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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 15, 1930)
Library, Ü if O , V VERNONIA, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 15, 1930. VOLUME 9 Meier Speaks I NUMBER 3 Forest Fires iMrs-Dies j Commission Vernonia Prominent At Longview Rolleo After Brief Illness Under Control At Big Eddy . Investigates Funeral services were held on Vernonia had a prominent Wednesday afternoon at the fa part in the Longview Rolleo Fri- mily farm home on the Nehalem day and Saturday Miss Char- highway, eight and one-half lotte Green was queen pro tern miles southeast of Vernonia, for on Saturday, and Betty Jane — . Mrs. Johanna Bergerson, who Singleton and Mary Jane Shel Green Timber so Far Es- 1 died Saturday morning at St. State Engineer Announces Large Attendance Greets don sang. [ Vincents hospital after a brief I The queen was selected at |he illness of one week. Rev. Mr. capes Damage; But luncheon at the Monticello hotel Detailed Survey Starts Opening of Pomona I Friday noon. There were eleven G. W. Plumer conducted the fun eral and a quartet sang three Hazard Exists August 15 contestants and eleven judges, Grange Project selections, “Saved by Grace,” each judge from the home town I ’ a “Home of the Soul,” and “What of the candidate. Balloting Forest fires that have been a Friend We Have in Jesus.” SALEM, OR., AUG 9—(UP) — That he was not bound by any among the judges came to a vicinity of Verno- raging in the ob- political machine and had no Burial was at the North cemetery An investigation of proposed deadlock because all naturally nia are now under control re- on Clear creek. short routes foi* a state highway ject other than to help the peo voted for their own candidates. ports E. A. “Lode” McDonald, between Portland and the Paci ple of Oregon by carrying out It was then agreed that the se- fire warden, So far they have I Johanna Larson was born in fic oceaD, preliminary to a de the policies of his friend, the late I lection be left to the girls them- Aasness, Norway, August 22, been confined to logged-off or tailed survey, will begin August George W. Joseph, was the de j selves, each to vote for her- burnt-over land, and have not 1869, came to the United States 15, it was planned today by Roy claration of Julius Meier, inde j self and one other. In this when 18 years of age and lived damaged green timber. A. Klein, state highway engineer. pendent candidate for governor, I manner two tied with four votes One of the largest and most in Minneapolis until March 31, Among those routes to be in at the celebration in honor of I each, and Miss Green had three. !1893, when she married Peter stubborn fires was on Clatskanie vestigated by state officials were the opening of Big Eddy park A flip of the coin decided the Bergerson. They immediately hill, extending over 1000 acres. the Wilson river route leading Sunday afternoon. winner, a young woman from I 40 men were fighting it Thursday came west, purchasing the old direct to Tiilamook, the Trask Addresses were given also by Toledo. Kent homestead, the present but early in the week there were river route from Forest Grove R. L. Shreeve of Scappoose, and ( I farm. In the absence of the queen to Tillamook, the Nehalem river Prof. W. L. Teutsch of Portland. Saturday afternoon Charlotte i Mrs. Bergerson was one of the route, the Salmonberry route and Mr. Shreeve congratulated the i Another large fire extended Betty Jane Singleton (left) and Mary Jane Green was chosen bv the girls to many pioneers at that time who route which passes grange on its purpose to preserve i take her place, and she bestowed nonia Logger Girls” at the Longview Rolleo. over 1500 acres in the St. Helens came into the Nehalem valley another the trees in the park, and recom the prizes. Her charming man watershed near Trenholme. 35 when it was a wilderness, and through Vernonia, Elsie, Buster creek and Hamlet. mended that state take over a ] ner and attractive personality men are now fighting it. through many hardships helped number of such properties in or won the admiration of all. BOY SCOUT TROOP McGRAW, CARKIN A smaller fire, covering 125 to settle and build up this sec State Chamber Urges Action der to preserve a few spots of Betty Jane Singleton and Mary IS TIMBER PROJECT acres at Scofield, is practically tion of Oregon. She was active-1 Henry LEAVE FOR BAKER Hackett, former district virgin forest rapidly disappear Jane Sheldon sang at the lun out, but is being watched to ly engaged keeping up what has engineer at Bend, has been as ing. Prof. Teutsch represented cheon at noon, the banquet in TIMBER—(Special.) — Tim guard against recurrence. Simi been made into one of the fine signed by the state highway com Charles Hulit, state grange mas the evening, the festivities at H. E. McGraw and Jack Calkin ber and Westimber business men larly, a fire at Delena, between ter, who was unable to be pre Lake Sacajawea, and broadcast left Tuesday afternoon for Bak r are talking of sponsoring a troup St. Helens and Clatskanie, is farms of the valley, until taken mission to make investigations. I ill August 2. Three days later W. G. Ide, manager of the sent. Introductory remarks were over KUJ. to attend the state convention of I of Boy Scouts. not causing present concern. They were < dubbed __ she was removed to St. Vincents Oregon State Chamber of Com made by A. L. Morris of Scap the Longview girls from Verno j the American Legion this week. Warden McDonald i — — " J. E. Root, principal of schools care hospital, Portland, and died Sat- merce, has written a letter to poose, chairman of the grange nia and won much applause, They expect to return Sunday. I at Timber, is mentioned as a pos as to camp and other urges - fires, —, as urday morning, August 9. the commission urging the selec park committee. intensely dry weather makes the Time for leaving was placed sible leader. Men who are in Charlotte Green was called Ver- Mrs. Bergerson is survived by George Joseph, Jr., was intro-' nonia’s Sweetheart. late in the afternoon so as to get terested in the movement are W. the situation dangerous should her husband, Peter Bergerson, tion of a route from the Canyon road at a point just over the duced, and commended Mr. Meier I Grandma Spencer, chaperone, as much night driving as possible. F. Brinkmeyer, L. R. Kern, j. any fire get beyond control. six children, Cass, Elmer, Victor, summit of West Hills, along the as a candidate for governor who also took part in the broadcast They represent both the Forty] B. Marchel, C. A. Chilton, w. Percy and Mrs. Bessie Tapp of Baseline road to Forest Grove, purposed to carry out his fa ing, blowing the old ox horn din and Eight and the local post of, E. Gilmore, B. F. Hart, Mike Vernonia, and Mrs. Lottie Lint- and thence on a route to be de ther’s policies. Mr. McGraw has Welter, Mr. Peason, Mr. Kelly ner horn, an heirloom from pi the Legion. ner of McNary, Arizona; four termined by the commission. Mrs. J. F. Becker gave a re oneer days in her family. She the office of Cheminots in the |and Mr. Kinne. sisters, Mrs. Bertha Weaver of His letter follows: citation, Mrs. Harold Richardson agreed to enter as a contestant Forty and Eight, and Mr. Carkin Jasper, Alberta, Mrs. Lena Ing- Gentlemen : a comic skit, and Mrs. Glen for queen the year that she is1 is state membership chairman of REASONER, SHEELY vardson of Portland and Emma Three hundred and fifty thous- Henderson sang three songs. 100. ' the Legion. and Marie in Norway; five and residents of MAKE QUICK TRIP Multnomah Rev. A. E. Allen made the invo- A union Christian Endeavor Among the Vernonia people grandchildren, Ralph, Melvin and county want a short cut to the cation. A band from Kelso and who attended were Mr. and Mrs. rally for Columbia and Clatsop Evelyn Bergerson and Martha nnd Les- Judge D. B. Reasoner sea. An additional 1 150.000, resi Ridgefield played several num- Frank Hartwick, E. S. Thompson Chapter of Accidents counties will be held in Vernonia and John Alvin Tapp. ter Sheely drove to Southérn Saturday and Sunday. dents of eastern and central Ore bers. and family, J. H. Bush, F. C. ~ Oregon Tuesday, on a business gon, the Willamette valley and Attendance is estimated at »nd William Braun, George W. The convention will begin Sat Move Io Vernonia trip and returned Wednesday. all other sections of Oregon 150,0. The representation from Ford, Mrs. Sarah Spencer and Tuesday they drove to Ash urday evening at 7:30 in the Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Veith who travel via Portland to the throughout the county was grati J. C. Lindley. social hall of the Christian land and returned as far as and little son Frederick moved sea want the same short cut. fying, except that attendance B. . H. Henderson fractured “Vernonia was very much in j church. The delegates will en- to Vernonia from Vancouver, The highway commission wants from Vernonia, the nearest city, evidence. The Commercial club one of the vertebra of his spine Grants Pass, a distance of 412 joy a social hour, starting with Washington, August 4. They are to build a short route to the was less than it should have been, treated us royally,” declares Mr. July 30 when he fell off a load miles. Games will be living in the Drorbaugh house, sea for this half million traveling I They report the weather much a hot lunch. The grange park committee Ford. of logs while loading and landed hotter elsewhere in Oregon. It played and there will be interest 1141 Nehalem street. public, but for years has been which had charge of the program across the track on his back. He was 102 degrees in Corvallis, ing events afterward. “It will consists of A. L. Morris, George Mrs. Veith’s mother, Mrs. P. harassed by local communities Demonstration Agent Visits is now able to be up. be jolly, full of punch and pep,” they said, and there was a no Mills and A. L. Peterson. J. Dewey of Vancouver, is visit advocating this and that route, George Parmentier, who is a I ticeable Sarah V. Case, formerly of difference even be promise the committee in charge. ing the family. more particularly for the benefit 'j I timbei' faller at Koster camp, cut tween here and Forest Grove. Vancouver, Washington, newly Plans for the program on Sun of their respective communities. I de-1 his right hand with an axe Tues- day will be announced at appointed home economics <-- the According to Judge Reasoner, There is no prospect of an monstration agent for Columbia I day. the cities they visited are enjoy time. agreement between these com | county, was in Vernonia Tuesday Mrs. Tom Magoff, who is em- ing a fine tourist trade. “Verno This rally is in preparation for munities now or in the future. getting acquainted with the wo-! ployed at the laundry, bruised nia would be too if we only had the Endeavor convention in Oc- The highway commission must 5 men’s organizations interested in [ her right leg last week and an ” highway through here.” he de tober. Vivian Taylor, president recognize this fact and select the ■ her line of work. She conferred acute .. .. ...... resulted. She will clared. infection of the Christian Endeavor un route which, in their best judg | with Mrs. Garner, chairman of be confined to bed for about ten J. W. Brown is adding a four- ment, will meet the essential fea ion, is expected to be present, the Vernonia group. 200 RESUME WORK room apartment on the second days. and perhaps also the state pre tures of an arterial highway serv FOR WEYERHAUSER sident. Miss Case was accompanied by floor of the annex to his funeral ing the residents of Oregon and George Bell struck his right George A. Nelson, county agri parlors on Third street. This millions of prospective tourists. More people from Vernonia shin with a rock several days Delegations from the towns Approximately 200 men, who cultural agent. should have attended the opening , The shortest, safest and fastest ago at Bergerson’s and an acute have been idle since June 28, in thé two counties will attend. part of the building is being rebuilt after the fire last spring, route are important fundamental of Big Eddy park Sunday. Per-1 infection resulted which will keep went back to work August 4 at The general public is invited. but the upper floor is new con features of an arterial highway haps the impression got abroad him in bed for several days. camps of the Weyerhauser Tim struction. The apartment will and the traveling public will give that it was an affair for grange Jonas Olsen had three fingers ber company, accordine: to an include a living room 12x20, a their permanent endorsement to Erecting Service Station members only—but such was not of his left hand taken off at the nouncement by A. L. Rauprht, the case. It was distinctly a E. G. Roediger is putting up reception room at the head of the action of the highway com Oregon-American mill last Friday Jr., local manager of the compa »community project. service station on his property the stairs, and will be equipped mission in selecting such a route. a afternoon. First reports stated ny. Five sides are now in op ♦ ♦ ♦ The map of Oregon, together Discussion of road matters, that he had lost his hand but eration. a mile and a half south of with Flamo gas range, disappear Only two sides have If any one thinks it is hot in the earwig situation, and an am the doctor reports that they ex been working during the shut town on the Forest Grove high ing bed and other modern con with a study of waterways be- veniences. There will be a porch, tween Portland and the coast Vernonia, the best way to feel bulance service for Vernonia oc pect to save most of the hand. way. down.—Castle Rock Advocate. and a concrete walk leading from clearly indicates the desirable comparatively comfortable is to cupied the time of the Chamber i — the street. The whole apartment talk with some one who has just of Commerce ______ ______ _______ meeting Thursday. (Continued on Page 8) will be 28x30. been elsewhere in the state: Les| George W. Ford, chairman of Mr. Brown is also remodelling Sheely and Judge Reasoner, for- the road committee, reported lit his show room down stairs, which DOG POISONER AT instance—or with anyone who ■ tle progress in securing a road will contain bracket lights, and has been to Portland. to Camp 8, as it is necessary to LARGE IN VERNONIA i • * « will improve his work room. have the project designated of NOTHIN'POÏN7 It must be admitted that there ficially as a road before there The work is being done by . -T hat last A dog poisoner is at large in I WON Y PAN is a little heat here, though— can be an election on the ques- Herman Veal. Vernonia, and has recently kill eicht r--------- (Vl LOCK AS H < enough a day or two ago to con tion. 2 ed two valuable animals. FUN NV AS SHE pi krtERE- PIR, a pint WHERE. PIP vince an automatic fire extin Friday night Kai Inooge’s fine Jack Kerr urged the spirit of I -V POES IN KNICKEÍS '46U ôë T iiTy^^ f Al ’ ’ ' ■ " - guisher that the Eagle shop must cooperation in boosting for a police dog succumbed to the ef 5ÂV ÓUMAÑ I VAPULO N'T be ablaze, for the contraption highway from Vernonia to the fects of strichnine. Dr. Erby WHERE V(> vvjear ’ em J' VE5 MAM.THESE burst and spattered the chemical sea. Judd Greenman pointed out was called, but was powerless to FtsHlNi about the premises. .*•7 help as strichnine, once absorbed that the highway commission will WHICH EA (bATHEPEDWY * * * VJÀTTR EVER HAPPEN TO WITH voujg choose a route without regard to Walter Lindsay and Peter Lar in the system can not be eli- Who is the meanest man on local interests, according to its BOIL son, until recently of Treharne minated. earth? In any contest to de feasibility. Leonard Johnson also lost his In his opinion, the and now of Siletz, were killed in JJILLIE. WILL a termine such the fellow who Apiary-Vemonia road would be an automobile accident near dog in similar manner during the NW Act feeds strichnine to inoffensive of greater benefit here, because FACT NEC Blodgett, on the Corvallis-New week. (T'5 pet dogs would be sure to poll of the tourist trade that would port highway, Tuesday morning. ---- AN? JOHN - a large number of votes. Such ensue, while on the other would raatii a fVUNP OF LUMP Larson was instantly killed and OH ALL Rió HT K< UNPACK WHAT SHALL WE DO •a crime not only robs a family i travel, to a considerable extent, SOCAR- N ACOVPtE Lindsay, whose chest had been PUT IM TELI IN6 ABOUT EARWIGS? of a companion, but is a dastard | weekend vacationists. CANS Of- SARDINES crushed died in a Corvallis hos N0U NOW. NEVER «5 ly cruel method of ending an Mr. Kerr was appointed by pital that evening. Earwigs on your lawn, animal’s life. President J. C. Lindley as an I The men were returning from lUNPEeSTAHOl' in your flower beds, in additional member of the road Portland with repairs for one of AfcAlN THERE 1$ A your wood bin—and may committee. Lindsay's trucks. Their car skid- lOVEtV PLAC-EI y *' MA,WHAT ARE Rev. F. Claude Stephens sug- be in your breakfast food! TO EAT IN J ed about 100 feet and overturned. WE óOiNÉlD I gested an ambulance service for What is the best way TH'S TOWN Lindsay, generally known as JACK Vernonia, and it was voted that HAVE FOR “Bill,” came to Vernonia about (if any) to get rid of a committee be appointed by the six years ago and was a part P inner them? Or do you consider I NEVE« saw ner in the Lindsay Lumber com them a blessing badly dis Work on the jail and garage president to investigate the prac SUCH ßte pany’s plant at Treharne. About to be built under the city hall be ticability of establishing one in guised? Vernonia. three months ago he moved to MtfQUlTÖES fP LIRE rocÂÎTH1 gan Tuesday under the direction The Vernonia Eagle in An “earwig committee” was Siletz, where he engaged in log NV WHERE / of John A. Miller, contractor. 5C vites letters from its read T he critter who ging operations. He was known | The basement has been dug in I also voted to find out ways and ers on the earwig problem. OVER MV as a prodigious worker, and had the rear of the building, but means of ridding the community The editor will publish them CHICKENS of the pest. exceptional physical strength. before the rest is dug it will —with or without the Larson, who worked for Lind-| Miss Charlotte Green, who re be necessary to raise and move name of the writer, as de say in Treharne, is survived by j the structure over the part al- presented Vernonia at the Rolleo, sired. his widow and 10 children. ' was introduced as a guest, and ready done. brother, Arvid Larson, lives in Send in your suggestion Mr. Miller expects the house-■ George W. Ford gave a report Treharne now, and his family is now. movers to be on the job this of Vernonia's part in the celebra- said to be still residing there. ^reekend. I tion. Says Warden Dedication Coast Routes Endeavor Rally To Occur This Week Occurs During Week Feathers And Talons 4-Room Apartment Added By J. Brown Chamber Discusses Vernonia Projects Tourist Camps Are Buzzing Lindsay, Larson Killed in Wreck Reconstruction Of City Hall Started