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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1931)
FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 1981 VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE FOUR V Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Fowler I visited old friends in Walport this (A worth while editorial select week. ed by the National Editorial as July was almost as dry as June Delegation Plan* to Meet with Mr*. Loe Hall Nannie Hall received a lovely sociation.) Commission was wet, according to statistics pair of woolen blankets as a for the month as kept by Joseph gift from the Woman's Mission Nothwithstanding the period of Pacific Coast Representative Representatives of various Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wilson re ary society Saturday, which was Hackenberg, Columbia county Arthur W. Stypes, Inc. depression which has engulfed weather observer, who found that chambers of commerce of Clatsop turned home from Kellogg, Idaho, very much appreciated after her San Francisco every section of the country with the rainfall for the month was and Columbia counties met at where they visited their daughter loss by fire. in the past several years, there 0.11 inches. It was unusually Rainier Wednesday evening and and family, Dr. and Mrs. Lara-, Mr. and Mrs. Wilburn Hall and are still some who can, qr fancy warm, with the temperature 1.8 decided to go in a body to the way, for several weeks. son Lee and Mr. and Mrs. A. B. they can, catch a glimpse of the Member of National Editorial above the average for July. The I ! August meeting of the state Mr. and Mrs. R. Casselman Counts were guests at the Louis ' highway commission and petition silver lining of this dark cloud Association and Oregon State hottest day was on Sunday, July have moved from Riverview to Boeck, Jr., home Sunday, of business adversity. that body for the widening of the 19, when the climbing mercury Editorial Association. the O.-A. hill in a company house.1 Miss Ida Mae Hawkins enter- Thanks we say, to those citiz touched 95 before the sun lost lower Columbia River highway. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Fowler and tained a group of young folks ens who have faith in the future, its power. Saturday, July 25, The commission meets the last son Kenneth and Mr. and Mrs. Sunday evening in honor of her 32.00, Per Year in Advance Issued Every Friday These are the folks who keep was the coolest day, registering Wednesday or Thursday of the birthday. She received a number things moving. Faith is a won the low temperature of 42. There month and an appointment will C. R. Fowler motored to St. Hel- of gifts. Refreshments were Entered as second class matter August 4, 1922. at the post ens and back Sunday. I cake, ice cream and coffee. office at Vernonia. Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. derful virtue and the lack of it were 21 clear, eight partly cloudy be asked for an audience. Judge Those from this place attend- would have long since wrecked and two cloudy days, with a hea W. A. Wood of Rainier was chos Aunt Sally Spencer returned ing the funeral of Mrs. Malinda Advertising rates—Foreign, 30c per inch; local, 28c per inch; the nation, yes the world, and vy mist falling Monday, July 13. en as spokesman for the group. home Thursday of last week after Davis at Banks Friday of last legal notices, 10c per line first insertion, 5c per line succeeding possibly the civilization which Mr. Hackenberg further states Others will probably help in prc- week were Mrs. D. R. Fowler, a ten days visit with relatives insertions; classified lc per word, minimum 25c first insertion, those who have lived in 1931 in Portland. that “The month was dry, with senting the matter. 15c succeeding insertions; readers, 10c a line. to witness would have dropped The matter of shortening the Mrs. C. R. Fowler, Rhoda Mor I May De Ett Throop has a po three hot spells and much ocean gan and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hall. | completely into collapse. Some at the Wildwood golf fog during the morning hours, route into Clatskanie was also Mrs. Emmett Lloyd has been sition sl time, and possibly it is not many favorable for hay and grain har brought up before the meeting on the sick list the past week. course. 4 RAY D. FISHER, Editor and Publisher months away, there will be a re vesting. The last half of the and was approved and a survey Miss Lillian Hall of Rainier turn to normal condition; fac month, with its heat and drying is being asked for a new route visited at the home of her grand tories will be running full time winds, was very severe on grow from near the W. G. McKinley AN EXCELLENT BEGINNING once more, money will find its ing vegetables and water sup place directly across the hill in parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hall, C. BRUCE way back into the channels of ply. Wholesale and Retail to this city through North Clats the past week, returning Wednes day of this week accompanied by commerce and trade, and the “The year’s average rainfall to kanie. LUMBER her sister Lavonne. Action of the board of directors of the Columbia i dinner pail which has in some date An effort is being made to is 4.78 above average due Kenneth Fowler motored to sections been empty so long will Vernonia, Oregon commerce in approving the Vernonia- county chamber of one of the state engineers Rainier Wednesday returning the to the very wet months of March secure 1 once more be filled. for this work and Judge J. H. same day by way of St. Helens. Hamlet short road to the sea shows an excellent spirit and June.” Even with the hardships which —St. Helens Sentinel. Wellington stated at Wednesday’s of cooperation which Vernonia should appreciate. Mrs. Nannie Hall, Mrs. B. J. many have undergone, it is doubt meeting that the county engineer Cline and Lola Nance went to S88SS ful if there are any who would Seven of the eight directors present were from towns DAIRY MEN APPEAR would be available to help in the Portland Tuesday of last week re- the order of things like to see IN COUNTY COURT work if desired. along the Columbia river, and their major interest, as far If ijou want pictures turning Wednesday. turned back thirty or more years Speakers at the meeting stated as anything the state highway commission could do dir and a new start made from a Lee Hall, who has been in in tjour advertisinq, Several dairymen of Columbia that since highway work is paid ectly for them, lies in widening and straightening the point that far back in the past. county appeared before the coun for by the motoring public and Waldport the past three months. • we have them • Columbia river highway. Yet there was no bargain—no There has been talk, and lots of ty court Wednesday to protest not by a tax on real property, , spent a week at home, returning , Thursday accompanied by his ' log-rolling of any kind to secure Vernonia’s endorsement it recently, of burdensome taxes, against any action that would they felt that the highway com l wife. of their own very worthy project. The director approved of extravagance in government eliminate the services of the coun mission should go ahead with and lack of confidence in the work full blast, es-1 the road to the coast because of its benefit to Columbia business world. Yet no one ty herd inspertor. The produc improvement ers stated that they are shipping pecially since the employment county. would want to see conditions as their milk to Portland in many situation is acute in this section If the organization does nothing more than overcome they were thirty years ago. Let cases and that the inspection of of the country as well as in all your memory run back over the the feeling of indifference, sometimes even of jealousy, period of the ushering in of the herds is a vital factor in market other sections. Delivered To and Called for at Your Door —Clatskanie Chief. ing their product. that has to a greater or less extent characterized the 90’s. How many automobiles TRUCKS LEAVE VERNONIA 9 A. M. DAILY Dr. F. G. Rankin is official CARD OF THANKS different sections of the county in the past, it will be were there in this country? How herd tester for the county at the Long Distance Furniture Hauling worth while. It promises even more, however, in its many miles of improved high present time and it was to insure Between Vernonia and Portland Friendship is one’s greatest ways? How many homes had a continuance of his work that the program for agricultural and industrial development. radio or boasted of an electric herd owners appeared before the heritage, yours is treasured and Portland-Vernonia Truck Line Barney Garrett, the new secretary, realizes as much refrigerator? How many house court. Funds for this work are at its evidence is your kind expres- at the passing of our boy, as anybody the need for promoting the interests of all the wives used vacuum cleaners or a low ebb and it was thought it sion W. A. Davis, Local Manager. Fred French, brightens life’s county, not merely any one part, and he has stated that prepared meals by electricity or might be necessary to curtail the pathway. RES. PHONE 443 OFFICE PHONE 1041 gas? expense involved in carrying on. his object will be to do even more for the outside com- Ed Hoteling and Family. While there are those who talk of the dairymen claimed munities than for his home town, St. Helens, because of the return of the good old Some that the law makes it mandatory their need is greater. days and times, how many people for the county to continue this The county chamber has made an excellent begin- living today and who have exper work. No decision was given on ienced the pleasures of modern this phase of the question. The ning. inventions would want to forget court has taken the matter un about those conveniences as der advisement but in the mean though they never existed? Few, time Dr. Rankin is continuing his FOUR MAJOR SUMMITS if any, we venture, would agree work. to such a thing, Let us rely on —St. Helens Mist. “The Vernonia-Hamlet route has four major sum- that faith that has builded the mits,” reads an argument by L. M. Lepper of the East greatest nation in the world to bring us out of the present cha- Side Commercial club of Portland for the ridge route, oic conditions and a return to whose elevation of 3200 feet for a 17 mile stretch is termed better times as well as good times. —Star, Elkton, Maryland. not bad.” GOOD TIMES AND OLD TIMES RAINFALL FOR JULY HIGHWAY WIDENING SOUGHT BY COUNTIES LOWER THAN AVERAGE Hertumia fcaglr Riverview Freight Don’t allow your money to leave town unnecessarily To cast aside the claims of the Vernonia-Hamlet route merely because of the four major summits as con- trasted with one on the ridge route shows a lack of The careful investigation on the part of Mr. Lepper. Solmonberry and Trask routes, conceded to be impracticable on account of engineering difficulties, have each one sum mit only. The number has nothing to do with the question. Location, grade, alignment, elevation, are the real deter mining factors. The highest elevation on the Vernonia-Hamlet route is 1460 feet, less than one half that on the ridge route, and it is the lowest maximum of all of the six proposed routes. The route is ranked first in alignment (an impossibility if the four summits were as “major” as the term implies), and has the shortest maximum grade. The four major summits are not so much of an im- impediment as Mr. Lepper might suppose. Oregon-American Lumber Co. Keep Vernonia money at home by asking your grocer for AFTER THE DEPRESSION WHAT? We are indebted to Roswell Smith, a real estate man of Van- Nuys, California, for the collec tion of certain facts about finan cial depressions in the past which should be valuable in predicting the future. Mr. Smith went through a file of newspapers back to the 1850's and finds these facts: There was a business depression in 1857 lasting 12 months. There was a business depression in 1869 lasting 8 months. There was a business depression in 1873 lasting 30 months. There was a business depression in 1884 lasting 22 months. There was a business depression STEAKS and CHOPS in 1887 lasting 10 months. Quickly Cooked There was a business depression in 1893 lasting 25 months. ROASTS and POT ROASTS There was a business depression 0 slow oven Need No Watching in 1903 lasting 25 months. There was a business depression in 1907 lasting 12 months. There was a business depression For Quality Meats in 1914 lasting 8 months. Visit Our Market There was a business depression in 1921 lasting 14 months. The important thing about these past panics, however, is that ev- ery one of them has been fol- lowed by -flush times, and the longer the depression lasted, the longer and more active the TENDER STEAKS “boom. »9 1 DELICIOUS HAM The present depression has now lasted about 20 months. We can TASTY CHOPS hardly say that the “boom” which will surely follow it has begun, but it is clearly on its way. And when it comes—oh boy! —Exchange. Phone u> your Market ALL OUTDOORS VERNONIA BAKERY is calling you Why Let Your Meals Keep You Home 7 MLAT-Zht? main dish To buy, sell or trade, Eagle classified ads, | RABRFP BARBER SHOP Haircutting for Men Women and Children Expert Work Guaranteed PASTIME CARDS AND LIGHT LUNCHES CQNTPAG.TQE5. JOHN A. MILLER General Contractor Mason Work, Building Grocery, Inc Phone Hospital 931 Town Office 891 BAFFORD BROS General Plumbing Vernonia DQGTQRS TELEPHONE— Office 672 Re*. 673 DR. R. A. OLSON OVER Chiropractor CLINE FURNITURE STORE Terminal Cafe THE RIGHT PLACE TO EAT H. A. SIMMONS, Proprietor TRANSFER — TRUCK DR. J. A. HUGHES Physician and Surgeon Office Phone 663 Xes. Phone 664 Vernonia, Oregon Eye* Tested CURLY’S TRANSFER Phone Business 221 Residence 653 Local and Long Dis tance Hauling Glasses Fitted DR. C. O. ANDERSON Eye Spelialist—Optometrist 1st Monday in Each Month. At Kullander’s Jewelry Store HOTELS Dentist Vernonia, Oregon and Physican and Surgeon Lloyd Baker, Prop. Prompt Deliveries Shell Products Marvin R. Eby, M. D. CARD ROOM M. D. COLE Nehalem Market RESTAURANTS «¡HOI'S DENTISTS U. S. Royal Cord Tires Shop Work Guaranteed your convenience the following business and professional people are listed on this page alphabetically. These men and women are known in Vernonia as reliable business and professional people. 721 Service Station Mechanics Professional and Business Directory and Grocery Need«— use Square Deal Dependable Mother’s Cakes Mother’s Dread Hotel Hy-Van STEAM HEAT The best for those who appreciate the best. CASON TRANSFER Local & long distance HAULING Phone 923 Office in Workingmen’« Store REEHER A LUEBKE New And Used Goods Bargain* in Fnrnitnro A Stove* 11 First Ave. North Forest Grove, Oregon AT HOME hotel M c D onald MONEY TO LOAN Money to Loan On improved real estate; long’ time and reasonable terms. See Attorney John L. Storla, St Helens Oregon. Th« best time to buy needed printing it NOW