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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1931)
Friday, March 6, 1931, VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE TWO The characters were: Bimbo, of the local Oregon Gas and Thompson, Harold Cason, Fred Electric company office this week. Henderson, Lolamae Smith, Toshi Harold King; Lydia, Robert Kilby; Robert, Everett Shively; Mr. Mrs. Ludeman is visiting her Kuge. parents in Vancouver at present Seven-2: Leon Brock, Josephine Driscoll, Billie Bassett; gunner, and will join her husband here Hall, Jeanne Hughes, Alvine Shi Paul Jepson; First mate, Holly as soon as arrangements are vely, Evelyn Varley, Muriel Wil Holcomb; Brimstone Smith, Gar land Monger. made to move their household liams. The play will be presented goods. Eight-1: Shelby Caton, Mar T. A. Gordon was confined to Guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. A. N. S. Soden and Lester Sheeley guerite Laird, James Rainey, again Friday night at 8 p. m. in Hughes, Sunday, were Mr. and his home with a bad cold the made a business trip to Portland Lorraine Space, Ruth Page Sim the auditorium and a very small admission will be charged. The Mrs. Henry Stinehouser of Port first of the week. Monday. mons, Benji Wilkerson. eighth grade girls will assist in land. Mr. Stinehouser has a H. Veal and Dudley Spofford Eight-2: Helen Brimmer, Ethel the program by Bingin musical large ranch near Hood River al returned home Sunday from St. Christensen, Hale Graves, Thad- numbers. though he is not living on it at Helens where they have been deus Lang, Elza Varley, Margaret present. working. McNutt. LINCOLN SCHOOL Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bush went Sadie Heath who has been car- The operetta is progressing WASHINGTON SCHOOL to Portland Monday to remain ing for her grandmother in Cor The following had 100. in spell Fifth grade: Doris Nixon took very nicely. It will be given the for several days. nelius for the past three months ing. Second grade, Leola Fitz PETER B.KYNE latter part of March. second place in the fifth grade returned to her home in Verno Hale Greenman returned to written spelling contest held at The eight-1 boys presented the gerald, Valda Rae Bond, Thomas Vernonia Monday after spending nia Monday. W. NLU- play “Bimbo, the Pirate,” by l Kuge, Jean Moran, Glinn Hall, Rainier last Friday. Charles Mc- two weeks in Portland. John B. Hair, proprietor of Graw attended the state legisla Booth Tarkington, before the as l Walter Mock, Gene Mason, Paul SER.VICE. Mrs. Wm. Culver who has been Hotel Nehalem, who cut his hand ture Friday. The fifth grade is sembly Monday afternoon. This I Hartman, Glenn Hartman, Lucille A very ill for several weeks is badly with an ax last week is planning to have a store to help play represented a period of his i Rufli, Cecil Andrews, Junior De “Quite satisfactory. Mr. Moody.* It wasn’t, really, because Eime, venturous boy I Of course yon want much improved and able to be recovering nicely. them in making change and work tory in the early 1700’s when Hart, Elsie Killian, Dorothy Weis. Fourth grade: Geraldine Cason, knew he was about to be exploited to see It, and you want to go prowl up again. Charles Fletcher of Portland ing fractions. Nineteen had 100 there really were pirates. ) successfully for the first time, hut ing alone. I don’t blame you. You C. Bruce went to Portland stopped at Hotel Nehalem Mon- in spelling last week. The boys, under the supervision Charlie Kato, Violet Johnson, being a millionaire he concluded yearn for liberty nnd Independence Tuesday evening to see the The following had 100 in spell of Mrs. Fullerton, art teacher, Jack Sheeley, Carl Taylor, Ar not to worry about an extra per and you’ve never known it. Elmer, E. J. Bulgin, evangelist ing: Mrs. Spring’s room, Bud made the stage settings. The thur Blum. step out and see the world. When fights. cent or two. A girl was born to Mr. and I for the special meetings at the Lindberg, Pete McDonald, Louella lantern was made and designed The following have r-'“eived Mr. Crittenden made out the you’ve seen all you want of It and note, Elmer signed It and Mr. Crit and find Its rocks and dirty, nosey, Mrs. F. J. Hartman Sunday night. . local Evangelical church arrived Jones, Eleanor Graven, Bobby by Dale Clark. The ship was Palmer Method awards- tenden credited the twenty thou gossipy, mean, cruel, good, tender Mother and baby are doing well. Wednesday and is stopping at Ulshoeffer, Angelina Yana, Betty designed, painted and cut out by ress pins, Virgie Killia sand dollars to his account In the nnd lovable people wherever you Mr. and Mrs. Everett Prickett , Hotel Nehalem. Jane Jagen, John May. Paul Jepson, Harold King and Howell. Third pin, Heidi Reich, bank, entered the deposit In a pass go, and that no spot on earth has visited in Portland Sunday at the Guests at Hotel McDonald this Sixth grade: Hilton Baker, Ted Everett Shively. The chair was Henry Taylor, Frances Fi’zger- book and with a flourish handed a monopoly of life’s pleasures, you home of Mrs. Prickett’s brother, , week were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Davis, Jean Lillig, Dorothy Over- made by Billy Bassett and Earl ald, Harry Culbertson. Harold Elmer pass book and pocket might come back to me. I'll be glad R. L. Kullander. A. Cohen, Salem, D. D. Cameron, son, Rachel Throop. Doney. The swords and chests ¡Brimmer, Ernest Russell, Eunice check book. Elmer thanked Mr. to have you 1 On the contrary, if A. J. McKee, A. Greenman, J. H. L. Hutchinson, manager of Seven-1, Helen Scott, Lucille were made by the rest of the Russell. Second pin, Arthur W I you've changed your mind about me Moody and Mr. Crittenden and on liams, Hascal Bond. his way out of the bank was enp- —well. I’ll understand. I’d rather the Gilby Motor company at St P. Ryan, Guy W. Phillips, R. W. Lindberg, Willa Crowder, Erma boys. tured'hy Nellie Cathcnrt, who car have you change your mind before Helens was a business visitor in Kelting, A. B. Steele, C. L. Lar son, I. R. White, J. C. Penelope, ried him off to luncheon at the Pal marriage than after it. Sometimes Vernonia Tuesday. I think that young men who marry ace grill. Marvin Porterfield and Bob i Portland, Nettie E. Alley, Harry “Well, Elmer," said Nellie when nowadays give hostages to for Holcomb went to Eugene Satur Love, St. Helens; J. N. Miller, they found themselves In the quasi tune." day where they attended the bas Clatskanie; Lyle Rose, Camp Mc privacy of a booth, “how does It "What a remarkable philosopher feel the day after? Are you finding you’ve grown to be!” he exclaimed ketball game between the Univer Gregor, and H. Harney, Forest sity and O. S.C. and visited with Grove. your riches a burden?" admiringly. Robert Hillaker who has been “I am not, dear, but a great mqay “I’m a warlock, dear, I play Vernonia students there including people are. A hundred well wish hunches, and I have a hunch about Glen and Helen Hieber, Neal «¡siting in Vernonia returned ers, advisors and salesmen have vis you. Normally, you’re too big for Bush, Della Cline, and Amy to his home in Scofield Sunday. ited me this morning. By the way, this town, but—when pain and Hughes. Earl Groat is working in the Tve gone back to help Snm out anguish wring your brow, per • • Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Whitlock, Connicher Logging camp. until we can break In a new man." haps this town will be Just right formerly of Lewiston, Idaho, are Mrs. J. Hoerley was in Spo- Nellie beamed upon him. “By for you. At any rate, it will be the way, I have been the recipient not less than eleven months before living in the Bell house on First kane last week looking after Appetite appeal! That’s what every menu needs to make your family rush of numerous congratulations my your Uncle Hiram’s estate can be avenue, taking care of Mr. Whit property interests there. Hotel Hy-Van guests this week lock’s father, J. F. Whitlock, who self. The Impression appears to distributed to you and—” eagerly to the table at mealtime. You can easily add this much desired quality be fairly prevalent in PllarcItoB that “How do you know, Nellie?” is improving in health. W. A. were W. F. Hintzen, M. J. Ab to your meals if you combine your fine ability as a cook with the fresh, whole I am a coheir with you—after a “I’m a trust officer In a bank and Whitlock is a brother of C. G. bott, N. A. Sprague, Lafe Man some foods you can buy so economically at our complete food stores. fashion.” tsust officers have to know consid Whitlock of the J. C. Penney ning, M. Tehara, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer grinned mischievously. erable about estates." C. E. Cooper, W. M Roark, L. store. "Pllarcltos is a small town," he ad “Oh 1" Features for Saturday and Monday, March 7 and 9, 1931 A three and one half pound H. Rankins, Webb Campbell, O. mitted. “Where would you care to "Estates of ovor ten thousnnd dol live, Nellie? In Los Angeles or San lars usually drag along through the baby was born to Mr. and Mrs. M. Brewster, Mr. and Mrs. H. Domnisse, J. W. Stinehouse, , s. Carl Fowler of Riverview, Feb Francisco or New York?” probate courts that long.” Black—Edwards Dependable, reg- t „ “I take It," Nellie replied, “that "Then by golly, Nellie, I’m going ruary 5. Mother and son are L. R. Mabee, Paul Kullberg, Port guiar 10c value, 2 oz. can ............. Uv land; E. J. Ludeman, Longview; you and I are not formally engaged to hop It to Muscatine, Iowa, and doing fine. to be married and that a discus speed up tho machinery of the Marie Kirkpatrick, local teach E. A. Daniels, San Francisco; sion of our future residence would law." Perfect shortening in sealed er, went to Portland Friday to and H. Von Cleff, Clatskanie. 69c be premature. Or Is your query by “I’d try It If I were you, but It spend the weekend with her par E. J. Ludeman is taking charge cans—3 pound can .............. way of being a proposal?" will not get you very far.” ents. “But—Nellie darling—” “I don’t quite like your unreason Mrs. Marvin R. Eby and chil "Now, Elmer, I love you to able preference for Pllarcltos as P & G White Naptha. The world’s QQ x* death. Tve admitted that twice the scene of our married life, Nel dren went to Oregon City Satur most popular soap. 10 Bars .... OOu within twenty-four hours. You're lie." day evening to visit Dr. Eby’s the only man I’ve ever loved. But "My dear, I can take Pllarcltos parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Eby. rm not engaged to you.” or leave It alone. I merely said I They remained until Thursday. Allens Pride or Santiam. Fancy OQz, “Why not?" preferred It to a big city.” The pleasant way back Mrs. W. H. Hurley with her ba cut Stringless, No. 2—2 Cans .... “Yesterday I would have replied, “Oh 1” ■Because you've never asked me.' Nellie smiled wistfully ns she by daughter went to Tacoma Sun to normal strength Del Monte— Today I say that I’ve docided not noted his slight hesitation. "You’ve day to be with her mother, who 15c to engage myself to you until been to the Great war and you’ve is ill. 14-Ounce Bottle you’ve had amide opportunity to seen something of the world, El Mrs. Wm. Collins, who sudden see the world. Juggle that million mer, but really you don’t know very ly became ill last week at her dollars awhile and see what the much nbout It,” sho reminded him. home on Corey hill was taken to COCOA— in bulk. Each delicious other girls look like. If you please, "I’m ages older than you. One sees Emanuel hospital where she un cupful offers a balanced abun Elmer, I'd much prefer to marry so much of life, even In a small dance of precious food mierials derwent an operation Saturday >•■••• “I1..... ■ t used to ready town bank.” — proteins, phosphorus and cal night. She is reported to be do “ You ’ re certainly practical. ” cium. a nr money rather than before. Mean ing nicely. As Elmer walked back to the * Pounds ........................... ¿DC while I'll continue to love you Just Registered at the Gordon Hotel STANDARD GRADE ns devotedly as if I were wear Smoke Shoppe, after parting with COFFEE— MacMARR, our best ing a diamond engagement ring ns Nellie In front of the bank. It oc this week were J. Gruber, A. E. Selected by qualified buyers from the blend, always delicious, always curred to him that Nellie was not Scruggs, H. E. Smith and A. big as a headlight, and in the In dependable in quality, fragrance best grades of standard pack. terim we will not discuss the mat only practical hut tho most practi Schrum all of Portland. and flavor. Q a Golden Corn No. 2 — Sweet Peas No. 2 ter of our future residence. Aftor cal girl he had ever known. Noble who has made While he did not take the trou his Robert Pound ................................ D*iC we're married I’ll live wherever you home in Vernonia for several Tomatoes with Puree No. 2i/a 3 POUNDS $1.00 want to live and be quite happy If ble to analyze the slight feeling of years left Friday for Seattle Peptona Cut Beans No. 2 you are happy, but if I were to be discomfort that harassed him In the where he will assist his sister RAISINS— Choice seedless, exqui knowledge of her undoubted prac granted a preference—” 3 Cans site in luxurious flavor and one “Yes, of course,” he Interrupt ticality nnd common sense, the fact in operating Hotel Lee, which is of the lowest priced foods, nr Pint ed. “That’s why I asked the ques was that, like ninety-nine and nine- located on Eighth avenue near 4 Pound Bag ..................... ¿DC tenths per cent of his sex, he Madison. tion.” is the time to' re "Brace yourself for a shock, dear yearned for a clinging vine rather build in your system what than n lively upstanding wild est. I'd like to live In Pllarcltos.” flower, although of this he was hap A. R. Lundeen and the two Chris the attacks of winter may White or Yellow. Children love the de- “In this Jay town I Why, Nellie, pily unaware have taken away. Pep tie families, all formerly of I.-P. licious creamy flavor. 9 lb. sack you're not serious—really!" tona, by sharpening your camp. “I nm—really. What's wrong (Continued Next Week) appetite, aiding digestion Nelle Campbell spent the week Willamette Valley. Rich in minerals, pro- QT with Pllarcltos?" and increasing the red end in Vernonia to see the basket “Everything. It's dull, quiet, pro teins and carbohydrates. 9 lb. sack .... corpuscles of the blood, vincial-nothing doing." ball game. should shorten tho recon "But It's a pretty town, Elmer. I Bob Lausman, East Side Log Scot-Tissue, 1000 sheets, soft as old linen. OPT x» structive period for you. like the rows of locust trees along ging company foreman, is now The first taste of this The absorbent, soft white tissue. 3 for the sidewalks; I like the pretty in camp. He does not know when pleasant tonic will con bungalows with roses and bougain camp will start. vince you. Start today. villea covering them; I prefer to be 80 Pounds ................... 79C Betty Campbell spent the week Hilbert Young drove to Port a householder, not a cliff dweller; end at Monmouth. Sold only at Resali Drug I land Monday. I like a gnrden and my own little Stores. Mrs. Pettijohn, Miss Gosa and garage, and a big kennel and nm 100 Pounds ......... Sl»84 for a dog; I like a big shanghai Mr. Young were Vernonia visit rooster for an alarm clock nnd I ors Saturday. Mac’s Pharmacy like babies and baby carriages and INSTANT POSTUM— Five teachers have applied for the kind of mothers who manage 39c 8 oz. cans ................. Vernonia. Oregon their own bnbles and baby car the Kensey school this year, four SODA—Arm & Harm riages. The country herenbonts Is ladies and one man. 15c 1 lb. 2 packages ... an Edon. God made only one Santa Mrs. Eola Deveney spent one Clara valley. You can have Lon day in Portland visiting with Mrs. M, .fall MATCHES — Sear don tn the season, but I prefer the MACMARR FANCY PATENT count, every match a Santa Clara tn blossom time, El 19c Per carton (6 boxes; 49 Pound Sack ................... ^1.09 mer.” SALT—Leslie’s Tab;. “Good Lord. Nellie, how you sur feet seasoner, adds prise me 1 Why, there are no so It’s ever increasing popularity is final 19c ’ cial or Intellectual contacts here, flavor to foods. 8-1 proof of its extraordinary quality. do —” PINEAPPLE — Lubbix . APPLE CHOICE PATENT "Halt I The dust-brown ranks Sliced or Crushed, No. 2% 4 E will stand fasti" Nolllo command- 49 Pound Sack .. 89c tins—2 for ......................... *tDC •d. “Only the day before yester- A golden, fragrant dessert or sal n certain altruistic, ambitions ad just as it comes from the can. enthusiastic yonng man, by name Elmer Butterworth Clarke, was planning ways and means for transforming H. Wasservogel’s de funct butcher shop into a number of proflt-maklng enterprises to which he meant to cling while grow ing up with the country. Pllarcltos QUALITY MEATS FOR LESS EVERY DAY IN THE WEEK was a pretty nice town the day be fore yesterday, wnsn’t it? “Why. Elmer, If you lived tn New C • Ci 1 Try one of our famous Swiss Steaks out of 1 lb. 25c York It would cost you thousands DW1SS OlCaKS our regular high quality beef ................................... < of dollars a year to surport a mem bership in a rich man’s gnn club, DID a Shoulder cuts from young lb. 16c whereas you and three other small rork Roasts grain fed pork 1 town sports control the best duck grounds In this county at a cost of about seventy five dollars a year. 1 lb. 17c Beef Pot Roasts The same is true of your trout fish ing. You get Just as good trap shoot With a new shipment we are ready to help ing in Pllarcltos ns rich men do Hams (Fryer’s Delicious |Haif or whole 1 lb. 25c at Pinehurst, and there are Just as you in a fitting of brassiere, step-in, hook-around good shots here, even If most of or combination from our stock of these beautiful them do wear overalls Instead of under-garments featuring “Miss Simplicity”—a QUALITY ------ SNAPPY SERVICE ------ 100% SANITARY plus fours." "Tm Ucked. Yon have entirely garment for the average, slight and full figure. too many reasons, Nellie." •T have more reasons. If pressed for them.” “Well, Tve been thinking Td Hko to see the other side of the pic Shop at MILLER'S REMEMBER — M ac M arrv M ac M arr VM ac M arrv M ac M arr TM ac M arr TÍM ac M arr ¡Ti M ac M arr ture. Nellie." «tonti T «Tont« T «roac« T «roar« T « tobc « T «Tonet «Toar« And SAVE Money. Nellie's soft, brown, firm little Before you Buy band came across the table and dosed oa JU mer’s. "Dear old ad- MONEY. TO BURN School Items V An Appetite Appeal In Every Meal PEPPER SNOWDRIFT SOAP BEANS Catsup Canned Vegetables $1.00 KEASEY Corn Meal Rolled Oats Toilet Paper Mill Run Scratch Feed II FLOUR COJJAKD Line of Beauty So Necessary a Foundation for the Newer Frocks MARKET FEATURES 81.49 to S4.95 Vernonia, Oregon