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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1930)
r .r^av. February 13, 1930 Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon the strong Birkenfeld team. The chance to go to the county tour nament at St. Helens lies'* be tween the two teams. Birken feld has won onca from Verno nia, but the local team is (From Page 2) bMk<tb.ll team will go to Bir strengthened and confident of a kenfeld Friday for a game with victory. ■ Page Seven ’I™?“ puP.ils werc the first via Sessman, na Crowder „Snively, cause of the prizes to be award to complete all their book re- Jack Graney, ™X! Willa P<> completed. The last were Nadine Aldrich, Alice Hoffman’ ed by Lee Schwab for the medal finished Tuesday. ! Helen Murray, Melvia Brown, and A. L. Kullander for the en graving work. There are now Those who received 100<^ Robert Depue. two prizes offered |id possibly Those who received 100 in there will be more. spelling last week in the 6-II spelling in tne the 7-1 room room are: ----- Upon the completion of the room i are: Robert Kino- nn«o>... Nanson m .. J__ , Syl- J . j Lucille Hole«’, Gertrude Epping, Wash ington grade school we ine Moyer, Dorothy , Christine Mitch- hope to have the county spell- ani, June Michener, James Rai-1 ing contest as well as many ney, Benji Wilkerson, and Dor other county activities here next othy Wolff. year. I Famous Monarch Brand j Groceries and Products Are Sold Exclusively at the VERNONIA MARKET AM) GROCERY ’ FREE DELIVERY:—Just Phone Your Order to VERNONIA MARKET ANO GROCERY Phone 231 ---------------- GRADE SCHOOL SPELLING Annie M. Carlson CONTEST FEBRUARY 21 Dies In Portland (By Prof. E. H. Condit) Please do not forget about Funeral services were read the zone spelling contest at the Washington school February 21. February 3 for Mrs. Annie M. Pleasant Hill has announced Carlson, former Scappoose res they will compete and Birken ident. Mrs. Carlson came to the direct feld and Mist are expected to Ernest Johnson home from Norway many years ago. come with strong teams. Ernest Johnson and family and The entire Vernonia team has not been selected yet, but La-1 Mrs. . J. Callahan attended the Vern Thompson will represent, funeral, the fourth grade and June Mit- chner will probably be the one who will enter the oral contest. To Represent Scappoose There should be much interest At O. S. C. This Week in the local contest this year be- Evelyn Gerlach, Rosina Rufer, Bob Morgan, and Floyd Tufts STRAND & BERG have been selected to represent Contractors and Builders Scappoose union high school at Corvallis this week. On all kinds of construc tion, estimates given with out charge. Several From Here Box 157, Vernonia Enroll In Auto School Frank Mikesh Is Reported Recovering Bachlund was there in form, winning 13 points. Frank Mikesh, who fell front the roof of his home last week while removing snow and injur ed his spine, is reported slowly recovering. Quaker Meeting At C. E. Draws Crowd Former Scappoose Girl Is Married at Seattle good Ellen Lawrence, leader of the local C. E. Sunday conducted it as a Quaker meetting. Books of the Bible were discnssed those present. Cards are out announcing the Berry Growers To marriage of Delaphine Isaacson, Meet Here Feb. 12 former Scappoose girl, for Feb- rury 21 at her Seattle home. Scappoose berry growers met Miss Dorothy Jabonec of Val- yesterday at Watts & Price hall. setz is to be bridesmaid. All persons interested in this subject were invited to attend. Bridge Club Meets At Warren Last Week Ladies Aid Wipes Out Their Debt Scappoose Bridge club met with Miss Viola Cooper last Wednesday night. Mrs. Herman Scappoose Ladies Aid will cel- Miller of St. Helens won the ebrate today because the last honor prize. cent of indebtedness on the church property was paid De- cember 29. It was a debt of Lavender Club Meets final payment on the side At Home Mr*. Carter $227, walks. WINDOW Signs Silver Plating Re-silvering Mirrors Local agent for HEALTHO PRODUCTS H. R. ELTON 959 Bridge St. Vernonia Seword Hotel HOUSE OF CHEER TENTH AT ALDER Portland Oregon Excellent meals at pop ular prices. Coffee shop. Merchants Lunch 25c, 35c- Dinners 40c, 50c, in dining room. Breakfast 25c and up. Luncheons 35a, 15c. Dinners 55c, 65c, 75«, $L W. D. McNair^ Malagas W. C. CWbertesMt The Apple Valley Lavendei club will meet tomorrow at the home of Mrs. Ed. Carter. A! members are urged to attend. Scappoose Loses To St. Helens Artrur Neuman and Arnold St. Helens scored over Scap- Novak are enrolled in the auto pooso on the St. Helens floor Friday night 1 school in Portland. olumns FOR SALE Houses for rent, furnished in- W'ANT TO DO Washings, will FOR SALE—One milch goat, freshen first of April. Inquire quire O. H. Drorbaugh, 992 2nd j call for anj deliver, Phone phone 191. 281‘^venue. 23 tf 776. --- 17tf FOR SALE—Twelve unimproved lots in block 25, second addit FOR SALE—Slightly used dav-'FOR RENT — 3-room modern ion. Close in and sightly, enport, bathroom electric heat- house, close in. J. C. Lindley, j G wa TTS, Scapoose. Ore 8tl er and portable phonograph. All Bank of Vernonia._________ 2ltf RENT—2 for SALE Muskrats, Canadian in good condition. Reasonable water parentage. $9 per pair. A. D. Apply house 39. O.A. hill. 272 , Hdl, Vernonia, Ore.__________ « eluded. Call at 875 Second av PIANO in storage. Looks and is 272* for SALE—2-ton Chev. truck, like new. Will sacrifice for bal-. enue. good condition, easy payments. ance, $168. Terms $2 weekly. I ----------------------------------------------- apartments for Inquire Fest Furniture Co. 282 Will discount for cash. Write FURNISHED | rent, $22. Phone 402, Moon Tallman Piano Store, 395 So. light Apartments. 13tf FOR SALE — Mixed tulips, lc 273 each. Mrs. A. J. Sitts, 507 12th street, Salem, Ore. Rose ave. _____________ 28 ** WANTED FOR RENT WANT to buy or rent—Between 40. and 60 acres land, Some improved. Prefer having house and barn on land. Inquire Eagle office. Wheat Hearts 9 This clever, new combination bread box and MISCELLANEOUS bread board... regularly selling for $1.75... and LOST — Last week, about town, pair ladies’ lined black lea- gloves. Finder ther driving please return to 470 Rose av- enu. 1-9.* lb. seek ol Sperry Drifted Snow Ftour 1—Large pkg. Sperry Pencake and Waffle Flew 1—Large Pkg. Wheatheart* 1—Leal ol bread ...dl for $1.98* Card of Thank* For Sale—First class 16 inch work. WANTED—Carpentier We wish to express apprecia FOR RENT—Modern 4 room fir wood, $6.00 cord or $2.00 All work guaranteed. Geo. Bell tion for all the kindness Bhown i first avenue. See J. rick. Leave orders with Cason house on 284* by our many friends and neigh C. Lindley at bank.________ 23tf 1st avenue, House 41. transfer. _______________ 23 ------ tf ---- bors, and for the many beauti ful floral offerings in the recent bereavement caused by the loss of our wife and mother. Ira C. Nicholson and Family. AT YOUR GROCER’S NOW Professional and Business Directory For vour convenience the following business and professional people are listed on this page alphabetically. These men and women are known in Vernonia as reliable business end professional people. i BEAUTY SHOPS ANNETTE BEAUTY SHOP Bkampoo, Marcelling, Finger waving, Permanent Waving. Over Horseshoe Cafe. Phone 431 Electrotherapy, Trucks for Local and Long Distance Hauling QUICK SERVICE Office Phone 663 Res. Phone 664 Phone 221 Curly Buffmire TRANSFER Physiotherapy Chiropractor 1H7 Stat- Vernonia, Ore HOTEL CONTRACTORS JOHN A. MILLER General Contractor Mason Work, Building NEHALEM HOTEL Vernonia’s Oldest and up-to-date hotel. Vernonia, Oregon Cason Transfer DR. R. A. OLSON Tel. 671 Dr. J. A. Hughe* Physician and Surgeon most Mrs. Grace Scott, Manager Local & long distance HAULING Phone 923 Office in Workingmen’* Store PLUMBING Bafford Brother* HOTEL HY-VAN Modem Hot and cold water in all rooms. Genera! Plumbing Vernonia RESTAURANT DENTISTS M. D. COLE Dentist Vernonia, Oregon Terminal Cafe The Right Place to Eat Excellent Cooking LAWYERS DR. W. H. HURLEY GORDON R. WATT Dentistry and X-Ray Attomey-at-law Hoffman Hdwe. Building Vernonia, Oregon Joy Theatre Building Vernonia, Oregon PHYSICIANS PASTIME Marvin R. Eby, M. D. CARDS AND Physician and Surgeon Phone 891 LIGHT LUNCHES Lloyd Babor, Prop. ÉNNEY OF THE FORCE Mary Kato Chop Suey Restaurant You’ll enjoy a bowl of delicious Chop Suey after the show. SHINGLE MILL Re-Roof With SHINGLES From Johnston & McGraw Shingle VERNONIA Achieving Our Aim Cali For County Warrants I have money on hand to pay the following endorsed county warrants: General county fund warrants endorsements prior to and in cluding Dec. 31, 1929. Interest ceases Feb. 14, 1930. Gladys Peterson, County Treas. NOTICE OF BOND SALE Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the undersigned until the hour of two o’clock P. M. on the 1st day of March, 1930, and imme diately thereafter publicly open ed by the district school board of school district No. 47, Co lumbia county, Oregon, at the Washington school in the city ofi Vernonia, Oregon, for an issue of bonds of said school district in the amount of sixty thousand dollars ($60,000), said bonds to be dated July 1, 1930, and to mature serially in numerical or der at the rate of fifteen thou sand dollars ($15,0,00) per an num on the first day of July in each of the years 1931 to 1934 inclusive; said bonds to bear interest at the rate of not to exceed six per cent (6%) per annum, payable semiannual ly, principal and interest pay able at the office of the county treasurer of Columbia county, Oregon. • Bids must be unconditional and accompanied by a certified check in the amount of '$1,500. The approving legal opinion of Messrs. Teal, Winfree, McCul loch and Shuler will be furnish ed the successful bidder. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. W. W. WOLFF, Clerk. Address: Vernonia, Oregon. George Swanson Dies Sincere sympathy is extended i the relatives of the late Gus Swanson, well known in this vi cinity, who died February 8, and for whom services were read yesterday at the Conservatory chapel in Portland. We simply diagnose the case and set about eliminating the ailment promptly. Our machine and repair shop, with it* staff of expert mechan ic*, is ™MUT6NY oftm ALBATROSS by WYNDHAM MARTYN“ COPYRIGHT IN THE US. W.NU. SERVICE 97* e/ZOW A MILLIONAIRE went for a real ALL WORK IS GUARANTEED Phone 342 Vernonia Brazing And Machine Works Ed. Salmonson cure on a palatial ocean yacht, and the exciting adventures that befell his guests. A story of events which might easily oc cur in the present time, yet icb is as thrilling as any tale of the days of free booters or pirates of the Spanish Main. Yen Will Like This New Serial in T/ie Eagle—Starting this Week BLF.£ No Fancy Tete-a-Tetes HOWEVER swat w. git , bOiKELV io R um on TO DOWM HERE WILL Bt POCK SHANKS AM’ CABBAGS ! 4 At Your Service Oregon American Lumber I