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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1930)
Librai y, V .í O . I Number 51 Vernonia, Oregon Friday, July 25, 1930. Volume 8 I Jail Bids K. P. NOT TO MEET DURING SUMMER A Welcome Arrival The Knights of Pythias lodge Called For at night its regular meeting Monday decided to discontinue for The lodge will the summer, start holding sessions again the By Council first Monday in September. Plans as Submitted by Noble Dunlap Are Accepted The city council at its meet ing Monday night decided to call for bids for the construction of the proposed jail room and fire department garage under the city hall building. Bids are to be opened August 4. Noble Dunlap submitted plans which were examined by the council and approved, These plans, when blueprinted and with exact specifications added, will be on exhibition in the city hall Monday. The cost is estimated at $3,- 0.00. The successful bidder will be required to hire local labor wherever possible. Feathers And Talons Any one who wants to know what roads used to be like in the old horse and buggy days would do well to sample the Bir- kenfeld-Jewel road beginning at the Clatsop county line, Planks and planks, ten miles of them, some endwise, but mostly cross wise. It is all single track. so when two cars meet somebody has to get off the sidewalk. « • • Clatsop i- doing m B j construction along that road. Some day, no doubt, there will be as good a road as Columbia county now furnishes to Birken feld, but the new construction is decidedly too new to be any easier on the spines of motor- ists and the springs of their cars than the planks. * • * The high school gymnasium, at Jewell, in which the hearing was held, , was crowded to ca- pacity. 1 People sat in folding chairs or on planks, and many stood. • a « Part of the meeting was as dull as could be, and Vernonia folks (except Les Sheely) won- dered why in i the dickens they came over so s wretched a road to have so stupid a time. E. W. Hunter, public speaking in structor, did not think much of it, and no wonder. Men who had objections to being included in the district went up to the table and whispered to the come ly stenogropher, while the com missioners strained to listen, Chairman Gates tapping his pencil every now and then to quiet the restless audience. When things being to pop, though, it was different, and no body needed an ear trumpet. It was well worth even those wretched Clatsop county planks, and more too. • * • Your moral philosopher believes there are two ways of drumming up a good crowd: Give them a free feed with an abundance of good eatables, or suggest a plan that directly affects their pock etbooks. There was nothing to eat (at the meeting) in Jewell, but the pocket book motive was in full swing. « • • Les Sheely had a lone fight to wage, and he conducted him- self well. He assumed the whole responsibility, stating on the floor that he represented no in- terests, and was proposing the measure solely as an individual. 0 0« E. W. Hunter got off a good one at the Chamber of Commerce meeting Thursday. “As neces sary as the art public speaking is the art of public stopping. There should be 4-wheel brakes on speeches.” So say we all of us. Visiting With Sister Mr. and Mrs. Will L. Duggins and daughter Dorothy, of Oil- dale, Califomia, are visiting this week with Mr Duggin's sister, Mrs. R. L. Spencer. . HOWE PAPE? SHIFT TELEPHONE POLE The maintenance crew of th« West Coast Telephone company Messrs. from Forest Grove, Kirkwall, Scott and Hanna, were here Saturday to shift a tele- phone pole so as to clear the bridge work. of Forest Frank Bauman Grove, district manager, was in town Saturday on business the eompany. COUNTY IS FREE FROM CONTAGION Columbia county is free from communicable diseases, accord ing a report issued by the state board of health for the week ending July 12. The only in stance of such disease reported was one case of measles. Throughout the state there were 163 cases of communicable diseases reported. HOTEL REPAINTED II llCanilg IS Hostile to Short Cut Superhighway Plan Meets With Disfavor of Many Speakers Before an audience the major ity of which was distinctly hostile to the entire project, the state highway commission held a hear- ng in Jewell Wednesday after noon to determine the boundar- es of the proposed Vernonia-Ne halem river-Coast highway in provement district, In order to examine carefully the various Fair Prospects Are Fish Hatchery petitions submitted, the commis- 3ion is delaying its décision. C. Bright Says Watson Survey Promised E. Gates, chairman in the ab- sence of H. B. Van Duzer, who The prospects for a good Co Survey for a hatchery on the did not participate because of lumbia County fair this fall Nehalem river about August 1 his timber holdings in the dis- I look encouraging at this time, is promised by the state fish trict affected, explained that the ‘says Clyde N. Watson, secre commission according to a re- purpose of the meeting was not tary-manager, who has just com port made by Lester Sheely at to discuss reasons for or against pleted a thorough canvas of the the Chamber of Commerce meet the proposed superhighway, but county and finds considerable ing Thursday. Vernonia sports to determine the boundaries of interest manifested. Grass and men, he declared want 50,000 the district, the 1929 legislature forage crops are being prepared steelhead and 200,0,00 cutthroat having taken from the commis and laid away, At this time trout planted, and the commis sion the authority to determine whether or not a proposed road vegetables should be looked af- sion will consider the request. Despite the ter and the best encouraged to In order to successfully pro should be built. however, the grow to splendid specimens of pagate fish in the Nehalem, Mr. stated purpose, their respective kinds. Sheely declared, it will be ne- meeting got out of bounds, and The premium list will be off cessary to eliminate commercial resolved itself into a protest the press and mailed out this fishing at the mouth of the ayainst the superhighway dis- CAMP MEETING week to all families in the coun river, The steelhead are caught trict plan and the route in- NOW BEING HELD ty. Any one who may be missed in the gill nets along with the eluded in the district under d is- cussion. may secure a copy from Mr. salmon. The Oregon Conference of Sheely Opens Case Watson. The principal address of th< the Evangelical church is hold Lester Sheely of Vernonia, in Several additional projects meeting was given by K W ing camp meeting and conven- opening the case for the pro have been added to the club Percy Hewes was elected com Hunter, of Pendleton. The Johnston-McGraw shingle work, notably a sheep and goat mill, which has been closed down I tions this week and next at mander of Vernonia post of the “One of the results of th, ponents, kept himself within the division, which brings the club since April, resumed operations (Jenning’s Lodge, between Port- American Legion at its meeting road meeting Wednesday,” h< limits as set by Mr. Gates. He | land and Oregon City. work up to the standard of Monday with 15 or 16 men. Tuesday night. J. E. Kerr was asserted, “will be to focus at- described the district as approx classification, More money is first vice-commander, tention upon the possibility, fea imately 16 miles wide and 48 H. E. McGraw reports that I Rev. G. W. Plumer of this chosen being offered in prizes. and market conditions are still un- city is vice-chairman of the Earl Washburn second vice, M. sibility and desirability of a di miles long, and traced the pro there are more classifications satisfactqyy, so that the com governing board and is to ad E. Grunden third vice, Dan Nel rect route to the sea, despite posed route through Keasey than ever, states Mr. Watson. pany is not justified in operat dress the preachers* forum July son adjutant, Earl Washburn fi the opposition of the lower Co north and west to Elsie, thence to a point on the Roosevelt nance officer, Z. Ness chaplain, lumbia river towns.” ing yet at full capacity, with 25. MRS. TWINEHAM AGAIN He will return next Sunday John Gray sergeant at arms. 30 men or so. There was some discussion oi highway six miles south of Sea He explained the limits IN CHARGE OF HOTEL Members of the executive a new cemetery, but the com side. The Eagle Lumber company morning for the services here, mill at Westimber also resumed but on the following Sunday the committee are J. C. Lindley. H. mittee, under G. W. Ford, chair- is set forth in the petition as services, other than Sunday E. McGraw and J. E. Kerr. Del man, is not ready to make • merely tentative, some modifi- Mrs. C. R. Twineham returned operations Monday. ation no doubt being necessary. school, will be omitted. There egates to the state convention definite report. to Vernonia to again take over ,. , Sections that would not bene will be no evening service on August 14-16 at Baker are M. the Vista hotel. Some time ago fit from the proposed highway there was a report that the hotel Pacific Woodmen To July 27. ____ £. Carkin, H. E. McGraw, Conn uid might reasonably be omitted was sold, which was incorrect. Anderson and P. Hervey. Alter- Oregon-Washington ire, he stated, those east of PARK STREET TO BE OILED nates are John Grady, W. H. Have 2-Day Picnic Forests Are Allotted Vernonia draining into the Co- Call on Salomonieni Herlef, A. L Kullander, and M. Park street from Bridge to E. Grunden. umbia watershed, and the Sal- Mr. and Mrs. Neal Lee of Next Saturday and Sunday, nonberry district in the south. $100,000 Increase Salt Lake City, Utah, called July 26 and 27, all camps in the temporary structure now Installation will take place the An accurate survey could deter on Mr. and Mrs. Edward Salo- Oregon of the Pacific Woodmen used by vehicles during construc- first meeting night after the An increase of 8100.000 hat mine any such localities. monsen Saturday night. Mr. Lee Life association will unite in a tion of the new concrete bridge .tate convention. The only other to appear for is assistant master mechanie at two-day celebration in the form will be oiled, Constant travel Conn Anderson is the present been allotted for 1930 for im the has made the road, ordinarily proponents was Robert Clark Wilson’s. provements on the 22 national of a big open air initiation and used only as i an entrance to commander. Wherry of Elsie, who suggested forests of Oregon and Washing free barbecue at Balm Grove, on the city park, disagreeably dus- Membership of the local post according to regional fores the elimination of certain dis- the Vernonia highway. It is ex ty. is now 195. Several new appli- ton, ter C. J. Buck, Portland, Oregon. ricts opposed to the measure. pected upwards of 3000 will at cations are in, and it is ex Boyingtoa Starts Fireworks The total set up for 1930-31 tend, with a record breaking pected that there will be 200 When opportunity was given “ Give ’ er Snoose ” for permanent improvements, out crowd on Sunday. memhlers by the end of the year, 'or opponents to state their case, Saturday will be given over to a substantial increase over last. side of roads and trails, on the here was a stream of men who national forests is $200,500. Is Rolleo Rally The Legion has been making a general good time with pic for the most part did not ad nicking and a dance in the after big gains in the nation, its mem These funds are to be spent for dress the audience, but filed be LONGVIEW, WASHINGTON— bership being 150,000 more than a variety of purposes, such as fore the members of the com PORTLAND—(Special.)— Em noon and evening. Sunday the ployment in logging camps and sports program will be carried (Special.)—Plans for the Second that of last year. In Oregon the maintenance and construction of mission and stated their $e- sawmills of Oregon, Idaho and out with suitable prizes to be Annual Rolleo, the big lumber organization is about holding telephone lines, fire lookout juests for elimination of their Washington is now at the lowest awarded in each of the 16 events. jack carnival at which Longview its own, but the membership houses and towers, ranger sta property from the proposed su point since 1920, according to A baseball game between members will play host to woodsmen from committee, of whidh M. E. Car tions, firemen’s shelters and ca perhighway district. Somewhat the 4L employment service. Port of Portland camp, No. 35, and all over the Pacific Northwest kin is a member, is making plans bins, barns, tool houses, water more audible to the audience systems, and fences. Material, on August 8 and 9, are going to put this departent over the land, whose recent surveys show its drill team will start at 11 a. were representatives of the Unit top too.______ flg- labor, and all details of this con 'd Railways, Hammond Lumber that approximately 50,000 lum- m., and will be for possession of forward at top speed. struction work are handled by “Give ’er snoose!” has become ber workers in the Pacific North a silver cup donated by W. B. 'ompany, and Clark and Wilson the forest supervisors of the na Lumber company. W. W. Clark west are either on part time or Jett and Leon B. Baketel, re the rally cry of hordes of Rolleo tional forests concerned, and not of spectively consul commander and boosters who have already don are without work. the last-named company by the regional forester in Port brought up the point that the In reviewing the employment banker of Camp 35. This will ned the red hats, hickory shirts land. district, if formed at all, should conditions of the lumber industry be followed by • horseshoe and denim trousers which are The amount will be spent for nclude all of Columbia and Clat President Ruegnitz of the 4L, tourney for both men and wo- the official regalia of these the repair and maintenance ! of sop counties in order to dis Knights of Paul Bunyan. The noon and con- men, starting at said that logging camp and saw existing structures and also for tribute the tax burden. mill employment is in direct pro tinuing to 5 p. m. During the Rolleo, which means to the woods- Cochran, six miles from Wes- new construction, and the [ pro County judge Guy Boyington portion to the sale and use of I intervening hours, the free bar man what the Rodeo means to jects are in the nature of perma lumber and forest products, becue will be served at 1 o’clock. the cowboy, is probably one of timber, is soon to be invaded nent forest improvements which if Clatsop county started the “Sales this year have been the A grass-fattened steer will be the most picturesque and color by the persistent, all-conquer- the Ü. S. forest service is devel fireworks by making a speech orimarily to the audience object lowest in 10 years, but funda- barbecued under the direction of ful fetes staged by any communi- ing automobile. . of Long- - Cochran people who own cars oping on the national forests for ing not to the boundaries as de mental conditions are substan- state manager F. A. Beard. Free ty, and the model city [view will be transformed to re now have to park them in Wes- better protection and administra fined but to the entire project. tially better than in 1920,' ,” he coffee will also be served. There.will be races of all kinds semble a big logging camp for timber, and proceed the rest of tion of these public forest pro He declared that the road in said. “Stocks of lumber are low the occasion, spots of particular tbe distance by rail, A road perties. Each of the 22 national many respects paralleled what everywhere, If every lumber for girls, boys and grown-ups. the forests in Oregon and Washing the county is undertaking in a manufacturing plant in North One featvre will be a rolling interest being the “log pond” on is being constructed to ton shares in these funds, based America were to close for two pin throwing contest for women, beautiful Lake Sacajawea, and camp, and according to expec- on carefully worked out plans four year road building plan, and “Paul Bunyan’s Canyon” of rev months, practically all available during which the men will remain elry and entertainment in the tations will be completed Sep- and estimates. The approximate would mean double taxation tember 1. without benefit. lumber would be used up, even at a respectful distance. There amounts by states are $75,000 Judge F. A. Beltz of Tilla- Cochran people are getting for the 8 national forests at the present low rate of con will also be dancing Sunday af- downtown section, of ■nook county followed suit, ar- ternoon and evening. | Log rolling, with skilled burl- ready. William Ferlaak, head Washington and $115,000, for the sumption. At 8 p. m. the open air ini- ers matching quickness of wit guing that a superroad district “While a few non-4L compa tiation will be the attraction.! and nimbleness of feet; high carpenter for the Eagle Lum 14 Oregon national forests. means superimposing a road tax ber compony, has been in the nies have cut wages to ridicu-1 Some of the items are, for • ex- for a purpose that is not local. I • « • , . , i 1 ne IUl! The prOLeUvlOil full protection degree Uuglcc will Will ; vinuuing, climbing, wiwi with umr dare-devil uvru tree vice 1 usly low levels, there is a con- j be conferre(j by a set of picked toppers racing up giant Douglas community for several days ample, the maintenance of 10, 1,216 Abutting property must pay for building 14 new garages. Sev viction on 1 =n the part of leading officer, assisted by the full drill Fira and descending in a series eral more are being contemplat miles of tree" telephone lines, and a through highway that confers lumbermen that the building of 880 miles of new no local benefit. ” "" cutting wages, team of 16 members of Camp 35,1 of breath-taking drops; block ed. will not increase the demand for under Captain E. M. Alt. Sena-I turning, lock bucking, jousting, lines; the repair and mainten Another speaker who voiced lumber and can result only in tor Edward F. Bailey, Demo-i tilting, fancy ax chopping—these ance of 117 fire lookout houses the same sentiment was C. L. relatively lower returns, not only cratic candidate for governor, are a few of the loggers’ sports CAMPFIRE GIRLS and towers, and the construction Starr of Portland, representing for lumber workers but for all will speak just preceding the ini- which will be featured. ELECT OFFICERS of 47 new ones; the building and the Oregon-American Lumber Pete lines of business. reconstruction of 92 firemen’s company and other interest. To tiation. i Hooper, Kelso log roller, Ed “Any change from now on The Weassi Campfire girls cabins and 78 shelters, barns issess to local people the cost Two wrestling and boxing bout Borger, Ryderwood high climber, should bring more employment, have been added to the program. | F- G. Girt, Astoria log bucker, ...» held their ...... regular weekly meet- ...... ■ and tool .... houses. Regional for- but there is no prospect for any (There will be numerous other at-! Sam Harris, Kelso block turner, ing Wednesday and elected of-[ester Buck called special stten- of a state highway works a dam age, he asserted. thing like full-time work in the tractions. I and Miss Carrie Herron, feminine ficers for the next half year, tion to the fact that road and Cost Discussed lumber industry before the early The new officers are as fol-.trail construction and mainten- is 1 Kelso log roller, will be among The two day celebration Mr. Sheely’e estimate of the part of next year. Announce open to the nubile. I those entered to defend the titles lows: President, Thelma Lincoln ance on the national forests is cost of the proposed highway, ments from all parts of the coun | won by them at the Rolleo last Vice-President, Elizabeth George; carried on under a separate con- around $300.000, came in for a try of plans for projects which Mrs. Charles Malmsten is the year. In addition to these ev- Secretary, Lolamae Smith; Tree- grcsaional appropriation which is great deal of criticism. The sec- require lumber indicate that Women ___ _ del- __ _____ ’ ___________ s Missionary ______ society . enta ________ there will be numerous com- surer, Nadine Aldrich; Scribe many times larger than this for tion along Buster creek was de- gradual improvement should be-1 egate from Vernonia to Jennings ' edy acta by proffesional en- and Chairman of Committees, protective and administrative for- gin in September.* ‘— * i . Lodge. . i. terfainers. . . Maxine Scribner. est improvements. (Continued on page 8) The Nehalem hotel is receiv ing a new coat of paint. The work is being done by J. C. Henderson. J. B. Hair, proprietor of the hotel, plans other improvements, including the building of a con crete porch. Hewes Chosen Legion Head Shingle Mill Resumes Work 4»L President Sees Hope In Lumber Outlook Autos Soon To Honk, Honk In Cochran Town I