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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1930)
Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon Page Eight Oregon Observes Thrift Week Man’» Limitation» National Thrift Week Jan. 17-23 Dice were known tn ancient Greece and their Invention Is at Rare Tropical Fruit tributed by some to Psalmedes in Botanlcally, a monastery Is known the Thirteenth century B. O. The dice exhumed from Thebes differ in ns a philodendron. The taste Is no way from the Ivory or bone similar to belli the pineapple and cubes of today. They had spots banana, ft Is brought from Porto A Hope In Proceas ranging from one to six on them Rico nnd Is probably the rarest Opening ourselves to the and the sum of the spots on the fruit on the New York market. charge of being repetitious, *• two opposite shies always seven. Brown Hen's CfTerir.j say, "We Are Happy.” And we Not to be outdone by the other Shows Stars* Distance are now in the process of hop A _ parsec Is a unit of length used parishioners of Little Tlmherden ing that the ten rules we have church. Shorehan». England, who herein set forth will make you In expressing the distance of stars. were preparing for a harvest One parsec Is almost exactly 29*1.265 happy. times the mean distance of the thanksgiving, an old nrown hen laid We trust that you will co earth from the sun. A star Is at two eggs In the chancel. operate with the banks, building a distance of one parsec from the Prevent Rut** Slipping and loan associations, realtors, earth If Its annual parallax amounts investment houses, insurance to one second of arc. Rugs will not slip or curl If you cut small pieces from un old Inner companies and churches in the tube and sew one on each of the observance of national Thrift Worth Their Cost four corners with strong thrend week. Finally, with a bow to Tradition Is not a bad thing. Woe matching the rug color as near as Benjamin Franklin, history’s to the activity In which tradition possible. greatest exponent of thrift, we Is not the subject of an everlast wish you the infinite joyful BUC- ing and violent scrap. And dig nity. purity and wliolesomeness are WASH GRADE NEWS cess that is your birthright. not bad things either. All four are worth fighting for and lighting Hazel Chapman is the only one Real Benefactor against—Arnold Bennett who received 100 in spelling in And he gave It for his opinion the 5th grade. "that whoever could make two ears Named for Location of corn or two blades of grass to of Savonnerl carpet is a kind A Those who received 100 in grow upon a spot of ground where handmade one-piece carpet spelling in the 6th grade are: only one grew before, would de fine with a velvet pile, manufactured nt serve better of mankind and do the Gobelin establishment In Paris. Florence _____ Austin _____ Elbert _____ Brock. more essential service to bls coun The name was taken from the for Eleanor Edens. Toshi Kuge Bet try than the whole race of politi establishment at ('balllot, which ty Lee. Kenneth Lewis, Lucille cians put together." — Jonnthun mer Howard McGilvray, once been a soap factory— Lindberg, Swift (1667-1745), -Gulliver's Truv had Savonnerl. Leone Mills, Stanely Oversen, els." Stanley Parker, Maxine Scribner been for? What are the rewards 1 have been seeking?” one may know that another soul is pas sing without ever having learned to know God through sharing with others. Man Is the only one that knows nothing, that can learn nothing From page 1 without being taught. He can nei National Thrift Week Is cci'n ther speak nor walk, nor eat. nnd being observed, and the Oresoa In short he can do nothing at the ing that his consicence is clear committee, headed by W. O. Mun- I prompting of nature only, hut weep. and that his family will not suf sell of Portland, has organised ac —Pliny the Eider (23-79 A. D). " ' fer through want. But life in tivities in many cities and towns "Natural History.” surance even as a systematic of the state and is distributing method of saving money and as Laoland'« Climata much literature and presenting the a secure investment is sufficient ten point code of life by speakers Much of Lapland Is above the ly attractive to recommend itself and in various other ways. In this Arctic circle and the climate is se to every shrewd business man. state it is sponsored by the Oregon vere. At Klruna, above the circle, I Life insurance insures a life of Bankers’ Association and the Y. M. the average annual temperature Is success and happiness. degrees Fahrenheit, nnd the C. A., co-operating with numerous 34.7 Gives Life Meaning average summer temperature Is 54 other organizations. degrees Fahrenheit In almost everyone’s attic of The week starts January 17, tho dreams, perhaps in the dustiest anniversary of Benjamin Franklin, Man’» Right to Land corner, is a home that is truly greatest apostle of thrift. The ten The equal right of all men to the one's own. The rule to “Own point creed consists of these fea use of land Is as clear as their tures: Work and earn. Make a equal right to breathe the air—It Your Home,” strikes a universal budget, Record expenditures, Have Is a right proclaimed by the fact ly responsive chord. It calls up a bank account. Carry life insur of their existence.—Henry George. long neglected plans, wild half hopes, pictures with an air cas ance, Own your home. Make a will. tle motif or a steady unchang Distance Lends Enchantment Invest in safe securities, Pay bills What we can’t understand Is why ing aspiration to own a modest promptly, Share with others. Jan uary 17 is thrift day; 18, budget so many motorists drive to distant bungelow where mother and kid day; 19, share-with-others day; 20. places to be killed when they have dies will be gloriously happy make a will; 21, own your home; all the modern conveniences at against a fitting background. 22, life insurance; 23, safe Invest home.—Canton Dally News. Jt is the home that gives life ments. meaning and the sort of sta Work» Both Way» bility that is essential to success. He that openly tells his friends Home is an axis about which to Governor Norblad all that he thinks of them, must rotate. It symbolizes family af Proclaims Thrift expect that they will secretly tell fection, family pride. Home is Governor A. W. Norblad has of his enemies much that they do not the quintessence of wholesome think of him. — Cotton. Conductor Scored ficially proclaimed January 17-23 contentment. On a rainy day a lady In a sable Thrift Week, and in issuing his Uncle Eben Victim* of Neglect coat got on a Madison avenue street proclamation he made the follow “De mo’ you talk,” said Unele Turn off the radio and "Make car. ”1 don't suppo:«e I’ve ridden ing statement: Eben, “de mo’ liable you Is to find a Will.” Jazz, however loud, IB on a street car in two years," she Thrift Is a hah out how much mo’ wasteful conver unable to cancel the inevitabij- said to the conductor, a gloomy fel sation kin be dan regular work.”— low, as she gave him her fare. “I it which can be ity of death. Faced with the ride in my own ear,” she explained. acquired only by Washington Star. tusk of making a will which the Tlie conductor rang up the fare. consistent prac sentimentalist might consider "You don't know how we missed Hard to Trace Origin tice. It not only Various fanciful divisions have gloomy,, and, as an alternative, you,” he said.—The New Yorker. guarantees eco nomlc security been Invented for the term "hocus the prospect of a family left Device Popularizes Plane but nothing definite Is hopeless victims to your neg- for those who pocus," known. It was probably Invented lect, which a person of real Pianos will not disturb the neigh follow it,but also by Jugglers to Imitate Latin. sentiment might consider much bors tf the device Invented by a promotes an in radio enthusiast of Paris is adopt gloomier, you are asked to ed, creased sense of he believes. Every key struck Sporting Expression choose. r e s p o nsiblllty closes an electric current corre A racing bell was a sliver bell A carefully drawn up will, sponding to the frequency of tho and self-respect. given as a prize for a horse race. the trust to be administered by note. This frequency Is amplified Governor Norbl.d It Includes tar The expression now used is "rac more than the mere hoarding of ing cup," and refers to a piece of department of a reliable bank, r.nd reaches a head telephone which is the business man’s means ot the player wears. money. It means the wise and plate offered as n prize. protecting his loved ones against constructive use of all possessions When Sight Returns their own innocence or someone both public and private, to the end No Shopping Day* girl falling In love thinks of A elses dishonesty. The unwilled that by present self-control and In Women no longer devote certain the funny looking, spindly little telllgent foresight, the largest and days to shopping us our mothers estate has been built in vain. man she loves as a god. But let A Market Spectacle most desirable returns may be in did. They mix shopping with all her marry him and he remains her sorts of other activities. — American What occasion more approp sured for the future. god for about ns long as a rose re riate than this for saying “In tains Its beauty. It's too bad, but The governor urges the schools, Magazine. I ---------------------- vest in Safe Securities? ” The It's true.—Nellie Webb In the Atchi churches and other civic and educa Showing How Times Change nation recently witnessed a gor son Globe. tional agencies to "give thought If Sir Walter Raleigh hud stopped geously dramatic display of and attention to the importance of Benzine and Benzene the wise husbandry of personal on the street today to lay down Ids Wall Street tetnferament. Mil cont for Queen Elizabeth we ’ d have Benzine Is similar to,.or Identical of water-doused citi possessions and the careful con two more traffic victims.—Dayton lions zens were shocked into the dis with gasoline or naphtha. It is a servation of public resources.” News. covery that gambling and work mixture of compounds obtained by the distillation of petroleum. Ben ing were not synonymous and zene, Thrift Age-Old Story Odd “Sprinkling” System also commonly called benzol, ALL of the people could not be By I.. Barnum, President During a drought In England, is a definite chemical substance ob Oregon Bankers Association when watering of tennis courts wn i right ALL of the time. tained by distilling coal tar. The question of Thrift is but the prohibited, some courts wore The conservative investors, the age-old story, retold and given sprinkled with salt to attract moist men with strong bank accounts Handicap to Be Fought new impetus by ure. with gilt-edge bonds, with build An unpleasant speaking voice Benjamin Frank ing and loan association mem not incurable. It is overcome by Summing It Up lin. The habit of berships didn’t waste their en training. Ordinarily the voice Is There Is only one time that Is Im ergy on a collective “I told you unpleasant because it lj( pitched production o t wealth Is Inher portant—flow. It Is the thost Im so.” They calmly applied them too high, or because there Is pres, time because It Is the only selves to their jobs, strengthened ent a throaty quality. Vocal cul ent to all of us. portant time when we have any power. Is helpful. A rasping voice Tho message in the conviction that though a ture may upset even the calmest nervous Thrift bears is railroad journey may be dull, it system. It Is a serious beauty de Establishing Equality that more safely leads somewhere, while the fect, nnd should be overcome.—Chi Equality is the share of every thought should at their advent upon earth, nnd most thrilling roller-coaster ride cago I’osL bo given to the one r'-oalitv Is also theirs when placed is dangerous and ends exactly employment and ui.¿er it.—Ninon de Lenelos. Highly Humorous where it begins. sound invest They Establish Credit narry, age four, came home ment of all tho The counsel to “Pay Bills from Sunday school chuckling. Beyond Understan ling What did you do at Sunday _ Barnum _____ forms of wealth L. “I dunno why It Is," grumbles Promptly is not offered in the “ our personal and national industry Grandpa Wayback, “hut you never spirit of propaganda for the school?" asked bls Interested moth er. told us a funny produces. see the moths get Into the mort- butcher, baker and candlestick story,” "Teacher giggled Harry. “A funny Mr. Barnum Is head of one of gage and eat It up." maker. It is one of our most story," echoed bls mother. “What tho great organizations promoting gratifying rules of happiness. If was It about?' "It was about the Fight to t'»a Finish Thrift week throughout Oregon. followed faithfully it is guaran adventures," was the reply, “of nis Lordsldp (to servant)—Jarn- teed to relieve a heavy feeling Sbadrach Meshach, and a billy Sawyer Quotes Micawber dyce, I’ve Just had a tllT with my in the region of the chest. goat I" wife—will you slam the door?— By Robert W. Pawyer, member Promptly paid bills are ana London Opinion. Oregon State Highway Commission Stamp Adopted in 1844 thema to the troubled conscience I think the last word on Thrift Postmaster General John M -Niles they establish one ’ s credit. They You Bet was said by Mr. Micawber some recommended the use of stamps in If some women were ns hard are an extremely valuable index this country In 1840, almost Imme years ago. You will re to please before marriage us aft of In character. after their adoption in Eng paying bills promptly one diately land, hut his suggestion was dis member his erward, more men would be bach lubricates the wheels of commu elors. — Neoslio Miner. dainfully turned down. Not until words as report nity business and earns the com four years later was their use au ed by David Cop Said Long Ago munity ’ s respect. In receiving thorized. Even then congress made perfleld: It Is not names which give con their money promptly, the mer no provision for printing them.— "M r. Micaw fidence to things, but things which chants and trades people are Gas Logic. ber • • • sol give confidence to names. Chr.vso- best able to serve and to main emnly conjured ■tom. Physical Peculiarity tain a low price level. Economy me, to observe Double-jolntedness Is enused by and honesty are one in the en that If a mau loose ligaments around the Joints. dorsement of this rule. had twenty People possessing such ligaments Nine rules for a successful pounds a year have a wider latitude of movement happy life have been given, around the Joints than most people income, and were it not for the tenth and can twist themselves Into po nineteen Robert W. Sawyer spent would be completely worth- sitions which would not be possible pounds, nineteen shillings and six as futile as all things are for an ordinary person. pence, he would be happy, but that, are not touched with the if he spent twenty pounds one, h" purifying influence of unselfish SPECIALIST Ambition Fulfilled would be miserable." Others.” in Internal Medicine for the ness. “Share With At Twyforil. England. George En- past fifteen years These words should be written derby, at the age of seventy, Thrift Principles Given in blood red across the heavens, achieved Ills life’s ambition. He The cardinal principles of thrift DOES NOT OPERATE [They constitute tlie greatest utilized bls savings of sixty-three are as follows: Work and earn, years to erect a tombstone to the message of all religion. Make a budget. Record expend! memory of bls mother, buried In The success of a s<)f : sh ego Will be at Benson Hotel Mon. I tures. Have a bank account. Carry the little churchyard. Enderby's day and Tuesday, January 27, 28 centric soon withers into a foul mother died when he was seven life Insurance, Own your home. Happiness that is years old. He decided then that Make a will, Invest In safe securl Office hour. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. I mockery. hoarded turns to dross. When, lie regularly would bank his savings ties. Pay bills promptly, Share with at. the end of the trail, a man until he had sufficient to erect tlie TWO DAYS ONLY others. asks, “What has the struggle memorial. The Oregon committee consists No charge for consultation of Mr. Munsell as chairman; C. N. Wonacott, vice-chairman; T. P. Dr. Mellintin is a regular grad Cramer, publicity; H. L. Markell, uate in medicine and surgery secretary; Walter If. Brown, treas and is licensed by the state of urer; Committee chairmen: Banks, Oregon. He does not operate ’ C. C. Colt; Make a will. R. M. Al for chronic appendicitis, Kall ton; schools, C. A. Rice; Library, stones, ulcers of stomach, ton-1 Anne M. Mulheron; Women's clubs, sils or adenoids. Miss Grace Bridges; Parent Teach He has to his credit wonder er groups, Mrs. William Fehren ful results in diseases of the bacher; State federation of wo stomach, liver, bowels, blood, men's clubs, Mrs. G. J. Frankel; skin, nerves, heart, kidney, blad Share with others, Dr. E. C. Farn der, bed wetting, catarrh, weak ham ; Speakers and meetings. Oeorge P. Simons; Pay bills lungs, rheumatism, sciatica, promptly, John Keeler; Life Insur- ulcers and rectal ailments. Below are the names of ance, L. F. Rice; Invest In safe few of his many satisfied pa ■•curlties. Willis K. Clark; Own tients in Oregon who have been your home, W. H. Rose; Budget, Fred O. Wills; Radio, W. S. Kirk- treated for one or the other of the above named causes: pat rick. Mrs. H. Blake, Marshfield, Alfred Clemmens, Corvallis. Chas. Desch, Portland. Widow’» Scruple TO US Printing is more than just putting Mrs. J. Huntsucker, Toledo. A West Dalia» widow «ays the words into type. It is the creation of a work John Lucian, Echo. reason her last engagement came Bert Lampa. St. Helens. to nothing wa» becuuee her fiance of art, be it a simple little announcement or Mrs. Mayhelle Snyder, Alsea. waa a patent medicine man who got an elaborate booklet. Hence we take all the mad because she wouldn't talk about M iui Emma Turner, Mikkalo. 1 her liver In a teitlmonlal.—Dallas Mrs. John Van Pelt, Harbor. pride of an artist in his craft, in each job; New«. J. H. Wood, Eugene. and that is the secret of the superlative Mrs. Jennie Woolcry, Salem ! Tho Pa»t»r S»y»' Remember that date. that quality of Eagle printing. Many a life 1» »" elephant bitten consultation on this trip will be to death by a malMtude of fie» like free and that his treatment is ! Interest». . . . Before 1918. peo different. ple killed resisting the law were ' Married women must be ac- auspicious characters, but now they companied by their husbands. are somebody'» darlings.—John An Address: ,.4221 West 3rd St., drew Holmes. Los Angeles, Calif. Vernonia Eagle Thursday, January 16, 1980 — The Vernonia Bakery’s Policy Is to work for and build Vernonia and its in- Lillian Updike and Melvia Brown. edens, George Stankay, Those who received 100% in Louise Mills, Jun» McNatt, spelling in the 6th grade are: Margaret Harri», Mark Bsnson, Dorothy Manson, Eva Chambers, Vivian Laird, Amalia Mauere, Louise Willson, Gertrude Hodge, Katherine Trude, Frank Lusby, Helen Murray, Thurman DeHart and Peggy Ovesen. Ira Rushford, Dorothy Dalton The Palmer method button and Mary Hodge. was awarded in the sixth grade Those who received 100 in I to Leon Brock and Francis Crib spelling in the 7th grade are: bins; progress pin to Robert Rhoda Bell, Shelby Caton, Lu-1 : Petty. cille Holce, Christine M.tcham In the 8th grade, Miss Hilts Jane Michener Rvth Simmons ' teacher, the merit button waa Benji 1 Wilkerson and Mildred awarded to Verna Burt; im Walters. provement certificates to DeLos» Powell, Florence Wall George Those who received the first Holce and Cleon Woodruff. pin for Palmer method writing A final certificate was award- in third grade are: LaVerne Bas . ed to Florence Mayor and high sett. Elizabeth Schalock, Ellen and business certificates to Mil- Rollins. Hazel Parker, Elmer licent Ratkie and Ruby Howell. Reithsier’s Vernonia’s Leading Store There never was a product made. This truth you must confess— But that some bird could make it worse, And sell his stuff for less. When you want real quality merchandise, buy at Reithner’s dustries, and in this connection we recommend the New Hollywood and Terminal Restaurants as being exclusive users of Vernonia Bakery goods, and worthy of your patronage. Vernonia Bakery SPECIAL 50c and 60c Prints best quality, at . . $5.00 Overshoes best quality, at . 39c $3.50 Children’s Winter Coats at ONE-HALF price