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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1930)
in sday, January 16, 1930 Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon ones coat open, to display the official star. Page Fir» Visit Local drove to Timber Sunday. nual commencement. The Uni-, versity of Southern California' Floyd Deeds spent last week BIRKENFELD was founded in 1880, a pioneer' at his home here. What came over Judge Hili': western university with 55 stu Lincoln Peterson is wintering No more uoes he roam and can- Many of the young people dents and 10 instructor*. Last some stock for Wm. Culver of I ter up and down Bridge street arc practicing skating these year according to President R. Vernonia. with a uecoying beuutilul fiowe. Visiting Legionnaires from B. von KleinSmid, the institu Noble Dunlap butchered a cold days. Quite a number can tion served approximately 18,000 I in hi* button hole, while he slu,._ the Forest Grove post were the C. S. Hoffman was a Portland I uutuui*, praising their youngsiei °» guests of Columbia county Voi-1 fine veal and took it to the mar be found every evening at the student* and the teaching staff Jack Bush was a Portland vi pond on Dan Berg’s farm. Last visitor Tuesday of this week. sitor last week. and the mamas aumire u*e ture 907 of LaSociete des 40 | ket at Vernon._i last week. Sunday also was a big day for now numbers over 500 faculty juuge’s Hower. It s an old game, Hommes et 8 Cheveaux, Tuesday Mrs. Oliver Burris and her them, with only one mishap. members. K. A. McNeil was a Portland Miss Beatrice 1 his occurred when evening of last week at the granddaughter. J. E. Covington and family uui stili geu by in this burg. George business visitor last week. have moved to Portland where monthly meeting of La Société. | Perry, were Vernonia shoppers Whittig of below Mist fell NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS Mrs. Wayne Lappe is looking Lloyd Baker was u Portland they will make their future home. Washington county Legion- Monday. and fractured his nose. Every person owning or keep 'quite smart, since she starteu naires will be initiated into the visitor on Thursday of last week. Lee Osbourn made a trip to Clyde Lane had a big rabbit ing a dog over the age of eight „ , „ , , . ! wonting tor our city attorney. Vernonia Tuesday. local Voiturc at their first Speck Ford, salesman for the ______ freeze to death Sunday night Born to Mr. and Mrs. R. W. months within the State of Ore The Nehalem river is frozen wreck this spring. Pacific fruit and produce com-1 __ n , Lamoreaux, Monday, a son. Game Warden Brown was a gon shall not later than March .. . . here xi- Oregon department of the over at several places in this vi- visitor in town last Friday. pany spent . Monday taking I .. George Ogg, leading man for 1st of each year or within 30 _ ________ _ the Vernonia Meat & Grocery, American Legion have 1010 more, cinity. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hartwick orders >. for his company. Charles Bee came home Fri days after he becomes owner or 1 learned of a way to weigh members on January 1st of this Richard Peterson and Harry were St. Helens visitors Friday. liver so that two pounds can be year than on January 1st, 1929. McMullin drove to Mist Tues day evening. Charles has been keeper of such dog procure from running a donkey for the the county clerk of the county Miss R. Davis and Miss P. sold tor one. ‘‘Its this way,’ and expect to go over the top day to do some shopping. Jos. Scott and Gordon R. Watt were business visitors in jSt. Hel Knauss, local school teachers aaid George, < “pluck the liver up by January 30, 1930, in num Elma Linberg called at the Wheeler Co. He says its warm in which he resides, * license were Portland visitors over the w 1th your ens Friday afternoon. . ; left hand, lay on scale bers that will exceed the quqta home of his uncle,, Lincoln Pet- “P here compared to dowf. being a fee of two dollars ($2) I I there. Well we don’t want to for a male or ■payed bitch and ! erson, Monday. weekend. e . er your right hand. wmcii you set by the department. Ini /Imim I. Kirk wold recently purchar, d three dollars ($3) for female Eddie Tapp of the Vernonia bo down there. have carelessly thrown on the a new Ford Coupe from the Craw Trading company was hauling J. R. Hansen passed through dogs. scale, , and press one pound s irover Devine Wednesday. Alvin and Russell Watts, of ford Motor Co. Failing to procure such li feed down the Nehalem last town Monday on his way to Collard. Aberta, are visiting worth under the liver. It works Mr. Stoops and his son-in-law week. cense within the time let to1 with a market fine load of beautifully. ” local attor- Gordon R. Watt ____ ____ their brother. C. R. Watts, at visited at the Schlippey home procure a license, the < owners ■ Mrs Jake Neurer spent Wed dressed pork. ney was a business visitor in Lone Pine Acres farm. They are •ast week. They are from Port nesday afternoon with Mrs. Lee will be required to pay an ad Dave Hedlund is ill with After trying for one year of a Portland Wednesday. enjoying skating on their broth ' i land. Osbourn. serious case of pneumonia and ditional sum of $2 for each dog. drinking a quart of milk with er’s pond. Flans are well under way for E. Simpson bought 'a new Ford Mrs. Marie Holmstrom was a is under the care of a trained every meal, Maynard Grunden ilie Sunday school play and nurse. roadster of the Crawford motor still tries for that 16-year old program to be given in the near Monday caller at the home Mrs. C. F Hieber and son, complexion. Mrs. Bud Baldridge. A. W. Brandon and H. M. company last week. future. Bodie, left for Portland Satur-, Jake Neurer is raising Saxton made a business trip Skating and coasting parties Nelg Fest purchased a new day morning where Bodie under While ye editor has been young Guernsey herd sire for to St. Helens Tuesday, are the order of the day. The Ford coupe from the CrawGird went a minor operation. The grade school basket ball .... — the past hard freeze several nights last his dairy herd. l l.U. harping throughout motor company last week. Carl Iler was a Wednesday team, under the leadership of year on what wonderful results week made good skating on the - — Clyde Johnson Principal C. V. Kilgore, was Mrs. V_ F. Porterfield, mother are obtained from inserting over flowed low lands in this caller at ■ the Joe Grubber bought a new defeated at Clatskanie Wednes- r___ vicinity and our young people ranch. skeptical Ford coupe from the Crawford of W. O.’Porterfield of this city ciassified I ads, _ he _ is _____ Mr. and Mrs. Joe Banzer mo- day evening, but the professor died at her home in Atlanta about the following bringing re are taking advantage of it. motor company last week. tored to Vernonia Wednesday to took the team up to Vernonia Texas, January 9th, at the age suits: Mrs. Ain Wallace has th® Friday evening and trimmed the R. W. Godwin purchased a of 71. WANTED—Someone who can three Lowden children at her do some shopping. Jake Neurer called on business boys up there. With a little new Chevrolet coach last week , drink sheep dip and tell what place while Mrs. Lowden is in at the Carl Iler place one day more experience our boys will from the Gilby motor company. J. J McGhee, manager of the per cent it contains. treat- last week for medical Portland have a fine team. Vernonia bakery, was a guest ment. Harry Williquette bought a Noble bunlap and son Floyd Irving Knowles and Bernard drove to Vernonia Tuesday. new Chevrolet sedan from the at a banquet given by the Sperry Ralph Reithner Flour company at Portland, Dowling we.e Vernonia business Gilby motor company. MIST Mrs. Ira Peterson was pleas Wednesday evening in the Heath visitors Friday afternoon. Freshman in College antly surprised on her birthday Mr. and Mrs Lee Osbourn of man hotel. | • Dora Lowden was hit on the last Wednesday evening when At The U. of S. C. | Mrs. Darm is at the Knowles | forehead at school by a rock Natal were shoppers here Mon several friends and relatives day morning. Dr M. D. Cole motored to Rai- home for an extended visit, she thrown by another pupil and it called at her home to spend the Ralph Reithner, of Vernonia, __ __ livps _______ 4-~ to witness lives nt at Wauna. Wauna. * j ___ was ___ necessary to take her to evening. a freshman in the college of let G. W. Ford returned to Ver nier Friday evening Mrs. Grover Devine returned! Clatskanie to the doctor, No the basketball game between Mrs. Reed Holding called to ters, arts and sciences is among I nonia Sunday evening from a ¡home from Cottage Grove Wed injury developed from the hit, visit Mrs. James McCormick those enrolled at the University j Vernonia and Rainier. trip to southern Oregon. nesday where she had been only it caused her much pain, She Wednesday. ! of Southern California according called by the death of her fa is getting along all right. Dr. W. Hurley spent last Clyde Johnson drove to Ver- to the 1930 Trojan student di-1 re- ther. Miss Olga Holmstrom Thursday in Portland, on busi nonia to look after some busi- rectory issued on the S. C. Mrs. Bert Eastman called on serious injury as yet has de- ness Friday. ness. campus in connection with the turned home Monday from a is. Devine Friday. Bob Linsey called on Noble 50th anniversary of the univer- 4 J. B. Wilkerson attended | sity. A semi-centennial celebra- Mrs. A R. Melis spent Wed two weeks trip to Calif. She Dunlap Friday. basketball game at Rainier nesday with Mrs. G. B. Lowden, i was “aca at ber "central” du- Jake Neurer was a Friday tion is scheduled for June. 1930 day. .. ... .... , ‘ties as soon as she arrived business caller at Vernonia ia ' in conjunction with the 47th an- Mrs. Wm. Bridgers and Mrs.: Morris Bennett, student A Wallace were callers at the Lowden home Thursday after Monmouth normal school, spent the weekend at home in this city. NATAL noon. j Mr. and Mr*. G. B Lowden M. E. Carkin motored to Ca went to Portland Saturday. j Edward McMullin mas to spend the week end with John Schlippey is our new Harry drove to Mist Friday. his family. road supervisor for this year. | Miss Bertha Holding was a Jos Scott returned Monday Margie Mathews has the mea- week end guest at the home of after ’spending the weekend in sles. Miss Elma Hiatt at Riverview. Portland. It was 3 above zero Monday I , Carl Iler made a trip to Ver morning, Some places in the nonia Friday. H. J. Holce is reported critic Mrs. Nels Peterson is report village it was zero. Pretty cold ally ill at his home with an in ed recovering from her recent weather. fection of the throat. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 1 Keaton illness and is much better this Krauss visited her Mis* Pearl _ spent Saturday evening ; with week. She intends to come home soon. home at Sherwood over the week the Wm. Bridgers farmily. Wilbur Charlesworth, Ver McDonald was a caller end. Jim Lowden was down from in Lode of the country last nonia's foremost inventor, is this part Miss Ruth Taylor visited her now working on his latest in over on the “Burn” Friday. week. home in St. Helens over the past vention, a bowl filled W’ith su The weather was so cold Sat Mrs. Bob Linsey spent Friday weekend. at the hospital visit- __ ____ ,__ ____ gar, should prove a tremendous urday night that none of the ( in Portland 1__ grangers attender the meeting * ing with her mother. Mrs_ Nels Miss Alma Kullander and Eve success, providing Wilbur finds a ' at Natal, not even Master Rose. I p'Jterson. rett Prickett enjoyed winter method of keeping the flies af Mr. and Mrs. John Schlippey I Natal Grange held their reg ter they have had their repast, sports at Mt. Hood Sunday. and doze on the edge of the bowl ' returned home the last of the ular meeting last Saturday ev i week from Vancouver whereI ening. The third and fourth de- Miss Betty Throop, grand- ‘daughter of Aunt Sally Spencer It is rumored about the main they have been for the past' grees were given several candi- is reported critically ill with stem that the reason, Cleve Mel month. Mrs. Schlippey is much dates. pneumonia. Rae Taylor spent Sunday at linger has curley hair, is on ac improved in health. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Land- | the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- John Graves, employed at the count of the many narrow es wehr from Astoria were vere over j ward McMullin . he has when driving Vernonia Brazing & Machine capes night guests of Mr and i Mrs. I Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer the curves on the St. around Works as mechanic, injured his Helen ’ s hill. right hand last Friday. I DANCE Legion Hall Saturday Jan. 18 Benefit American Legion STCRc HOURS 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m Open Saturdays NEW When It . comes will you be fully covered? For a small amount, we can make you out a pol icy suitable to your in dividual needs. May we tell you about our Insurance plans? Jos. Scott INSURANCE Why Pay More Than At Spring HOUSE DRESSES New "Monkey Biz" Your Dollars Will do double duty at this January Sale Jack Parry, employee of the Nehalem Valley Ice and Cream ery company, suffered a sprained ankle last Friday. Cordon Watt, city attorney has ordered a new Ford from Tori Crawford of the Crawford Mo .or company. Now that Doc. Hurley’s daugb- its ----- first tooth, ter has --- ------- Doc. spends many hours at home,' writing his first book. “Proper care of childrens teeth. Crawford Motor Co.’s Less than half price This is great weather said our Bafford, piping plumber, Ed. — ---- who has been working overtime ; Harold Field of Los Angeles repairing busted frozen pipes. is visiting at the home of his Harry Phelps, resents the cold friends, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Tim snap, weather to cold to keep j mons, of Vernonia. It’s a Real Joy opening laundry packages from .. Vernonia Laundry 16 3 i riere is your opportunity tj Guaranteed transportation h Terms Used cars taken in trade TWO ’29 FORD ROADSTERS One ’28 Ford Tudor Sedan One *26 Ford Roadster One ’25 Tudor Ford Sedan One ’24 Ford Coupe ONE ’25 ESSEX COACH ONE ’27 STAR TOURING TWO FORD OPEN CAB PICKUPS ONE FORD ’23 PICK-UP, CLOSED CAB Ten Fords, Chev’s., Essex, Dodges And Stars, $35. to $50. ONE ’26 HUDSON BROUGHAM $450 1 Your clothe» are returned to you from this laundry spotlessly clean and neatly ironed. You’ll marvel at the cai efulness of our work—you’ll appreciate the hours we save you—and you’ll soon learn it is cheaper to send it to the laundry! $12 Brown and black fur trimmed coats, just ten of them left, all regular $24.75 and $29.75 values see the list of sizes below, if your size is here act quick. New Duco and nickel, six good tires, motorme- ter and radiator lamp, extra jewelled dash light, bouquet and vase, windshield wings, 2 rearview mirrors, side panel mirrors, seat robe, swipe, marble gear shift ball, spotlight, cigarette hold er and lighter, trunk and cover. Motor complete ly over hauled. SPECIAL PRICE License free if taken before Feb. 1 Call 711 For A driver Women’s Coats FORD TRUCKS One ’29 Ford Closed Cab and Chassis One ’25 Ford Open Cab and Bed, Rucks- tell Axle One ’25 Ford Dump Body, Jumbo Trans mission One ’24 Ford Express Body, Ruckstell Axle Crawford Motor Co Vernonia, Oregon 18 2 36 1 Wool Hose Womens and Misses plain black and fancy plaid wool hose, just about four dozen pairs left, values to $1.50 Choice a pair ‘xirv Womens and childrens Wool Hose, odds and ends of plain 'black and assorted tan ribbed, values to $1.50 Hr While they last, a pair .... utlt Warm Sweaters For school boys or girls, men or women, heavy shaker knit, mostly navy blue color, all sizes, a splendid value QQ at a low price ... tpO*c7O 38 1 40 2 42 1 Union Suits Misses Wool and Rayon Union Suits, also heavy cotton unions, some low neck with half sleeves, ankle length, some high neck long sleeves and ankle length, sizes 12, 14 and 16, values to $2.00 While they last...... Blankets Double size 72x84, nice warm fleecy ones, come in plaids and plain grey, Special values ...... $2 98 Comforters At Extra special prices, full size, filled with good cotton, silkoline and sateen d»-| QQ to QQ tops «Pl.JO ¿70^*70 One Boys Overcoat size 13, regular $12.00 coat going at....$4.95 One Boys Wool Mackinaw, size 14, at................................. 3.98 One Men’s horsehide leather coat size 38, at.................... $12.50 Leather lined vests, size 40 and 42, priced at................ 3.49 men’s $15 rain coat size 40, priced at............................. 4.95 men’s Jersey rain coat, $10, coat size 38 at.................... 3.95 men's wool mackinaw, size 34, $10, value at................ 3.49 garberdine coat, fine twill size 44, $25 coat at.............. 9.75 4 pair of 16 inch top shoes, sizes 6-7-9 and 10 regular $10 shoes, ,a pair......................................... 6.49 Fireman’s rain coats size 44 and 48 priced at.. 4.95 Men’s heavy flannel shirts; $1.98 2.98 and 3.98 Men’s part wool union suits, $1.49 Values at............................................ 1.19 Part Wool socks, 29c, 45c and 2 pairs for..................................... .25 Extra heavy red top canvas gloves, a pair.... _............................................ 1$ Boy’s all wool blazers, regular $2.98, now................................. 1.98