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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1930)
For Quick Results Try A Classified Ad In The Eagle Derno ^^^E agí e...... Sell and Buy Through The Classified Ad Columns Vernonia, Oregon Thursday. February 13, 1930 Volarne 8 Gives Talk Al School Of O.S. College WEEKLY VISITOR Members Longview C. C. Here G. W. Ford Attends Governor’s Conference Number 28 IP.-T. Association to Celebrate Founder's Day Monday, February 17th ! Tourist Service Part of I T TI “Build Oregon!” Plan J • He UlllCr I I I G. W. Ford was chosen by the Portland, Feb. 11—A new in executive committee of the lo novation in tourist service is be cal Chamber of Commerce to ing inaugurated by the Oregon represent this chamber at the State Chamber of Commerce in stnte-wide economic conference 1930 through the formation of which was held Tuesday in the Indian grille room of the Mult Mrs. A. R. Dorris, President of P.-T. A., Columbia “Oregon Circle Tours” calculat ed to induce state visitors to nomah hotel at Portland. County, Gives Pertinent Points in Observing stay longer and see more of --------- The conference was called by Founder’s Day; National Membership 1,275,000 Oregon in touring the state, Gpest* of The Vernonia Governor Norblad in coopera- , Attended By Dry Kiln O r' Operated Shingle Mill S. Hamilton, president of the tion with President Hoover in ganizatiou, announced here Chamber Today to discuss facts and an effort (By Mrs. A. R. Dorris) I grams are based on the seven Operators For Several Year* day. The circle tour service determine on measures which Since all P.-T. A. units will objectives of education: • i I a part rf the state chamber ’ s ' ______ may be developed. observe Founder’s day February Health and safety. 1930, program of “ Build I Ore-1 Mr. Ford feels assured that 17, it is well to recall some def- Worthy home membership. gon!” , throughout the state every com- inite information concerning the Mastery of tools, technics and Twelve different circle tours ¡munity that was represented at national Congress of Parents the sp'rit of learning. covering all of the outstanding i . --------- i the conference Tuesday will co- j and It Teachers. Faithful citizenship. was organized February 17,! . 'operate, and already there It was orga Vocationoal and economic ef- points of interest in Oregon are Other I rominent Longview seems to be a demand for early 1897, at Washington, D. C. “In- fectiveness. being worked out and will be Member of K. P. Lodge For Knauss Rated One Of Best published in folder form and in construction activity. telligent cooperation Citizens And Leaders between Wise use of leisure. 20 Years; Funeral Ser Authorities On Kiln colors. Each routing will carry The actual purpose of the parents and teachers.” Ethical character. In Party vices Here Today Drying in U. S. a log of the tour and be pro meeting was to insure an early Founders: Mrs. Alice M. Bir- ______ ___ ___ These cardinal objects may starting of many "needed im- ney and Mrs. Phoebe A. Hearst, be remembered by noting that fusely illustrated with photo Name: National Congress of the order in which they are graphs of the state’s scenic *A~delegation of prominent cit- P,"y<menta. A. C. Knauss, foreman of the James N. Ohler, 79, well determine which may be Parents and Teachers. (named corresponds with the de spots. izens of Longview, members of ]. ° I Presidents to date: Mesdames velopment of human life. With dry kilns at the Oregon-Ameri position to be started. “ The tours will be complete known in the Nehalem valley, jongview viuuuuvr the Longview Chamber ui of v>uiii- Com- in _ a ■ can mill, Kill be one of the in been invited to at-1 Jo determine an outline of Birney, Schoff, Higgins, Reeve the new bom child the first ■n covering every part and sec died at the home of his son, C. merce, have __ structors at a short session of what of may he ex may be expected later and and Marris. emphasis is health and safety. tion of . Oregon and we have H. Ohler, nine miles from this tend the Chamber Commerce the school of forestry at Ore Meetings held: 32 annual con- As the child becomes conscious much to gain in encouraging the meeting at the Masonic temple. when it will seem reasonable to gon Stdfe college during which city on the Forest Grove road Lucille Johnson in this city today, and word has expect a start on these construc ventions and three international. i of father and mother, we have tourists visiting Oregon to stay Tuesday evening following classes will be held in school tion projects. a State branches: 49, local un- foundations for worthy home and to see more of our longer been received from Wesley Van-| in dry kiln practise for lumber its 18,000. In Oregon 350 asso- ] membership. The years pass and great state,” Hamilton said. paralytic stroke. dercook, famous engineer, that men and dry kiln operators of Prof. Wilkerson and ciations and 18,527 members. the child enters school, there to “If we can double the time James N. Ohler was born at Roadmaster his party would be on hand. Oregon, February 12 to 15 in Growth: 1920, 190,000; 1928 master the tools, technics and tourists stay in Oregon it will Uhrichville, Ohio, September Students to Speak Appointed For », clusive. In the party of visitors will [ 1,275,000. (spirit of learning. mean just that much more to At Scappoose Friday be Guy L. Anderson, president Columbia County Income: Dues, At yesterday’s session Mr. endowmentj In school he is a member of us from a business standpoint. 1850, coming west at an early of the Longview chamber, and Knauss instructed and spoke on fund, Founder’s day contribu- a larger group where by parti The number of tourists visiting age, following the lumber indus Columbia county’s new road tion. Scappoose high school basket manager of the Longview North “Purpose of Seasoning,” and ! cipation he learns faithful cit- Oregon annually is increasing ev try throughout his life. master, appointed by the county Headquarters: 1201 Sixteenth izenship. this .afternoon on “Moisture ball team lost to St. Helens ern railroad. ery year." . j During _ the years of 1921 and Content of Wood,” and during February 7 by a score of 14 to Gus Hafenbrack, secretary of court in session last week at street ^Northwest, Washington, ( During his later school years the , can b ° 1922 Mr - Ohler operated a shin St. Helens, is L. B. Chandler i D. C. gan afterncfon session on “Heat 17, and Coach Bryant of Scap the chamber, will also attend. i he begins to think of his place made in two or three days, so poose believes his team is the I E™.. __ —. Field - Extension: service, par- in the world and so to prepare no doubt scores of Oregonians, gle mill on the Stony Point road. iu Dry Kilns.” During the meeting the cele of Portland. Very active in Pythian circles, more determined to defeat Ver- Mr. Chandler will report for ent teacher courses. Othbr talks on “Shrinkage of nc(iia at Scappoooe tomorrow bration of the opening of the duty within the next week after. Cooperation: With educational • himself for vocational and eco will want to take advantage of , a member of the Knights of nomic effectiveness. He comes Longview-Rainier bridge will be the trips on week-end drives.” 1 Pythias for the past 20 years, “Humidity in Dry Wood,” and national agen- to realize that life is more than when they play. discussed, and a committee will I closing his affairs with the state I movements The illustrated circle tours the Knights of Pythias from this . Kilns.” and “Circulation and having served on the engineering cies. mere existence so thought must Scappoose has arranged to be picked by President J. C. | will be available through the lo-1 city will act as pallbearers. Piling of Lumber and Care of ____ ___ staff of the state highway com- Activities: Congress programs, be given to wise use of leisure, to cooperate with other -al chambers of commerce, ho Dry Lumber,” will be covered. have a girls game with Beaver Lindley Mr. Ohler had resided with his towns'in for the past six years. special projects. Finally as the important growth tels, tourist camps and other sta towns in this vms county, cuuuuy, for the uiv Co-^iission w-i Mr. Knauss is one of the fore ton as a preliminary. . son on the Forest Grove road The roadmaster ’ s position was Emblem : Oak tree. ' of all comes ethical character. lumbia county day celebration. I tions where tourists stop for in Scappoose will play host to most ¡authorities on kiln drying made vacant several months ago Colors: Blue and gold. A complete life is grown and formation. »The first tours are : for the past nine years. of lumber in the United States, the visiting teams and light re Mr. Vandercook, who is presi upon the resignation of J. W. Program: Seven objectives of enriched through all seven, no xpected to be ready for an- | He is survived by two daugh- freshments will be offered. The kilns of the Oregon-Ameri- dent of the Washington Good Barney who accepted the posl- education. one is independent of the other. nouncement in the next few i ters, Mrs. Evelyn Kline of Mi- Like Vernonia, the Scappoose Roads association, and interested tion of roadmaster in Washing- can mill are among the finest | ami, Fla., and Mrs. Margaret Affiliation: With Internation- It is up to each individual mem weeks. equipped and most modern in instructors and students wish to in seeing the completion of the ton county. Stewart of Carlton, Ohio, and al Federation of Home and ber to become efficient in our the country. create a more friendly feeling Rainier-Apiary cutoff, which three sons, C. H. Ohler, J. B. Mr. Chandler is an experienc- School. i work. Keep these points in your between the two schools. would connect with the Long ed road engineer, well recom- Ohler, and G. H. Ohler. Of the pertinent pointers to vision. A leader with a vision is Columbia County Fruit Scappoose has invited Profes view bridge, will be the principal mended by the state highway be emphasized perhaps the least the most valuable asset in the Funeral services will be held Inspector Visits Here Census Reports For sor Wilkerson and several stu speaker, and will no doubt talk at the Brown funeral parlors understood is the program. Pro- world. Absent Families dents to visit the Scappoose high about the Longview - Rainier engineering department. C. H. Keys, Columbia county today at 2 p.m. with Rev. F. hool Friday and deliver a mes bridge and traffic problems. fruit inspector and owner of Claude Stephens in charge. Rainier Wins Hoop The fifteenth decennial cen sage of good will from Vernonia. a large orchard near Scappoose, George W. Ford, superintend sus of the United States will be ■* . will be glad to come to Verno New Head Of Game Here Friday ent of the Oregon Gas 4 Electric taken during the month of Ap E>.gle To Present nia at any time to inspect the company, will give an outline Power Company ril. The om deration will bo fruit trees at the request of the before the members of the cham in a fast game the Rainier Medal To Champion Visits Vernonia made by a force of about 100,- owner and will give the desired high school basketball team de ber regarding the budget pre r . • I Speller of Zone 5 sented 000 enumerators who will go information on the control of fented the local players Friday by himself to the head C. Y. Bowers, vice president from house to house and secure John Patrick was seriously in 'he pests prevalent in this val T. A. Gordon purchased the evening by a score of 19 to 14. of the power company, which A silver medal will be pre was approved Friday for im Allen building on Bridge street, and general manager of the the information required for the while ley. Vernonia in the first half jured Monday morning, , cens us. Every person is to be sented by the Eagle to the stu provements of the company Scott Wormy and scaly fruit cannot Washington Gas & Electric com clearly umpiaytu outplayed the 'vor,! . !nB for th<1 Va‘e & ’3 which contains the Willard ho- I cieuriy ... Lite visitors visiloih but uui _ ... enumerated, so far as possible, dent of the grade schools in lines and services in this vicinity- tel and several stores, Saturday the local players unfortunately, LaBBlnB company near this city he sold to the public and those pany with headquarters at Taco- ¡did not get many breaks in get- wlu:n ,h®,.was sfruck on the hea<* who w’sh to market their fruit ma, whose company recently ► nt h:n “usual place of abode” or zone 5 who survives in the spell- Extensive construction of ad- ^rom 1' rank Allen, the place where he usually lives, ing contest and is picked as the will have to have it free from purchased the Columbia Utilities has- a ^ 'lling tree. ting their hall ball through the bas- ditional lines is under considers- ■ With intentions of remodel- tine I company, now known as the Ore- Where individual members of a champion. these pests. Patrick was sent St. Vin- to ■ j P» Li Electric 1! zxz»4**»i z» ziAwnnwt, Gas - & company, Other prizes will be awarded, tion, and Mr. Ford will announce ing the entire hotel, which is ket, and the first half score end- cent’s hospital in Portland by family are away from home at Mr. Keys inspected the apple and third cd 9 to 8 in favor of Rainier. the amounts to be expended for situated on the second ¡...J ¡. ’ . .I.-I visited in Vernonia yesterday. the time when the census is according to Prof. Edwin Con- and pear trees on the W. B. ambulance and it is thought he The Rainier team, having won consulting with George W. Ford, taken they will be reported to dit, superintendent of Vernonia’s different items by his company, i floor, Mr. Gordon intends to es Lappe place Monday. It is predicted that today’s tablish a first class hotel, run five straight games, with one suffered a fractured skull and superintendent of the local pow- the enumerator by other mem grade schools, and this year’s other face injuries. by himself. 1 game lost to St. Helens, actual- meeting will be the largest turn er plant. contest promises to be better at bers of the family. Koster Camp To The entire floor spaces on |y have the county championship out since the chamber was or Mr. Bowers, who is also head For cuses where it is known tended by parents and others in ganized and efforts are under , the ground floor will also be cinched, and will also be the win- Scappoose Man Is Start March 3 of the Oregon Gas & Electric in advance that the whole fam- terested than previous spelling way to have every member pres remodeled. I tiers of the Vernonia Eagle tro- company, appears very enthus Struck Down On ily will be away from home at contests. Construction and changes will ’ phy, at the finish of the season. The camps of the Koster Prod iastic regarding the future of Birkeniield, Mist, Pleas ent at the luncheon and meeting. Columbia Highway that time, special provision has ant Hill, Beaver Creek, Rock start during the next two weeks. ucts company will resume their Having only two more games ----- Vernonia, and remarked that his been made by the director of Creek, logging operations I" ‘ ______ would not have entered to play—against St. Helens and Monday, company Kist, and Vernonia Knights of Pythias Scappoose, Feb. 12 — Charley in the form of an tin' c< nsus March 3. according to word re- this'field had they not been con Clatskanie—little hope is held I Mosier, gardener of the city absent family schedule which is s. hools will be represented at Lodge To Celebrate ceived. Crews are now engaged vinced that this valley would Tomorrow Evening i n f° H r o iw anv °1ther , tha ‘eam to *in rivnl th® was struck down by a car making repairs on woods machin- make rapid strides toward pro- to be filled out by some respon the day of the contest, Friday, ni r» r» u h i r> Anniversary of Order championship, the nonroct nearest rival i I park, February 21, at the Washington Saturday evening while crossing sible m.mber of the family in gress. Vernonia high school basket-1 being Scappoose who has won the Columbia highway near Mc- ery. advance of the census date and school. three games and lost three and ------------------------- | Besides the extensive better- Harding lodge of the Knights ball team will journey to Scap- - ' Kay ’ s meat market. transmitted to the local super Birkenfeld Mill----------------- ments and improvements to be of Pythias will celebrate I the ’ poose ,____ tomorrow ____________ __ „_ to _____ evening meet| has a 600 percentage, while visor of the census. A copy of State Master of Grange The car was driven by A. Wy- Rain'er hits 850. To Start Monday madc on thclr Present H®®* u this schedule can be secured py Attends Meeting Here K. P. 66th anniversary next ¡the Scappoose hoopsters on their Vernonia still meets St. Hel- ler, a farmer living near the ” | is quite probable that Mr. Bow Wednesday, February 19, at the floor. application to Fred S. Perrine county line. from ens and Scappoose away Birkenfeld, Feb. 12 — Repair ers’ company will eventually . ,„... ex of Oregon City, who is the cen- Scappoose still holds second I Many members of surround Odd Fellows hall. Mosier was immediately taken nd lta Ridings of utilities in sus supervisor for this pait of ing Granges were present at A special program^ has been ■ place in the conference, butl home, and meets Clatskanie on to the St. Helens general hospi- crews have been busy during I * Oregon, the Vernonia plant be Oregon. the regular meeting of Verno arranged with music to be fur Coach Bryant’s players, who I the home floor. tjal where it was found that the past week at the Birkenfeld ing their first venture in this The Rainier team, many of mill, and it is the intentions of j nished by a local Filipino or have shown remarkable form' nia Grange Saturday where ad Families planning to three ribs were broken and oth- state. this year, will play as hard as whom were members of the foot Ier injuries sustained. Relatives the management to start full during the month of April, leav dresses were heard from State chestra. The new head of the power ball squad that also won the operations Monday. ever to win from the home town ing the home closed or with no Master Geo. Palmiter of Hood were informed and the injured county championship, are hus man is thought to be in critical The Birkenfeld mill has been line is one of the youngest ex boys tomorrow. one in charge who is qualified River and Clyde Watson of shut down more than one month. ecutives in the northwest, is en * to the census enumerator Yankton. Many visitors from Should Vernonia win from kies and have in their recent state. ergetic, forceful and has a very the information, are urged to Winema Grange at Birkenfeld Scappoose tomorrow night, and games developed great team- pleasing personality. obtain one of these schedules at gave interesting talks, about 20 Uses Lamp As also win the other conference work. The lineup for Friday’s game Injures Hand At once and to fill it out and send being present from that Grange, games, there is still hope of Weapon In Fight Funeral Services it to Mr. Perrine at the earliest] Following the meeting a tying Rainier for the champion was: Local Shingle Mill Rainier Vernonia Held at Scappoose possible date. Or if the house luncheon was served by the com- ship. U. Ishii, Japanese, was arrest Clark F Bush is left in charge of a servant mittee in charge. Mrs. Tayes in- For William Foltz ed Monday by ’ Marshal Phelps Henry Parkor, employed at Olivia Berg P who will be sure to be at home troduced the new Grange pa- on a charge of disorderly con- Expert From O. S. C. the Johnston-McGraw shingle Brough George C when the enumerator calls the per. called “The Loud Speaker.” Scappoose, Feb. 11—Funeral Olson mill, sawed into two fingers of duct Inspects Cattle In Adams G schedule may be left with such I Vernonia Grange membership Ishii engaged in battle with services were held for the late his left hand Monday. Robiaon Culver G servant for delivery to the enu- is increasing steadily and prom- Columbia County Read our new serial T. Inanizu, another Japanese, at, William Foltz, aged 49 years, Forrest Bennett S ,„rl„ ______ fur- ises to soon have one of the merator. The .... information the Oregon-American Jap camp, on Monday at 2 p.m. at Com- The second high school team —a sea story—“The nished on this schedule will be largest memberships in the coun- Dr. A. M. McCapcs, from the and during the scuffle struck In-'munity church. Interment was LET US SELL defeated the Timber school by treated as confidential and will ty. veterinary department of O. S. anizu over the head with a glass in Fairview cemetery, Scappoose, Mutiny of the Alba IT FOR YOU be used only for the tabulation i ■ — 1 C., was in Columbia county Fri a score of 21 to 4, the game 'amp. | While little is known of the We take the liberty of from tross.” Thrilling of statistics which will not re- ' Corvallis—Buttermakers day testing cattle for contag preceding the conference game. Judge Reasoner found the de- private affairs of the deceased, showing the names of just Timber ’ s players were much veal any information with re- Oregon's 108 creameries met ious abortion in cooperation fondant guilty, and imposed a he roomed at the McManus adventures on a a few of those who make gard to individuals or families, here for three-day conference. with the county agent’s office. ' smaller than the local team, but fine of $40,. home many months. ¡played a gritty game and re it a habit of getting re millionaire’s yacht. This work is being done to ceived a good reception from sults by using the Verno assist a number of dairymen the fans following the game. nia Eagle classified ads. to determine whether or not F. B. Warfield, Elmer this disease is present in their Bergerson, Mrs. Lee Hall, herds, and if it is, to assist To Sell Balance of J. C. Lindley, J. G. Watts, them to eradicate it. School Bonds Soon A. D. Hall, and George This work has been carried District 47 grade school board Bell. on in Columbia county for about * When the acquaintance of Lu- at present is looking forward to Mrs. Ester Coulter, known to pioneers. Aunt Ester takes her In most every case when eight months and in a number will call for bids shortly after cille was made by the Eagle the time when she can attend her many friends as Aunt Ester trip down town every day, gets questioned, our classified of counties in the state to dem- February 20 on the building of force several months ago, they school, and she clearly remem her mail, does the necessary ____ _ the new Washington $75,000 onstrate the possibilities of ad users have told us that 1 Coulter, celebrated her 85th were even then positive shei bers the picture seen in a pre shopping and is till quite capable grade school on Bridge street. cleaning herds of contagious < birthday Monday at the home of results were excellent, and vious issue of this paper of the would some day break into the ] Specifications are now in the abortion. Mrs. L. A. Rogers, who gave a of doing all her own house we notice that once a clas The millionaire headlines. Each Thursday morn beautiful new Washington school __ _______ ■ hands of the school board. The party in honor of the Nehalem work. ad user, they always sified i mg sue ni the me Eagle r.<irip or- ing she arrives at of- which will be built thia year, In fact. Aunt Ester would ap ...._________ I board is proceeding with the thought nopirates ex valley pioneer. for more. fice and tenders ready cash, one( and wishes to go to that school, Natal Grange will give a pro- ,a|e of the ba]an(_e of the n(. come back I pear surprised if anyone made section of Coming into this nickel, for the latest issue. ! It is not quite clear to Lu- gram and pie socml at the Natal i Rchoo, bond„ ,60 J At a reasonable rate, isted other than the the Nehalem valley by stage an offer to assist her in the Last week Lucille insisted on cille, why mother sends her to Grange hall Saturday, March 1. qqq you’ll be surprised at the kind he met in finan from Portland via Cornelius everyday duties, which she has inspecting the printing plant, spend a whole nickel for a copy The proceed* are to go toward results i the average “clas- The school term will close more than 35 years ago, Aunt performed in the past years, for and was quite generous in her of the Eagle, when right around making additional improvements sified” ’ brings. cial circles. What a this year May 16, several weeks Ester Coulter has been well con ' she is in the best of health, and praise upon the completion of the corner, she could satisfy the on the grange hall. Music will earlier than usual, and construe-1 It is not necessary to tented to make her home at looks 25 years younger than shock awaited him! her inspection. I craving of her sweetest tooth be furnished by members of the tion on the main building will come to the Eagle office, Vernonia, in the Nehalem val 85. A bewitching blonde, with with that same nickel. Winema and Natal Granges. be started immediately. just ask central for 191, Quite fitting, the huge birth ley which to her has always been large blue eyes, and a real sweet I When told that her picture and we’ll be glad to ad- most beautiful and dear, al day cake, containing the full The basketball team of the ! smile, little Lucille Johnson, age ] would appear in the next issue, vise and assist you in plac- though the disappearing of the count of 85 candles to repre 4, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. the little lady impatiently asked Washington grade school will Edmond Buckner Wins ing that wonderful results nearby heavy timbers often sent each and every yey of . Leonard Johnson of Third street, ] to get a copy of that paper, but play the Birkenfeld school at Suit From C. R. Coyle Starting This Week Ester’s life, was baked getter. made her long for the happier Aunt _____ stands patiently in front of the graciously consented to wait un- Birkenfeld Friday, February 14. 1 days when with a gun or a and decorated by none other “They work while you high counter nt the office un- til today. It is expected that Both teams lead this district Edmond Buckner received in the Spencer, an- an rod. little effort was needed to than Aunt Sally Spencar, til someone discovers that a cun- Lucille will not wait on the out- and the winner may have the judgment of 1100 against C. R. sleep.” secure ample fresh food for the other beloved pioneer of thia tomer has arrived and craves side of the high counter today, Vernonie Eagle privilege of attending the county Coyle of Portland in a suit for VERNONIA EAGLE valley, and an old friend of day’s meals. until someone discovers her grade school tournament at St indebtedness in the court of CLASSIFIED ADS s service. Spry, like most of those hardy Aunt Eater. Lucille’s main interest in life small presence. Helens March 15. Judge P. Hili ihursday. Last Four Days Engineer to Talk Dies On Tuesday I Was 79 Years Old I J» Patrick Is Injured Buys Allen Building I Held for RANSOM Smallest Subscriber to Eagle Visits Shop Every Thursday PIRATES of Today Vernonia Pioneer Celebrates Her 85th Birthday Monday