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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1931)
Grade, High Schools To NUMBER 56 VERNONIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 1931. VOLUME IX. DAIRY ASSOCIATION INVESTIGATES FIELD F. H. Wooden of Jewell, presi dent of the Lower Columbia Co operative Dairy association and B. P. Thorsell of Astoria, field manager, made a trip through the Nehalem valley Thursday to in vestigate the feasibility of es tablishing a truck route to pick up cream. While in Vernonia they ex- pressed the opinion that there is not enough cream in the upper valley at present not already coming to the local creamery to warrant establishing a route. They regard possibilities for the future as very good, however, because of the adaptability of the Vernonia locality for dairying. Clow Performs Tonsorial Job High in a Tree ENSTROM ADVISES ROUTE EMPHASIS Vernonia should emphasize the fact that it offers an all year round route, states C. U. Ens- trom, who was here Wednesday and Thursday of last week on a temporary lay-off from his road construction work in Washing- ton. Mr. Enstrom helped build the Southern Pacific line to Tilla- mook, and is familiar with winter conditions along the proposed routes to the south of us. “We had five or six feet of snow there when there was no such thing here,” he declared. Vernonia-Hamlet Route to the Sea COLUMBIA COUNTY-POPULATION 20000. G ? ASTORIA •- Inert«» over 1920 - 43 % Stale inert«» - 21 6 X -x. _\ Outlook For Coast Road _VERNONIA-POP 1625-INC II45X "k. . *T[R vtMORIA on « 1000 «owuroe Encouraging ‘LATS )P7*" For a barber to cut hair in a ROeuuAr.oH. aipoo ; JFZ.- a JX 1 hospital, jail or other place where Sftsil ioaooo ACRES OF the customer can’t or won’t go HE FERTILE NEHA- -EM VALLEY WILL to his shop is not uncommon, but CANNONI BE BROUGHT NEAR- for one to cut hair in a tree is IEACN ■■■ Vernonia Delegates Urge fzERTO PORTLAND Indication Is that Lincoln something out of the ordinary, to Proposed Scappoose say the least. UU x AHII a Y i School Will Be Gèo. F. Clow had the distinc- Cut-off / Used tion of cutting the hair of Ed I20OO ROCKAWAVÖ POPULATION 1 GARIBALDI Roediger and Bill Stevenson, tree I T The grade and high schools in Outlook for selection of the BAYOCEAN sitters at Arcadia park, a few % ____ J F FOREST GAOvttiJWg; Vernonia will begin September 8, Vernonia-Hamlet route to the days ago. He had to mount up TILLAMOOK .-TVAsrsar the day after Labor day. On HeTARTi. MS appears very bright, accord- S «SOCAOTNt MU B a ladder and stand on the plat f aaecnr coMHKTco account of the teachers institute ing to J. E. Kerr, chairman of form of each of the boys. Both »ITN MOP0X0 nurt scheduled in St. Helens the 10th * a srjcum mogi . JTILLAMOO a I the roads committee of the cham- NEW8EI stood up for part of the perfor /«B0 I and 11th there will be no school ber of commerce, who with other mance, but when Mr. Clow had 7 ! —THE — on those days. >Aciric’cC members has been active recently to get the low-down on the job, ----- PROPOSED— The present intention is to use Camp 8 Grade in contacting civic organizations the boys knelt on their prayer ' VERNONIA-HAMLET RT SHERK the Lincoln as well as the Wash- and prominent leaders in the in bones. VIA SCAPPOOSE - UTILIZING 22 Ml. ington school states Superintend I ■■^WILLAMINA terest of the project. OF THE LOWER COLUMBIA HIGHWAY Possibly there were compensat M OTHER PROPOSED ROUTES ent E. H. Condit. According to A DIRECT ROUTE BETWEEN THE GREATEST TRAF • VERNONIA - SADOLE MOUNTAIN. Mr. Kerr, H. E. McGraw and ion for lack of a barber chair, FIC ORIGINATING POINTS RANKS FIRST IN ALIGN 2 SALMONBERRY. a census taken recently there MENT ANO DRAINAGE HAS l OWLST MAXIMUM ELE TAIT J. H. Bush attended the meeting 3. RIDGE Grading of the road to Camp mirrors and other appurtenances. VATION ANO SHORTEST GRADES AN ALL YEAR will be enough pupils to justify È 4 WILSON RIVER, ROUTE WITH AN ABUNDANCE OF SCENIC AND RECRE of the Uptown association in S. TRASK RIVER ATIONAL ATTRACTIONS PROVIDING COMFORT, SAFE- this. If, however, there should Eight has been completed, the Mr. Clow never tried to coax Report on the road to the B. WOLF CREEK. oí Portland Tuesday, and Mr. Kerr TY ANO SPEED. tHtPAW MO Onr/Hturto them into a shampoo, dosage rails having been removed from prove to be less than half last coast situation by Lester Sheeley •r rue MfiMOUt» chamsc * oe addressed the club on the ad cotwracf ¿uwer /»j/ year’s enrolment in the Lincoln the portion where the road fol- hair oil, or what have you. was the chief feature of the vantages of the Vernonia route school, the pupils there will be ' lows the old railroad grade, and chamber of commerce meeting by way of Scappoose. He stres the west approach to it leveled sent to the Washington school to j Wednesday. sed the point that this route, the Mrs. John Is Hurt off. cut down expenses. “The battle is not over,” Mr. only one suggested to utilize part Rocking has reached the point At the present time eleven of Sheeley declared, “yet prospects of the Lower Columbia River the regular staff of the grade where the railroad grade be In Car Accident are bright and we are certainly highway, would relieve congestion gins, and is suspended tempor schools have been definitely en- j in the running.” *1—It would provide the fastest lumbia River highway from the down town in Portland because gaged for service, besides two I arily - while the rock is being He explained the Wolf creek route to the greatest number of standpoint of grade and align- of the immense east side traffic Mrs. Minnie Frances John suf special teachers who will divide , hauled to the Forest Grove road and also tourist traffic from the . . ■ .a a-a a a ma 1>ara neo VI nr TVS «1 ¿1 il fered a fractured right shoulder proposition, which follows the beaches. ment. time with the high school. They where eotlo repairs are being made, same route as that of the origin Evergreen and Columbia River when the car which her son, are E. . H. superintendent, The Cam 1 P Ei ° 8ht road has been n. v Condit, ^ oiiuil , superni vciiuviiu, i I al Vernonia-Hamlet as far as 2—It would intersect the Ore 7—It would develop 200,000 highways that could be diverted Mrs. 1 Madge —_ Rogers, Ethel Ray, [ levefed off, the ungraveled por- Henry John, was driving, ran off Buxton, and has the same ter gon Coast highway midway be- acres of land in the Nehalem by way of the St. Johns bridge, Lenora Kizer, Mrs. J. B. Wilker tion being in good shape for driv the edge of the Nehalem valley minus. It has the disadvantage, tween Astoria and Tillamook. valley and would bring 200 miles avoiding all the crowded thor- highway near Jewell Saturday son, Florence Santee, Marie Kirk ing during dry weather. he said, of passing over three of fishing streams within 40 oughfares. . morning. The Clark and Wilson railroad at a 3 — It would leave Portland patrick, Maudie Duncan, Fred The car was attempting to high ridges into Rock creek, Mili point that would best serve the miles of Portland. The association passed a reso Spring, Charlotte Hilts and Mrs. is being extended from Pittsburg tary creek and Quartz creek can- lution asking the state highway H. G. Sandon. Grade assign up the Nehalem towards the Peb ! pass a wood truck whose driver yons, subject to risk of slides and metropolitan area. 8—It would provide a route to ments will be announced later, ble creek holdings of the com [ claimed that he did not hear the snow. It would cross the pres-| 4_Jt wouid relieve and prevent the coast that would be intersect commission to construct a road to warning signal, and crowded the the coast having the best pos pany. Two expensive bridges Mr. Condit states, and if enrol a 20 foot embankment. ent Forest Grove highway near [congestion in Portland’s business ed by five interlinking market sible alignment, giving access to ment justifies, new teachers ad are required for the proposed ex 'car Of off Sunset camo, he stated and would 1 the eight passengers in the, camP. district diverting beach bound roads giving easy access from the the beaches in the minimum of i ; man ill by mj uivciving ucavu uvuiiu tension down the Nehalem, and ded. | have the advantage of being a travel over the St. Johns bridge Columbia River highway, the Tu time, and so located as to serve car Mrs. John was the only one these will be put in at a later Mrs. Lulah Fullerton, art in alatin highway and West Side equally the Clatsop and Tilla injured. She was taken to the .few miles closer than the orig- via the east side. structor, will devote two-thirds date. inal proposed V ernonia-Hamlet Pacific highway. mook beaches. Columbia hospital in Astoria, and of her time to grade work and 5—It wouid divert- and bring rout. returned to her home in Ver The committee visited also the one- third to the high school. 9 — It would provide the best cut-off, • Mr. Evergreen highway travel from The Scappoose .. Linnton Lions club Monday even nonia the first of the week. Miss Constance Bougher, music [Idzhs, eastern and southern all year traveling conditions by Sheeley was certain, would pro-[Idaho, The occupants were on a trip supervisor, will divide her time shorter and ' cheaper I Washington across the Vancouver reason of freedom from snow, ing and explained the benefits vide a much i to Linnton of bringing beach to Seaside. equally. than either of the roads [and and St. Johns bridges to the Ore- fog and slides. route than bound traffic across the St. Johns Text Book Instructions gon beaches without congesting by way of Buxton, and has the 10 — The construction of eight bridge. The club showed much greatest likelihood of being ad- .Portland’s business district and miles from Hamlet to Elsie would interest, and will report later as The free text book law passed Low Water Causes provide a saving of ten miles. opted. at the last session of the legisla provide a temporary route pas to its specific recommendations. A hollyhock, grown by Mrs. ture becomes operative at this S—It would utilize 22 miles of sable the year around via the Ne Vernonia Day Discussed Eye, Ear Infection Surveyor Engaged time, but because of limited funds W. H. Kent at 108 B street, has the best portion of the Lower Co- halem Valley highway. The matter of a Vernonia day books cannot be purchased at been added to the long list of I Immediate reconnaissance of this time for all the grade pu- Nehalem valley record-breaking Hugh McDonald, son of E. A. was discussed, F, Claude Steph- the Scappoose cut-off has been Tournament In pits. Mr. Condit issues the fol- plants. It is 14 feet six inches McDonald, is ill with a badly in- ens suggesting that there be co Oregonian Mentions promised by members of the tall, measured in the Bank of I fected eye which he got while operation with the Garden club in lowing statement: highway commission, who have Local Golf Course holding a celebration. "The public school book lists Vernonia lobby where it has been swimming in Rock creek. Tillamook Aug. 28 consented to a surveyor employ Possible designation of the Ver are being printed this week and on exhibition during the past ed by the chamber of commerce Local physicians report that James H. McCool, golf editor of we are listing only the newly week. a number of cases of infection nonia-Hamlet route, and the need the Oregonian, made the follow cooperating with the department Evidence of its unusual size : of eyes and ears have come to for a big celebration in connec- ing comment about the Vernon- adopted books plus the necessary T1LL A MOOK-( Special.)-Local engineer in charge. school supplies the students will is shown from the fact that the ■ their attention recently, due to tiin with it, was suggested as ia golf course in his column divot diggers are now playing need to work with, There will, Oregon Farmer for June 13 listed polluted water. This condition having a bearing upon the pro- Wednesday: around the Alderbrook Golf and BOY SCOUT TRIP TO be no previously adopted text a number of tall hollyhocks, the j is not peculiar to Vernonia, but position, It was voted that a Country club course daily trying Country Roy Moe, Alderwood PORTLAND MONDAY books on the list because we are highest of which is 12 feet sev is state wide. The Oregon state committee of three be appointed to lower their score before the was re club prpfessional, who to be enlarged later if occasion en inches, and most of those en assuming that the books that were board of health has issued a Boy Scouts of Vernonia plan cently a guest of the Vernonia opening of the Cascade tourna given to the school last year umerated are from 8 to 10 feet warning that due to the very low should require. President Ford ment here on Friday, August 28, to make a trip to Portland Mon says the Chamber of Commerce, should almost be sufficient in tall. and are threatening to give keen day as guests of Chief L. V. ebb of water in streams there is appointed F. Claude Stephens, Mrs. Judson Weed brought to an excessive content of organ Rev. G. W. Plumer and Emil golf course in that little town is competition in the three-lay ev Jenkins of the police depart number to give each youngster one of the sportiest in the state. the required amount. This, how the Eagle office two white leg ic material, endangering the Messing. ent. ment, states Rev. G. W. Plumer, J. E. Tapp, A. L. Kullander He played it with three Vernonia ever, does not say that we can horn single yoke eggs, each health of swimmers. scoutmaster. golfers and had a tough battle The Alderbrook course is being and Dr. W. H. Hurley were ñam guarantee each student a full set weighing four ounces, one of A number of cars have been with par. The greens on the Ver put in condition for the event of books and it is very likely that which measures 7.25 inches in H. C. Decker sprained his ed by President Ford as a com- nonia course are models for and everything will be in readi pledged for the trip, and if a mittee to arrange transportation circumference from end to end we shall have to send individual back August 17 while lifting a other courses to follow, says Roy. ness for the large delegation of sufficient number is secured the for the Boy Scouts to Portland. book lists home after school and 6.25 inches around the middle. barrel of gasoline. golfers expected to enter from boyB will go then, Mr. Plumer Ray D. Fisher reported on the The other totals 7.75 inches the starts. the clubs forming the associa says, starting at 7 a. m. farmers market project. Insuf "The district owned books have longer way. tion, which includes Seaside, Mc Advertising Fund ficient replies, he said, to ques Albert Wood raised this sea already been purchased and will Minnville, Forest Hills, St. Hel Camp Eight Correspondence son on his homestead a young tionnaires sent to farmers pre not appear on the book lists.” Vernonia, Woodbum anl Sil Use Considered ens, cabbage weighing 2 pounds 5 vented any definite recommenda High School Staff Added verton. tion at this time. Upon discus High school, under Superin ounces with all waste leaves tak- A special meeting of the city sion it was agreed that H. E. Mc- A silver cup will be awarded tendent J. B. Wilkerson, also en off, ready for cooking. The Vernonia Eagle an Graw present the matter to the council is called for tonight to the winner of the championship starts on Tuesday, with a pos I nounces with pleasure that consider using part of the ad Vernonia grange to ascertain the flight and to the low medalist in sibility that arrangements may be news from Camp Eight vertising fund of $846.00, voted the 36-hole qualifying round. The made for registration on Mon Mr. and Mrs. King George Ford say Harry Phelps attitude of the farmers. will be a regular feature. at a special election last fall, to runner-up in the championship day. had his teeth taken out because Mrs. E. L. Pringle has con pay for advertising the Scap flight and the winner and run The faculty is as follows: J. B. of the 20 per cent cut in wages, WILARK CHECK sented to act as correspon Win Golf Series poose-Vernonia-Hamlet route to ner-up in the first flight will re Wilkerson, superintendent; R. W. He’ll have to suck his food now, dent. THEFT REPORTED the sea. ceive silver trophies. Golf bags, Tucker, science and athletics; and can’t eat so much. Although Camp Eight is Matrices of maps of the route clubs, balls, etc., will be given to The two ball mixed foursome Mrs. Floy K. Hammack, geometry Another suggestion is that Har- only eight miles from Ver- Theft of checks from the Wil- have been made and furnished to the winners an runners-up in all and domestic science; Ruth Mar handicap golf tournament which Tf wants to make that grandson nonia and is a part of the ark office of the Clark and Wil- the leading newspapers of the other flights. TTiere will be spe tin, commercial; Mildred L. has been in progress for the past of his think he’s old enough to Vernonia school district, son Lumber company was re state, and printed and mimeo cial matches for all beaten fours Drake, English. One or two ad month was completed Wednes be grandpa. the only access from the ported to the Bank of Vernonia graphed matter sent to individ- in all flights with special prizes ditional instructors, depending on day when Mr. and Mrs. Milo Nehalem valley has been by f T t Tuesday. The signatures on the uals and civic organizations in for the winners. Seen along the street— Awards wil enrolment, will probably be en G. King defeated Mr. and Mrs. trail, and contact has been checks purport to be those of Geo. 1 Frank Hartwick five up in the Portland. be made at the conclusion of gaged, says Mr. Wilkerson. Mrs. •J. W. Brown coaxing a relatively little. The dif Blumb and A. F. Baker, and I The chamber of commerce has He has been conducting during final match. A prize of golf couple • >f baby bantams to eat play Sunday afternoon, August ficulties of maintaining a number 3409 has been used. at its own expense had a brief 30. “Tim ” wrinkling his the past two weeks a special class balls was presented to the win- earwigs . . . "Tim trade relationship may be As far as ascertained there for the route drawn up by an for freshmen to help them get ner and runner-up of this tour- brows as he sits writing the illustrated by the fact that has been no effort yet to cash' ___ „j ■ an CHILDREN’S DAY chauffeur’s exam in the city hall tu... started in their high school work. nament. v„ ___ _ »...«, engineer, and is engagmg a local merchant who sold these checks m Vernonia, but | eer famUiar with the t„. The team which played the while the examiner looks on to *->*L Twenty-eight have been in attend a phonograph to a custom -. —A possible states A A T Loel a . a 1 such is yet PICNIC SEPT 12 ritory between Vernonia i and Western Union telegraph team see that he doesn’t cheat or some ance. er there had to ship it in here August 9, captained by J. thing . . . Ellis McGraw’s inter Roberts, cashier, on account of Scapoose to cooperate with the by rail through Portland the large number of Clark and County Agent Geo. A. Nelson LEGION TO BROADCAST V. McAlister, will go to Port viewers, including Les Sheeley, state highway engineers in i a and Scappoose. Wilson checks customarily cash reconnaisance of that part of is holding a children's day and The completion of the The American Legion, depart land Sunday and play a return talking to him through the open ed by local merchants. 4H club picnic September 5 at the route. road brings Camp Eight ment of California, is sponsoring match with the Western Union front window of the bank to save Money to defray the chamber’s Deer Island. definitely within the Ver the broadcasting of a message on team on the Peninsula course going around into the office. Earl Smith Improving expenses is being raised by pri- All club members and school ♦ ft nonia area, and it is be fire prevention Saturday evening startling not later than 9:30 Emil Messing is on the preach Earl Smith is reported by^vate subscriptions solicited by a pupils are invited to participate. cause of this significance over the Columbia Broadcasting Sunday morning. Those who are eligible for this team should get ers’ committee now for the cham Mrs. Smith, who saw him Thurs- committee consisting of Emil At this time they will practice that the Eagle is particular system at 5:30 p. m. in touch with Mr. McAlister im- ber of commerce. Folks are won- day, as getting along nicely. It'Messing, Frank Hartwick and J. the drills and marches for the ly glad to give space to the Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spring of mediately so he can arrange f or! dering whether the preachers will was the intention, she said, of j E. Tapp. The appeal met with club drill at the county fair. activities of the people who Portland were in Vernonia Mon transportation. Ten players will | uplift Emil, or Emil will degrade putting his leg in a temporary gratifying success, the commit They are asked to bring a basket live there. the preachers. lunch. compose the team. cast today to see how it works, tee reports. day visiting friends. Open Sept. 8 LZ> Chamber Hears of Road Status Up to Present Ten Reasons Why Vernonia-Ham let Route to the Sea Is Superior Tall Hollyhock On Exhibition In Bank Lobby Feathers and.. .Talons m m am