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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1930)
Friday, May 1«, 193* Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon Wayne Lappa, Society Reporter Phone 573 to work the past few days on BIRTHDAY DINNER an, Marilyn Mayfield, LeoUl I troubles. Black Leaf 40 for aphis account of illness. and (justing sulphur and arsenate _____ _ i Fitzgerald, Glenn Hartman, Curl Jack Keene moved his family I tin Sturgil, Thomas Robinson] fist'V of lead for mildew and black Of Missionary Society^ At Evan- Irma Lininger. Charles Moulton] to Seattle, Wn.. last Sunday. a ‘ spot. Green worms which some- gelical Church Junior DeHart and EUeanoR --------- 'times infest the rose bushes can Miss Margarett Nelson, Miss , ... ... I Potter are the first who havei Riverview, May 14.—Surpris-’be controlled by the dusting highways from unsightly signs Joy Bush were out to the goli Thirty members of the Mis- received 10fl cent jn „ 1 course Sunday. Mrs. R. A. Olson will enter and to beautify the vista seen !ng their parents on Mother’s powder, sionary Society of the Evangeli- thig pagt week r ■] ¡MRS. M. GRÜNDEN RECEIVES day, the children of Mr. and | ■ tain the Missionary Society of by the motorists on tour. A large crowd of golf players cal church attended the annual „ , .' Mrs. D. R. Fowler and their] When you transplant your an- the Christian church in the from Portland and Vernonia birthday dinner of the members ,„®econd ‘rr“de pupi>* HIGH SCORE families gathered at their parents nuals pinch back the tops to in- Entertains Club at Home church parlors, Tuesday. May played here Sunday. in the social hall of the church™0 .pernC‘nt “re I u83e 1 M,Uer- SUre a sturdy plant later. 20. The topic for study will be Mrs. E. E. Garner entertain- home in Riverview Sunday. , Besste Bell, Beverly Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Spencer last Wednesday noon. Hoste«« Serve» Luncheon To The visitors brought the food I “Witnesses to His Grace” or ed the members of the Study rp. . , - Ione Lininger and Lois Howell. I and family spent Sunday after The lunch was in the form, ... . x A .. , Many Guest« “Women Evangelists of the club at the Weed home on the for the elaborate dinner which ] Do your weeding on sunny noon at the home of his mother, 'of the popular “ not-luck" din-! but two pupils in the third Mrs. M. Grunden received high Mrs. S. Spencer. They all en World.” All members and friends Forest Grove road last Wed- was served at noon. Mother days, then the weeds will have , . ... DTflnp havp pnmnlnroH thnu. ner, each member bringing grade have completed their work are invited to attend. nesday afternoon at the regular Fowler was the recipient of no chance to root again if left sfore during the play of bridge joyed a social time after which somethin" |n which they excell in writing and have received at the home of Mrs. J. C. Lind ice cream was served. many pretty gifts from her chil in the flower bed. meeting of the club. their pins for the Palmer me ed in the culinary art. ley Tuesday afternoon. dren. thod. ATHLETIC CLUB MEET Mrs. Carl Davidson had Mr. and Mrs. James Gorden Transplant during cloudy The feature of the lunch was Mrs. Frank Hartwick and Mrs. spent the week end with rela- subject for discussion for Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Johnson Fritz Hausler, Walter Peardbn, rainy weather — then there I the elaborate birthday cake J. C. McPherson acted as substi tives. and three children of St. Helens, Meet Wednesday Of Last Week afternoon, the topic being, and be no loss. made and decorated by Mrs. L. Claude . . Veal, • . Norma . Brady, —------- cial Leadership. ” tutes. Mr. Mrs. J. R. McAllister and At Arcadia Park Mr. and Mrs, Al Webb motor-1 Mowe and on which were candles “"Jor_‘®„i:5V12?er hAVe ,.rec^ved During the social hour the and two sons of St. Helens, Mr. The hostess served a delicious ed to Portland Sunday. The regular 'meeting of the hostess served lunch. Attend Arcadia Dance j to represent the birthdays of their second pins. Charlie Koto and Mrs. Arthur Fowler, Mr. luncheon to her guests after the Athletic club was held last Wed Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bennett the different members of the and Montana French have re Over 200 dancing enthusiasts and Mrs. Carl Fowler and Mr. play of cards. ceived their 4th or progress pin. nesday evening in the upstairs and childre; motored to Kelso society. 'n attended the dance at the Ar- and Mrs. Clarence Fowler Charlie Koto, Norma Brady, Other members attending were over the week end. lounge at Arcadia park lodge. GLEANERS MEET tended Icadia park lodge last Saturday the affair. Violet Johnson and Marjorie Mrs. F. M. Ruhl, Mrs. K. A. Mc-1 Leonard Larson was unable Dancing and cards were en 'night. Lincoln School Navinger received 100 per cent joyed by the members who at Home of Mr«. A. Herrin Last I Many comments are heard by Neill, Mrs. A. L. Kullander, Mrs.1 to attend school on account of Week tended after the business meet Today is the last day of the in spelling this past week in the the members and others accept- Harry Pearse and Mrs. Frank illness. school year for the grade school third grade. ing. Oanitaiity of the lodge I Dickson. The Loyal Gleaners club met ijiiu i lain teachers — ¡n¡ ing > thP the h hospitality Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Miller and children. Those who enjoyed the hospi- at the home of Mrs. A. Herrin The pupils id will win receive ,cw-ivu Fourth grade pupils receiving Through the courtesy of Judd of the refinement of the atmos- Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Clark mo- their report cards on that day. ¡100 Per cent in spelling for the tality of the lodge were, Dr. and 7 Greenman, superintendent of the phere and the graciousness of tored to Portland Saturday. Mrs. M. D. Cole, Mrs. E. E. I After the business meeting Oregon American Lumber com i the hostess, Mrs. Lou Gray. The 5th grade boys went Past wecIt ore Romanly, Alveda Burton Miller is ill with flu. Yeo, Mrs. W. D. Todd, Mrs. L. , Mrs. Beulah Lindsay gave an pany, the grade school teachers down to defeat against the 6th Littleton, Melvin Boeck, Billy Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Beaver Austin. Miss Marie Kirkpatrick, ; interesting talk on the life of of this city were treated to grade Washington school boys in Fogel, Mava Williams, Marie Health nurse called at school j Christian Church and son Edward of Jewell vis a game or indoor baseball play Scott, Mildred Woods, Wilma Melba Laramore, Dorothy Von j Robert Burnes, and Mrs. J. L. camp trips and speeder rides on Friday. ited at the home of Claude ^Stephens, Minister) Mr. and Mrs. (F. Hoene, Pearl Krauss, Myrtle Timmons read several of his while on their picnic to Keasey j ed at the Lincoln school last Stolen, Edith Holgate, Daify Mc Pupils of the eighth grade and I Pye, Messrs, Robert Noble, Wil ! outstanding poems, discussing at Saturday. Church services for May 18. a number of families attended Ben Smith. Thursday afternoon. The final Donald and Bertha Thompson. fred Thomas, Wallace McCrae 1 length his “I love my Jean.” Mr. and Mrs. E. Lisenby were score was 9 to 8. Bible school 10:00 a.m. Di-’ the graduation exercises. I There were no 100 per cent’s The teachers motored to Kea- and Thomas Spring. Vernonia shoppers on Saturday. The pupils of the first and *n spelling in the fifth Krade Those present were, Mrs. S. sey and were met at that sta- vine worship 11:00, theme, Pen Girls 4-H club of Pleasant Mr. and Mrs. Harry Condit second grades and their teachers this past week. D. Lindsay, Mrs. R. A. Olson, tion by Mr. Jones w’,-> engin-, tecost and Evangelism. hill school had their sewing work were at Vernonia. WILL TOUR WEST | Mrs. J. L. Timmons, Mrs. Beu- eered the teachers on a sneeder Evening services : Christian on display at Miller’s store. Miss Laramore and Miss Santee, I Ralph Condit, Clarence Brim- | Mr. and Mrs. Postle of Port- enjoyed a picnic after school mer and Buster | lah Lindsay, Mrs. A. C. Hunter, to the lake near camp. During Endeavor 7:00. 8:00 the hour Mrs. James Gorden their Nance have Mr«. Frank Browning and Son» Mrs. Lucille Lindsay. Mrs. Ray the trip to the end of the line 1 of song and praise, theme: Si- . . has taken . . v • interest. . . ,an< M>ss Mrg Annette Abelen and Monday in the woods on top of teacher such Mr i> and Marylom Hunkins been perfect in attendance all Charlesworth, Mrs. Ruby Haight, Mr. Jones told his guests many mon Peter on Trial. Corey hill. So much good food Leave Next Week in her class. .We ' jcere pleased' of Portland gpent Sunday at the ir. was on hand that there was no during the school year, in the Mrs. Frank Browning and her Mrs. A. Herrin, Mrs. Grace thrilling bear and cougar stories. | The program íot the week to see such nice work. I home of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Mit- time to play the customary fifth grade. Mulkins, Mrs. E. Knight and : Fishing was also enjoyed. Teach- it was be- will be continued as two sons, Willis and Frank, will Mrs. Russell Stanton and her ■ chell. games usually enjoyed on a pic leave next week on an extend Mrs. T. A. Molkins, a visitor ] ers of Vernonia grade schools fore the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Shearer called nic. i have extxended their thanks to I This congregation is prepared daughter Lawanda motored to ed trip throughout the middle from Portland. I .Sunday evening. line with the millions Portland on Tuesday. The next meeting will be at 1 Mr. Greenman, and others in- Ths last month of tha school ANNOUNCEMENT west for several months. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hodge I Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Thancher year the first grade have been They will visit her home in the home of Mrs. Grace Mulkins strumental in arr.^ng the trip. of believers in Christ all over were I have leased and am now in Portland one day last called on L. £. Smith Monday having spelling and this week the world who with one accord !■ Missoula. Mont., for several in the Porterfield apartments, operating the Seasman evening. A Few Garden Hint« are making ready for the great- , week. weeks, and later with friends Wednesday, May 21. > the first list of those making' Blacksmith Shop. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith celebrntion in the history of parks es£ will visit the National Do not be discouraged if your Repairing of All Kind* 100, per cent will be published. Reedsport—Two tracts of land and children Inez, and Donald and other places of interest. garden is making no progress the church. W. M. Faulkner DISCONTINUE MEETS this near here will be set aside for' Lucille Ruffi, Ruh Boeck. Gene weather—everything is at a Further announcements from were to Cornelius on Wednesday I park purposes. Mason, George King, Jea n Mor- to visit with their parents. standstill. There is still time to the platform about this import POPPY SALE SOON Study Club Next Meetings In plant Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Miller and fast growing vegetables if ant event. sons motored to Cutler City they are properly cultivated dur- The Fall Appoints Committee Auxiliary ing the warm weather. Clatskanie — Tourist hotel | Sunday. To Sell Poppies The Study club will discon- building being remodeled. | B. R. Bennett who has Mrs. Dan Nelson, Mrs. Jack tinue their bi-monthly meetings with is able La (¡ramie’s population for ¡quite ill — “*• influenza -------- ” This is perfect weather for Nance and Mrs. Connie Ander for the summer, in June, the mildew, aphis and black spots on 1930 totaled 8,043, an increase to be at the mill again. For your convenience the following business and professional people are listed on son were appointed by the pres newly elected officers to begin your roses. Spray for all these of 1,130. Henry John has been unable this page alphabetically. These men and women are known in Vernonia as reliable business ident of the American Legion their duties in the fall. — ----------- 1 and professional people. Auxiliary, Mrs. Pete Wideman The next meeting will be to be in charge of the annual at the home of Mrs. poppy sale for disabled vet- Bleile on the O. A. hill, BEAUTY SHOPS . erans at the regular meeting of W. W. Wolff having charge of Trucks for Local and that organization, Monday even the program, her subject being, Dr. J. A. Hughes ANNETTE Long Distance Hauling ing at the home of Mrs. Con. "Religion as a Social Influence.” Physician and Surgeon nie Anderson. BEAUTY SHOP I On May 29, the club will QUICK SERVICE Shampoo, Marcelling, Finger The unit has been sent 500 , ^old __ their ___ annual guest day, Office Phone 663 Vernonia, Phone 221 waving, Permanent Waving. poppies as their allotment and each member bringing a guest, Res. Phone 664 • -Oregon Over Horseshoe Cafe. it is planned that an original An elaborate luncheon is plan Curly Buffmire Phone 431 selling campaign will be made ne(] after which the guests will to dispose of this amount. be entertained. An out-of-town TRANSFER ------------------------ 1 speaker is expected for I Electrotherapy, Physiotherapy HOLD FOOD SALE“J"ln and other good things will be To Entertain sold. The proceeds will be used in the roadside campaign through- On May 20 out the state to clean up the lllllll X lit IJ nn till LindlevHome Treliarne I Professional and Business Directory SLICED BREAD S ' Tomorrow at Old Mac’» macy Building Cason Transfer ! and Mrs. E. A. Green hill. DR. R. A. OLSON Phar- O. A. Evangelicé Church Mrs. A. J. Hughes, chairman of the cooked food sale and , The Sunday school opens at luncheon sponsored by th® 9:45 a.m. with A. C. Knauss Garden club and to be served , in charge. tomorrow in the old Mac’s The pastor will speak on “The Pharmacy building, across from plans for the conference year," Miller”s store, has appointed ,at 11 a.m. Mrs. Judd Greenman and Mrs. Christian Endeavor meets at Carl Davidson in charge of the lunch and Mrs. E. E. Knight 6:30 p.m. Come ye young people. The sermon in the evening chairman of the sales of cooked at 7:30 o’clock will be on the food. Home made chili, pie and “Holy Spirit.” A hearty welcome to all. coffee will be served on the G. W. Plumer, pastor. lunch and pies, cakes, salads Local & long distance HAULING Phone 923 Office in Workingmen’s Store HOTEL Chiropractor Tel. 671 1117 Stat, «“ Vernonia, Ore T)iscard the knife for life CONTRACTORS F"', !' i.aM JOHN A. MILLER Hotel HyVan STEAM HEAT The best for those who appreciate the best. I PLUMBING General Contractor Mason Work, Building TODAY THE ever dangerous bread knife is obsolete. The finest bread comes to you pre-sliced—evenly—just the right thinness for sandwiches, toast and the table. Eliminated!—crumbs, waste, finger cuts. Saved!—valuable household minutes. AND because of a special baking process, your bread stays fresh to the last creamy slice. «■aumaAMn------ ■— * Your Grocer will,supply you with pre-sliced bread 1 2 3 Open one end only. Slide out card board tray. Take slices you need and press re mainder back into waxed paper. Tuck paper snugly around bread, which will keep fresh until served. STRAND & BERG Contractors and Builders On all kinds of construe, tion, estimates given with out charge. Box 157, Vernonia «« HEADY TO Sf fíV r »» FINNEY OF THE FORCE ftfütüse. General Plumbing The Right Place to Eat Excellent Cooking Vernonia RESTAURANT P. HILL M. D. COLE Justice of the Peace Notary Public Office: 875 Second St. Dentist Vernonia, Oregon LAWYERS DR. W. H. HURLEY Gordon R. Watt DENTISTS Dentistry and X-Ray Hoffman Hdwe. Building Chop Suey Restaurant Attorney-at-law SHINGLE MILL Joy Theatre Building Vernonia, Oregon I Re-Roof With SHINGLES From PHYSICIANS PASTIME Marvin R. Eby, M. D. CARDS AND Physician and Surgeon LIGHT LUNCHES Phone Hospital 931 Town Office 891 Lloyd Baker, Prop. Mary Kato You’ll enjoy a bowl of delicious Chop Suey after the show. Vernonia, Oregon You Can Buy It Now Vernonia Bakery Bafford Brothers Terminal Cafe Johnston & McGraw Shingle Co. VERNONIA They Pick It Up Fast