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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1930)
Church FULL FRIDAY, AUGUST I, 1930 VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON TWO GOSPEL TABERNACLE Sunday morning, August 3: Sunday school at 10 o’clock. We are glad to report that our Sunday school is growing. If you are not attending elsewhere come and you will find a wel come awaiting you. Morning worship at 11, sub ject: “Ye are Complete in Him.” Followed by communion service. We invite all of God’s people to partake with us>in this ordinance. Evening service at 7:45. Subject, “The Word of God is Quick and Powerful.” Come and bring your sick and afflicted friends. God is a match for your need. Midweek services on Wednes day and Friday evenings at 7.45. Street meet at 7.15 Saturday evening, followed by a young peoples’ meeting at the Taber nacle. Young and old are invit ed. M. G. Hixson, Pastor. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH F. Claude Stephens, Minister First services for the month of August, Lord’s day the third: 9:45 a. m., Bible school, with Biblical character study; 10:45 a. m., the Merger service and divine morning worship, theme for this morning: “Pentecost and its Terms of Pardon.” The morning services are dismissed by 11:30, giving all time to get home and prepare for the day’s dinner. Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m., to which all young married or single adult people are welcome. The special feature of the hour is— studying letters written by the Apostles. This time is dealing with Simon Peter’s first letter, which is very interesting. 8 p. m., one of the inter esting times together when again a study will be made of one of the world’s recorded dry spells, hear about it. Church membership meeting after the morning service—ini- portant. I.ant party as originally planned, and have a picnic of the mem bers and their husbands August WHAT’S WRONG AND WHERE? FAMILIES PICNIC AT ARCADIA Friends and relatives of i nd Mrs. 0. H. Drorbaugh nicked at Arcadia park Sunday, Among them were Mrs. A. I.add, the Dunbar family, the '.»’ill Mormon family, Mrs. Nich- Ils, Mr. and Mrs. E. Godfrey, nd Mrs. Ellen Sanders. FRIENDS OF GRANDMA MILLER REMEMBER HER Finest Parchment Made in Small English Town How good are you at finding mistakes? The artist has Intentionally made several obvious ones In drawing the above picture. Seme of them are easily discovered, others may be hard. See how long it will take YOU to find them. I COMPLETE« ^«FUNERALS WILL YOUR BRAKES HOLD? LOYAL GLEANERS AT MRS. STANKEY’S safety ? Vernonia Service Garage The Loyal Gleaners club met ntthe home of Mrs. George Stan- key Wednesday, July 17. Mrs. M. I,. Herrin gave n very interesting book review of “A Daughter of the Land,” by Gene Stratton-Porter. Mrs. Beulah Lindsay will give a hook review at the next meeting. It was decided to postpone the Sc xv 1 1 rd Hotel HOUSE OF CHEER TENTH AT ALDER Oregon Portland Excellent meals at pop- ular prices. Coffee shop. Merchants Lunch 25c, 35c. Dinners 40c, 50c, in dining room. Breakfast 25c an<i up. Luncheons 35c, 50c, Dinner* 55c, 65c, 75c, $L W. D. McNair, Manager W, C. Culbertson, Prop. L. E. Fredrickson Light BUT CLOSE The women who bakes well herself but finds that the excellence of Mother's Bread makes the effort needless re cognizes in the light ness and firm texture of this bread the qual ity for which she has always strived. emonia In Havant, Hampshire, England, there nourishes a band of men en gaged in making the finest parch ment In the world. They possess a skill that has been passed from father to son for centuries ; In fact, before Norman times men were dressing sheepskins nt Havant, and their descendants follow the same trade. At present there is one man who has worked at it for 75 years; two other men have (12 and GO years' service behind them. One of the partners in the firm Is a magic spring. Parchment making Is ti lo The pructice of giving h middle name to children was unknown in England before the period of the Stuarts, and it did not become at all common until Georgian times. There was, In fact, a law on the statute books forbidding parents to give more than one name to their children. The same conditions pre vails! in X^. i I l •_ - ..' -\<)( a fyateDorit NoM fall on mat cintel VERNONIA BRAZING AND MACHINE WORKS Lodges i last Friday . Jewel said it was ■ ens and back Monday evening of week. Miss Ora Rundel of Portland 100 degrees in the shade and I ' this Mrs. Ollie Roberts, Mr. and .'as visiting at the home of her i no shade. Too hot for him. Mrs. Bert Hawkins and her i Mrs. R. Howell of Vernonia arents, Mr. and Mrs. Rundel, mother, Mrs. T. C. Miller, left were the 'guests of Mrs. J. M. ver the weekend. for Morgan Tuesday. Ralph Peck of Longview was Sunday morning by train __ Texas, ____ ___ _ Mrs. I Mrs. Laird of Burns, Oregon, where een on our street Saturday Fort Smith, Hawkins will visit old home folks *s Kuest Mrs. George on I nd Sunday. the O.-A. hill a few days this Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wilson for the most of the summer (if week. pent Sunday at Jantzen beach. not too hot) but Mrs. Miller will i Leonard Malmsten was home Mrs. A. R. Holmes went to remain there. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Cline and | over the weekend from Long- • lainier Saturday and visited ov- view, where he is working. rr Sunday with Albert Holmes son Gordon was Portland visi- tors Monday. nd family. Wellington Page, one of Cali- Mr. and Mrs. Merle Cline of his place visited over the week fornia’s largest dairymen, and nd at the home of Mrs. Cline’s Rolland Folsom, an employe of TIMBER FOLK ATTEND arents, Mr. and Mrs. Burnham Henry Ford, were weekend guests : RAILOAI) PICNIC of their cousin, Frank Mills, and t Clatskanie. Mrs. Sarah Spencer returned family. TIMBER—(Special.)—The an- Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Scamon, nual picnic of the Southern Pa- ome Monday after spending a cific employes held at Crystal zeek at Jennings Lodge attend- Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hall Isola Fowler were visitors Lake park, Milwaukie, Sunday, ig camp meeting. Little Winnie BuCnham re- Mist Saturday afternoon. July 27, was well attended. A Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stevens football game was featured be urned home to Clatskanie Sat- have moved into Bert Nelson’s j attractions, rday of last week after spend- sides many other Among those attending the ng two weeks with her sister, house. Kenneth and Mr. and Mrs. C. picnic from here were Mr. and Irs. Merle Cline. R. Fowler motored to St. Hel- Mrs. Carl Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Johnston Percy McCampbell and family, f St. Helens were the guests and Ed Berger. Mr. and Mrs. f Mrs. Johnston’s parents, Mr. Roy Crowder, who formerly liv ed at Timber, Mr. and Mrs. ind Mrs. D. R. Fowler, Sunday. The King families of the Riv- Leonard Anderson of Portland, brother and sister-in-law of Levi rview Grocery company went to Anderson, were also there re- lantken beach Sunday return- ng the same day. newing acquaintances. < Mrs. B. T. Hall of Mist spent Saturday night at the home of MRS. LLOYD BAKER ier son, J. A. Hall. ENTERTAINS AT 500 Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fowler went to St. Helens Sunday to Mrs. Lloyd Baker entertain- pend a week visiting with Mr. ed with two tables of “500” Fowler's sister, Mrs. E. D. Johns- Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Dan on, and Mrs. McCallister. Nelson hud high score for the Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Morris re- afternoon's play and Mrs. Vir urned home Saturday with their gil Powell received the consola ittle son, who has been in the tion prize. hospital. The baby was very A dainty lunch of pineapple much improved. salad, sandwiches, ice cream, You may never know Jewel Lloyd, who has been in | cake and coffee was served by Eastern Oregon for the past until just such an emer the hostess. month working for the govern gency, confronts. But if Those present were Mrs. Dan ment on a dam returned home you keep your brakes Nelson, Mrs. Virgil Powell, Mrs. periodically checked and Paul Fetsch, Mrs. George Ogg. always in effective con Mrs. R. N. Nance, Mrs. L. dition you”ll know ex Stevens. Mrs. Milton Thorstud, actly how your brakes of Westiinber, Mrs. Harry Kerns, Mrs. Roy Carroll will serve at all times. Mrs. L. Jones. May we provide that The Sunday school Mary’s church had their annual picnic Thursday at Ohler’s pic nic grounds. Several games were played with prizes offered. ffiefFiTi r~of Uie Mayflower p .r’eTiad a middle name and there re only three among the signature to the Declaration of Independen' e. The lirst five Presidents of th< United States had one Christian name only. Middle Name Custom Several friends of Grandma Miller gathered at the home of ’Trs. Bert Hawkins Thursday of last week and gave her a fare- ell party and a handkerchief hower before leaving for her ’ome at Fort Smith, Texas. Cake and ice cream were the •efreshments. Those present were Mesdames Frank Mills, Bud Robins, Lee 'fall, C. R. Fowler, D. R. Fow- r, Clifford Fowler, T. C. Biggs, ’. I. Adams. J. M. Morgan, Paul 'riscol and Nettie Lloyd. ST. MARY’S HAS ANNUAL PICNIC a great part. At Hava’ut there ts a spring of a special degree of chalkiness, and although chemical experiments have been made, uo water has been produced that can rival this spring, which produces a pearliness to be found In uo other parchment. Although divorce Is on the In crease in England, It Is difficult to achieve and seekers after legal si-purations often find It easier to fiO'l s flaw in the union Itself, thus bringing about a dissolution on the Creative Instinct ground that they were not truly Swinburno’s Rating Poor married in the first place. Once the motive of craftsman- English courts have held, for ex Swinburne's admiration tor large ship went far toward keeping the ample, that marriage by registra families inlght have beeu somewhat world efficient and happy This tion may be legal in Russia but tempered (suggests h correspond motive, and its self-expression cannot be so recognized I d England. ent) If he had known of the re through the homely arts, can be A Russian woman who sued for marks with which he had been dis applied with as much satisfaction judicial separation and mainte posed of by a young nephew of his in the Held of consumption as It nance, stating that she and her own. ever was In production. Especially mate had registered their union In This lad was a boarder at a fa for men whose part In the produc Moscow, got the separation nil mous public school In Edinburgh, tive system is highly mecbenlzed. right, but had no legal claim for and one day the English master the creative Instinct can find ex maintenance when the .court said : asked him rather pompously. “Are pression In the arts of use. and In “I have come to the conclusion you any relative, m.v boy, of the the subordinate art of buying well. that the petitioner and respondent great poet Algernon Charles Swin —From the World Tomorrow. were never husband and wife.” burne?” In another case a man accused With a nervous glance around at To use the classified columns of deserting Ills family defended the others, the hoy blurted out. himself on the ground tiiat lie mar "Yes, sir! He's my unde.’’ And of The Eagle is a wise thing to ried the girl after dark. then, in nn outburst of confidence, do; not to, will delay that deal. He was not joking. A marriage added, “But he's an awful ass. sir I” In England outside the hours be For this crisp summing-up the tween eight in the morning and other boys loved him.—Manchester “The proof of the pudding lies three in the afternoon is no more (England) Guardian. in the eating.’’ Eagle ck.ssifieds legal than a whisky and soda are proven result getters. bought at a bar after regular hours. The next meeting will be the home of Mrs. A. Lolley Riverview July 30. Refreshments were served the following ladies: Mesdames C. Stephens. Ray Charlesworth, Beulah Lindsay, A. Lolley, C. Dustin, M. L. Herrin, E. Knight, A. C. Hunter, R. A. Olson, Jim Monger, Mrs. Ben Owens and Mrs. T. H. Wann were visitors. ESi verview Marriage After Dark Not Legal in England A. F. & A. M. DAPPER Look What *5 will buy real comfort correct style accurate fit long wear lllllit / foes Vernonia Lodge No. 184 A. F. & A. M. meets Temple, at Masonic Stated Communication First Thursday of each month. Special called nweungs on all other Thurs- day nights 7:30 p.m. Visitors most cordially welcome. J. E. Tapp, W. M. J. B. Wilkerson, Secretary. À WOMENS RELIEF CORPS Meets third Thursday of each month at the I.O.O.F. hall. Mrs. May Mellinger, president. NEHALEM ASSEMBLY NO. IS ORDER OF RAINBOW FOR GIRLS Regular meeting second and fourth Mondays. Audrey Austin, Recorder American Legion Order of Eastern Star Vernonia Po«t Nehalom Chapter 153, O. E. S. 119, . American Regular commu Meets Legion, nication first second • ad and third Wed fourth Tuesday» nesdays of each I ouch month, 8 p. month, at Ma m. Connie An sonic Temple. All visiting sis derson, * Com ters and broth mander. P. Hughes, Adjutant ers welcome. Mrs. Gwladys Macpherson, W.M. Mrs. Grace Reberger, Secretary. Mountain Heart Rebekah Lodge No. 243 SHOES FOR WOMfM 6 5 No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets every second and fourth Thursdays in Pythian Sister* W. O. W. hall, Vernonia. Visitors Vernonia Temple 61 meets always welcome. Grace Sunell, Vive Grand every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in Edna Linn, Noble Grand W.O.W. hall. Myrtle John, Secretary MARJORIE COLE, M. E. C. DELLA CLINE. M. of R * C. Della Cline Treasurer AAAAA (o — TUNE IN — ENNA JETTICK MELODIES «very Sunday «venina over WJZ and 35 Associated Stations KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS I. O. O. F, HARDING LODGE 116 Meets every Monday I.O.O.F.—Vernonia Lodge No. night in the W.O.W. 246 meets everv Tuesday night hall. Visiting broth at 8 o’clock, in t.O.O.F. hall. Vis ers welcome. itors always welcome. Noel Hammack, N.G. H. Culbertson, C.C. John Glassner, Secretary. U. A. Scott, K.R.S. To Call Attention t<» the SERVICE OF CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING The Vernonia Eagle will give during August Ono Free Insertion of a Classified Ad to each paid-up subscriber who desires it. Limit, 25 words. Additional words, 1 cent each; Further insertions, 1 cent a word, minimum 25c. There are no strings to this offer. The only requirement is that the advertiser’s subscription must be paid in full to date. Have you anything to sell? something? Lost something? Do you want I Tell 2.000 Readers About it in the Columns of The Vernonia Eagle FREE HI RING AVGUST