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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1930)
NOV em »^ FRIDAY, THE VERNONIA EAGLE PAGE EIGHT Natal Mr». Jake Nearer Locals District 43. The pupils from District 19, Rock hill, are being transported to District 38, Apiary. School District 4, Hudson has two teachers this year instead of one. District 18, Stehman, which was formerly a two room school, but changed last year to a one room school, has again added another teacher. The new two room school at Hudson, District 4, is to be dedi cated and ready to be occupied on November 28. —Elizabeth C. Murray, County Superintendent of Schools, Co lumbia county, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Edward McMullin and daughter Stella were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Iler Thurs day. Some sneak theif took several dozen bunches of beets and car rots from the home of Mrs. and Mrs. Lee Osburn November 19. The Osbums were away from home but an hour after their return they discovered the loss. Reg. Lincoln from Portland was a guest over the weekend at the home of a friend, Lincoln Peterson. Fir Yield Data is Clyde Johnson made a busi- ness trip to Vernonia Wednesday, Compiled by Service day. Jake Neurer drove to Portland (Continued from Page 1> last week and spent several hours at the Neurer home on Canyon erator looking for a future sup road. ply can also derive valuable in Wfyr (Jo Nutt? Fred Parkkinen was a business formation as to the yield to be caller at Natal on Sunday. William Rose from Clatskanie expected year after year from Mountain spent Sunday at the Douglas fir stands. Natal Grange hall. The new bulletin is by R. E. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bates and McArdle and W H Meyer, for- daughters Leora and Dorothy esters of the local forest ex- were Sunday dinner guests at périment station staff. Mr«. L«c Hal! the Charles Hamely place. Douglas fir makes up 66 per Sadie Heath from Vernonia visited friends at Natal Sunday. cent of the total timber stand I. C. Adams, who has resided Lawrence Jepson spent a day of western Oregon and Washing in this place for two years, last week on business at Natal. ton. Inasmuch as the stand of has moved on the old Charlie Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gray of virgin timber is by no means Mellinger place on Stohy Point. Vernonia were visiting Thurs unlimited, says the Forest Ser Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ulmer of day at Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neut vice, the permanence of the lum Meridian, Idaho, have returned er’s. home after visiting the latter's Richard Peterson and his fa- ber industry, which now contri- sister, Mrs. Carl Fowler, of thia ther were business visitors in butes 65 per cent of the enti re place. industrial payroll of the 2 states, Vernonia Thursday. Road master P. Bergenon had Earl Holce from Mist was a hinges to a considerable degree a fence made at the east end upon the continued production of the mile bridge in Riverview. Natal victor last weekend. The Nehalem highway was of forest crops from lands chiefly This is a great improvement as gone over with the road grader suitable for this purpose. Ulti there have been several accidents last week between Mist and mately the lumber production of there. Pittsburg. Mn. C. A. Scamon visited a the entire region must come Harry McMullin has been stay- from young or second growth week ago at the home of Mr. ing with his uncle, Dave Mc- stands. At least 15 million acres and Mrs. Joe Mower at Silver- Mullin, for the last two weeks. ton. The Mowers formerly lived Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hill of land in western Oregon and here. have returned to Portland after Washington are estimated to be E. E. Mills left here Wednes- visiting a week with friends at chiefly valuable for the continu day of last week for Waldport, ous growing of crops of Douglas where he spent a few days. Natal. Mn. C. N. Rundell had a Charles Humely and William fir and its associates. and Orval Bates have several It is well known that the quilting bee Tuesday of last large orders for Christmas trees climate of the Douglas fir re- week. Those present were Aunt which they are now getting out yion is exceptionally favorable Sally Spencer, Mrs. Ollie Rob Elmer Hiatt drove to Port for the growth of conifers. The erts, Mn. Margaret Dunlap, Mn. Lee Hall, and the hostess. Miss land over the week end to spend a day with Mrs. Hiatt, who has Douglas fir has a more marked Alice Rundell served a lovely been ill for some time in Port ability than its associates to re noon lunch. This is the third establish itself by natural means quilt Mrs. Rundell has quilted land. Mr. and Mrs. Pasco Hill from following fire or logging, A* a this fall. Vernonia were Sunday visitors at result of most of the young Vernonia got considerable free the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bud forest stands in this region are Baldridge. comprised of 80 per cent or advertising over KOIN Tuesday Fred Bush drove to Vernonia1 more of Douglas fir. It is also night, Swede Nelson’« game fight Saturday with a load of porkers. one of the three of four fastest called for much mention of hit Dr. G. F. Rankin of St Hel growing American trees and, ex home town. ens tested several dairy herds cepting redwood, produces the for contagious abortion in and highest yield per acre. MONMOUTH—At high noon a around Natal Monday. 91-foot flagpole fell across Pa At 30 years of age, Douglag cific highway. No one was near. Mr. and Mrs. Dave McMullin ... ■ 1 and daughter Morian cisited Mr. fir may be as much as 12 inches and Mrs. John Estes at Riverview in diameter and 90 feet in Monday. height. When the forest is 100 A Service for You years old, most of the trees are Th. inaurane« agent County School Notes two to three feet in diameter,, YOUR representative, and the larger trees are nearly s.r» ice is of a highly Natal school received a lovely 200 feet tall. I cialized naturo and his I portfolio from Verbandrealschule, The résulta of this studÿ" tie» are not merely to Thum, Erzgebirge, Germany. are found in Technical Bulletin lect premiami, but to This is an answer to a portfolio 2ftl—T, “The Yield of Douglas dy and understand sent a year ago to this country, Fir in the Pacific Northwest," insurance need» and pro The porfolio is beautifully made, which is available free on re- vide correctly for them. part of it written in German quest at the United States De and part of it in English as the partment of Agriculture, Wash German schools are now requiring ington, D. C. that their pupils learn the Eng lish language. There are four less one room schools in Columbia County this year than last. The pupils from Trenholm school are being trans ? ported to the Wilark school; these schools were both in School The cast of "Ted Drops In" went to Rainier last night for a rehearsal in preparation for their presentation of the play ther tonight. Q. C. Pendergast, traveling freight and passenger agent of the Spokane, Portland and Seat tie Railway company, was In town Tuesday on business. Mrs. Herman Veal returned last weekend from Cathlamet, Washington, where she visited with her daughter. Mrs. E. Groat. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Michener spent the week end at Dilly, vis iting Mrs. Michener’» brother Murdo Hickox and friends. Clave Tisdale moved his house ■V hold good. to Kulao «rtuHay. H. ha, b»*n employed thor» I®« time, but hi» fam^ « „mined here until th. pr— K»v. and Mr». 0. W. left Tu»»day for, ington, to ‘h’lr — ¿7“; .„.1 Samuel. Th.y h,vh* Thanksgiving w,th, thJ daughter and h.r, Mr. .nd Mr. T. E McGraw. In Port land. -L Lindley & Mcßraw HACK, of I Everybody It PHONE 721 IN gening out ■ circular, circular lettarurolhcr pi.r«-i»f printed matter... the (taper, the addreaa- ing, the mailing easi ly total nutre than the printing. Yut. in a large nieauurr, the Keuulta l>epen«i I (Mtn the Printing. POULTRY VEGETABLES Nehalem Market & Grocery ( INCORPORATED! Ordure Taken for Turkeys, Geese and Chickens fresh from farm. Open Thun., Fri., Sat. ED. PARKER A J. GJERP I J.C. PENNEY C-( P E D A R T ENT Store No. I t 36 O» t ». f. I ?! STORI Vernonia« Vernonia. O “ Little Jim” u and 4 “Mary Lou” ♦ I « H ▼4 The World’s Greatest To “Uttfo Jim” Monoplane For air-ounded boys t Steel mon oplane with pilot type cabm body, revolving propeller with notte- maker Length, 22\ niche», wing «pread 22 incbet height •* 98c Other Bteol Toys, Ut> EVEKYMIAI 1 K LARGE ORDERS OR Prompt and Efficient StnJ Riverview FISH, FEW OR MANY loRut a Snudi Part •f the lout Vernonia Senice Garage AND Your NeedaUH I Printing GARAGE ERVICE FRESH Ready to SgpJ '»•by A wvUaawtructed fibrv Ilia rwd cab ... 16 inc het long and • lariwt wida 6uvh whevit with rabher tires. The back ■pholstered la «O gwA r»PP dud carts. »2.M .nd .p I eng. if ; 2te9™ Uro A Í-» <«iy I t 'Á I 9 V Few people know where and when A I I I r - ’ ‘Jhn’a Special* a 0 'z'— d to / draw the line in the presence of Bare's a steel wagon tn be proud ... with a box JI H Inene» by K, end m inch roiler bearing Wheels whh rib tread tires. AJu- fini.h handle with rub- . .1 3.9« Percolator Set A 24-piece aluminum» •et with perroiator. table ¡,*4 creamer, »ug,r bowl, and 4 e h plate», rup», »auceri. natikina •nd napkin ring« »11 for 490 Aluminum Stea. 49e ug table Black and 1 5 • • • •urtai» U»l« * groaning with wonder fully cooked rich food«. Don’t Groan After Eating Armitage Gas Tablets at ARMITAGE DRUG CO MILK-— The Health Food for All Milk contains the health giving vitamin D. It is especially necessary during the present months because of the lack of summer sun shine. Serve milk at every meal for it is na ture’s own remedy. Nehalem Valley lee & Creamery Co TELEPHONE 471 Pool Table two 36-inch cues with rubber tips, wood triangle and a rack of coaming beads ... M A A .... 4*98 “” V eloci pede Taddjr Baar ■a Good looking and Hardy. K hand»"»* ntel •‘fLlJH’í Î I IR .11 imbu l,****ril»“ sr javyVí IÍ «44 0Í Ki. “Æ value <«* .......... Od-»