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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1930)
VERNONIA AGAIN DEFEATS CHIEFS FRIDAY, AUGUST VEIUOKIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON EIGHT Idle dreams M’e becnise be ho<T made no effort to pr< ss his suit ami bring them to fruition. “You seen dreadfully quiet," complained Kitty ns they drove slowly homeward. For answer. John resolutely put Ids arm about her plump waist. Then. "It's about time you and I thought of our own wedding." he ■aid. “Mother's linen expecting It this long while." After all. reality was better than a dream. Perhaps. REDSHIRTS FATTEN BATTING AVERAGES land bank and especially against' time. bringing members of the Japa-1 i Details and specifications may race into our county.” be seen at the office of the Superintendent, “From Natal Grange: We, the I County School L„ r_________ _ Columbia county Pomona grange I at the Court House, or from the do hereby oppose the quota al-. Secretary, Clyde M. Watson, St. lowance for Asiatics coming in-1 Helens, Route 1. to th« United States, under the Also, bids called for the lease natot John,on’s bill.” of certain portion of fair grounds “Whereas, The banks of Co and buildings for community lumbia county having adopted a sales purposes. schedule of charges for their ser Bids to be in the hands of vices that add considerably to the Fair Board and opened Sat the cost of living of large num urday, August 10, at 2 o’clock. bers of their patrons, Therefore, The Board reserves the right be it resolved, That Columbia to reject any and all bids. Columbia County Fair county Pomona Grange protest Association. the application of such parts of the schedule as affects the pro By Clyde M. Watson, 522c ceeds from the sale of farm pro- i Secretary-Manager. ducts when sold by the producer, also school and road warrants.” NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE Committee, H. B. Davis, Es ther Payne, H. M. Jones. In the Circuit Court of the State ISiO IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF owner in fee-simple and in pos session of said real ] ropei ty, THE STATE OF OREGON FOR and the whole thereof, fi ee from COLUMBIA COUNTY all pight, title, estate, lien or interest in and to the are, if J. T. Hollett, Plaintiff, vs., any, 'the batting averages of the of the defendants herein; The Unknown Heirs of Hen- that said local baseball club took a big defendants and each <f ley, Sweeney, Hawkins 2 and ry A. Guild, deceased, also all them be forever restrai led and ■ boost Sunday when the Red other persons or parties unknown, enjoined from McGregor; Three base hit. claiming any shirts ran up a total of 18 hits claiming any right, title, estate, right, title, estate, lien or inter Brooks; Sacrifice hit, Greenman; 1 against the Clatskanie club, lien or interest in the real pro est in and to said premises or Stolen bases, Gerry, Linn 3, Haw bringing the average of the en perty described in the complaint any part thereof; that plaintiff’s kins 2, Brooks, McGregor 4, tire club up to .314. herein, Defendants. title be forever quieted i gyn st Malmsten, Marshall and Laird 2; The averages to and including the defendants, or any persons Summons Base on balls of Haines 5, John last Sunday’s game are as fol- To: The Unknown Heirs of Hen or parties claiming by, through son 3, McGregor 1; Struck out (Copyright I them or either of them, lows: ry A. Guild, deceased, also all or under by Haines 5, Johnson 1, McGre for such other and iurther AB R H Pct. Player other persons or parties un and gor 7; Left on bases, Clatska relief as to the Court may seem Lock 'Em All Up 1 3 1 1.000 Lillig ........ known, claiming any right, title, just nie 3, Vernonia 8; Double plays, A New York woman Ims been ar- McGregor . 42 8 21 .500 estate, lien or interest in the mises. and equitable in the pre Hawkins to Brooks to Malmsten, rested ns a “suspicious person. If ■ Hawkins ... real property described in the 48 1 1 17 .354 This summons is served upon McGregor to Brooks to Malms I his becomes general, few men ! Brooks complaint herein, Defendants. 43 11 15 .349 by publication thereof by will have wives out of the Jullliouse. IN THE NAME OF THE you ten; Wild pitches, Haines and .318 5 7 22 I Heniges ... order of the Hon. John Philip, STATE OF OREGON: You and Johnson; Passed balls, Finley 2, -Pathfinder Mnmizln" .316 12 County Judge of Columbia Coun 38 10 Linn .......... each of you are hereby required ty, Oregon, Hit by Pitcher, Hawkins by John made and entered .292 24 8 7 I Greenman to appear and answer the com-1 son; Umpires Mann and Elliott. Qem&rkab!e Salt Lake the 17th day of July, 1130, or .286 21 1 ' Marshall plaint filed against you in the I dering such publication be Next Sunday the Vernonia club in Central Australia ■ Malmsten . 26 6 7 .269 above entitled suit within four I made in that Eagle once a " ops to Cathlamet for a game Lake Eyre might be culled Aus- ¡Johnson ... (4) weeks from and after the I week for Vernonia 8 2 2 .250 four (4) weeks. of Oregon, County of Columbia. date of the first publication of I with the Cathlamet Bulldogs. tralia’s “Great Salt Lake.” It Is | Black ...... 9 0 2 .222 CARD OF THANKS Date of first publication July Alexander Sword, Plaintiff located only 250 miles southeast of I Drorbaugh this summons, which first day 18, 1930. 5 1 1 .200 We wish to thank our friends i he geographical center of the con vs. of publication is July 18, 1930. | Date of last publication Au 45 7 8 .178 for their sympathy extended to tinent and because of Its desert | Laird ....... If you fail so to appear and gust R. A. Sesseman, Defendant 15, 1930. 7 0 1 .143 us in our recent bereavement, surroundings has been called ‘‘Aus : Gibson .... By virtue of an execution, answer for want thereof the GORDON R. WATT, Extra base hit leaders are as and for the beautiful floral gifts. judgment order, decree and er plaintiff will apply to the Court tralia’s dead heart.” attorney for Plaintiff The lake and Its Immediate sur follows: Mrs. H. D. Holce and children. dor of sale issued out of tile for the relief prayed for in his Residence and Post Office ad complaint on file herein, which roundings constitute the only area Home runs, Hawkins 1; Malm By H. LOUIS RAYBOLD dress, Vernonia, Oregon. above entitled court in the relief is as follows: in Australia that lies below sea sten I. above entitled cause to me di That a decree be entered in HE was a source of great Inter level. Its shore line is 30 feet low- BIDS WANTED Three base hits, McGregor 1, rected and dated the 26th day favor of plaintiff and against est to the people In the valley i r than the ocean waters that sur Heniges 1, Brooks 1. of July, 1930, upon a judgment the defendant above named for below—that unknown girl wlm had round the continent. The bottom I Two base hits, Mcgregor Notice is hereby givj-n that 6, taken possession of the old Clark < f the lake can he considered with rendered and entered in said all right, title, estate, lien or farm set aslant on old Smoky Top’s little error as at the same level, for Hawkins 5, Brooks 4, Linn 2, court on the 22nd day of July, interest that each or any of sealed bids will be rece'ved by slope. Farmers harvesting their Lake Eyre Is in reality only a tre Malmsten 1. 1930, in favor of Alexander the said defendants have or claim the City Council of Vernonia, FOR SALE crops would pause ami glance curi mendous salt flat that is covered Stolen bases, Linn 12, Haw Sword, plaintiff, and against R. to have in and to the follow Columbia County, Oregon, at the ously nt the thin spiral of smoke from time to time with a few kins 9, McGregor 7, Brooks 6, TWO Milk goats for sale. En- A. Sesseman, defendant, for the ing described real property, to- City Hail in said city up to 8 wit: traveling skyward above the tree- inches of water. o’clock p. m., August 4 1930, Laird 2, Greenman 2, Lillig 2, quiae A. B. Webb, Timber, I sum of Seven 1 Hundred and tops and wonder why she was there. The Southeast quarter of the for the construction of a city It becomes a lake after droughts Heniges 2, Malmsten 1, Marshall Oregon. 21*jno/100 ($700.00) Dollars with Especially young John Hayes are broken by unusual rains in the the Northeast quarter of room and fire department who had recently Inherited his fa tar away Queensland plains, so that 1. interest thereon at the rate of Southwest quarter and the jail FOR SALE—Leather davenport, 8 per cent, per annum from the room under the city hall. ther's broad acres on which he and roods rush down the usually dry West half of the Northeast reasonably priced. 1306 Sec 12th day of May, 1928, and Ills mother lived alone. For John's river course that lead to this | Mrs. Forrest Harding enter- quarter of the Southwest quai - J Plans and specifications ^will 2-1* the further sum of Two Hund brothers and sisters had h.g ago dosed basin. But quickly the shal- tained the Queen of Hearts ond avenue. ter of Section 28, in Township be on file at the city hall on married and scattered ami now had low covering of water evaporates Bridge club at a pyjama party five (5) North of Range 4 and after Monday, July 28, 1930. red Twenty Four and 84/100 FOR SALE or TRADE — Apart farms of their own. and the hike becomes first damp i at Big Eddy Wednesday after West of Willamette Meridian;, ($224.84) Dollars with interest ment house on First street. "Your turn will come," his moth ..nd then dry. Also beginning at the South-I All bids to be accompanied I noon. Mrs. Thor Roberts had See George Bell. er frequently prophesied. “Ami I 36tf thereon at the rate of 8 per east corner of the Northeast with a certified check or bidder’s high score for the afternoon’s daresay Kitty Weatherby will suit cent per annum from the 25th quarter of the Southwest quar bond for '5% of the bid. play. Cantaloupe sundae, punch FOR SALE—Equity in 4-room day of June, 1930, and for the me as well as anybody.” Flesh-Eating Ants ter of Section 28, Township The council reserves the right At which her son would clumsily modern house with bath, 2 further sum of One Hundred Five (5) North of Range Four to reject any or all bids. The safari ant belongs to the and cookies were served by the shift the subject, oh, lie supposed (4) West of the Willamette ub-fuinily Dorylinae, of which the . hostess. Those present were, Mes- lots, on State street near high ($100.0,0) Dollars Attorney’s G. R. Mills, Mayor. he’d marry Kitty ultimately, hut for genus Dorylus. with several sub ' dames Thor Roberts, H. D. Bla- school. Will consider trade for Meridian, thence South along Fees and the further sum of the present he had no wish to set genera, frequents nearly all parts ker, O. T. Bateman, Frank Hart- ear. Enquire Eagle office. the half section line of Sec Attest: 13* Twenty One ($21.00) Dollars tle his fate too definitely. Had his of Africa, These ants usually tion 28, 480 feet more or less D. B. Reasoner, City Recorder. mother known that, since the day make only temporary nests, and ■ wick, G. R. Van Vleet, W. F. WILL SELL—My Vernonia pro costs and disbursments and the to the center of a creek known Ma- ■ Briot, Henry Fogel, and Miss he drove to town and parked next spend most of their time wander as Dow Creek, thence follow perty on Rose Ave. highway costs of and upon this Writ, a dusty little runabout, his mind ing up the center of Dow Creek CURLY’S TRANSFER commanding me to make sale ng in long tiles. The size varies I cile Roberts. 3 blocks from depot, three 25 had been tilled with visions of a from quite minute form to over in a Northwesterly direction to Phone Business 221 foot lots, small 3-room house, of the following described real slender, brown-eyed girl with sum one-half inch in length. The man- a point where the said Dow Residence 653 gold curls clustering under her felt ■ libles are very strong and the ant I POMONA GRANGE woodshed, $600.00; terms. See property situated in the county Creek intersects the North of Columbia, state of Oregon, hat, she herself would not have felt also lias a powerful sting, and a boundary of the Southeast; MEETS AT NATAL C. W. Wardle, SP&S Ry. Depot, to-wit; Local and Long Dis so sure of being mother-in-law to swarm is able to kill animals or quarter of the Southwest quar St. Helens, Oregon. 14c The South half of Lot three, Kitty. tance Hauling ter of said Section 28, thence 1 birds that it may come upon. These | (Continued From Page 1)) As fall drew near, one might III- ants sometimes enter houses in and all of Lots Four and Five following the said North lioun-i deed have been pardoned for lean search of vermin, and on these oc Barlow of Clatsop county; song, FOR SALE—14-ucre farm, partly dary 907 feet more or less to I of Block One Rose Add to cleared, 4-room house; located Ing on the pasture bars and g izlng casions the people leave till the the place of beginning and con-1 Vernonia, according to the of- at Smoky Top, whose sides were a ants are through. The same gen Malmsten quartet; recitation, Mr. on Pebble creek road about four taining 3 acres, more or less. ficial Plat thereof and on file Sickle; address by State Master, colorful muss of reds ami greens eral type of ant occurs in almost And further that defendants! miles from town. Write to Oliver in the office of the County iiother Hulet; song by quartet; and browns, set off by the more all the tropical countries. except and each of them may be requir- Jones, Houlton, Ore., for further Clerk of Columbia County, ed Jo set forth the nature of ! somber evergreens. Ami, us the <>n islands. The female Is without bath stunt by state lecturer, Mrs. information. WHILE YOU 513p season progressed, without rain, wings, which makes its distribution McCall; recitation, Lee Osburn; Oregon, together with all and their several claim and that all WAIT John would so lean on the burs. to Islands impossible. adverse claims of said defendants, singular tenements, heredita- talk on the organization of a FOR SALP—1929 Sport Chev. But sometimes he would frown ami ments ■ and appurtenances there or either of them may be de VERNONIA BRAZING AND the pi- Historical society and coach. Perfect condition. Will think of (Ire. unto belonging or in anywise termined by decree of this Court, MACHINE WORKS oneer association in Columbia take good light coupe or roads "Just a spark ami she's be set and by said decree, it be de-1 Terrifying Records appertaining. ------------------------------------------------------- - reading, ter as down payment. No junk. county, Anna Jerzyk; off like slit shingles,” he muttered elared that the plaintiff is the One of the most fiisclmiting dis Mrs. Schwab; recitation, Mrs. NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue one day. Inquire Eagle office. 21c •«lays at the New York Academy of of said execution, judgment or Then one evening, out driving Medicine, says an article In the Jones; short talk, Bertha Beck. With Kitty Weatherby nt his side, Xew York lleralil Tribune, Is a The lecturer gave the names of der, decree and order of sale MISCELLANEOUS he suddenly swung off from the ■ hart, compiled a century ago. In the winners of the Essay con and in compliance with the com main highway onto n hard packed the columns of which are arranged AUG 3, 1930—2 dogs strayed mands of said writ, I will on dirt rond that wound iti sharp, the records of eases, guaranteed au test, as follows: Warren and St. away, one bob-tail bitch and September the 8th, follnge-hlddeii curves up the moun thentic by the author, of persons Helens district, Rose Houser, one hound dog with a small split Monday, 1930, at 10 o’clock a. m., at second; first; and Velma Nelson tain. have died of spontaneous com “This Is exciting," giggled Kitty. who Roberta in his left car. Both black and the front door of the county district, DEPART m ENT • STORE bustion as a result of drink. In Clatskanie "Haven’t been up there since 1 was one case recorded combustion was Smith, first, Wilma Sheets, sec tan. Any one finding these dogs court house in St. Helens, Co n kid. Besides, I’d Ike to catch a “complete'' in one “who had abused ond, Charles Petzer third. First please notify Andrew M. Par- lumbia county, Oregon, sell at ker, and I will pay you for your public auction, subject to re- sight of tliut city girl. Jim Law spirits for three years." ami in an rence—” she paused, catching other even more terrifying event in county, Rose Houser, second trouble. Vernonia, Oregon. 22» demption, to the highest bidder Roberta Smith. John's quick look, then continued combustion was absolute “save for for cash in hand all the right, defiantly—“well lie's been working it part of the skull and the last A bountiful chicken dinner was BiUS WANTED title and interest whjgh the with for her, although why lie should Joints of the lingers'' ami the cause served by the sisters of Natal in and above named defendants with his big farili—anyhow, lie says is given as “too great a proximity Grange, also a delicious supper, she's poor ns Job's turkey. That to a footstove.” Notice is hereby given that had on the 12th day of May, and ice cream and cake at mid her uncle left her the place and 1928, the date of night. The Worthy Master an sealed bids will be received by herein foreclosed the mortgage it's the only home she's got mid or since that the Board of Union High School nounced the next meeting will she's got to make It pay. But Jim The Grip of Gold date had in and to the above District No. 1 at the Clerk ’ s of be held at Vernonia, Saturday, sn.vs it wouldn't grow enough to There are metals rarer than gold November 1. This will be the fice up to 7:30 p. m, August 9, described property or any part feed a starving cut." Her companion's thoughts were a and more precious. But no other date for the election of officers 19930, for 80 cord of 4-ft., dry, thereof, to satisfy said execution, remotely approaches gold old growth, red fir wood, slab or judgment and decree, interest, jumble of apeculntlons. So the substance Reveal interesting Its grip upon the Imagination of and a large attendance is desir- stranger girl wasn't n rich young in cord. D 'livered by September costs and accruing costs. mankind. We do not speak of the was closed in due cd. Grange Indy riding a hobby. So Kilty was Dated and posted this 6th 20, 1930. Plntlnum Rule or of the Radium form by the Master. ways to approc-ch still seeing Jim. Ids old rival. The Board reserves the right day of August, 1930. The following resolutions were "What Jim snys seems to carry Gate. We discuss, Instead, golden OSCAR G. WEED, days and golden youth and golden to reject any or all bids. household tasks ! considerable weight with you," lie weddings and a golden future. Gold adopted by Pomona: Sheriff of Columbia H. M. CONDIT, Clerk. remarked coldly, ".lust when—” “Whereas, Japanese labor is Atte;t: Is the universal symbol of riches, County, Oregon. lie pnused abruptly. “What’s tliut?” the inevitable metaphor of wealth employed on land owned by the First Publication Aug. 8, 1930. he cried. "Smoke I” MRS. CHAS. MALMSTEN, In addition It Is the solid and Federal Land Bank of Spokane, ■7 The car shot forward tiimeatli the And Last Publication Sept. 5, 1930. Clerk. 21c unsentimental foundation on which In the Rainier district, and be pressure of Ids foot, while Kitty the world's structure of currency clutched his arm In terror, both at lieving the F. L. Bank is not CALL FOR BIDS the mini swerve with which they and credit I«- 1 •••'It.—Fortune. justified in engaging in the rounded curves nml nt the thought Bids for the construction of a 'Lyle Ellis spent the week end farming business, considering the of tire. conditions of agrculture, and par- forty-foot extension to the pre “Can't you turn?” she niamigeil in Silverton. to gasp. II. J. Barbur of Forest Grove, tcularly in using alien labor, sent automobile display shed on Columbia County Fair TOM H. KING. SR., TAILOR John shook Ids head, lie hadn't •''strict plant supervisor of the Therefore, be it resolved, that the county Pomona protest grounds are called for at this thought of turning —only of going West Const Telephone company, Columbia ------ Fancy prints, printed y .............. forward to find out just where that was in town Wednesday. (against the action of the Federa fire might lie. If It were well above batiste and dimities the farm, the wind might curry It hy, or a well planned hack tire or —many floral and trench repel It. At the best he could get the girl and bring her down to safety. Ills heart glowed polka dot patterns to I within him nml lie was not con- scions <>f Kitty's grasp on Ids arm. choose from. Then, as they swung around the bend, they saw the tire. It was the farmhouse Itself nml John's expert eye saw nt once that, set ns the old house was In the center of If getting more work done— -if more money in the bank the clearing, there was little likeli appeals to you, take a tip from ui and put a McCormick- hood of the surrounding forest be coming Involved. Deering Rarmall on your farm, It is the ideal power plant Two hurrying figures were mov with which to farm. You can use its power through draw- ing to n safe distance what few bar, belt and power take-off. pieces of furniture they hail evi dently been able to take from with The Farmall plaati up to 60 acres in an S-hour day, in the building. with 4-row planter. In cultivating! ;, with a 4-row outfit, it John, followed by Kitty, leaped clean. 35 to 50 acre, a day, and in later cultivating., 50 to to the ground. “No use trying to save the 60 acre, a day. Two-row work in proportion. It handle, all house," yelled Lawrence. “Ix-t 'er haying job., cutting a with 7-foot power-drive burn. My wife here Farmall Mower and 7-foot trailer mower attached: al.o rakea, “Your wife!" both Kitty nml John loader., etc. Plow, two furrow», pull, all .eed-bed imple cried the word. “Married only this afternoon.” ment., and operate, grain and corn harVe.ting machine». shouted Jim. still busy lugging chairs and tables. “Chimney must have caught while we were gone. IF IT ISN'T A McCORMICK-DEERING Sparks on the roof did for the rest. Makes no real difference. IT ISN'T A FARMALL Golfig to live nt my place, of course." He threw a tender, pro tective glance at the girl, who seemed lovelier and even more de sirable than John remembered her. “The old tinder box might as well go one time no another.” And go It did. burning clear to the ground until only the black CASS BERGERSON EDO. TAPP ened. smoldering embers were left. And It seemed to John as If, hidden |u the debris, were the ashes of his (Continuée From l’aie 1) Reality Better Than a Dream S Classified Ads G reased J.C. PENNEY CO Store No. 1436 Vernonia, Or e Dresses .WIT'.V Cleave 4-Pressed- Pul a McCormick-Deering Farinai! on Your Farm ALSO A Group of Charming WASH DRESSES Vernonia Trading Co