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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1931)
Apiary Road Endorsed By Association Lower Columbia Cham ber» of Commerce Urge Action _- Prompt action on the Apiary cut-off project and establishing of a through road from the Long- View bridge by way of Vernonia to a connection with the Tual atin highway at Forest Grove was endorsed by the board of gov ernors of the Lower Columbia associated chambers of commerce at the meeting in Cathlamet last Friday. They passed a resolution calling upon the Oregon legis lature to empower the state high way department to advance mon ey to counties for the purpose of constructing market roads to con nect with state highways, repay ment of the loans to be permitted on the installment plan. If this measure passes it will be possible for the highway commission to finance the enterprise, avoiding the necessity of waiting several years for enough of market road funds to be available to warrant the county court in authorizing the expenditure. Other resoultions advocated completion of the Ocean Beach highway from Skamokawa west ward, investigation and engineer ing of an inland waterway from the Columbia river to Puget Sound by way of Willapa bay and Grays Harbor, lengthening of the fishing season in the Columbia river, and construction of a road from Fort Canby to North Head, near Long Beach. George W. Ford, vice-president of the association, represented ¿Vernon*-®n the'boaTTTwf-'gnver- nors. - , LAST OF NUTRITION MEETINGS JAN. 20 The Knights of Pythias and the Pythian Sisters held a joint installation of officers, with Mr. and Mrs. Zeiger, superintendent and matron of the Pythian Home, as their guests. Mrs. James Nanson, in giving the anrual Altruistic report for the past year, reported the sum of $643.00 expended in charitable work.______________ OREGONIAN COMMENTS ON APIARY ROAD PROJECT Wednesday’s Oregonian con tained the following comment con cerning tne Rainier-Vernonia road project, under a Salem date line: A resolution which is consid ered the opening wedge for the construction of a north south high way from Forest Grove and Hills boro to Rainier by way of Vernon ia and eventually taking over of the Longview bridge by the state highway commissions of Oregon and Washington, was presented yesterday to the roads and high ways committee of the house by the Lower Columbia River associ ation. With its appearance, talk of a tie-up between proponents of these two measures and advocates of the Wilson river road was revived, a community of inter ests. it was pointed out, may be established betwwen the forces working for these various pro jects in order to surmount antic ipated opposition to any meas- ures tending to direct the high- (Continued on Page 6) ? January Thaw Traffic Officers Feathers And Talons Checkup'on Lights State traffic officers Healy and McCoy were in Vernonia Saturday evening checking lights. They examined 9.0 cars, but made only two arrests, one man for failing to have a drivers license, and the other for defective brak es. Drivers whose cars had lights that did not fit specifications were ordered to have the adjust ments made. These were com paratively few, and the officers report this district to be in very good shape. The officers returned Monday to testify in the asses tried before Justice Hill. County Court Names New Road Patrolman Nelson Knocks Out Opponent in Idaho Roy “Swede” Nelson, local box er, added another win to his long and impressive list of victories by taking a technical knockout over Harold Hawkswood at Idaho Falls, Idaho, Tuesday night. Hawkswood hails from Lewis ton, Idaho, and is claimant of the intermountain middleweight cham pionship. 20 BARRELS OF GAS SHIPPED TO CAMP 9 20 barrels of gasoline, about 10.00 gallons, were shipped for the Shell Oil company to Camp 9 crossing by the Cason Transfer company Thursday morning. Act ivities there have begun in full force. “It sure looks good to see all those men and donkeys at work there,” reports D. C. Cason. Mr. and Mr». Spring Entertain REBEKAH LODGE INSTALLS OFFICERS REBEKAH 12 The officers of the Mountain Heart Rebekah lodge were in stalled last Thursday evening by Mrs. Grace Miner, district dep uty president. Mrs. Grace Sunell was installed as noble grand; Mrs. Margaret Lines, vice-grand; Mrs. Helen Fogel, secretary; Mrs Estelle Monger, treasurer; Mrs. Grace Miner, right supporter to the noble grand; Mrs. Myrtle John, left supporter to the noble grand; Mrs. Sally Brown, right supporter to the vice-grand; Mrs. Viola Treharne, left supporter to the vice-grand; Mrs. Marie O’Donnell, warden; Mrs. Graven, conductor; Mrs. Dorcas Bayes, inside guardian; Mrs. Ora Glass- ner, outside guardian; Mrs. Selma Webb, chaplain; Mrs. Pearl Mc Cabe, musician. Another nutrition meeting of the Vernonia home extension group will be held in Vernonia on Tues day, January 20, with Miss Lucy A. Case, nutrition specialist from 0. S. C. This the third and last of a series of nutrition meeting held by Miss Case in Vernonia and much interest has been shown by the women of this community in this project. The attendance has been complete in number. This last meeting will take the form of a community dinner which the members of this group will prepare for their families and it will be served Tuesday evening. The women expect to come to the Evangelical church at 1:30 p. m. for preparation and discussion. J. W. Rose of Vernonia was named at the January session of the county court as road patrol man for districts 9 and 16, suc- cecdjn; Teter Berg-rsen. Mr. Rose has been a resident of this section for many years, and has had considerable exper Banquet in Evening in road work. He was em The meetings of the resolutions ience ployed under Mr. Bergerson at committee-and of the board of the time of his promotion. governors at the Wahkiakum county court house in the after noon wefa followed by a ban McGRAW ASSIGNED quet and program at the head TO 4 COMMITTEES quarters camp of the Crown-Wil lamette Paper company, six miles H. E. McGraw, Columbia coun from Cathlamet. Attendance at the banquet was so much larger ty representative in the state le than expected that many visit gislature, has been assigned Jay ors, including half of the Verno Speaker Frank J. Lonergan to nia delegation, were turned away the following committees: bank ing and corporations, engrossed for lack of accommodation. The following made the trip and enrolled bills, forestry, and from Vernonia: George W. Ford, insurance. Joe E. Dunne, joint senator Carl Davidson, J. E. Kerr, Harry Kerns, Joseph Scott, A. L. Kul- from Multnomah, Columbia and lander, K. A. McNeill, W. S. Mc Clackamas counties, is chairman Daniel, Emil Messing, E. S. of the roads and highways com Thompson, E. W. Holtham and mittee in the senate. Ray D. Fisher. PYTHIANS HOLD INSTALLATION NUMBER 25 VERNONIA, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1931. VOLUME 9 ABOUT 70 ATTEND 'Farm BOY SCOUT SUPPER Product Grading Again About 70 sons and dads gather ed at the Evangelical church Mon- day evening for a very successful father and son banquet given es pecially for Vernonia Boy Scout troop. A state exective of the Boy Scouts had been expected to The subject of grading farm address the gathering but was products was continued in a unable to be present and Mr. round table discunsion at the Juda orernman took his place and | chamber of commerce luncheon gave those present a very in [Wednesday. J. E. Tapp was pro structive and interesting talk. gram chairman. The dinner was prepared by the Women’s Missionary society and| Judd Greenman explained how consisted of roast chicken, dress lumbermen were able to get more ing,, cranberry sauce, mashed for their product after adopt potatoes, carrots, peas and celery, ing a system of careful grading, 'since the purchaser of ungraded apple pie, milk and coffee. lumber protected himself from a possible high percentage of culls and low percentage of clears Quincy Defeats by paying less than the average wai really worth, and he sug Grade Team 17-10 i gested that efforts be made to show the farmer that he too would profit by grading his pro ducts. Unable to get started until the i W. Culver spoke of the need final period the Vernonia Grade for educating the farmer as to school basketball team lost to the most advantageous weights the Quincy team on the local for meat. Fattening stock beyond floor Friday afternoon by a score a certain point, he explained, is of 17 to 10. The local boys unprofitable because of the low answering the cheers of their er price per pound the product fellow students put on a desperate may bring. last quarter rally which took Harry Kerns told of recent their much larger opponents off' improvements in the quality of their feet. During this rally the' milk and cream brought to the locals scored eight points to creamery since the farmers had their opponents none but the' come to understand standards whistle ended the game before . required. the score could be evened. I Emil Messing advocated the Practically the entire Verno distribution of standard grading nia squad was used in an effort I rules, and Judd Greenman sug- to stop the early period rushes|^”’d ch^beTpublirfi’ r»T ’rr roam fvnm zi/xvxrr» K . . of rhn the H big team from the -- — — down - “Tla pamphlet based on authoritative valley. "____ 2_ ! information available. up a hard fight against their! I In the absence of President husky opponents despite the han .Ford and Vice-President David dicap of the loss of their cap son A. L. Kullander presided. tain, Holly Holcomb, shortly be He announced Rev. G. W. Plumer fore game time through the re as chairman of next week’s pro currence of an old knee injury. gram, Lloyd Baker for January Although Vernonia used a to 28, and Albert Childs for Feb tal of twelve players the regular ruary 4. ______________ line-up was as follows: Quincy Vernonia Mi»» Child* Entertain» Carlstrom ........C........ Cummings Miss Mary Ann Childs enter Ahonen .............. F.............. Jepson Sirnio ............... .F__ _____ King tained a few of her friends at her Dahlman ............ G...... ......... Shiel | home Saturday evening, when „„ ........... . . Graven ^e young folks spent an enjoy- Happala ............ .... G............... ” w "“ l . Daron is the"coart’at able. time P1???",* K»™» »nd 2 '_ . Sandwiches, Quincy and Wallace McCrae the dancing. L----- . punch and coach for Vernonia. W. Thomas cookies were served for refresh ments. Those present were refereed the game. Previous to the basketball 'Misses Catherine Malmsten, Ed game two girls’ teams played a ina Owens. Louise Roberson, Nelle volley ball game, and the or Green, Nelle Campbell, Zonweiss chestra played between halves. Douglass, Allie Simmons, Maybelle The cheering was lead by Lor Drorbaugh, Christine Rainey, Al raine Space and James Rainey. ice Parker, Florence Wall, Ev erett Rundell, Jack and Larry Marshall. William Gregory, Er Elected Preaident Smith, George Laird, John Mrs. G. R. Van Vleet was elect-1 vin Kirk, Marvel Graven, Oscar Sor- ed president of the Eastern Star Social club Wednesday afternoon ,lee, Robert Holcomb, Gloyd Ad in place of Mrs. K. A. McNeill, ams. who resigned. Athletic Club to Meet Monday C. of C. Topic t q Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spring en tertained a few guests at their home Saturday evening. The early part of the evening was spent playing cootie, for which Mr. Austin won the prize. Prizes for bridge were won by Mrs. E. E. Yeo, and W. Thomas. Fruit jello, whipped cream, cake and punch were served by Mrs. Spring. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Austin, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Yeo, Miss Ruth Tay The Vernonia Athletic club Study Club Meet» Tbur»dey lor, Miss Florence Santee, Miss The Vernonia Study club will will meet next Monday evening Melba Laramore, Mrs. Lulah Ful meet next Thursday at the home at 8 o’clock in the Camp Fire lerton, E. Dumas, W. Thomas. of Mrs. E. M. Bleile. Roll “ call “ Girls’ cabin. All members are Some1 urged to w be uv present and anyone Mrs. Dave Marshall underwent will be answered with “ ovme.urxvu an operation in Emanuel hospit Books I Have Read and Enjoyed. wishing to join the club is also Recently.” 'cordially invited. al Wednesday. Town Basket Ball Season Opening Set Game Scheduled Saturday With St. Helens Pulp Co. After several week of prac tice the newly organized Vernon ia Athletic club basket ball team will open its season by playing the strong St. Helens Pulp and Paper company five at the Wash ington grade school auditorium Saturday night, January 17, 8 p. m. A small admission will be charged. The Vernonia «team is jnade up of former ’ 1 high ' school and col- lege stars. . The squad consists of McEntire, Malmsten, and Lynn, forwards; Hawkins and Nelson, centers; 1 McCrae, Roberts and Thomas, guards. Carl Davidson is coach. The St. Helens Pulp and Paper company team was runner-up in the recent tournament in the county seat, and recently defeat- ed Linnton, also a strong team, A close game is expected. Which is the front door of a logging camp cook house? Carl Davidson ought to be able to recognize one at sight if any body an, so the Vernonia delegation at the C. W. P. camp Venture i* New near Cathlamet Friday followed This is the first year that his lead and stood expectantly at the head of the line for a half there has been definite organiza MIST TOWN TEAM tion for town basketball, the hour. think Carl was right, sport having been confined to LOSES TO ASTORIA but We the still trouble was that the school teams and improvised crowd was admitted through a teams for practice games. At The Irvington club of Astoria side door, the line about-faced, present game are individually defeated the Mist town team in and the early birds caught no scheduled, but if sufficient in terest and support is forthcoming the Vernonia high school gymnas- worms. Happy 'Aompson,. Ed Holtham arrangements will be made in sium last Friday 29 to 13. Peterson, Astoria captain, was pnd W. S.-sMcDaniel were lucky the future for participation the star, making five long shots. enough tojind seats, some one in some league, states Mr. Dav _______ c Ralph George for Mist made was shooed1 ay/ay from the speak idson. three baskets and one free throw. er’s table t»- mak#' room for Mist scored- chiefly in the sec George W. jjbcLtSEmil Messing Dairy Ad Writing ond half, Astoria gaining a big ate in the kitchen, while Harry Contest Announced lead in the first. The Astoria Kerns, Carl Davidson, Jack Kerr, team showed considerable prac Joe Scott and Ray Fisher beat A dairy ad writing contest for it and ate supper in Longview, tice and good coaching. all children in the public and The Mist line-up was as fol- with plenty of room to Bpare and high schools of the county is lows: Orval Jones, F; Ralph no program. • * * being sponsored by the Pomona George (7), F; Ray Taylor (4), Time hung rather heavy in grange of Columbia county. C; Richard Melis (2), G; Elvin The purpose of this contest is Cathlamet that afternoon, before Jones, G. the banquet. The board of gov to secure the best ads for ad ernors had a session in the court vertising the value of milk and house, and George Ford, one of milk products, such as butter, Grade Team Wins them, was in attendance, while cheese, and ice cream, and to en a few of the Vernonia delega courage a greater use of the From Timber 24-4 tion listened in. The rest had same. The closing date for the con to content hemselves watching sea gulls crowd each other off test will be February 5. The ad piling along the water front, and should be brief and to the point. A changed Vernonia Grade when that grew to monotonous, Space alloted will be two inches school basketball team showing they parked themselves in Happy of a regular newspaper column, a newly acquired passing attack Thompson’s Chev. and ads should be planned ac completely baffled the Timber cordingly. • • • grade school on the local floor Literature on the value of Though the Cathlamet part of Wednesday evening to win by the jaunt left much to be desired dairy produmts may be obtained a score of 24 to 4. and nothing much accomplished, from the county agent’s office, The locals took the lead at the the trip itself was enjoyable. at St. Helens. Ads should be beginning of the game and were Wesley Vandercook generously sent to Mrs. Maud Mills, St. Hel never headed. Timber scored its entertained the bunch at luncheon ens, Oregon. points by virtue of one field in the Hotpl Monticello, Long “Write your name and address goal and two foul throws. view, and the new Ocean Beach on separate piece of paper and The whole squad of 15 players highway is certainly a delight included with the ad, but do not was used by the Vernonia coach ful road and a wonderful bit of write your name on the ad,” the with everyone making a credit engineering. committee directs. able showing. Picking the stars The following points will be Cathlamet and Skamokawa have of the game would be difficult been rather somnolent towns, de considered in judging: First, sell as Vernonia scores were made pendent entirely on steamboats ing appeal; second, attractiveness; more through team work than in from Portland and Astoria, or on third, originality. dividual playing. The Timber team dinky little ferries from across The prizes to be offered will was small with the exepton of a The highway gives be as follows: First, $6; second, the river, big powerful center who was al them a chance to come into their $4; third, $3; fourth $2. ways in the game. This contest is open to all The Vernonia starting liine-up own. school childrn in the county, ex- e • e was as follows; Forwards, King Shorty Kullander and K. A. Mc cept those who won prizes in the and Plumer; center Shiel; guards, Neill journeyed to Cathlamet in dairy essay contest last year. Graven and Jepson. afternoon, sized the situation The next game will be played the up, and returned without wait- GEO. FORD COVERS tonight in the grade school gym for the banquet. • They were nasium between Forest Grgve ing WIDE TERRITORY the wise ones. and Vernonia. • • • George W. Ford, manager of Jack Kerr, who rode in Hap- Attend Stockholder» Meeting py Thompson’s car on the way the Oregon Gas and Eletric com Judge W. A. Harris, W. L. over, carried a screwdriver lest pany, is covering a wide expanse Van Doren, R. A. Sesseman, Bill something happen to the Chev. of territory this week. He left Gibson, Arthur Savage and N. S. * • • Sunday for Toledo and Newport, Soden went to Portland Monday “Ray Charlesworth’s orchestra thence north through Portland to evening to attend a stockholders’ makes the finest noise you ever Tacoma, returned to Vernonia meeting of the Automatic Trans heard,” declares F. Claude Steph Wednesday night and left the Things are mission company. following morning for Reeds ens. looking very favorable, they re- port. He is expected back Sun port. Brtdge Club Meet» day, but will be on the road im mediately again for Eastern Queen of Hearts Bridge The TEAM WINS GAME TOWN Oregon. club met last Friday afternoon FROM HIGH SCHOOL 39-l«i at the home of Mrs. Thor Rob- Visiting in Seattle . .erts. Mrs. Henry Fogel receive! The newly organized Vernonia I prize for high score. A dain- Mrs. K. A. McNeill left Mon club basketball team took the ty luncb WBS gerved oy the bos- day for Seattle to spend a week meaaure of the local high school | t teas. — Those present were Mrs. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. quintet Tuesday evening in ajW. Armitage. Mrs. O. T. Bate- H. A. Arps. practice game 39-16. |man, Mrs. H. Fogel, Mrs. F. Rev. G. W. Plumer returned ¡Hartwick, Mrs. L. Hieber, Mrs. Mr*. Gough Convalescing G. R. Van Vleet. Mrs. W. R. Thursday from a trip to Portland, Longview and Kelso. While in Mrs. F. W. Gough, who was op-1 Culver, Miss Macile Roberta, Portland he met with the board erated Oil pratpfi on «V at tn»? the nmanuti Emanuel hospi-1----------- - tai, Portland, for appendicitis and| Mr. R. A. Space underwent of which he ia a member to plan camp other troubles, is getting • along an operation in Emanuel bos- for the Evangelical _ _ meeting _ very nicely and expects to come pital in Portland Monday. She lai next summer. He left Vernonia home Sunday. I getting along very nicely. | Tuesday. I * Í I I