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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1931)
FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, lftâl. VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE SIX ber along the route are cited, of JTacoma, and Mr. and Mrs. W. MRS. SAM SMITH Columbia County Vernonia Contends The brief asks the highway J. Armitage picnicked Sunday up Pioneers Recall Route to Coast by GLEANER PRES commission to consider an alter Pebble creek. Days of Long Ago Mrs. O. T. Bateman and Luella Hamlet Best Choice nate route between Portland and i Mrs. Sam Smith was elected J.C. PEN NEY CO. Vernonia, leaving the lower Col I Williams were in Salem for sey- ident of the L al Gieanerg DEPARTMENT • STORE umbia highway at milepost 18 (Continued from page 1.) (Continued from Page 1) eral day. the first of the week. I Wednegday afternoon to fill the STORE NUMBER 143« VERNONIA. OREGON and thence directly to Vernonia. cent between 1920 and 1930, is This is offered in preference to by Mrs. Sidney Malmsten and Rev. and Mrs. G._ W. Plumer,vacancy left by Mrs. R. A. Olson, Mrs. Frank Mills, and a quartet returned Thursday from Ostran- . , w ho ;g ___ moving from town. one of the fastest growing coun the route from Canyon road ..I. ~_______ ____ _ Mrs. , der, Washington. Mr. Plumer j. L l . Timmons entertainec entertained the ties of the state and with no through Banks and Buxton to by Mrs. Charles Malmsten, Mrs. |der, Malmsten, Mrs. Mills and states that the usual services will group at her home on Rose Ave- direct first-class highway. Vernonia. Ths Dutch canyon route Sidney xr— F. i? Claude Stephens, accom 1 be held on Sunday. j | enue. enue. Eighty per cent of the traffic vfbuld save 18 of 19 miles of new Mrs. i Missionary news items were on any of the proposed routes construction at a cost of $450,- panied by Mrs. E. Knight. would originate in Portland and 000 to $475,000, while the total The address of welcome was S. P. and S. Booklet 'given in response to the roll call Multnomah, Clackamas and Wash cost of the route from the Col given by Rev. G. W. Plumer and Mentions Vemoniaian(i a handerchief shower was ington counties in Oregon, and umbia highway to Vernonia is the response by Judge W. J. Ful ---------- • ¡presented to Mrs. Beulah Lind In order to encourage immigra- say who is leaving town this week. Clark county in Washington, the estimated at $1,000,000 as com lerton. brief states, Traffic counts are pared with $1,417,000 on the The 1931 officers were re-elect ' tion into this state the S. P. and The hostess served dainty re cited to show that the heaviest proposed route through Banks ed to serve next year. Martin 'S. and affiliated railways have freshments of ice cream, cake traffic along the coast is in the and Buxton. White is president and J. q issued this week an elaborate 36 and punch. Members present in . page booklet on Oregon. The cluded Mrs. Phil Taylor, Mrs. F. vicinity of Seaside and Cannon DOUBLE The Dutch canyon route would Watts secretary. SINGLE Beach. Thus, the brief seeks to be a more direct route to people BLANKETS Preceding the program there ' lower Columbia region receives C. Stephens, Mrs. Geo. Stankey, BLANKETS establish the two greatest traffic residing in the east side resi was a basket lunch prepared un-| | more space than any other single Mrs. R. A. Olson, Mrs. A. Lolley, 70 X 80 70 X 80 originating points to be served dential district of Portland be der the direction . . I section of the state. Mrs. E. Knight and Mrs. Beulah 8 j The booklet states the follow Lindsay. Mrs. A. Henges and Mrs. by a portland-to-the-coast road. cause they would have access to members. ing regarding Vernonia: C. C. Van Doren were visitors. Traffic at Skipanon, on the it over the new St. Johns bridge, President White and secretary j “Around the town of Vernonia Mrs. Lolley will entertain the coast highway south of the junc the brief states. About 70 per tion of the Warrenton road was cent of the traffic originating Watts were urgent in their invi- 'there' aie “many '¡malffertile" val- class again on August 26, at given as heaviest of 14 traffic in Portland could thereby travel tation to all pioneers to enroll leys flanked by rolHng cut-over which time the roll call response and also to gather the data for land. Here ig an opportunity for will be a verse from some Oregon count points. This was designa to and from the north beaches making a complete and perman->a large settlement of a group Oregon poet. ted as 100 per cent, and the vol without entering the congested ume of traffic counted at other area of the city, into which all ent record of all pioneers. Sec- wbo wjgb to iocate a9 a colony, Dr. Olaon Leaving points was given in percentage as other western routes would lead, retary Watts is assembling this In Vernonia is located one of the information. largest and most modern saw- Dr. R. A. Olson, clerk at the compared to the Skipanon count. the statement says. I The present enrollment is 90, mills in the state, and the people S. P. and S. depot, has been The count shows, according to according to Mr. Watts. ~ Dues here are especially anxious to as transferred to St. Helens and the brief, that 82 percent of the DOUBLE FEATHERS . . . SINGLE are 50 cents a year. sist any persons desirous of lo- will move there with his family traffic at Skipanon remained at BLANKETS Part Wool AND . . . TALONS The time and place of the next eating on this cut-over land. They the last of this week. Clatsop and Cannon beaches and 40% Wool meeting will be announced later are a ..... BLANKETS hospitable group of people, R. M. Aldrich, agent, is the 18 per cent went south of the (Continued from Page 1) by President White. intensely loyal to their communi only employe now on duty at the junction to Cannon beach. ty with a firm belief in its agri station. When the mill and log “An analysis of highway counts asked Mrs. Simmons as she cultural possiblities and anxious ging camps are operating to taken in July, August and Sep brought it in. PERSONALS to be helpful to new settlers, capacity the staff numbers five. “This guy here, right next to tember from the year 1923 to this soil is deep, well drained and 1928 inclusive shows approximat the undertaker,” piped up Jim Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McGilvray | fertile. Clover, vetch and straw Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Ulshoef- ely the proportion of two cars Brown. and son are leaving today for| berries are examples of crops that fer are leaving for Forest Grove, south of Skipanon to one north i T T t do well on this soil, most of where Mrs. Ulshoeffer and the of Hebo, and at the same time! The gypsies in town Wednes- California. indicate an increase of traffic day caused scarcely a ripple. Ver- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lindsay of which is of the red shot type.” children will stay for a while, while Mr. Ulshoeffer is away. A Small Deposit Holds Your Selection Until Wanted. during 1928 over 1923 of 74 nonia merchants watched their Treharne will move to Vancou They intend to return to Ver- Madagascan Menu per cent for Skipanon to 64 per tills and their pockets pretty ver, Washington, tomarrow. Madagascar natives eat spiders, nonia when school opens. cent at Hebo, showing beyond all close, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Carter have j silkworms, grasshoppers and dried T t t doubt that the north beaches are J returned from California, and locusts. Every good Madagascan Les Sheeley says “ Mac ” check not Using favoritism to those to Mr. Carter is cooking in Dad’s housewife has In reserve a supply ed out on him too soon from a Sandwich shop. He is a son of. of the south,” says the brief. dried locusts to sustain the fam ily in time of famine. The point is made, however,I hotel in Portland. Mrs. August Greenfeldt. t t t that since the opening of the’ Keith Bertelson of Portland Aircraft Construction Salmon river cut-off from Grande! Seen along the street: drove the Portland-Vernonia I The average airplane contains Rev. G. W. Plumer carrying a Ronde to Otis, which now pro-1 ----- -• --------- vides the most direct route from bantam rooster in i a shopping truck Saturday while Paul A. least 30 kinds of wooden parts, the Fisher, the regular driver went Department of Agriculture points Portland to the coast, the ratios’ ')a^ out, stressing the vital Importance on a trip to Seattle. C. W. Reithner with an arm may be somewhat disturbed. of glue in aircraft construction. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bergerson moving load of boxed lingerie The distance between Portland have returned from their honey to his new location. Choosing Husbands and Seaside by the Columbia LET THE Mrs. Holtham dusting off the moon and received a charivari Why do wives who complain of River highway would be shortened their husbands in public never 22.5 miles by the proposed Ver shelves while Ed is off on a Monday night. to think that they are reflect- Percy Hewes and Z. Ness were stop nonia-Hamlet route, the brief gold hunt. Ing on their own Judgment on the among the local Legionnaires to choice of a male?—Country Home. states, while present-day type of attend the Legion convention in construction would provide a DIXIE PIONEERS Harmless Music route that could be traveled in HOLD REUNION Corvallis last week. Music, wrote Addison, Is the only safety from Portland to Seaside Elmer Salomonsen and Si Sal- gratification which mankind in 2.5 hours as compared to' (Continued from Page 1) omonsen, brothers of E. Salomon sensual may indulge In to excess without 3.5 to 4.5 hours over the present sen, and Gerald Nelson, all mem injury to moral or religious feel Through *d*«Hi*mg and .H.cNv. »tore route. The saving of 50 per cent gave the principal address of the bers of the Astoria post office ings. of Oregon-produced foods. Safeway Store* ar. day, with a very interesting dis in time would be more import continually developing new outlet* for the Ore cussion of the pioneering of the force came to Vernonia Sunday ant than the saving in distance, Summing It Up country and how it led to the de to try out the local golf course. gon grower and food manufacturer. the brief says. They were very much pleased There is no dearth of charity velopment of our present Am Of the two northerly routes In the world of giving: but This week-end we feature a number of leading erican communities. The meet with course and town. They there Is comparatively little ex proposed, the Vernonia route matched Astoria skill with Ver Oregon-produced foods . . . Quality foods, of ing was presided over by Geo- ercised in thinking and speak- alone could be classed strictly as A. Nelson, of St. Helens, chair nonia talent when they played course and priced so low that the thrifty food I an all-season highway, owing to man of the program committee. Ed Salomonsen, Si Clay and shopper will consider its low elevation, easy alignment, Sandy McPherson. A basket lunch was served at Fruit of Banyan Tree short maximum grade, easy drain H. B. Holcomb, who has been Quantity Purchases The banyan tree is a species of age and improbablity of slides, noon with the balance of the on duty with the fire warden’s day given over to informal visit fig and produces a fruit of rich, the brief continues. Maximum ing among the old timers and a crew in the vincinity of Wolf scarlet color, not larger than a elevation would be about 1400 creek reported Wednesday that cherry, growing in pairs from the ball game by the boys. feet, it states. O 1 T^I Use it in your next The new officers elected for he had noticed an airplane fly axils of tlie leaves. The accessibility to fishing and ing four times above the locality year were : Mrs. lge. pkg. Laws of Etiquette hunting areas, to feeder high the coming while a photographer took pict All the laws of etiquette can he ways such as the Astoria-Jewel Grant Lynch, Scappoose, presi- ures, apparently for the recon- Nelson, St. Helens, rn , 0 Campbell’s. To start the adequately summed up in a single road, Clatskanie-Mist road, and dent; Geo. A. Grant, naisance survey being made by rule: “Do whatever Is natural and others, and the scenery and tim- vice-president; Mrs. Fred Directors the state highway commission. don’t think about It.”—Collier’s Dixie ML, secretary, were Mrs. Lottie Tiannock, Dix He also found a trail that had Weekly. ie Mt.; Otto Hendrickson, Dixie been blazed, and followed it to Reading Poeeibility Mt.; Mrs. Minnie Miller, Port- the camp used by the surveyors. A Columbian university profes They were not in the vicinity lanl; and Mrs. Eva Paulson, Van sor avers that a fairly Intelligent long, Mr. Holcomb is certain. Rainier — 100% pure WANTED couver. person with good eyesight can Quarts - Kerr or Ball Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Welch of train himself to read 130 books a . . . hop flavored ........ WANTED—Best light truck $50 Masons . . all new stock Eagle classifieds get results. Corvallis, Miss Ellen Plummer year. cash will buy. Call 409 First Ave. South, Vernonia. 542* A WONDER VALUE AWONDER VALUE AWONDER VALUE ' AWONDER VALUE $1.49 $2.49 Buy Today on Lay-a-Way MAN SAFE FILÏ.YOUB L Prices effective Saturday and Monday, Aug. 15, 17 27c oOUD Buy mea1, liberally or a meal in itseIf now and .... 3 cans 23C owansdown Hour OHlcltO * 1 VIUULU Classified Ads FOR RENT FOR RENT—2-rootn apartments, new, clean and quiet. Hot water; water, light and wood $15 month. P. Hill, 875 Second St FOR SALE WEENER Pigs for sale. See Harry Culbertson. 542* CUT FLOWERS on sale by Mrs. W. L. Van Doren, Phone 1136. FOR SALE—All kinds of wood. Frank Lusby. 519* 9 GENUINE GERMAN POLICE PUPS for sale, ready to take away. $5.00 each. See J. L. Timmons, with light and power company. 51tf. NOTICE— Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Directors of School Dist. No. 22 of Columbia county, Oregon, for the building of a playshed and a fence according to plans and specifications which will be on file with the Dist. Clerk after August 14. A certified check for five per cent of the amount of the bid must accompany each bid. The Board reserves the right to re ject any or all bids. Bids will be opened at 7 p. m., August 24. Dated this 28th day of July, 1931. OLIVER BURRIS, Chairman NETTIE B. PETERSON, Clerk 533c I WE OFFER YOU Experienced Automobile Repairmen WITH UP-TO-DATE TOOLS IN THE BEST EQUIPPED SHOP IN VERNONIA FOR AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRING AND REBUILDING. No job too large or too small OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT AND OUR WORK IS GUARANTEED. YOU CAR WILL NOT BE PUT IN A CORNER AND FORGOT TEN WITH THE EXCUSE OF WAITING FOR PARTS. ALSO DON’T FORGET WE ARE FORD AGENTS We Sell and Service Ford Cars. But we can repair your make of car as well, and we think better, than anyone else in Vernonia. Give us a trial. Kerr Motor Co Vernonia, Oregon FIRESTONE TIRES AND TUBES AAA MECHANICAL AND TOWING SERVICE MALT Fruit Jars SUGAR DOZEN Honolulu pure cane —fine granulated 10 Pounds 47c 89c Jar Rings All new stock . . . red, live rubber, two lip Ip Safeway Family — For both breads and pastries lb. Sack DOZEN ................ $1.05 FREE PANCHUST The perfect shortening for all cooking ............ 3 rin 58 c MAIIS1IMALLOWS Fluff-i-est — Fresh and tender . . . finest quality — Pound 17c 1 DeLuxe jar of Stokely’s Catsup with the purchase of Stokely’s 3 PEAS No. 2 Cans 53 In Our Market POT ROASTS HAMBURGER LARD — — LAMB STEAKS >»- 12c