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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1930)
FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 1930. VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON Lumberjacks and Jills Prepare for Excitement of Longview Rolleo, August 8-9 MRS. EMMA WEED GIVES QUILTING BEE RIVERVIEW — (Special.) — Mrs. Emma Weed invited a num ber of friends to her home Tues day and had an old fashioned quilting be«. A bounteous dinner was serv- ed at noon. Those present were Mesdames Sarah Spencer, Dave Marshall, Judd Greenman, Nannie Hall, L. A. Rodgers, J. A. McDonald, Rhoda Morgan, Alice Malmsten, Grandma Van Blaricum, Meeks, Lesta Garner, and the hostess, Mrs. Weed. Mrs. Weed will leave for Cali- fornia next week for a short visit. LOYAL GLEANERS AT MRS. LOLLEY’S Church Notices FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE Sunday morning, August 10, Sunday school at 10. Lesson sub ject, "Hannah and her little son Samuel.’’ An interesting lesson to the young as well as the old, come and bring your children. Morning worship at 11, sub ject: “Not by might, nor by power, but by spirit.” Also message in song, “It Takes the Storm Clouds to Form the Rain bow.” Evening service at 7:45, sub ject, “A hair cut in the Devil’s barber shop.” Good lively sing ing and praise service. Mid-week services on Wed nesday and Friday evenings at 7:4g; street meeting on Satur day evening at 7:15, followed by young people’s meeting at the Tabernacle. We cordially invite all to these service. M. G. Hixson, Pastor. be held next Sunday. Sunday school in charge of A. ,C. Knouss, will be at 9:45 a. m. The young people’s meet- I ing 7 p. m. The pastor will preach at 11 a. m., and 8 p. m. A hearty welcome awaits all who wish to come. CALIFORNIA GUESTS AT MRS. SPENCERS had assembled at their 1 me. A very pleasant eve ling was spent together. Use the classified columns of the Vernonia Eagle to produce quick results. [[ PQC vVI9£ RIVERVIEW — (Special.) — Mr. and Mrs. Will Dugan and little daughter Dortha and Lil lian Engham and son Howard, all of Bakersfield, California, were guests of Aunt Sally Spen cer Wednesday of last week. Mr. Dugan and Mrs. Engham are brother and sister of Mrs. Robert Spencer. They lived near Vernonia for a number of yoars before moving to California. They left for their home in Bakersfield Thursday of last week, after a long visit with the Spencers. »V.-1* WHEN IT COMES TO SLAVERY THE WCMAJ4 The Loyal Gleaners club held ARE GOVERNED BY their regular meeting July 30. FASHION«-!, W'C AV I., at the home of Mrs. Aisel Lol THEIR. BVRX EJNÖ SEEM BIRTHDAY SURPRISE ley in Riverview. The business LIGHT GREETS PASTOR meeting was followed by refresh ments served by the hostess to Many friends and church mem the following members: Mes bers gathered at the home of; dames Ray Charlesworth, F. C. Rev. F. Claude Stephens Friday Stephens, R. Jackson, George CHRISTIAN CHURCH evening in honor of his birth-1 Stanley, R. A. Olson and E. day. The minister and his fami Knight. F. Claude Stephen«, Minister HOME COOKING Services for August 10: Bible ly were away “on a call,” and The next meeting will, be held WE AIM TO PLEASE until they returned were wholly school 9:41 a. m. ; Divine morn August 13 at the home of Mrs. '■ unaware that a large number ing worship 10:45, and theme: F. C. Stephens with Mrs. R. “The Lord’s Supper and the Jackson as hostess. Lord’s House." Christian En deavor society 7:00, p. m.; MRS. BATEMAN evening gathering and worship ENTERTAINS AT BRIDGE 8:00, theme: “Slow of Speech.” Look for further notice con Mrs. O. T. Bateman enter cerning the activities of the tained with three tables of bridge young people of the Christian Tuesday evening honoring her : church. Something interesting, guests Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bate I full of action and fun. man of Covington, Oklahoma. Don’t neglect to examine next Mrs. Fred Milne won the ladies' ! week’s issue if the Eagle. prize and Thor Roberts the a . f . & A. M. WOMENS RELIEF men’s prize. Ice cream, cake EVANGELICAL CHURCH and coffee were served by the CORPS Vernonia Lodge No. 184 hostess. A. F. & A. M. meets Meets third Thursday of each The pastor, Rev. G. W. Plumer, at Masonic Temple, month at the I.O.O.F. hall. Those present were Mr. and having returned from the camp Stated Communication Mrs. Thor Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. meetings at Jennings Lodge. Mrs. May Mellinger, president. First Thursday of each Legends of Paul Bunyan, W. R. Culver, Mr. and Mrs. Oregon, the regular services will month. Special called mightiest of mytnical woods Frank Hartwick, Mrs. Henry Fo meetings on all other Thurs- NEHALEM ASSEMBLY NO. 18 men, and recollections of last gel, Mrs. Fred Milne, Mr. and ORDER OF RAINBOW day nights 7:30 p.m. Visitors J. M. Bateman and O. T. FOR GIRLS year’s contests in the unparal- Mrs. most cordially welcome. Bateman. Regular meeting second and led Longview Rolleo festival E. Tapp, W. M. fourth Mondays. hurl the challenge to the most B. Wilkerson, Secretary. daring, most skillful and GARNETT ELLIS Audrey Austin, Recorder strongest of the lumberjacks of WEDS ELSTER WILLIAMS I the Pacific Northwest to again American Legion try their prowess on August Order of Eastern Star Garnett Ellis, daughter of Mrs. I 8-9, when the second annual Vernonia Post M. Ellis of Vernonia, and Els- j Nehalûm Chapter 153, O. E. two-day Rolleo will take place. 119, A merican ter Williams, son of Mrs. E. Regular commu A natural amphitheater around Legion, Meets nication first Lake Sacajawea will seat thousan 's. In illustration No. 1 above is S. A. Earnst, impersonator of the Williams of Vernonia, were mar second and and third Wed mighty Paul Bunyan. No.1 '2 2 is a ii group of Hoquiam veneer girls whose clothing is thin, pliable veneer ried in Vancouver, Washington, nesdays of each fourth Tuesdays peeling. No. 3 is Ann McIver of Longview, as Pauline Bunyan. She reigns until a successor is chosen Saturday at 2:30 by Justice of I month, at Ma • ach month, 8 p. August 8. No. 4, log-jousters hard at it in Lake Sacajawea. No. 5, Pete Hooper, of Kelso. 1929 Pacific the Peace Blair. They were ac- I sonic Temple. m. Connie An Northwest champion, wearing the $250 belt awarded him. No. 6, a high-climber pauses in his fast descent companied by Mrs. E. Williams, All visiting sis after clearing branches from a tall Douglas Fir in preparation for Rolleo contests. No. 7, log rolling is Com derson, ters and broth mander. not confined to lumberjacks. The ■ are the northwest champions among women. No. 8, showing just how Mrs. M. Ellis, Mrs. J. C. Lin P. Hughes, Adjutant ers welcome. coln, Miss Luella Williams, Miss it’s done as a roller loses his equilibrium on a fast spinning stick. Mrs. Gwladys Macpherson, W.M. Roberta Williams, Miss Thelma Mrs. Grace Reberger, Secretary. Lincoln, Lyle Ellis and E. Sied- Mountain Heart CLASS PICNICS elman. The young couple will Rebekah Lodge No. 243 make their home in Vernonia. AT MOWE’S No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets every second and fourth Thursdays in Pythian Sisters W. O. W. hall, Vernonia. Visitors The young married women’s GRANGERS PICNIC Vernonia Temple 61 meets alwuys welcome. : class of the Christian Sunday AT MOWE PLACE Grace Sunell, Vive Grand every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in school and their husbands en- Edna Linn, Noble Grand W.O.W. hall. Look to your reputation ; joyed a picnic at Mowe’s place About 60 Grangers of Ver MARJORIE COLE. M. E. C. Myrtle John, Secretary for self-respecting neat on the Timber road Sunday. nonia and vicin’tv enjoyed a pic DELLA CL1NF.. M. of R * C. Della Cline. Treasurer ness! Or rather . . . let Games and swimming were the nic held July 26 at the Lester US look to your shoes . . . diversions of the afternoon, fol Mowe place. and keep them in tip-top lowed by a picnic lunch. I. O. O. F. trim and neat shape. bountiful lunch was serv KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS The following were present: ed. A Mr. and Mrs. Vcrn Mowe HARDING LODGE 116 Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Stephens and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Murphy Meets every Monday and son, Mr. and Mrs. George furnished ice cream. F.—Vernonia Lodge No. night in the W.O.W. 246 I 0.0 Stanton and Mrs. Stanton’s mo- meets every Tuesday night hall. Visiting broth at 8 o’clock, in t.O.O.F. hall. Vis ther, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cul- ers welcome. bertson and children, Mr. and VERNONIA PEOPLE itors always welcome. H. Culbertson, C.C. Mrs. M. L. Herrin, Mr. and ATTEND POMONA Noel Hammack, N.G. U. A. Scott, K.R.S. Mrs. Jack Lindsay, Mr. and John Glassner, Secretary. Members of Vernonia Grange Mrs. R. A. Olson, Mr. and Mrs. Knight and children, Mr. and who attended Pomona at Natal s. J. L. Timmons, George Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Hen Stanton, Jr., Misses Helen ry Tays, A. D. Hall, H. E. Me- Charlesworth, Virginia Fielding, Graw, Frank and Elon Malmsten, Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Malmsten, and Marion Lindley. Mrs. Mitchener, Mr. and __ Otto ___ ________ 3 NEWPORT—(UP) — A 100 Mrs. Edwin Condit. Mr. and Mrs. a? pound skate, five feet 11 inches A. L. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Evan Treharne, Mr. and Mrs. H. long and 60 inches wide, was M. Condit, and Mr. and Mrs. Ver caught by W. A. Chase. non Mowe. BETTY JANE SINGLETON / The Dixie Grill 1 a * Here’s To NEATNESS Cline’s Shoe & Furniture Shop ♦ To Call At tention to the Betty Jane Singleton and Mary Jane Sheldon, well-known for their broadcast« over KOIN, will be on the program for Vernonia at the Longview Rolleo Saturday, putting on several skits and dances. Amy Hughes will be the accompanist. If time permits they will broadcast over KUJ, Longview. Miss Singleton and Miss Sheldon are also scheduled to give •ev- eral numbers at the Joy theatre, Vernonia, Sunday night. MRS. MARGARET GRADY E. M. Bleile, Mrs. A. J. Hughes, HONORED AT LUNCHEON Mrs. Margaret Grady. Mrs. Carl Davidson entertained ATHLETIC CLUB at a one o’clock luncheon Thurs- SEASIDE TRIP AUG. 24 day in honor of her mother. Mrs. Margaret Gradv, Mrs. F. The Vernonia Athletic club H. Schneer of New Rochelle, met Monday evening at the home New York, and Mrs. H. Schmille of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Condit. of St. Joseph, Missouri. 1 It was decided to postpone the A delicious three course bin I trip to Seaside until August 24. cheon was served consisting of I Committees wore appointed to cantaloupe cocktail, chicken a la make arrangements for the trip Huntington. stuffed tomato sal as follows: Entertainment. Mrs I ad, pickled peaches, rolls and E. II. Condit, Miss Della Cline. jelly, iced tea, ice cream and Miss Helen Hieber and Norman I cake. Green: refreshment, Mrs. M. D. | The balance of the afternoon Cole. Mrs. R. A. Olson and Mrs was spent playing bridge. Mrs. W. W. Wolff. F. M. Ruhl was awarded first A tennis tournament will be prize and Mrs. M, A. Gregory- held here Sunday, August 17, second. Guest prizes were given against f" the Vancouver Tennis to the guests of honor. club and arrangements are un Those present were Mrs. Dave der way to hold tournament Marshall, Mrs. Charles Richard with the Astor Tennis club of son, Mrs. Judd Greenman, Mrs. Astoria. W W. Wolff. Mrs. H Schmille, At the close of the meeting Mrs. F. M. Ruhl, Mrs. J. V. Me a dainty lunch was served by Callister, Mrs. M. Gründen, Mrs Mrs. Condit. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING The Vernonia Eagle will give during August Ask Your Dealer For One Free Insertion of a Classified Ad “Mother’s” BREAD to each paid-up subscriber who desires it. It's Delicious, Light, \V liolesome Limit, 25 words. Additional words, 1 cent each; Further insertions, 1 cent a word, minimum 25c. There are no strings to this offer. The only requirement is that the advertiser's subscription must be paid in full to date. Have you anything to sell? something? Lost something? Do you want And .Made in Vernonia Tell 2.000 Headers About it in the Columns of Vernonia Bakery The Vernonia Eagle FREE Ill’ll I.V(, AVGUST >