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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1930)
NOVEMBER 28, 1980, THE VERNONIA EAGLE PAGE SEVEN list at this writing. CLEVELAND Apartment« — 10 A case of spinal meningitis large rooms, furnished. See P. lias been reported from Birken HUI. 12tfc feld. The Scaling buy became A. A. Dowling sick the first of the week and Neat Cottage, next to Cleveland wus taken to PorUand, where Apartments, furnished $12.50. Mrs. L. H. Bulander of Port >a Holmstrom spent a physician pronounced it the dread land is visiting her husband. P. HUI, 876 Second St The buy has been at geek in Portland on disease. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Haffart tending school at Birkenfeld. FOR SALE are the proud parents of a ba I Johnson helped Mr. LITTLE STORY OF GRATITUDE by girl burn last week. FOR SALE—2-h.p. gas engine. ■ nd dress turkeys fur A basketball game was played Stoner type K, 1 ft inch rotary bg' ving traile on Sat- I Ml N ’ T know just how old this at Timber school last Tuesday be pump, 600, fest iron pipe all story is; probsbly If the tmth tween tlie alumni and Timber, Call house back of were known, it’s a great deal older like new. | Mrs. Ernest Lane at- resulted in a score of 21-4 in than any of us now sllve. Indeed, fiUing station at Arcadia Park. Mance at Vine Maple fuvur of the alumni. 182s an amateur archeologist who spe »ight The 4 II Girls’ club met last cializes in prehistoric humor told p Wallace wua on the Coquille, Oregon, Nuv. 10. week with Maverene Tailman. me the other day that, according to FOR SALE—Six weeks old pigs. 1st week. Editor Vernonia Eagles A re The girls are very busy working his heat Information and belief. It Phone 8F525, Mrs. A. B. (tin Dowling family ur> cent edition of yuur paper has on their projects, as the Tim dated back to the First century B. Counts. 182* i Inside of their house come under my nutice, wherein ber I'arrnt-Teachers’ association 0. and originated In Home. H* was quite certain that It circulated at paint and are paper- there is an article un the preda and stock will send the girl who receives Newgale prison in London during, FOR SALE—Table turnips. John D. Baker, tory animal quusltoii, written by fir.-.t prize ut end of the year the Elizabethan era. Bundland ha« been suf one uf yuur citisens. 163« ........... . The gist to Oregon State college for the So what 1 ciaim Is that. If It has Phone 7F35. 111 a boil in hl« eur, ■of the whole article two weeks session held there ev lived this long and remained so was that lesMitcd his going to government truppers ______ — be ery year by club members from fresh snd vigorous through ail the FOR SALE—100 Henacre pul .for an examination by sent into your district should age«, It deserves to go on living. to wage ail parts of the state. lets, cheap. Carl Davis, Stony The modernised version Is to this warfare un coyotes and sheep Fred Smith of Portland visited 14tf effect: A visiting clergyman is Point Road. Agent George Nelson killing boar. Dean and Don Keise) one i day touring a state penitentiary. When ilk In the old school Your county will have to match last week. his round Is almost completed he I Wednesday, funds with the Biological Sur Is joined by one of the keepers. "My Call For County Warrant« Henry Beiget and wife of € hd Birkenfeld had a vey in order to secure services friend," says the ch Iler, "I am glad bosketball nt Birken- of a trapper. And will he trap? Ion, Oregon, «pent Friday v I came today to this dismal place I have money on hand to pay the Hankins and Flett family. Wislfp <iny «vening, and «[» nt hours wunderlng through the following endorsed warranta: Thia, Coos county, hns n gov I the winner, Its stone-welled corridors. For ernment hunter or trapper work- General Fund Warrants endorsed rcnianek g«>t out too mg here, u. - J,,. ,1Mll scattered pois- Graw, who wrote the article re now I urn more convinced than ever prior to and including Oct. 3, that In the mind of the lower and Jiv road I one morning un bails in many districts of ferred to, states that he agrees most depraved creature here there 1930. Road Dist. No. 1 War while taking a load the county, What has been the with the viewpoint expressed a- 1« some love left. Every heart rants endorsed prior to and in to the 1 Vernonia Mar- result? 1 Some ‘ __ ......... ...- bove, as he considers trapping beats to some tender throbbing, cluding Oct. 16, 1930. of the finest var- Road had to be I pulled out. mint and cattle dogs have been a much more effective method some lingering sentiment of nffec- Diet No. 6 Warrants endorsed pr him the truck did killed by eating poisuned bail. than dangerous scattering of poi tlon. In fact, at this moment 1 own in the river but There is a noticeable decerase son bait to get nd of predatory have before me proof of It Look prior to and including May 10, 1930. Road Dist. No. 6 War- Very close call, Government trapper«, yonder." And the minister pointed m the ranks uf fur bearing ani animal». rants endursed prior to and in bwling and Bernard mals and several districts where he points out, are compelled to a Anger toward the barred front of eluding Oct. 7, 1929. Road Dist. a nearby cell. Ionia hoppers on Tu«’»- the poison was strung are de use the lest desirable method. "They tell me." he went on. “that No. 7 Warrants endorsed prior It week, Mr. McGraw, like others who In yonder cell Is confined a man to and including Sept. 6, 1930. pleted of furtiearera. illy 20, who were tu Ten times more cuyotes and own ranches In this section, is serving ■ life sentence for having Road Dist. No. 8 Warrants, en- nt the Devine home other predatory animals have anxious to free his stock from committed s cold-blooded murder. dorsed prior to and including rsilay, combined their been trapped by the residents of the danger of varmits, and is And yet see what he now Is doing? July 3, 1930. Road Dist. No. 12 kith the sewing <1- II has made a friend and compan this county than by this hunter. eager to eooperate in whatever ion of an ordinary rat At his call Warrants endorsed prior to and hveii nt Mrs. Bridger The only results he has obtain- may be the cheapest and best It comes from a hole In the wall. including Oct. 4, 1930. Road [el there A good . ■ ed, ’, it seems, is when he uses way. It plays about him. He divides Dist. No. 18 Warrants endorsed t wns pr< -ent, and many traps. 1 his food with It. It torches on prior to and including Oct. 8, I know that coyotes may b learned from Mrs be found on his hand while he strokes Its back. 1930. Road Dist. No. 20 War- ranges that he ler notice will be giv- has poisoned. It Is his friendly and confiding com rants endoised prior to and in MONUMENTS TO A POLICY And ax __ for ____ actual- Where the next meeting ly killing these animals by pois panion In the long hours of his soli The new plant of the Lower tude. The turnkey on duty In this eluding Nov. 12, 1930. tile Jolly 'JO. on, I believe his efforts have Columbia Co-operative Dairy as- hallway Informs me that the two Interest cease Nov. 28, 1930. lundland was a buxines» been in vain, for as far as 1 GLADYS PETERSON, are Inseparable. at ociation, dedicated Friday 1 Vernonia one day last am able to ascertain, he has County Treasurer. “So I ask you, la not thia evi iuitin Dowling a< com failed after several years to pro Clatskanie, is a monument to the dence of what I have been saying? consistent policy followed by this duce very few coyotes killed by organization in buying its cream But hold: I shall demonstrate my NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT a«. Hanson i« expecting In the Cowinty Court of the Stat* poison, and just think uf the un grade so that it might spe theory beyond a doubt." I*. Mr and Mrs. Salmi, The reverend gentleman advances of Oregon for Columbia County. terrible toll the poison has tak cialize in the manufacture of a to the cell door. rshland for Thanksgiv- en! IN THE MATTER OF THE quality butter. “My dear brother.” he says ad ESTATE OF Coyotes can be trapped without It is thia policy which han dressing the Inmate, “would you id Mr«. Wm. Bridger« endangering the lives of ail our in eight short years built this mind telling me why you are ao IRA C. NICHOLSON, Deceased. Brui Mrs. L. Carmichiei Notice is hereby given, that fur bearing animals, good dogs, association into the outstanding deeply attached to this dumb an skarn* visitors on Tues and song birds—and as for bear, co-operative of the state of Ore imal r I, going to see “Aunt “Sure 171 tell you.” answers the any one can trap a bear. gon. One of the reasons why a criminal. “It’s because once he bit Just let your county court It is this policy which has in the warden." newspaper is such a good ad Joe Ennvbrrg ha« been put on a good bounty on the creased its output from $288,577.- <19 br tbs MeNausbt SrodlesSs. Iec > vertising medium is because it Irk li«t for several day» animals that are molesting your in 1922 to $1.0..',7.6X2.27 in is always ready to be read when Lgstha Nelson is stay- livestock and see how quickly 1929 and its assets from $35,- the reader is ready to read. her mother fur a while. the varmints are slickrd up by Bt’.OT to $570,659.84 in the —Colorado Editor. H'-iulows was a village trappers and men with good same period. r»i* ’day morning. dogs. The woods will be left It is this policy which has ex- Keaton is on the sick clean after the trappers vacate pandedthe scope of its operations them, while if poison is resorted yearly until now it has plants in WANTED to, these same woods will be Astoria. Grays River, Cathlamet. turned into a livinir Hell for Portland and Clatskanie with pro every harmless forest creature spects that it will enter Longview, WANTED—Reliable party to do washing and ironing for use that frequents them. After a K»-!-<> and St. Helen« within the of Washing machine and Mangle. thorough investigation of poison near future. methods, 52 of the leading scien The Lower Columbia associa- Inquire of Mrs. E. H. Wash Phone 691 or 423. 18tf tists of the entire United States lion, built on the wreckage of burn. have gone on record as disapprov the old Oregon State Dairy FOR RENT ing the use of poison and asking league, took a determined stand that it be stopped, There is in the biginning for cream grad- room modern every argument against it and Ing, an advanced stand in Ore- FOR RENT—6 house. Inquire Bank of Ver none for it. It does not pro gon but one which had built 172e due* results as trapping docs I many another dairy section, It nonia. and endangers the lives of valu- insisted upon farmers bringing able dogs and all wild life. in their cream while sweet and FOR RENT—3-room furnished apartment. Roseway apart Put on a decent bounty or differentiated between the price 15tfc hire a good local trapper, but paid for sweet cream and sour ments, 916 Rose Ave. M ìni Timber The Open Forum - - I the undersigned, administrator of the Estate of Ira C. Nicholson, deceased, has filed his Final Ac count in the County Court of the Statu of Oregon for Columbia County, and that Monday, ths 15th day of December, 1930, at the hour of 11:30 A. M. of said day, and the Court room of said Court, has been appointed by said Court'as the time and place for hearing objections thereto and the settlement there of. R. L. Spencer. Administrator. Dated and first published Nov. 14, 1930, date of last publica tion, Dec. 12, 1930. W. A. Harris, Attorney. ceased, has filed his Final Ac count in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Colum bia County, and that Monday, the first day of December, 1930, at the “ hour of 2 o’clock P. M. of •aid day, and the court room of ■aid court, ha» been appoint- ed by said Court as the time and place for hearing objections there to and the settlement thereof. CHARLES BUBENDORF, Administrator. Dated and first published Oc tober 31, 1930. Date of last publication November 28, 1930. W. A. HARRIS, Attorney. MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM HENRY HESS, De ceased. Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned, administrator of the Estate of William Hess, deceased, has filed bis Final Ac count in the County Court of the State of Oregon for Columbia County, and that Monday, the 16th day of December, 1930, at the hour of 11 A. M. of said day, and the Court room of said Court, has been appointed by said Court as the time and place for hearing objections thereto and the settlement there- of. Frank J. Schmidlin, Administrator. Dated and first published Nov. 14, 1930, date of last publica tion, Dec. 12, 1930. W. A. Harris, Attorney. legal voters of School District No. 47 of Columbia County, State of Oregon, that an elec- tion will be held in said Dis- trict at Washington School on the 9th day of December, 1930, at 8:00 p. m. o’colck in the afternoon, to vote on the ques tion of increasing the amount of the tax levy in said District for the year 1930-1931 by more than six per cent over the ■mount of such levy for the year immediately preceding. Dated this 18th day of Nov., 1930. ATTEST: LOEL ROBERTS, District Clerk. J. W. BROWN. Chairman Board of Directors. NOTICE OF SCHOOL ELECTION Notice of School Election to NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Increase Tas Moro Than Sia Per Cent Over That of the Pro la th* County Court of th* Stat* vious year. of Oregon for Columbia County. Notice is hereby given to the IN THE NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF FINAL ACCOUNT la tk* County Court of th* Stat* of Oregon for Columbia County. IN THE MATTER OF THE .... ESTATE OF DAVID DÜBENDORF, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, administrator of the estate of David Dübendorf, de- NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that in sixty (60) days from the date of this notice, it will be unlawful for stock to run at large in VERNONIA No. 3 Voting Precinct, in Columbia County, Oregon. Dated November 17, 1930. J. W. HUNT, County Clerk. Classified Ads EEP NES t bother it Printing • Art • by all means keep government trappers with their poisoned bait.« from your district. Very respectively your, tans Lcneve, State supervisor of the Ameri can Trappers Ass’n. (Editor’s Note.)—H. E. cream that there might be an incentive for them to give at tention to this essential point. To the everlasting credit of the farmers be it said that the great majority of them co-operated, making their co-operative one in fact as well as in name. —Astorian Budget. Mc- WHAT’S WRONG AND WHERE? FURNISHED Apt, cheap; water, light, fuel, free. Hotel Ne halem. 164c FOR RENT—2-room apartments, new, clean and quiet. Hot water; water, light and wood 116 month. P. Hill, 876 Second St. FOUR Room house, Second St., near R. R. track, $8.00. Hill. 875 Second St for We ground the It, cleaned the *n «nd THANKSGIVING tuned engine I It acts • new car—baa •r end "pick Our display of Fashion Craft Ties is bigger and bettar than ever. •plenty or the «ntlr« om Valley have suffered much less fi >mie depression I> Deles We sail Only in an ex- “Men’s elusive Store” can you find such a varie ty of beautiful ties to select from. and up Oregon-American olor Co emonia, Oregon How good are you st finding mistakes? Ths artist has Intsntlonally mads ssvsral obvious onss la drawing ths abovs picture. toms sf them are easily discovered, others may be hard. Soo how long It wUl take YOU to find them. Lumber Co EASY TO GIVE—GREAT TO GET. OUR BUYING POWER REFLECTS IN THE QUALITY OF OUR MERCHANDISE. HIEBER'S TOCCERY