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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1931)
The Call of the Great Outdoors Wm. Armitage, Jr., of Van E. M. Bleile was in Portland couver, was in Vernonia Sunday Friday. | and Monday taking the place Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Drorbaugh i his father, W. J. Armitage, have gone hop picking. ¡the drug store. home of John Goodman of Ver family of Wilark spent Sunday with Mrs. Macinster’s sister, Mrs. nonia Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. C. Streadwick ' Via Ennis. are the possessors of a new Vic Frank Wilder, night watchman toria Ford, purchased from the at Camp 8, was rather badly I burned when a locomotive explod Kerr Motor company. Mrs. J. C. Hannia had the mis-1 ed. fortune last week of burning her| hands and arms with hot coffee, but is getting along nicely. Mrs, C. R. Lewis and family ’ motored to Portland Saturday night and enjoyed a show. Mrs. Bessie Miller of Portland and Elsie Buler of Hillsboro were EVANGELICAL CHURCH guests of Roy Buler over the weekend. G. W. Plumer, Pastor Mr. and Mrs. Baker and Mr. The Sunday school meets at Smith motored to Portland Sat- 9:45 a. m. in charge of W. W. urday night. Wolff. Mrs. Wiley of Portland has The pastor will preach at 11 been a visitor for the past week with her daughter, Mrs. Norman a. m. Subject: “Following Jesus.” There will be ■ special music for Guinn. Mrs. Taylor and daughter Max • this service. 7 p. m. Christian ine, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Pringle Endeavor led by Miss Vivian and Misses Alice and Patricia Douglass, a student in Linfield Baker motored to Big Eddy park College. 8 p. m. preaching. This last Thursday for an afternoon service will be opened by a song ; service led by John Hair. of swimming. There is a welcome for you. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Olson and daughter Betty Jean spent Sun-' CHRISTIAN CHURCH day at Ridgefield, Washington,! the home of Mrs. Olson’s parents. F. Claude Stephen*, Minister Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bennett of I Services for August 23. 9:45 Birkenfeld spent Sunday at the a. „. m. Bible school. 20:45 a. m. home of John Atkins. Divine morning worship. Theme: Mr. and Mrs. Pringle called on ,“Who Shall Be Able to Stand Bud Adams of Vernonia and re I Before The Sons of Avak.” port he is slightly improved. i Every one professing Christian- Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Olson and I ity should by all means hear daughter Betty Jean, I^verett this. 7:00 p. m. Christian Endeav- Bush and Roy Sidebottom motor or. 80:00 p. m. Evening Ser- ed to Vernonia Saturday night. vices^ G. Lunow and daughter Clara of Portland spent Sunday with Read the Eagle classified ads Everett Bush at Camp 8. —there may be something that Mr. and Mrs. Macinster and will save you money. Church Notices Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Black Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Gove moved Thursday to Portland. Lincoln, Nebraska,visited at the New Fall Dresses, Coats, and E. S. Thompson home Saturday Millinery at Miller’s. Adv. and Sunday. Mr. Gove is a bro ther of Mrs. Thompson. Mrs. W. E. Bell and E. J. Mrs. Myrtle Nelson, Mrs. Whit Bell went to Portland Tuesday. worth and Miss Elsie Whitworth, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Gründen and Earl Evans, all of Beaverton, moved Monday to Prospect, Ore- spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. gon. V. L. Powell and family. R96ÓOMEIT/ Mr. and Mrs. Herman Turner J. F. Rose went to. Portland ÇEEMS 1Ö MB spent the week end at Ocean- Sunday with Mrs. Rose and the side. children. Mr. Rose and Floyd re 11W SÖMBÖAIE turned the same day, the rest of CALLI Nò ME- Ray Casselman and family went the family remaining until Thurs to Independence Tuesday to pick day. hops. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Linquest, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Burnside formerly of Vernonia and more returned Saturday from Cannon recently of Burley, Idaho, are r.trf-JH.;-. Beach. visiting at the home of Mrs. Lin- Mrs. E. A. Green, Charlotte quest’s parents, Mr. and and Nelle are at Seaside for a Wilburn Hall. few days. Mrs. Daisy Wheeler of Mrs. J. T. Kirk is working in port, Washington, ' and Hillsboro in i a cannery during Gladys Zinserling of Spirit Lake Ida., and her daughters Lilly the season. Lena and Rosie spent the week Mrs. J. H. Bush and Mrs. end with Mrs. Monger. this summer, and are now work Austin Dowling is hauling rocks Florence Jepson are visiting in ing for Clark-Dooley. | from Pittsburg crusher, up above Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Bell of Portland this week. Mrs. Helen Green and children 1 Vernonia. Grants Pass are visiting at the New Fall Dresses, Coats, and home of Mrs. Bell’s parents, Mr. from Portland and her sister A. Dowling Mrs. Dave McMullin and Mrs. Millinery at Miller’s. Adv. and Mrs. J. A. McDonald. They from Canada were visiting at Chas. Hill were village shoppers the Wm. Bridgers’ home a couple last week, The C. S. Hoffman family re are visiting also Mr. Bell’s par Forest Harding has turned from their cottage at Mc- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bell. guest his brother from Seattle of days last week. They together i Lewis Crowder is here from Mrs. Bridgers spent Tuesday! California visiting his parents Kenzie Bridge Saturday. i with Recent arrivals at the Hotel this week. night at Seaside. Mr. and Mrs, T. S. Crowder. Mrs. L. B. Eastman was a Mr. and Mrs. Mike Lillig and Nehalem include F. W. Cowen of Shady Lane has gone up to Lewis is a window decorator for children visited relatives in Port Westport, Raymond Webber of visitor at the G. B. Lowden res- the rock crusher at Pittsburgh I a large concern in California. St. Helens, Jack Cochran, Mrs. idence Saturday. land over the weekend. to work. Mrs. Ella Caywood and son M. C. Findley of Salem and dau Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sundland John Schlippy is building an Mrs. Frank Hartwick and Max ghters Pauline and Edith, and son motored to Portland Tuesday on addition on his house to make have returned to Seattle after spending several weeks with her ine returned Saturday from a Robert. business. -more room as the two teachers mother, Mrs. M. Wright. two weeks visit at Rockaway. Mrs. Raymond Johnson and are going to stay there this year. | New Fall Dresses, Coats, and Mrs. Mollie Wright has as her Phoebe Greenman had as her Millinery at Miller’s. Adv. Mrs. Frank Jamison of Thomp-| The Wm. Keaton family arrived' guest at present her daughter last week from spending the sum- , Sund- son’s siding called at : the guest over the weekend a sor Mr. and Mrs. B. Frank Owens land home Saturday r on their mer in Oklahoma, their old home. ! Abby from Virginia, whose hus ority sister, Mary Jean Warner and daughter Marie of Klamath way to Clatskanie. They report the weather very band is a lieutenant in the avia- of Albany. I tion service for Uncle Sam. Falls, spent a week in Vernonia Mrs. Sundland and Mrs. Dow- warm there. Mrs. James Nanson and daugh visiting Mr. Owens, and his sis ling were callers at the Jesse Wilfred Johnson has been do ter Dorothy, returned last week ters, Mrs. George Stankey and George home Friday, also at the ing considerable work on the from a five weeks visit in Idaho Mrs. C. Dusten. They returned Osborn place. high school bus putting new and Utah. to their home Tuesday. Threshing time is 1 here again. coverings and springs in the Mr. and Mrs. George F. Clow The willing Workers held their Grover Devine had his grain cushions and giving it a general i overhauling, preparing for the were in Portland over the week regular meeting in the Christian threshed Sunday. Mrs. John Hatfield spent three James Hill and L. Wickstrom starting of high school Septem end visiting with Mr. and Mrs. church parlors Wednesday. They days of last week visiting friends ber 8. garage on are building a big George Robertson. decided to make a Sunbonnet The. school here in the village ' and relatives at Cottage Grove their property on Mist hights. baby quilt and an overall boy | and Eugene. Mrs. Hannah Smith, former Donald Sundland and Bernard begins September 14. ly of Vernonia but now of Port quilt. Those present were Mrs. Dowling took in the dance at The roof on the old school Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Sandon land is spending a month’s va J. L. Timmons, Mrs. F. C. Steph Arcadia park Saturday night. house is being reshingled, Clyde and Mrs. Ward of Vernonia spent ens, Mrs. W. Van Doren, Mrs. cation in Alaska. Guests at the Aamodt home Johnson doing the work with an evening of last week with M. L. Herrin, Mrs. A. J. Sitts, Mrs. C. O. Piert. Sunday were Mrs. Aamodt’s mo. the help of Earl Holce. New Fall Dresses, Coats, and H. Veal, Mrs. J. H. Stubbs, Mrs. Hector Firestine took in the Mrs. Archie Lizenby of Verno ther, Mrs. Magunsen from Hub Millinery at Miller’s. Adv. E. Knight. bard, and Mr. and Mrs. Selyne dance at Arcadia park Saturday nia visited at the home of Mrs. S. R. Olson last week. from Eureka, California, Mrs. evening. Miss Virginia Fielding came Mr. Van Vleet has his crew Al Curtis spent the week end Aamodt’s aunt and uncle. home to her little brother Rob I ert’s funeral Monday and will re The Aamodt family are plan- of men building more logging with his family in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. John Rood and main for a few days. ning a pleasure trip to The Dalles road, for the past week or two. Mri. Jake Neurer Thursday. They will be met at They will soon start logging family and Mrs. Mulford of Van Evelyn May has returned from Crown Point by Mrs. Aamodt’s again, in a few days we under couver, Washington, spent Sun Hillsboro. She is on crutches be The concrete piers are all ready mother, sisters and brother, the stand hauling to the Clatskanie ■ day with the C. O. Piert family. cause of a fall from a tree while to start on the steel work on the Magunsen family from Hubbard, slough. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Buler and she was picking prunes. John Myer was a village visit family, Eli Buler and Mrs. Bessie Natal bridge this week. Fred also another sister from St. Hel Miller were dinner guests at the Charles Richardson, H. A. Holy Oveson, contractor, has charge ens. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jensen or last week from Jewell. and family, and Mr. and Mrs| field, Bert Tisdale and Gene Ship of the work. Mrs. Melvin Thomas and two Selyne from California. The par man attended the ball game in daughters have returned home ty will take in all the points of Portland Tuesday night. from Portland where they have interest along the Columbia river Mrs. Ida A. Couper and dau been visiting relatives for a highway before returning home. ghter Jean of Weiser, Idaho, month. The Misses Alberta and Irene are visiting at the home of Mrs. Miss Marion McMullin was a De Rock returned from a week’s Couper’s son, S. E. Couper. guest of friends in Clatskanie sojourn down where the cool sea breezes blow at Seaside last Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davidson, over the week end. Mrs. J. C. Moran made a bus- week, they had as their guest Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wolff, Mrs. J. J. Grady and Aunt Sally Spen iness trip to Forest Grove last while there Miss Merle Mills from Vernonia. week. cer went to Portland Tuesday. for Busy Boys Mrs. Austin Dowling and son Jack Perry, who drives the Mrs. Rose A. Fletcher left daily route down the river pick Bernard motored to Multnomah r and Girls T Thursday of last week for Port ing up milk and cream for the Falls, Sunday a week ago, spend land, and from there went to the the Vernonia Creamery is back ing the day sight seeing, going Built for good beach, where she will spend her on the job after his vacation. to see the “Smiling Lieutenant” vacation. Dave McMullin has the job to in Portland in the evening. looks and long Oscar Jones and son Elvin Wayne Eckman of McMinn- get in the wood for the Natal have returned from Astoria wear—They’re I ville returned there Sunday after school. A. R. Melis is out theshing where they have been working a visit of several days at the comfortably home of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. for farmers now and will soon be in this neighborhood. Mr. and have returned home from a visit Douglass. easy on the feet Mrs. Lee Osborn drove to camp to Eugene for several days, stop New Fall Dresses, Coats, and 8 Monday on business. They re ping in Corvallis to visit a rel I and pocket* Millinery at Miller’s. Adv. ported the roads good and a ative of Mr. Neurer’s. While in scenic drive. \ book.^ • • x Eugene Mr. and Mrs. Neurer Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Nance spent Earl Holce is working for were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tuesday in Vernonia with friends. Clyde Johnson in harvesting this H. C. Gray, formerly of Vernon They will make their home in summer. ia. On their way back they stop Hood River, moving there from Balding is busy ped to see Miss Francis Micek Miss Bertha Dufur. Mr. Nance, along with thoroughly cleaning the school attending summer school at Mon about 25 others has been laid mouth. They reported the roads Sizes 12 to 2 off from the U. S. Forest Ser- house and getting ready for i Mr. and Mrs. Hi Tracey were good and a beautiful drive. Mr. per pair vice fire patrol, on account of anl Mrs. Stanley Kuback and $2.79 lack of sufficient appropriation dinner guests of the Jack Lind Elmer Thompson had charge of say family Friday. to maintain the entire force. Miss Annie Me Mullin spent a the Neurer ranch during their few days on Pebble creek visiting absence. Mrs. Van Vleet and Mrs. Mil her cousin Evelyn Me Mullin. GRANGER'S Dr. M. Eby and Dr. Hurley ler from Mist were visitors at Sizes 8H to 2 ¡were down the river on business Mrs. Lee Osborn’s on Tuesday. Wm. Bridgers made a business $1.98 Per p,ir last week. Charles Hambley made a busi trip to Newport the first of ness trip to Portland last week I the w-eek. Mrs. M. Peterson and her and returned the same night. And COUNTRY STORE Jim Moran has bought a milk grandson Floyd were Portland SHOP , strain short horn Durham sire visitors recently. SAT., AUG. 22 Fire Warden Lincoln Peterson for his dairy herd. in the Van Alstine Bldg. Elmer Hiatt, daughter Faith, was busy checking up on fires HERE MONEY Come and help send Ver son Vergil and a friend drove to Tuesday, after the electrical nonia's Queen to the Fair. storm which swept this vicinity Portland last week end. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer Monday night. Mist Camp Eight Natal SuSieS leather Shoes Cooked FOOD SALE FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 1931. VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE TWO ADAMS' RED AND WHITE STORE Sells for Cash . . , Prices Slashed Here are a few of our prices for Friday, Saturday and Monday—come in MAYONNAISE— QA Nalley’s — Pint .... «JvC COFFEE— Blue and White — Pound .... £«JC CORN FLAKES— Red and Q For OF White J £jC WHEAT FLAKES— Carnation *) for OF 14 ounce û ÓOC Alber. FLAPJACK FLOUR 2 H pound 2 Packages NAVY BEANS RED r lbs. or BEANS O £JC PICKLING VINEGAR— Bulk, bring your own OQ_ container — Gallon “JL PICKLING SPICES— Assorted 3 for 25c MACARONI r lbs. nr Bulk ..... □ for BUTTER— Forest Grove — Pound .... 32c CLASSIC LAUNDRY SOAP 8 Bars for 25c FRESH MEATS Government Inspected WEINERS ......................................... 2 lbs’ 25c PORK CHOPS 27c PORK STEAKS Pound ................... SHOULDER ROAST Pork—Pound ....... SALT PORK Pound ................... 20c 18c 15c BEEF ROASTS Pound ....... BEEF BOIL Pound ................... ALL STEAKS Pound ................... PRIME RIB ROAST Pound ................... lie 11c 25c 18c EASTERN BACON ............................. lb. 25c PICNIC, Shoulder Ham ........................ lb. lgc Order of Eastern Star A. F. & A. M. Nehalom Chapter 153, O. E. S. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 Regular commu A. F. & A. M. meets nication first at Masonic Temple, and third Wed Stated Communication nesdays of each First Thursday of each month, at Ma month. Special called sonic Temple. All visiting sis meetmgs on all other Thurs ters and broth day nights 7:30 p.m. Visitors ers welcome. most cordially welcome. Mrs. Leona McGraw, W. M. E. G. Anderson, W. M. Mrs. Alma Bell, Secretary. W. E. Bell, Secretary. Mountain Heart Rebekah Lodge No. 243 I. 0^0. F. No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets every second and fourth Thursdays in I. O. O. F. hall, Vernonia. Visit I.O.O.F.—Vernonia Lodge No. ors always welcome. meets every Tuesday night Margaret Lines, Noble Grand. 246 at 8 o’clock, in I.O.O.F. hall. Vis Bessie Herrin, Secretary. itors always welcome. Chas. Holt, Noble Grand. Pythian Sister« G. G. Holt, Vice-Grand. Vernonia Temple 61 meets G. M. Holt, Secretary. every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in W.O.W. hall. Isabel Culbertson, M. E. C. American Legion Clara Kerns, M. or R. & C. Vernonia Post 119, American KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Legion. Meets HARDING LODGE 11« Meets every Monday 2nd and 4th night in the W.O.W. Tuesdays each hall. Visiting broth month, 8. p. m. ers welcome. Dan Nelson, Ad- M. D. Cole, C. C. jutant; P. Hughes, Commander. H. Culbertson, K.R.S.