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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1930)
- --UJ-ÎJ— I1 'U------------ l —L!| I Primaries Today Vote! It’s Your Duty Number 41. C.A.Howar<l Will Speak Here Tonite Red Cross Clinic Here Wednesday Excellent Program Urges Attendance WINS SECOND PLACE Aunt $aUy Spencer In District Track Meet Held At Seaside Vernonia Joins Base ball League To Celebrate her 8()lh Birthday Here Saturday The Vernonia high school track team, which won the coun ty championship last week, won second place in the district meet held at Seaside last Saturday, losing by less than two points. | Legionnaires From Local Post to Visit Her And Bodie Hieber, sta» trackman I Present Traditional Birthday Cake; Has Lived Give Inoculations T o for the local school ran the hun-j Commencement Exercises Two State League Has In the Nehalem Valley For Over SO Years. | dred yard dash in ten and nine- Prevent Typhoid Evangelical Church tenths seconds, winning first Six Teams As in years past Aunt Sally place and also coming first in I Aunt Sally Spencer will be 80 years old Saturday, May 17. will be the low and high hurdles. busily engaged within Among her many friends who the next few weeks taking care Hieber was high man of the will insist in honoring her will entire meet, scoring 16 points. of those veteran _ graves, buried Gloyd Adams won second be members of the Vernonia in our cemetary, and most ac American Legion post who will place in the high jump, and 1st tive in those ceremonies of me in the broad jump. Tord Berg visit her home Saturday, at morial paid in homage to those Inoculations Prove Effective won which she Presentation Of Diplomas will listen to the same Large Turnout Expected For who I have passed second in the pole vault. away, who Against Disease; Proven By Robert Spencer Marshall came in second in endearing speeches made to her have served in the service of j Official Opening Of (Aunt Sally Spencer) the quarter mile, and Bush, 4th by her boys, and receive the their country. By U. S. Army Of School Board Season Here s.w javeun u«„w. ¡traditional birthday cake espec- (Chas. A. Howard) in the javelin throw. To her Legion boys Aunt The standings of those schools'lal1* de,slg"ed and baked for her Sally now looks forward to car- The American Red Cross will competing were, Seaside, lst;:s,jjye .^j local Legion post was Charles A. Howard, state sup The Vernonia baseball club re- ry on i at the Memorial day pro- hold a clinic at the office of Vernonia, 2nd; St. Helens, 3rd; organized. erintendent of schools will de iently organized, has entered the Aunt Sally has resided for gram and again this year a Dr. Marvin Eby, Wednesday, Rainier, 4th; Astoria, 5th; Scap liver the commencement address Two State League, an organiza over a half century in the Ne- member of the Legion post will May 21, between the hours of poose 6th and Clatskanie 7th. this evening at the commence halem valley and is acquainted read Logans speech at the ceme 6:30 and 8 p.m. when typhoid tion consisting of six teams, Ry ment program to be held at the IN tary, a duty previously perform DEFEATS MCALLISTER with every pioneer in the Ne inoculations to prevent typhoid Evangelical church. derwood and Toledo in Washing ed by Judson Weed, late G. A. SCHOOL GIVES PLAY halem valley. With her late hus HANDICAP FINALS Other parts of an excellent TO INSTALL FILLING STA fever will be given. ton, and Astoria, Clatskanie, R. veteran who passed away band, Isreal Spencer, G. A. R. arranged program consist of the Miss Nettie E. Alley, R. N. last May. TION AND EQUIPMENT F. Ruhl Wins Cup, Winning In Rainier and Vernonia of Ore “Processional,” by Miss Louise gon. county health nurse in her notice Is Well Attended And Nets Over veteran who passed away in While not exactly a flapper. 1922, she homesteaded in the First Flight Malmsten; “Invocation,” by Rev. Fifty Dollars says, “that with the beginning The first games were played Aunt Sally refuses to acknow- Additional Fund» Needed To The spring handicap finals in the league, May 4, but Clats G. W. Plumer; vocal solo, i of summer, with so many young- Timber, May 14,—“The Time vicinity of Vernonia. lege she is old until reaching Still active in the Women’s Carry On With Work was won last Sunday at the lo- kanie and Vernonia were unable “Spring Awakening.” by Alice j sters going swimming there of His Life,” the play presented | cal golf course by Waldo Taylor to get started until last Sunday. Dübendorf; violin sc.Ti> \(a) “Two Columbia County Pomona : might be danger of another ty- by the Timber school last Fri Relief corps which is the Aux the century mark. full of fun, immensely who"won the championship flight Wild Roses” and “Meditation,’' Grange, whose activities in pre 1 phoid epidemic, and that since day, May 9, was well attended i iliary of the G. A. R., her one ,_X Active, The home town boyB play To - J >_ _ J _ - ........ the by Miss Marie Kirkpatrick; vo serving several ideal park sites no- plan has been made to pro- and netted proceeds of $50.20, great interest and love is the interested in a good joke and from J. V. McAllister on ledo next Sunday at that city, welfare of those remaining liking to tell a story, she always 36th hole. cal solo (a) “Hills of Home” at Natal and Big Eddy, a pro , tect the people of Vernonia which was applied to the school and will play their opening game I members of the G. A. R. and | talks well of everyone, which F. Ruhl won the cup in the at home Sunday, May 25, with (b) “A Banjo Song,” by Mrs. gram which has brought to their I against this disease, that the fund. such activities which leave her accounts for that vast army of Mil W. W. Wolff; presentation of organization favorable publicity Red Cross has decided to offer first flight defeating John Astoria. Those taking part in the play diplomas by Mr. Robert Spencer; throughout the country will con to those who wish a chance to were • Philip Castle, Raleigh busy working in the interest of friends and her being loved by ler. A large turnout is expected all veterans. everyone. The exhibition match played to greet the first game played vocal solo, Jack Kelly, and bene tinue in improving both parks ! take the typhoid inoculations Shiffer, Gladys Shiffer, Joyce between Jimmy Duncan of Os at home on the 25th and club diction by Rev. F. Claude Ste this year. which prevent typhoid fever.” Harris, Marvel Brown, Roland wego, and G. Bohen of Portland, tfficials will invite Mayor Guy A. L. Morris of Warren, chair phens. The typhoid inoculations are Ingalls, Harold Beyer, LeRçy SLIDES OFF ROAD H. S. CARNIVAL BIG two well known pros, against O. Mills, George Ford, and Judd man of the committee working given once a week for three Elliott and Rodney MacDonald. T. Bateman and Ulshaeffer, rep out details on the program with weeks, with immunity from ty-l HOME FROM P. ZONE G. Slippery Ro«da Cause Car To Held Wednesday Evening At the resenting the local course end- Greenman, three prominent local W. Mills of Deer Island, spent phoid fever becoming effective men to assist in officially open Miss Bridge Turn High School ing 3 up on the 18th hole, a the 1930 baseball season in this several hours in this city Wed i immediately and which renders INSTALL NEW SLICER Clarence Wardle Returns And nesday, explaining that at Big 69 to 72, the vis- final score of Unable to make the turn on city. 1 the individual immune for three The spring high school carni Bread Pre-Sliced For itors beating Bai man and Ul- Visits School the east approach of the bridge Eddy, a filling station with other years. The players making up the lo val held Wednesday evening, with shaeffer. Public at Riverview, a car with Wash- After a stay of nearly 16 equipment for the public con cal team are Black, McGregor, The inoculations will be given the featured May day program, 15-man I ington license leaped over the Sunday, May 25, a months in the Canal Zone in the venience will be installed, and for fifty cents, which covers the I The Vernonia bakery install- George, Ritchie, Shanks, C. service of the United States that as other funds are needed cost of the serum, but those ed a slicing machine this week bank, 15 feet, landing on all was attended by a large crowd. team from this city will play at Linn, Laird, Marshall, Gibson, A program given in the high Forest Grove. Those selected t< Hawkins, W. Linn, Brooks, Mil army, Clarence Wardle, a grad to carry on the work, contribu unable to pay will be provided at the plant which in the future 'four wheels on the bottom of will supply the public with slic the ravine at the river, Monday school auditorium consisted of take part will be chosen, appear ler and Davis. uate of the local high school ar tions for the project of addition free serum by the Red Cross. ing on the ladder. June 8, thc evening. rived home this week for a short al betterments and improvements That the inoculations are ef ed bread which is becoming much new, snappy stunts and the game visit with his parents Mr. and will be gladly received, the do fective is proven by the fact, in demand lately. The pavement wet and a coat concessions were popular with same 15 players will play St. FIRST BALL GAME Helens. Much modern baking equip of oil carried from other roads the attendance. Mrs. C. Wardle, who now reside nations to be sent either to Mr. said Miss Alley, “that typhoid Morris or Mills who are two of ment has been added to the lo was in a slippery condition and St. Helens. Defeated By Ryderwood Sunday ! fever has been completely done The funds received will be During his stay in this city the most active members in the away with in the United States cal baking plant machinery re the road which carries only one 3 to 1 ex- used towards defraying the Pomona Grange. cently which gives this city one small curve sign, did not leave Mr. Wardle visited the high The Vernonia baseball club Pomona Grange, the only army.” of the best equipped baking es the visitors sufficient warning as ¡penses of the high school car- school where he was greeted by opened their 1930 season last grange in the United States to tablishments in the county. the student body. to a bridge and curve approach. nival. Sunday at Ryderwood, losing the undertake work of this nature GOOD SMOKER HERE The five occupants of the car game with that team by a score h i been highly commended for HEAD VISITS. LEGION were shaken up, ,but escaped in THANKS TEACHERS th<-;r activities b , national and >f 3 to 1. juries and the car suffered only McGregor who pitched for the state grange officials besides Sid George The first boxing show spon minor damages. Visit* Local Ameri-j Wauna, Clatskanie and Verno- home team struck out 10 of the Cooperating With Poppy Poster other organizations who heartily sored by the Vernonia Boxihg can Legion Post nia posts of the American Legion Ryderwood batsmen, while Fox, Contest endorsed such an undertaking commission Saturday evening HOLD ANNUAL PROM Sidney George, department! *>*1 hold a big picnic June 15, Ditching for Ryderwood, struck The Auxiliary Unit of Verno which is beneficial to the public. was well attended with over 200 out 11 of Vernonia moundsmen. nia Legion post passed a reso commander of the American Le ' at the Big Eddy park. fans present. The well known Wauna-Legion The summary: earned runs, FOR FIRST Held Tuesday Evening at The gion attended the regular meet lution at their recent meeting THREE TIED band will furnish music under Vernonia 0, Ryderwood 3; two During the affair the match High School Gymnasium thanking Professor Wilkerson, PLACE ON LIST ing of Vernonia post of the the leadership of Doc. Jones of base hits, W. Linn, Hawkins, maker announced the next card Levi Austin, Professor Condit, The junior class of the local Holloway and Fox; three base for Saturday, May 24. American Legion Tuesday even Clatskanie. Miss Perce and other members annual high school held their Misses Tousley and DeRock Comm ttee appointed by post hits, Fox; sacrifice hits, Redding of the teaching staff of the lo prom Tuesday evening at the ing. Midgets Open Show ■< mmnn ler, Connie Anderson to and Fox; stolen bases W. Linn, Al»o Receive Cups cal schools also with those stu high school gymnasium, which Commander George spoke on Two of the cleverest boxers first was attended by many alumni. the Legion’s program, covering handle Vernonia’s part of the Brooks, Hannaford 2; base on Three students tied for dents who cooperated in the of their weight in the state, program were, Percy Hughes, J. balls off McGregor 1, Fox 1; place to win the Wilkerson cup, poppy poster campaign sponsor The chaperons for the occasion A larger than ordinary list of Woodrow Lovelace 63, and Dale which was awarded this year to the junior baseball, Boy Scout C. Lindley, M. E. Carkin and strike outs by McGregor 10, ed by the Auxiliary. were Mr. and Mrs. Carl David Prichard 75, of Rainier opened Fox 11; left on bases, Ryder- The posters turned in by stu honor students of the local high the boxing show at the Legion the student having the highest son and Mr. and Mrs. Judd and other major activities of his Lee Schwab. wood 7, Vernonia 8; passed dents who entered the contest school have been named this hall Saturday evening with an scholarship for the school year Greenman. organization. THE VOTING PLACES ball, McGinn; hit by pitched will be on display in windows of year. exhibition of boxing which won ending. Those names appearing on the ball, Fox by McGregor; balk Catherine Hoffman, Alberta1 local stores before the drive the hearty approval of the fans starts. Herman Schindler, prop list are Catherine Hoffman. Al- who gave the two youngsters DeRock and Mildred Tousley, the' Show Designated Voting Place» Entman. rietor of the Terminal cafe was erta DeRoek, Dorothy Holtham, of Rainier a worthy ovation. three honor students drew num-! For Vicinity aanv BANQUET SENIORS also thanked by the Auxiliary Dorothy Carmichael, Zelma New, The lads who appear around 10 bers, the plan decided on, to I The following named places Mildred Tousley, Dwight Strong, see which of the three would' for presenting a large special years old, have appeared on are desi mated as the voting P. T. A. Give Annual Affair Tn designed and decorated cake to Inez Al'man, George Laird, Joe several cards in the county, and receive the cup, with Miss Hoff ■place s for the respective pre- Hanna Ek, Lucille Alberta DeRock Salutatory man winning. the Auxiliary during then- food Lindsley, Senior Class c’nets in this district. Spooner, Gertrude Ek, May De promise of a successful boxing Plans have been provided to sale at the Legion carnival. A banquet sponsored by the Birkcnfeld at the Grange hall, Mildred Tousley Ett Throop, Lawrence Jesclard, career is predicted for the Rain- have Miss Tousley and Miss Del Ilistory Mist, old school building; Ver- local Parent Teachers association Edna Owens, Ben Spencer. Mar ier youths. Rock also receive ______ cups, the BUILD AT SCAPPOOSE garet McDonald, Gladys End, “Humming” nonia No. 1, McGee building, which is an annual affair in Vocal Solo Magoff vs. Novell Chamber of Commerce will pre-1 Vernonia No. 2, Mellinger build honor of the graduating senior i.achael Ek, Annie Cechmaneck, board sent a cup with the school Alice Dübendorf Herman Novell, nicknamed by 125 Lajhorer« Arrive To Work Julia Banzer, Faith Hiatt and ing, Vernonia No. 3, O. A. bunk class was held last night at the his admirers as “ 1 Wildcat” lost another. In Field» house and Vernonia No. 4, City church parlors of the Evangeli- Edgar Crawford. Norma Anderson Dorothy Holtham and Zelma Prophecy some of his wildness a<nd catty cal church. hall. Scappoose, May 15. — One ways when after four rounds of New, who tied for second place, The parents were represented hundred and twenty five Fili “ The World ’ s Waiting for the were only several points behind Violin Solo, by Mr. and Mrs. William Culver. I pino laborers arrived Sunday IN CHARGE OF WORK boxing he lost the decision to I the winners. CENSUS PRECINCT 4 Sunrise.” Joe Magoff of Riverview. Levi Austin, class advisor, act I morning and started work on Charlotte Green ed as toastmaster, and responses The school board of grade the acreage which will be plant Magoff had Novell on ' Show? Population Of 660 With LOSE 150 CHICKENS were given by Charlotte Green, ed in cucumbers to supply the school district No. 47, have de canvas in the first and second “The Value of Knowledge” 46 Farms Oration editor of the Timber Line, Bodie ' --------- pickle factory which will shortly cided to handle the arrangements sound, without a> count. Fire Destroy* Large Chicken Perrine, supervisor of Fred Hieber, crack trackman of the Neal Bush be under construction at this for tearing down the old Wash- In the last round the Portland census at Oregon City, released high school, Neil Bush, class House At 1:30 A. M. ingtin school building, the labor point. “ Graduation ” Poem boxer received a severe lacing the figures Thursday covering president, and Mrs. William Cul- A fire started by a defective Bunk houses are being com contracted being under their and was hanging on when the the census recently taken of the ver, president of the P. T. A. Dorothy Carmichael pleted to house the workmen. inanagement. Work will start gong sounded, ending the bout. incubator, destroying the large population of election precinct A program in charge of Mrs. when the school period is over. chicken house of O. II. Graves, - - Catherine Hoffman Valedictory of Vernonia No. 4, the territory W. W. Wolff, entertained the Jimmy Watts vs. Billy Gibson located next to Simmons store Buy» Moonlight Apartment through Trehame up to the gutsts. First Election at McGregor "Good-bye” The four round bout fought on the O. A. hill, about 1:30 Mrs. B. Keith of Portland Song Washington county line which a.m. Tuesday morning. between Billy Gibson of Port Camp McGregor, May 15.—To purchased the Moonlight apart Dorothy Holtham, Catherine Hoffman, showed 660, There were 46 INJURED AT CAMPS The place was totally destroy land and Jimmy Watts of this ments on Weed Avenue last day marks the first primary elec farms enumerated. Violet Phelps, Alice Dübendorf, ed and only 100 chickens from week from R. Gilbard of Carl tion ever to be held at Camp city did not even constitute a The census of Vernonia elec At Logging Camps During The Charlotte Green. McGregor, as the voting precinct respectful boxing exhibit, and a flock of over 250 were saved. ton. tion precinct 1 and 2, showed Past Week Mrs. Keith will make her was only established at that lo throughout the four rounds the 1625, and number 3 which cov fans constantly yelled their dis- NEW SCHOOL STAFF cation several months ago. home in this city. B. B. Davis, employed by the ers the O. A. hill, Riverview, approval, both boxers avoiding O. A. bunk houses has not been Wilson Clark Logging company Commencement/ fp,o3 ranv each other and not showing any Officers are Elected By The received, but it is estimated that injured his head and face Tues inclinations to mix freely. Student Body the population will be over 750. day, while at work in the woods when he was struck by the end A new staff of officers were Billy Ryan v». Lee Davis Miss Louise Malmsten Processional of a cross-cut saw. Give Music Recital The semi-final fought between elected for the student body of On Saturday, J. L. McCollom, Timber, May 15.—The music Lee Davis and Billy Ryan gave the Vernonia high school for the Rev. G. W. Plumer Invocation students of Mrs. C. Stanton employed by the Koster Products the fans six rounds of fast oncoming school year. Jack Marshall, was chosen gave a recital in the school house company cut his right hand with clever fighting, which ended in Vocal Solo - - “Spring’s Awakening” The nine car special dairy Scott, R. M. Aldrich and a draw. Much credit is due Davis president, Christine Rainey, vice last Saturday evening. Those tak an axe while at work, and was demonstration train sponsored Harry Kearns, .besides the reg- for gaining a draw from Ryan i president, John Kirk, secretary, Miss Alice Dübendorf ing part were Walter Wright, sent to this city for medical at Porterfield, treasurer, by O. S. C. and the S. P. & 9r-ulnr agricultural committee of who some time ago held the Marvin LaVerne and Maxine Kilburg, tention. Marion Borrotafot, working Railway, which starts at Eugene the chamber will handle the full amateur . championship of his ' Kathryn Malmsten, G. A. man- Julianne Morris, James and Eve McDowell Violin Solo (a) “Two Wild Roses” for the Connacher Logging com ' ager, Gloyd Adams, boys’ ath- the afternoon of June 3, will details of entertaining the large weight in the northwest. lyn Wilson and Bonnie Nelson. Morrison (b) "M' ditation” | ietic manager, Larry Marshall, arrive in this city Saturday, numbers of those from the val- Certificates were awarded to pany was struck with a flying Al Truman V». Nelson Miss Marie Kirkpatrick ’ Timber Line editor, Luella Wil- June 7. ley who are expected to attend. Bonnie Nelson, and Evelyn and piece of steel from a wedge last Saturday, the steel lodging near While Nelson lost the decision iiams, yell leader, and Joy Bush The program outlined will The dairy train will make 14 James Wilson. his left lung. have demonstrations and pro- stops in Oregon, and one in ' in the six round main event, i assistant yell leader. Commencement Address - Subject Selected Allan Brown, employed by the , his opponent was none other All appointed to office have grams at the train, which will.. Washington. EVANGELIST IS HERE Supt. C. A. Howard Connacher Logging company, while here be stationed at the Other cities on the schedule than the well known Al Truman, .taken an active part in high caught his foot between two depot, the affair starting at 10 include. White Salmon, Wash., I who in the last moment substi school activities in the past year. Service to Start Sunday At Local Vocal Solo, (a) "Hills of Home” Oscar J. Fox moving logs last Saturday and o’clock a.m. Albany and Salem, Donald and tuted for Bobby Dolan who was T abernacle broke three bones in his right (b) “A Banjo Song” - Sidney Homer Install Frigidaires At 12:30 p.m. a free lunch Wilsonville, Hillsboro and For- unable to fill his engagement. E. Elsworth Krogstad of Al- foot. will be provided by the Cham- est Grove, Vernonia and Scap- Throughout the entire fight both The Nehalem Valley Ice and Mrs. W. W. Wolff bert Lea, Minn., evangelist, will ber of Commerce and business m ore. Seaside and Astoria, boxers mixed freely and at no Creamery company have install Lea*ed Blacksmith Shop hold services at the Full Gospel men, served at the station. Clatskanie and Rainier anl Red- time during the engagement was ed frigidaires during the past Mr. Robert Spencer Presentation of Diplomas Tabernacle, starting Sunday, May William Faulkner of Banks, At 1:30 p.m. a meeting will mond. The last stop will be either fighter in danger of be week at the Terminal cafe and 18, and lasting until June 2. leased the Sesseman blacksmith be held in one of the local halls, made during the session of the ing handed the K. O. The decis Turk’s Sandwich shop. Selected Vocal Solos, (a) (b) During the meetings held ev shop from Rube Sesseman last ion in favor of Truman, felt the probably the Odd Fellows or Or gon State Grange. The Frigidaire corporation will Mr. Jack Kelly ery evening, special music will I week and has reopened the place Legion, when dairy specialists “Economy and Quality for fans who while loyal to Nelson handle the installation of their be provided. to the publie. and livestock experts will ad- Profit” is the slogan adopted for {satisfied that the judges decis- output locally through the Reverend F. Claude Stephens Benediction Mr. _________ Faulkner formerly worked Rev. Krogatad has been con-___ dress the gathering. the big dairy demonstration I ion was justified. Tiger Maglone creamery which handle the Ne- nected with the ministry since 15 at gcoffield before running a A committee of the Chamber train which will be on the road I of Rainier challenged the win halia Ice Cream, manufactured I years old. shop at Banks. ner of the Nelson-Truman fight. by the Nehalem Creamery. ff Commerce consisting of Jos. from June 3 to 12. = Play at Home 25th Waldo Taylor Wins at Goli Grange Work At Big Eddy Miss Hoffman Wins Honors Legion Picnic ! At llig Eddy On June 15 Many Shown On High School 1930 Honor List Special Dairy Train Visiting This City Saturday, June 7; Livestock Experts to Give Talks I