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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1931)
FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, IMI VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE TWO made a trip to Forest Grove W. L. Van Doren was in Port- Wednesday. They were looking land Saturday and Sunday to con-| suit his surgeon concerning his for work. Edith Lindsley was a Vernonia hand which was injured this I spring. He reports that he must shopper aturday. Mr. and Mrs. Luther have left Verla and Anna Devaney are wait another month before the hand is in condition to undergo for San Francisco. They have been spending this week in Westport camping on their farm near Kea- \ Pat Murphy attended the Le Mrs. McGilvray accompanied them the operation which is necessary. sey and will return later in the with their father. Out of town visitors who stop gion convention in Corvallis last as far as Longview. fall to live on the place. Ladies Sew for week. Mrs. H. Veal returned Sunday ped at Hotel McDonald this week Orris Devaney while cutting included Mat Johnson, Mist, O. Mrs. Fowler from a three weeks visit in Vic Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fetsch and wood at home Friday was hit in family left Monday for a vacat toria, B. C. While there she at V. Snider of Renton, Washing- the eye with a knot. The injury About 40 members of the Mis tended the funeral services of ton, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Jack- ion trip. son of Seattle, V. M. Norman, was painful but not serious. sionary society of the Evangelical Ernest Yeo ’ s father. Miss Thelma Pearson of Port C. O. Evers vealed a calf and church met last Friday with Mrs. Geo. C. Cranning, Wm. E. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sergeant P. A. King James, D. D. Lanway sold it to his neighbors. land was a weekend guest of Miss John B. Hair at Hotel Nehalem «pent several days in Portland the Macile Roberts. D. K. Mendenhall made a bus to sew for Mrs. D. R. Fowler and J. W. Van Order of Port- first of the week. Della Cline Wayne Eckman of McMinnville iness trip to Portland Saturday. whose Riverview home was re land. is visiting friends in Vernonia took Mr. Sergeant’s place in the C. O. Evers, his niece Anna cently destroyed by fire. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Johnson Miller Mercantile store. for a few days. and Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Johnson Devaney and Mayo Pettijohn Each guest brought a gift for H. E. McGraw and Lester Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kullander attended, Sunday, the annual Mrs. Fowler and as a result of and Mrs. K. A. McNeill motored Sheeley went to Portland Monday North Dakota picnic held this the afternoon’s work two quilts message will bring, and remained until Tuesday af to Independence Sunday. year in the Skinners Butte park The friends of the Church, with were also presented to her that Mrs. William Culver is in Port ternoon in the interests of the at Eugene. On Saturday the evening. joy they will sing, land this week visiting her daugh Vernonia-Hamlet route to the' Johnsons drove to Waldport and The faces on the aged again will sea. ter, Mrs. Thor Roberts. stayed over night in Corvallis on Two Birthdays seem young, John Miller and Frank Lusby Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cameron and their way to Eugene. And, a noble victory at last will Celebrated Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Frazee were were among the local Legion F. B. Hurt, who had charge of be won naires who attended the state Portland visitors Saturday. RIVERVIEW — (Special.) — Aunt Sally Spencer returned convention in Corvallis last week. the construction of the oiled pave On the day the debt on our Mrs. Nannie Hall entertained a church is gone. last week from a ten day visit They returned to Vernonia Sat ment in this vicinity last fall is again in town, staying at the number of young folks at the O. A. Watchman. urday. j with relatives in Portland. home of her daughter, Mrs. C. W. H. McVay, assistant treas Hotel McDonald. Mr. Hurt will Margaret, Daisy and Nina Mc IN MEMORY OF R. Fowler, Thursday of last week Donald and Ed Hubert were Port urer of the Marshal-Wells com superintend the repair work on He comes here in honor of the birthdays f her BEATRICE JOY FEST land and St. Helens visitors Tues- pany of Portland, and L. C. these roads. Miss Lavonne granddaughter, Falkenhayn, advertising manager, from Klamath Falls, and will day. return for construction work Beatrice Joy, our little love Hall, and Bob Welch, both of A son was born August 5 to were in Vernonia Tuesday on which came on the same day. there when the job is finished Has gone to rest Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Blount at business. In her home above. A beautiful birthday cake “Billie” Bergerson, daughter of here. their home in the Pebble creek No more sorrow, sin of strife baked in the form of a double Charles Bergerson received minor district. i Will come to mar our darling’s cake was served with ice cream. J. H. Scott, state market road injuries, bruises and scratches, i life. Those present were Mildred engineer, was in town Tuesday when she fell while running to The loved ones left Cason, Marjorie Holtham, Mildred and Wednesday inspecting roads her car at a charivari party Have a cross to bear, and Ida Mae Hawkins, Rhoda Monday evening. to be oiled. But When life is o’er Bell, Lillian Whitney Bell, Lil- Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fest and A guest of Mrs. J. E. Kerr They will meet her there. and Lavonne Hall, Mr. and family left Monday for Hoquiam, this week is her sister Mrs. C. Mae Ohler R. Fowler, Mrs. D. R. Washington, where they expect to J. Moser of Grants Pass. Mrs. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Moser arrived Saturday with Mr. spend a month. Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Soden spent Kerr who had been in Grants F. Claude Stephens, Minister Sunday night with Mr. Soden’s Pass on business. Regular services August 9— Hartwick took Mrs. brother in Scroggins Valley south Frank Bible school 9:45 a. m.; Divine Hartwick and daughter Maxine morning worship 10:45; Theme, of Forest Grove. Mr. and Mrs. George Clow and and Mrs. Cameron to Rockaway “Where We Meet With God.” daughter Lauretta visited Mr. Thursday for their vacation. They Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m.; and Mrs. Roy Scott and family in expect to remain at the beach for Evening services, 8; Theme, Does a week or ten days. Forest Grove Sunday. the fall of Isreal in anyway ap Among recent guests registered ply to us today? Mrs. Lulah Fullerton of the public schools has returned from at Hotel Nehalem were Mr. and A cordial welcome to every the summer session of the Univer Mrs. T. W. Cowan and T. W. one coming. Cowan, Jr., of Westport, Dr. A. sity of Oregon in Portland. Ben Riesland of Portland rep C. Chase, Roy Sidebottom and CATHOLIC CHURCH resenting the Federation of West Joe Bush of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Kullander Services will be held Sunday Side clubs, was in Vernonia Wed nesday to confer on road matters. and family of Portland stopped at 11:30 a. tn. J. E. Kerr returned Friday af here Monday for a short visit ter a two weeks business trip with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kul When Will the Debt On Our Church Be Gone to Southern Oregon. While in lander. They were on their way Grants Pass he had his tonsils home from a week’s outing at If you’ll listen awhile, a mes Seaside. removed. sage I’ll bring, Earl M. Condit, principal of the Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Wolff Pasteurized and Raw and daughter Dorothy June, Mrs. West Portland school, and Mrs. i am not going to preach, and I ’ m not going to sing, H. V. Holcomb and Mrs. Dave Condit were here Wednesday to The BEST MILK is not too good Marshall motored to Portland visit with Mr. Condit’s sisters, But the subject I’ve chosen, is for your children and you! something that ’ s new, Grace and Lilly, who will return Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Burnside soon to Graceland college, Lamo I hope you’ll agree, its a good one, too. Doctors recommend milk that is and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rich ni, Iowa. pasteurized — a scientific process Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Washburn It’s something that puzzles us ardson spent several days the everyone, which destroys harmful bacteria, but latter part of the week visiting and Mrs. Dora Washburn took keeps unchanged the delicious flavor Harvey Froembling to Astoria When will the debt on our church ing Tocoma. be gone? the vitamines and the minerals which Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Grun- Sunday, where he expects to re make milk such a valuable food for den and W. T. Lilly motored to main for some time in the hope There is no use to worry, men, growth and health. Raymond, Washington, Tuesday. that the climate there will benefit no use to fret. his asthma. Better keep smiling, and, Recent Hotel Gordon guests Our milk keeps well because it is off the debt. included Shady Lane of Mist, Just a little at a time, friends, handled under strictly sanitary con Glenn Ball, E. A. Wood, Toledo, ditions and is always sold in bottles It Pays a little each day, Oregon, O. T. Bates, I. M. Hill, And you’ll be surprised, how the that are scientifically cleaned and Vancouver, Washington, P. Scott, sterilized in a machine made for the debt fades away. to look Seattle, W. M. Schultz and Thos. Now, if we all work together, and purpose. Cluprou, Portland. each do his part, Your Best Guests at the H. Veal home The hand on the clock will move Tuesday were Mr. and Mrs. Earl from the start. Groat and family of Astoria, Mr. Our Ringlette permanent Then ever look upward, for Jesus beautiful and lasting but and Mrs. A. L. Van Blaricom easy to take because there is near. and son Claude of Forest Grove is less heat and less weight and Mr. and Mrs. A. Hants of Just offer a prayer, that the way VERNONIA PHONE 471 in the Ringlette process. may be made clear. Vancouver, Washington. ONLY $5.00 Stopping this week at Hotel Then the Angels in Heaven, a Hy-Van were F. W. Stratton, L. A. Stratton, Junction City, Chas. Foss, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Slater, Mrs. R. H. Slater, W. H. Mc Vernonia Hotel Building Vay, Wm. Brown, L. R. Olson, Phone 1261 E. H. Leahy and H. E. Parker of Portland. KEANEY Church Notices Fowler and Kenneth Fowler, Harvard Malmsten, Paul Jepson, Carl Biggs, Glen Hawkins, Bob Welch, Robert Cline, Holly Hol- comb, Roy Barnes and the hos- tess, Mrs. Lee Hall. GOOD STOCK SELLS Good stock sells itself, declares F. B. Warfield. He recently sold two Hampshire rams to a man in Kings Valley. Immediately Mr. THE GREATEST VALUE EVER BUILT INTO A F ord C a R The Beautiful Ford Tudor Sedan Milk and Cream NEHALEM VALLEY ICE Ä CREAMERY CO ITSELF Warfield received a letter from a man at Junction City who had seen the rams in Kings Valley, inquiring for stock and prices. On receiving a reply from Mr. Warfield the customer sent a check for partial payment with instructions to hold 25 ewe lambs for him until he could get his threshing done so he could come after the lambs. The deal was made without the customer seeing the lambs. ‘490 (F. O. B. Detroit, plu» freight and delivery. Bumper» and »pare tire extra at low cosi.) HEN you buy a Ford car today, you buy what is unquestionably the greatest value in the history of the Ford Motor Company. Never before has so much beauty, comfort, safety and performance been offered at such a low price. The low price of the Ford is something to think about because it means an immediate saving of many dollars — always an important consideration. But far more significant than price alone is what you get for that price. When high quality is combined with low price, you may justly take pride in having found a most satisfactory purchase. See the Ford — ride in it — learn something about the value that is built into every part. The more you know about it, the more certain you will be that it is the car for you. It is literally true that when you “get the facts you will get a Ford.” W Milady's Beauty Shoppe NOW IS THE TIME . Tinware Specials B1PPKKN I3<* an«l Pudding Pans - - To Prepare for SCHOOL AND FALL ABC PRINTS "Star Brand" Shoes A fine assortment of these boil proof prints is ready for your choos ing—We have your complete sewing needs from Patterns to buttons. The children are well shod when you choose an all leather “Star Brand.” The assortment is complete, the prices lowest in years. Wash Silks Berry PAIL I He Milk Pans 13c-Itic-IMe Hoffman Hdwe. Co SEE HOFFMAN ABOUT IT—IT PAYS Order of Eastern Star A choice of our hat stock FREE with each SILK DRESS sold. Need we say it is a chance to save. At this lowest of prices you can't resist a dress from this group of print ed silks—dotted, floral and striped pat terns, light and dark shades SHOP SAVE HERE MONEY A. F. 4 A. M. Nehalom Chapter 153, O. E. S. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 Regular commu A. F. 4 A. M. meet* nication first •t Masonic Temple, and third Wed Stated Communication nesdays of each First Thursday of each month, at Ma month. Special called sonic Temple. All visiting sis meetings on all other Thurs ters and broth day nights 7:30 p.m. Visitor* ers welcome. most cordially welcome. Mrs. Leona McGraw, W. M. E. G. Anderson, W. M. Mrs. Alma Bell, Secretary. W. E. Bell, Secretary. Mountain Heart Rebekah Lodge No. 243 I. O. O. F. No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets every second and fourth Thursday* in I. O. O. F. hall, Vernonia. Visit I.O.O.F.—Vernonia Lodge Ne. ors always welcome. 246 meets every Tuesday night Margaret Lines, Noble Grand. at 8 o’clock, in I.O.O.F. hall. Vi»- Bessie Herrin, Secretary. itors always welcome. Chas. Holt, Noble Grand. Pythian Sister* G. G. Holt, Vice-Grand. Vernonia Temple 81 meets G. M. Holt, Secretary. every 2nd and 4th Wednesday* in W.O.W. hall. Isabel Culbertson, M. E. C. American Legion Clara Kerns, M. or R. A C. Varaaaia Paa* 119, Americas KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Legion. Meet* HARDING LODGE nr Meets every Monday 2nd and 4th night in the W.O.W. Tuesday* each hall. Visiting broth month, 8. p. m. ers welcome. Dan Nelson, Ad M. D. Cole, C. C. jutant; P. Hughe*, Commander. H. Culbertson, K.R.S.