinton J. Emmerson, both of Newberg, were bound over to the grand jury Tuesday in Justice Hill’s court on a charge of conspiracy to burn the Coyle building in this city November 16 with the intent of defrauding the insur ance company. Bail for each was set at $250.00. A brief inspection of Rock creek with respect to its feasi Jojnt installation of officers bility as the site of a government of Nehalem chapter 153, Order 1 fish hatchery was made Saturday of Eastern Star, and Vernonia 1 by P. B. Hawley, superintendent lodge 184, A. F. and A. M., oc of fisheries in Oregon and south curred Monday night in the Ma ern Washington, and H. L. Kel ' DO NOT BE MISLED sonic temple. ly, state game supervisor. Ac ' Culbertson Testifies Eastern Star officers were in companying them on the trip The increase of $4,756.57 asked for is NOT increase The first testimony for the stalled by Mrs. Gwladys Mac were Lester Sheeley and J. H. 1 over last year’s tax, or any year’s tax, but an increase state was given by Harry Culbert pherson, installing officer; Mrs. Bush. 1 over the sum of $1,758.43 allowed the city this year with Catherine McNeill, installing mar Mr. Hawley expressed himself son, acting fire chief. He testified ' that there were two distinct fires out election. shal; Mrs. Pearl McCabe, organ as convinced that Rock creek has ' in the building, one upstairs to ist; Mrs. Bessie Tapp, chaplain. A vote against the budget does not mean a vote for good possibilities. wards the front and the other The officers installed are as The party took the temperature lower taxes—it means a vote for a huge accumulation of downstairs in a woodshed in the follows : it at several points and found outstanding warrants THAT MUST BE PAID BY THE rear, and that the one could not Worthy matron, Mrs. Edith 45 degrees, which indicates no TAXPAYERS SOME DAY at the legal rate of interest. have caught from the other. He Pearse ; worthy patron, J. E. snow. noticed also heavy oil smoke. Tapp; associate matron, Mrs. Lil Before any decision can be There were rags, corn husks and lian Brown; associate patron, reached it will be necessary to other rubbish in the hallway up 4-H CLUB LEADERS Glenn Hawkins; treasurer, Mrs. SOME FARMERS get a considerable amount of data CHURCH ELECTS stairs, where the fire chiefly was, Eurma Hartwick; conductress, COUNCIL CONVENES at different seasons. PROTEST BUDGET that part of the building being Mrs. Minnie Hughes; associate The cost of installing a plant NEW OFFICERS At a recent club leaders coun will be between $50,000 and vacant. conductress, Mrs. Corinne Wall; Abaut 30 farmers of the Yank Mike Miller’s Account cil meeting in St. Helens the re $60,000, Mr. Sheeley and Mr. chaplain, Mi«. Nancy Culfver; ton and McNulty districts metj Mike Miller proprietor of the marshal, Mrs. Grace Roberson; Wednesday night, December 16, The annual business meeting ports of the various 4-H clubs of Bush were informed. barber shop downstairs, explain Adah, Mrs. Jean Yeo; Ruth, Mrs. in the Bachelor Flat school house 1 of the Evangelical church De- .the county were given and a sat ed at the -time of the fire Coyle Mary Beveridge; Esther, Mrs. Le to make organized objection to, cember 17 resulted in the elec- isfactory increase was noted. Wal- REBEKAHS HOLD owed him for an overdue mort ia Holtham; Martha, Mrs. Geòr the inclusion of certain county tion of the following officers: | ter L. Daron, of Quincy, who is DISTRICT MEETING gage on the building, and had gie Green; Electa, Mrs. Jeanne offices in the budget which will; g. j. Douglass, trustee for! i president of the Leader’s associa i promised payment within 60 days. “Saving” Accounted For Crawford; warder, Mrs. Myrtle lie placed before the people of' three years; F. E. Malmsten, tion, presided. Miss Laura Uhl- The annual district convention man, of Scappoose, is secretary. He also testified that he saw Question has been raised as to Brock; sentinel, John L. Tim the county December 26. class leader for two years; V. The value of 4-H club work in of the Columbia County Rebekahs the defendant Emmerson the what has become of the saving mons. Basing their decision upon the's. Malmsten, assistant class lead- was held Monday at Rainier. dollars and cents to the young morning after the fire, and that Floral degree team consisted of from a reduction in salaries, va increase in tax delinquency to er f°r two years, Mrs. E. E. Besides those of Columbia cancy in the office of city attor Fidelity, Mrs. Marjorie Cole; con 37 per cent over 23 per cent ¡Garner, Sunday school superin- people of Columbia county is in 'ounty seven lodges were repre Emmerson insinuated that Miller ney, dismissal of the Seputy mar stancy, Mrs. Eurma Hartwick; for last year, the meeting rec-' tendent for one year; A. C. c. centive to real work on the pro- sented, and visitors included and his assistant, Ben Brickel, shal, and other economies effect purity, Mrs. Leia Holtham; faith, ommended (100 per cent) that, Knauss, assistant superintendent) Ijects, for beside the value of Miss Ethel Meldrum, president of set the fire. He was certain that the fire ed by the city council during the Mrs. Jean Yeo; charity, Mrs. the offices of county agent, road' for one year; Leroy Malmsten,, learning good habits of work and che Rebekah assembly. could not have originated from present year. The answer, Mr. Jeanne Crawford; associate mat master and county home demon-,secretary; Mrs. E. J. Douglass, accepted methods, a sizeable pro Those attending from Verno- Wolff ascertained upon investiga ron, Mrs. Edith Pearse; reader, stration agent be abolished. They treasurer; Miss Christine Rainey, fit was shown in Columbia coun- nia were Mrs. A. H. Webb, Mrs. the stove in his shop, as the The total of all club work ; stove fire was out at about five ty- ’ tion, is in the fact that the money Mrs. Gwladys Macpherson. suggested that the office of coun-, Sunday school pianist; Mrs. Lou- Margaret Lines, Mrs. Beulah Bas- I o'clock Sunday evening and the The floral degree was confer ty nurse be kept up until Marchese Thomas, church pianist; Mrs. being : $1987.27, while the total never was paid in, owing to the value I of products is $5507.04. lington, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. ! building was afire at 4 o’clock large amount of delinquent taxes. red upon Mrs. Leona McGraw, 31, 1932, after which it, like- E- E. Yeo, assistant pianist, The clubs carried during the Spencer. 1 Monday morning. retiring worthy matron, who was Delinquency in tax payments Mrs. Spencer was elected as wist, should be dispensed with, j year 1931 have been sewing, Emmerson Inconsistent results in the writing of warrants also the recipient for a past cooking, canning, home making, vice chairman for the coming A unanimous vote of approval Ex-SeKVlCC Mdl Mrs. H. A. Simmons Tesified that remain upaid, and the fact (Continued on Page 6) health, handicraft, garden, rabbit, year. Mrs. Lines was appointed that Emmerson came into her res was tendered to C. K. Spaulding that the council has been able to R. S. N. G., and Mrs. Webb in dairy, goat, pig, and sheep, with taurant Sunday night after 11, and his effort toward reducing | reduce expenses is reflected in Asked to Register a total enrollment of 1002. Six; 8*d® guardian.___ ______ and after eating asked for direc the engineering force and cost| the warrant situation. Bad as it is, Development Assoc. hundred eighty-four boys and! _ , ... ■ of the highway department, thus . , _ i , j .. • , Oral Kiser of Banks spent a tions to a hotel, claiming that he this situation would have been completed their work 100 . , . ,. , , , giving more work to the unem All ex-service men whether girls 1 ------------- _____________________ few days at the Lindsley home had not been in Vernonia for worse if the full budget appro seven years. She was positive, Formed in Portland ployed. employed or not are asked to last week. priations had been expended. (Continued on Page 6) however, that he was here the register with Commander J. E. According to H. E. McGraw, William Skuzie acted as chair Thursday previous, in company city treasurer, the county has Formation of the Northwest man of the meeting and I. S. Kerr or Adjutant Eugene Ship with Coyle, whom she knew, the man at once, it was announcedj collected and turned over to the Oregon Development association Baumgartner as secetary. The two having eaten a meal in the at a meeting of Vernonia post, | city the first 11 months of this was started at a meeting repre committee on resolutions consis cafe the noon of that day. Next American Legion, Tuesday night. year only $5,685.20, whereas the sentatives of the five northwes ted of Mr. Skuzie, Mr. Baumgart she saw him at about 8 o’clock levy for the year is $17,340.00, tern counties of Oregon Thurs ner, A. H. Tarbell and L. E. The purpose of the meeting was the morning of the fire, and he to discuss the unemployment sit leaving $11,654.80 delinquent. day night, December 17, in the Gulker. told her he had not been here with reference to ex-ser uation The $800 or so saved is far more Central library, Portland. |time, as played by Jeanne Hughes, , for two years. (Contributed) vice men. than wiped out by this deficit. The meeting was called by1 ' was well taken ana and mu much appre- Registers Under Alias About 35 from Vernonia at State Senator Wm. F. Woodard, BASEBALL GAME The program given at the I cjated by her audience. Warrant Stuation Serious Mrs. W. S. McDaniel, then pro tended. A joint meeting with Co Washington grade school Friday acting for the Portland Uptown Outstanding city warrants, Mr. Business Men’s association. Mr. Robert Culver did some good prietor of the Hy-Van, testified post of St. Helens was| evening, December 18, was a IS POSTPONED lumbia Wolff ascertained at the time of scheduled, but word came dur-1 very successful affair and most work as Frederick Schuyler, "the that Emmerson engaged a room Woodard acted as chairman and his audit, January 1, 1931, were from her at about midnight Sun ing the afternoon that it would thoroughly enjoyed by the large model young man.” called the meeting to order. Rep $10,627. According to a report resentatives were present from The indoor baseball game be impossible for the delegation audience that attended and who' Martha Middlebrook, as Polly, day but said that his car was in from the state treasurer’s office Tillamook, Clatsop, Washington, scheduled the maid, was a small but clever the ditch and he would get it ________ _______ between _ the Teachers to come. showed their appreciation and en-' bit of acting. Vernonia had on July 1 $14,-' Multnomah and Columbia coun-) and the Outlaws at the Legion joyment by much hearty ap- ) Nellie and Hattie, the two du out before occupying the room. 924.00 outstanding warrants, an1 Rebekah Card Party He registered under the name of [ hall Tuesday was postponed on ties. pia use. increase of $4,297.00 in six! After considerable discussion' account of the Legion meeting tiful step-daughters as taken by C. S. Brooks of Portland. Short- The Rebekahs are to hold a The three-act comedy, “Too Elizabeth George and Betty Lee, months, lailure to pass the pro men from the different coun- that night. The date for playing card party at the I. O. O. F. iy before the fire siren sounded Much of a Good Thing,” was ex-'Were enjoyed as also was Jen- at 4 a. m. she heard him come hall Wednesday evening, Decem- pose u ge w°u 9lnlP y ties represented the decision was it off has not been definitely . . presented and showed .... ___ r-.’, “another cousin,” by in, and upon the alarm he ap- nie C ouper, a more rapid and dangerous addi-1 reached tQ form the association I et> according to Russell Mills, ber 30, to which the public is silently much evidence of thorough train-1 Dorothy Nanson. peared in the hallway, stating tion to t is amoun , a rea y muc and Senator Woodard was named manager, but it will probably be invited. ing. The stage setting was very I The jolly father, Mr. Perkins, that he had noticed no fire hav- too large. ( temporary chairman. Each county , staged next week. There will be tables for bridge, attractive, adding much to ths enjoying a practical joke was ing come in on the Forest Grove Salary Question Raised ■ is to have three men on the ex The schedule for the remaind- pinochle and 600. pleasure of the performance. The well played by Everett Meeker, highway. Objection to the budget has al-'ecutive committee for the organi- 1 er of the season has not been cast al) portrayed their parts These young people should be Emmerson remained in the hall so been made on the ground zation. E. E. Wist, president of drawn up, Mr. Mills states. Just Eight Club very effectively. The most im- highly commended for their ex during the fire, according to Mrs. that it does not provide for re- the Columbia County Chamber of I The Federáis tangled with the Has Yule Party portant male character, Tom Per- ) cellent work. Much of the suc Rose Fletcher, speculating con duction in salaries voted by the Commerce, was delegated to se- ; Athletics Wednesday night, but kins, the rustic on a visit to his Cess wag due to the ability of I cure the names of executive com- A Christmas party and pot luck cultured relatives in the city, as Mrs. Lulah E. Fullerton, the cerning it. council last summer. on acount of the early publics* I mittee members from Columbia Coyle, Emmerson, Aitoeialed The budget committee discussed > tion of the Eagle this week it dinner were enjoyed by members played by Hamp Roberson was coach, who spared no time nor E. S. Thompson testified to this matter, reports Mayor J. E. county. The names of executive was impossible to report the re and guests of the Just Eight well done and he kept his audi-effort to produce satisfactory re- Bridge club at the home of Mrs. ence in mirth from his first to guits. Emmerson’s having an appoint- Tapp, and decided that the sal committee men are to be forward sults. Harry Kerns on Wednesday even last appearance. aries should be placed on the bud ed to Mr. Wist from all the i Between acts were some at- ment with Coyle to meet him at ing, December 16. get in full because the cut was counties before January 1. Queen of Hearts part, Mrs. tractive numbers. Howard Reeher, Baker’s pool hall Thursday of The main female Another meeting of the asso voted as temporary, until times Bridge and a Christmas tree Perkins, bent upon maintaining one of the grade teachers, sang the previous week. Club Meets Earl Bice and H. S. Deedon of improve. Budgeting the whole ciation has been set for January with an exchange of gifts fur the family dignity at any cost, a tenor solo, “On the Road to amount gives opportunity, there I 14. The purposes of the associa- nished the diversions of the even thoroughly shocked on the slight- Mandalay,” in a beautiful and Hopewell, near McMinnville, told The Queen of Hearts Bridge fore, to restore the salaries to ■ tion are to develop highway con club met Tuesday at the home ing. est provocation, was exeellently effective manner that was thor of a trip some time about April that Coyle and Emmerson had the original basis should condi struction work and to promote of Mrs. Helen Fogel. High score Those present were Mrs. Lyle ) portrayed by Muriel Williams, oughly appreciated. made to that section for the pur tions warrant. According to Mr. the general development of this was won by Miss Maeile Roberta. J. Baker, Mrs. Virgil Powell, Mrs. who deserves much credit for The wand drill as given by the pose of buying cattle. Tapp the council has no intention section. Those present were Maeile Ro Mary Nelson, Mrs. Gladys Press- her ability and intelligence in seventh grade girls was a very Those present from Columbia J. L. Foote's Statement of raising the salaries in the berts, Mabel Van Vleet, Ruth nail, Mrs. Lloyd Baker, Mrs. W. representing such a difficult part difficult affair but was rendered county were J. E. Kerr and H. E. District Attorney John L. Foote near future, and will continue | McGraw of Vernonia; E. E. Wist, Harding, Eurma Hartwick, Wayne M. Henderson, Mrs. W. J. Armi- naturally, artistically and satis- beautifully and pleasingly, show- summed up the belief of the state to pay only the reduced amount Hieber, Olivia Brickel, Velma tage, Mrs. J. A. Hughes, Mrs. factorily. ing how very thoroughly they had R. E. Allen. R. H. Shreve, J. F. now being paid until an increase I Wall, Alma Prickett and the hos Jack Nance, Mrs. Rose Fletcher, Eunice Bowles, “the bold fe- been trained by Miss Mary Gray that a crime had been committed is justified. (Continued on Page 6) tess, Helen Fogel. and Mrs. Kerns. male,” bent upon having a good Jess, the gym teacher. (Continued on Page 6) ( Grade School Program Is Thoroughly Enjoyed