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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 9, 1930)
Thmadgy^January 9, 1930 Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon Talk to Yourself Via Slot British Invention Those who enjoy hearing their voices may do so by dropping a coin In a slot machine which is to appear In London streets. It Is oporuted on the phonograph princi ple. Thu voice Is registered on a thin disk of red metal alloy, of secret composition, which is deliv ered five seconds after the speak er Is finished. It may be used on any phuiiogruph and with any fiber needle. The record Is guaranteed to be permanent Congress has never passed any act designating an official national an them. "The Star-Bpangled Banner” has, however, received recognition In both the army and navy regu lations. It is played at the time of flag lowering at army forts and on battleships, as well as on other cer emonial occasions. “My 7. Country ___ Tls of Thee” Is also regarded - 1 by many as our national anthem or hymn Eyes of Lower Animals Joint Monarchy The biological survey says that the crystalline lens varies somewhat In the eyes of different mam mals. Magnification of the object 99 may sometimes result, but It Is Im possible to tell the comparative Im pression on the retlua and the op Parking his car in a “loading tic nerve. Should man appear zone.” at the state entrance of three times Ids normal size to ani a Portland theatre where many mals, all other objects would also beautiful girls who take part in be magnified three times. the revue pass, Judge Pascale Inventor Honor«! JIill, respected citizen of Verno In the public square at Bards nia was' reported to have been town, Ky., Is » monument to Lieut arrested last week for parking John Fitch us the iuventor of the in a reserved space. steamboat By a unanimous vote Tried immediately following the United States Senate and house his arrest Judge Hill told of approved on February 12, 1926, an having only parked for five appropriation of $15,000 for a suit hours, but was unaware that he able monument to Lieutenant Fitch. memorial wus unveiled with had lingered so long, the sights The Impressive ceremonies on May 25, (being so attractive. No charge 1927. filed. e* «*• '>■ No Real National Anthem Why the reign of William ffl of England Is called that of William and Mary la thus explained: Mary was the daughter of James II, and the crown was conferred jointly upon her and her husband, William, who was the grandson of Charles I of England. The death of Mary, at the end of five years, lessened the popularity of the king. It Is not known what individual Invented the depth bomb. There have been many claims made. How ever, It Is known that the bomb originated In the British navy. The Wise and the Unwise This Is ever the difference be tween the wise and the unwise: The latter wonders at wliat is unusual; the wise man wonders at the usual. —Emerson. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT • Poor Mo” Classified Advertising Lodge and Club Notices Formation of Frost Famous China Pattern The following 1« un explanation Frost may be described as frozen of the use of the ethical dative water vapor. When frost forms, the “me”: “Me” Is u -d to express the temperature Is 32 degri es Fahren indirect object In mere reference heit or lower at the spot where the ur men.Ion—that H. to bring Into frost occurs. The temperature a the predicate, us an apparent Indi few feet above the surface of the rect object, the actiul subject (the earth, on still clear mornings, often ethicul dative); a form of expres Is several degrees higher than It Is sion adding a certnjn life or viva at the surface. lienee, frost may city to colloquial S|*wli. and, there occur on the gruss and in low fore, “Poor me!" u tavorlte expres pluces when the temperature on sion used by 8linkes*eare and other oue's porch, for Instance. Is dis Elizabethan dramatists. tinctly above lhe freezing polnL Wind and Thermometer The weather bureau sa;s that the Notice of assessment of real property abutting upon certain thermometer Is not ulTeetcd by the wind velocity afler ha’ Iny once at streets in the City of Vernonia the temporal lire of the wind, and hereafter fully described, tained ’’’he physical dlsc.Oi.for1 usually .he sume being subject to as- associated with Itlgii winds Is due •essment for the itaprovement to tlm removal of bout with great ,f Improvement District No. 12, rapidity from the human body on n accordance with the following uccouiit of (lie wtndj As no heat of real Is generated by n llwrinomeler. Its ■otice to the owners lendings are llierefore not a it cited property. velocity. TO THE OWNERS: of the by the wind Overcome by Faith ------------------Í--------- real property abutting upon all Every nobla work la at first Th« Clean Part “impossible." In very truth, for the following described streets A Detroit miss had washed her every nobla work the possibili in the City of Vernonia, i, Colum- hands for ilimior after \s day ties will be diffused through Im bia County, Oregon. of playing with her pet ea|> when mensity; inarticulate, undiscov East and West side of first • he three-yenr old’s iuotlier ?f*»nn I erable except to faith.—Thomas Avenue from Clatsop street to her romping with (In- kilty itgiiln Carlyle. Bridge street. East side of sec- “You Shouldn’t play with the eat uu .«venue from Cedar street any umie," her mollicr said "You o Bridge street. East side of just washed your minds for din Diet to Aid Growth “But. luaniiim." 1 he child re from Nehalem ner." When children are growing rapid ihird Avenue plied. ’Tm only touching the kitty ly there Is apt to be some softness Lreet to Bridge street. West where It's white.”—«Detroit Free Wisdom of Epictetus of the bones, and children should ode of Grant street from A Press. a dry When you have brought yourself get an abundance of the foods con .treet to Bridge street. North ------------------- J-------- umber to supply the needs of the body at taining the elements necessary for ind South side of North street Color Need*'.Light Years small cost do not pique yourself bone growth, such as milk, butter, from Grant street to the enu If the generally accepted theory on that, nor If you drink only wa cheese, red meat, oatmeal, peas and .hereof. North and South side of color is correct, there can be ter. keep saying on each occasion. beans. A street from State street to no color without reflected light. The “I drink water I” And If you ever the end thereof. North and south color of an object, aeearding to the want to practice endurance and toll, Must Prove Fitness side of B. street from State modern theory. Is produced by the do so unto yourself and not unto It Is not fit that the public trusts ■treet to the end thereof; East reflection of nil those fays of light others—do not embrace statues I— should be lodged In the hands of Futile Flight which ure not absorbed by the ole ' • any, till they are first proved and and West side of State street Ject A green nhjmf Is green A man who bus bt-.-n p’sht times Epictetus. irora C street to Bridge street. found fit for the business they are merely because It rolléis (»is lhe «reen green round tin- world has Just been mur Not Hard to Understand to be entrusted with.—Matthew North side of Bridge street from rays of light and nlnirbs is^rhs all nil the rten. which. ll:e Regina Loader Posted four months ago at Pen Henry (1662-1714). ■state street to the end thereof. others—Pathfinder Magazine. points out. just shows bow Impos Bible it Is to escupe. -Toronto rhyndeudrneth, n letter addressed to You are hereby notified and a neighboring village lias just been Globe. Toll Taken by Illness Avoid Evil Association requested to make and file with delivered. We should Imagine that one the Recorder of said city of Ver It Is estimated that at least Banquets of the unlearned and of It might take a long time for a let serious Illness will occur In one out nonia, Oregon, in writing within them that are without*avoid. But ter to got out of Peurliyndeudraeth. of four families during the course fifteen days from the first pub If you have occasion to take pnrt The letters of th-« English alpha —London Opinion. of a year, and that 2 per cent of bet are about 2.5UO years otd. They wit: tn them, let not your attention be the population Is at all times too lication of this notice, to relaxed for a moment, lest yon slip have developed gradually from an the after all Into evil way*. For you within fifteen days from First Offenders 111 to work. cient picture signs like the Egyp ob- 2nd of January, 1930, any According to a clergyman much rnaly rest assured that be a man tian hieroglyphics. re- ever so pure himself, ho cannot es jections, remonstrance or trouble would be avoided K aw- Kentucky’s Distinction rlcd people exercised more eom- enpe defilement If his associates are monstrances to said apportion B JIcUos Trouble Kentucky has l.fWXJ miles of nnvl- nion sense. All mntrlmontnl trou gable streams and 12.000 miles of ment as hereto attached. Impure.—Epictetus. > r Most men worry all through their ble would he avoided If only single flshahle streams, «aid to be the This matter will be heard and work about that which Is to come, people ■ 7.7': --- .. exercised more common greatest mileage of rids kind In any determined by the Common coun the thing they are going lu do the sense.—Detroit News. state In the United Stati-s. NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE money they nl’e going tn g t. — cil of said City at the regular American Magazine. In the Circuit Conrt of the meeting of said Council on Feb New Simile Needed Always Liked This Joke átate of Oregon for the county ruary 3, 1930. A Kansas editor wants to know Need for Dilijyence We know a member of the young ! First publication of apportion of Columbia. what has become of the girl who er generation who declined an In Our siiccpss dependa upen Bank of Vernonia, a corpora was “as ugly us a mud fence.” It vitation to attend a horse show re ment January 2, 1930. Strenu'tli of our purpose: nnd if WHEREAS, the improvement tion, Plaintiff, vs., , Emory W. isn ’ t the ugly girls who have dis cently on the ground that he’d al would ninke mueh pro_ress. appeared, it’s the mud fences.— ready seen a horse.—London An of Improvement District No. 12 Sheeley. defendant. ' must use ddlgenue.—-Thoinns By virtue of an execution is New York Evening Star. in the city of Vernonia, Oregon, swers. Keinpls. it having been completed and sued out of the atyove entitled J accepted by the Common Council ! court in the above entitled cause and the whole cost thereof is es to me directed and dated the 18 timated and as now ascertained day of December, Í929, upon a judgment and decree rendered being in the sum of $520.00 NOW, THEREFORE, WE, the and entered in said court on the Common Council of said City do 27th day of November, 1929 in First insertion, per word.... lc (No service less than 25c). hereby apportion said cost upon favor of Bank of Vernonia, a Succeeding insertions, per word....... 6c (No service less than 15c) the lots, parts of lots and parcels corporation, plaintiff and against Black (ace heading«, each word counts the same as two words. of land abutting upon and direct Emory W. Sheeley, defendant, Cash should accompany the order. When a statement is required the minimum charge is 30c. ly or indirectly benefitted by the for the sum of Seven Hundred said improvement and hereinafter and Fifty .(750)^ dollars, with in Classified columns close at 12 o’clock Wednesday noon. described with the name of the terest thereon at'the rate of 8 owners thereof and in accordance per cent per annum from the with the benefits directly or indi 9th day of July, 1927 and for FOR SALE Cont. FOR SALE ___ , NOTICE TO CREDITORS rectly derived by each lot, part further sum of One Hundred i In the county court of the of lot or parcel of land affected (100.00) dollars, attorney’s fees FOR SALE—Burbank r* FOR SALE—Twelve unimproved tatoes, 3c a lb. Oat and pea hay ' state of Oregon, for the county in the amount set opposite and and for the sum of Twenty-one lots in block 25, eecond addit $20.00 a ton. Elmer Bergerson, ” of Columbia. I against each lot, part of lot or (21.00) dollars costs and dis- In the matter of the estate of : parcel of land so hereinafter set bursements and the costs of and ion. Cluse in and sightly. Vernonia, Oregon, phone 7F1555. Emma A. Greener, deceased. J. G. WATTS, Scapoo3e, Ore 8tf I forth and we declare the same upon this writ^oommanding me Notice is hereby given that the to be a proposed assessment up to make sale of the following de HANSON 900 to 337 double FOR SALE Modern 5-room fur scribed real property, to-wit: pedigree strain baby chicks I undersigned has been appointed on said property, to wit: nished house. Inquire 1228 for sale. 16c and 20c. Mrs. Nan administrator of the estate of The East half Of the Southwest Block 4, Central addition to Bridge street, between 1st and nie B. Hall, Vernonia, Oregon,! i Emma A. Greener, deceased, by City of Vernonia, Oregon, quarter and ten (10) acres on 2nd avenue. tf Box 262,___________________ 194» j the county court of the state of Lot 4, P. 8. Miller............ $21.00 the South side of the Southeast Oregon, for Columbia county, Lot 11, J. J. Purney.......... 21.00 quarter of the Northwest quarter Fcr Sale—1 team horses, i IOUSEHOLD furniture for sale, and has qualified. All persons Lot 12, Louise Alexander.. 23.00 of section eight (8), Township Range, dresser, bed springs, having claims against said estate set Harness. 1 wagon, 1 12-incl Block 6, Central addition to four, (4) North of range four (4) West of the Wiiíikmette me walking plow, 1 spring tooth har ireakfast table, 4 chairs, 1 rock- are hereby notified to present City of Vernonia, Oregon: same *-------- to me “* at the law office Lot 12, R. H. Howell........... 23.00 ridian. Excepting therefrom that r, all for $65. Inquire of Mrs. the u--------- row, 2 cows, some Hill Burbanl 20tf of Gordon R. Watt, Vernonia,' seed potatoes. Joe Maurer, phone £. H. Washburn. 7, Central addition to tract of land conveyed to David Oregon, with vouchers and duly C. Eccles, trustee, by E. W. 9F515, on Jim Emmons place. of Vernonia, Oregon. FOR RENT verified, within six months from ? Lconora Kizer ..... 23 1 ♦ 21.00 Sheeley, unmarried, by deed re I Lot 8, Ross Daughtry..... Houses for rent, furnished in the date hereof. 21.00 corded January 3rd, 1922 in FOR SALE Muskrats, Canadian Dated and fu-st published, Jan- Lot 9> c w McUonald 21.00 book “32,” page 274, deed of quire O. H. Drorbaugh, 992 2nd parentage. $9 per pair. A. D. of Columbia county 21.00 records Lot 10, C. ----------- W. McDonald. avenue. 23 tf uary 2, Hall, Vernonia, Ore. tf Last publication January 30,1 Block 1, Sunrise addition to Oregon. FURNISHED apartments for 1930. NOW, THEREFORE, by vir- FOUR STANDS of Italian HERMAN L. GREENER, ' City of Vernonia, Oregon. rent, $22. Phone 402, Moon tue of said execution and in com- M. DeHart ........ 21.00 E. Lot bees for sale, $7.50 per stand. light Apartments. Administrator of the estate of Lot 11, 13tf 12, C. W. Welty........... 21.00 pliance with commands of said H. J. Beaver, Treharne. 23 1 * Emma A. Greener, deceased. Lot 13, «u, C. W. Welty ......... 23.00 writ, I will, on Saturday, the 8th WANTED GORDON R. WATT, Attorney. Block 2. Sunrise addition to day of February, 1930, at ten For Sale—Thoroughbred Jer o’clock, a. m., at the west front City of Vernonia, Oregon. sey cow, $76.00. F. B. Gardner. Call For County Warrants 21.00 door of the county court house 23 3 * WANT TO DO Washings, will I have money on hand to pay Lot 2, Joe W. Larson. call for and deliver. Phone the following endorsed county Lot 8, Leo G. Davis..... 21.00 in St. Helens, Columbia county For Sale—Square grand piano 776. 17tf| warrants:— 23.00 Oregon, sell at public auction, Lot 12, Nelson Cates. with ivory keys, ebony case. Price Block 5, East side addition to subject to redemption to the General County fund war highest bidder, for cash in hand $100—Vernonia Variety Store. ROOM AND BOARD wanted. rants endorsements prior to and City of Vernonia, Oregon. 23 1 Inquire of Miss Hamilton at including Dec. 6, 1929. Lot 1, NW, Thos. Schock.. 23.00 all right, title and interest which the Eagle.____________________ tf Interest ceases Jan. 10, 1930.¡Lot 1, S14, O. H. Tipton 21.00 the above-named defendant in the For Sale—1929 Chevrolet, GLADYS PETERSON - „.— Lot ___ 10, NW, A. Bowman.. 21.00 above entitled suit, had on the MISCELLANEOUS sport cabrolet model. Perfect con. 9th day of May, 1922, the date County Treasurer I Lot 10, S Mrs. H. Haiman dition, ,cheap, .only $150 down. ---------------------- — 23.00 of the mortgage herein fore -- ----------------------------------- — ........................ FOUND, a ring, inquire 1023 - ------ Morris Bennett 23 1 Natal grange held its regular Block 6, East side addition closed or since that date had in Washington street. Bessie Benson meeting Saturday night. After and to the above described prop For Sale—First class 16 inch 23 1 ♦ the business was disposed of, to City of Vernonia, Oregon. Lot 6, H. G. McCall............. 21.00 erty or any part thereof to satis fir wood, $6.00 cord or $2.00 Vale—Construction of Chicken dancing _ was enjoyed until a Block 11, East side addition fy said execution and said judg rick. Leave orders with Cason ment, interest, costs and accru to City of Vernonia, Oregon. transfer. 23 tf Creek siphon being completed, late hour and lunch served. . Lot 9, NW, N. J. Foley.. 21.00 ing costs. OSCAR G. WEED Lot 9, S HtNick Tagoff.... 21.00 Sheriff of Columbia, county Lot 10, N one-half, N. Foley ..................................................... 21.00 Oregon. Dated this 6th day of Janu Lot 10, SH, Nick Tagoff.. 23.00 Block 14, East side addition ary, 1930. Date of first publication to City of Vernonia, Oregon. This directory of Vernonia lodges and clubs will give you quick information on Ix>t 10, Charles D, White.. 23.00 January 9, 1930. Date of last publication, Feb meeting dates and officials. Done by order of the ruary 8, 130. December Council, dated 1929. American Legion NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT American Legion Auxiliary A. F. & A. M. D. B. REASONER Vernonia Post In the county court of the Meets second and fourth City Recorder Vernonia Lodge No. 184 State of Oregon for the County 119, . American Mondays of each month A. F. & A. M. meets of Columbia. Meets Legion, at the Legion hall. at Masonic Temple, NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estate second and Mrs. P. Wideman. Pres. Stated Communication In the county court of the of Jens Langum, deceased. fourth Tuesdays I First Thursday of each Notice is hereby given that each month, 8 p. state of Oregon for the county called month. Special ’. An-,ot Columbia. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS m. Connie C- 'the undersigned, Andrew M. Thurs- meetings on all other Com-1 I" I-*1« matter of the estate of Parker, administrator of the es derson, HARDING LODGE 11« 'lay nights 7:30 p.m. Visitors mander. J. Covington, Adjutant Eusibio Escolta, deceased. tate of Jens Langum, deceased, Meets every Monday most cordially welcome. Notice is hereby given that has filed his final account in the night in the W.O.W. F. D. Macpherson, W. M. the undersigned has been ap county court of the State of hall. Visiting broth J- B. Wilkerson, Secretary. pointed administrator of the es Oregon, for the county of Colum Mountain Heart ers welcome. tate of Eusibio Escolta, deceased, bia, and that Monday, the 10th W. Van Doren. C.C. Rebekah Lodge No. 243 Order of Eastern Star U. A. Scott, K.R.S. No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets »very by the county court of the state day of February, 1930, at the Nehalem Chapter 153, O. E. S. second and fourth Thursdays in of Oregon, for Columbia county, hour of 10 o’clock a. m., of said Regular commu nication first W. O. W. hall, Vernonia. Visitors and has qualified. All pentone day, at the court house at St. having claims against said estate_________ always welcome. and third Wed Helens in ____ the _____ said ______ county __ and WOMENS RELIEF Irma Higdon, Noble Grand. nesdays of each are hereby notified to present has b„n appointed as the CORPS month, at Ma Edna Linn, Vice Grand. the same to me at the law of time and place for the hearing of sonic Temple. Meets third Thursday of each Marie O’Donnell, Secretary. fice of Gordon R. Watt, Verno objections to said final account All visiting sis month at the W. O. W. hall. nia, Oregon, with vouchers and and the settlement thereof. ters and broth L O. O. F. Mrs. Lee Hall, president. duly verified, within six months Date of first publication, Janu ers welcome. from the date hereof. Mrs. Gwladys Macpherson, W.M. ary 9, 1930. NEHALEM ASSEMBLY NO. 18 Dated and first published, Jan Mrs. Grace Reberger, Secretary. Date of last publication, Feb ORDER OF RAINBOW ruary 6, 1930. „ I.O.O.F.—Vernonia Lodge No. uary 2, 1930. Pythian Staters Last publication January 30, FOR GIRLS ANDREW M. PARKER 246 meets every Tuesday night Vernonia Temple 61 meets Regular meeting second and at 8 o’clock, in I.O.O.F. hall. Vis 1930. J. W. BROWN, Administrator of the estate of every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in fourth Mondays. Administrator of the estate of Jens Langum. deceased. itors always welcome. W.O.W. hall. Eusibio Escolta, deceased. H. E. Stevenson, N. G. Kathryne Malmsten, GORDON R. WATT MARJORIE COLE, M. E. C. GORDON R. WATT, Attorney. [ Recorder. John Glaasner, Secretary. Attorney DELLA CLINE. M. of R. A C. "Monkey Biz Page Seven Slaying Seconds Elephant*» Foot The hlolo'.dcAI survey says that the elephant's foot Is all toes and a pad. The part corresponding to a heel Is up the leg. Any sincere Idler will tell you that tho pleasantest form of mur der Is killing time.—Furm and Fire side. Vital Matters Junior Whoopee Splendid Gift Io City Mnyniout, tllehumnd Vu., was the home of Major and Mrs Janies H. Dooley. By the provisions of the will of Major Dool. y It became a <-ity park at the death of his wife and lhe house he-iime tin* Dooley museum. The gardens sre considered some of the lines! In the South and the house Is tllh- l with heiiutlful rugs, furniture mid art gems. No Stare», Plea»« The willow-ware pattern on Eng They say a woman is as young lish clilna was Introduced In 1780 as «lie looks, tint that depends on by Thomas Turner, an English pot how quick the look Is.—Farm and ter, at the Caughley works In Shrop Fireside. shire. f “Now, If you promise to stop cryin’ an’ be a good boy, I’ll take you downtown to see the accidents.** —Dublin Opinion. It’s hard to worry a man when both his car and his radio are hit ting on all eight.—Arkansas Ga zette. Qualities of Courage Summing It Up A person’s own good breeding Is tlie host security against oilier people's III manners. The moral courage that will face obloquy In a good cause Is a much rarer gift tlmn the bodily valor that will confront death In a bad one.—Chatfield. Being Different Brings Success American Leeal Tone er American money Is t'.e «<i«!v tender In Alaska. Hawaii. I,orti' lilco, Caimi Zone, A iik i 'I' an r'um n. Guam mid lu Wake and ’I ' way Islands. Tim Philippine is Inndii Imve tlielr own ■' ’’ r Unit being the peso i>n •' e Vlr d" Islands of the Untied Smios. In ml dition to United Suite i.... r-m v, l lanisti currency Is leg I in:. I t i .. i til 1934. Teacher’« High Im-lort.«•«.-* Let the soldier lie abroad If will, he can do nothing In this age. There Is another fieisonnim—i per sonage less Imposing In the eyes of some, perhaps Insignificant. The schoolmaster Is nhrond. and I trust In hlin. armed with bls primer ngnlnst the soldier In full military array.—Igird Brougham (1779-1868). Speech. 1828. High Grade of Steel Crucible steel Is a superior but expensive kind of cast steel made either by melting blister stool In crucibles or by fusing together wrought Ion, carbon and flux In cru cibles. That made by the former method Is the standard for tine tools. - Wi'ling Sufferer» People grieve and bemoan them selves, but It Is nol half so bad with them ns they say. There are tnomls In which we court suffer ing, tn the hope that here, nt least, we shall find reality, shnrp peaks and edges of truth.—Emerson. Smile H*» Valu« Jpper right: C. M. Fuller, President of the Richfield Oil Company of California. Lower right: A typical service station. Loft: New office building of corporation In Loo Angeles. Your home Is Just as much In T’S a long step from being Janitor $100 per year. Fuller found him need of your smile as it Is of your of a small town post office to self In tho oil game. pay envelope. Grouchiness can sour the presidency of a $156,000,000 Twenty years have Intervened, the highest salary. Wise old Solo corporation, but C. M. Fuller did It and at forty-one he heads one of mon sold, "Better a dinner of herbs America’s major petroleum cor where love Is than a stalled ox and because he is an Individualist. Inspired by a lecture In his youth porations, tlie youngest man from hatred therewith.”—Grit. to be different, he lias curried out a purely age standpoint to have the thought even In tho building of ever risen to the presidency of an “Prealdcntial Congre«»” service stations for tho company oil company of such size. And as A session of congress preceding a I of which he Is now president, the to his standing In the Industry, he Presidential election is often cnlled Richfield Oil Company of Califor has Just been rc-elected as a direc a Presidential congress. It is due nia. tor of the American Petroleum In to the fact that nil members of the When bnt twelve years old, he was stitute. house of representatives and one- All through these years his crav by his father to hear a lec third of the senators will be elected taken ing and hobby was to build beauti ture entitled “ Acres ot Diamonds, ” when the new President Is. given by Rev. Russell Conway nt ful buildings that would be differ Bakersfield, California. The thought ent. Tho Richfield organization Naw Job for Toy» behind tin talk was that If a man gave him this opportunity In Its Proper toys should bring nhont was Individual; was unwilling to service stations. In Los Angeles, the company has proper emotional stability, Induce ! follow In the footsteps of the thought, foster the Imagination, de , throng, he would see that real op- just completed its own office build velop the right muscles and ! portunity lay at Ids feet if he could ing. Instead of the usual type of call forth and fleepen the sense of but find that endeavor In life for steel and brick structure, it has beauty in color nnd form.—Wom which he were best suited. The been encased In black and gold tile, boy was so Impressed that during making It the outstanding struc an’s Home Companion. the school years that followed. In ture of the Pacific Coast On top stead of playing during summer va Is an aerial bencon that can be cations ns did other children, he seen for miles. The Idea of using worked nt as many trades and pro- such a combination came from Ful Brave Martyr» ler, the individualist. ' fessions as possible. Any man Is willing to die for “Be different Offer a better I At the age of twenty-one, follow a woman -If she will allow liiui to service to the public. Make them ing this procedure of learning some fix the date. —Detroit Free I’ress. remember you but not with load thing of bnklng, banking, farming, words or actions. Know as much ment packing, real estate selling as possible about the other man's One Point of View It'S going on and up that's the and newspaper work at Bakersfield, business so that you can talk to all the time holding the position of him Intelligently." ftm of sttnlylng; not arriving ut the janitor of the local post office at (Theoe are some of his axioms. vise«. Arriving 1« end. I Professional and Business Diredory For your convenience the following business and professional people are listed on this page alphabetically. These men and women are known in Vernonia as reliable business and professional people. BEAUTY SHOPS ANNETTE BEAUTY SHOP Shampoo, Marcelling, Finger waving. Permanent Waving. Over Horseshoe Cafe. Phone 431 Trucks for Local and Long Distance Hauling PASTIME QUICK SERVICE Card», Fountain and Billiard Parlor Phone 293 Lloyd Bahar, Prop. Curly Buffmire TRANSFER PLUMBING HOTEL Electrotherapy, Physiotherapy DR. R. A. OLSON NEHALEM HOTEL Bafford Brothers Vernonia*» Olde«t and* most up-to-date hotel. Mrs. Grace Scott, Manager General Plumbing Chiropractor Tel. 671 1117 Stat, Vernonia, Ore Vernonia LAWYERS RESTAURANT CONTRAC JOHN A. MILLER General Contractor Mason Work, Building • rSTER SHEELEY Attomey-at-Law Vernonia, Oregon GORDON R. WATT Attorney-at-law Joy Theatre Building Vernonia, Oregon Mary Kato Chop Suey Restaurant You’ll enjoy a bowl of delicious Chop DENTISTS M. D. COLE Dentist Vernonia, Oregon DR. W. H. HURLEY Dentistry and X-Ray Hoffman Hdwe. Building Vernonia, Oregon PHYSICIANS Suey after the show. Marvin R. Eby, M. D. Physician and Surgeon SHINGLE MILL Phone 891 Re-Roof With SHINGLES From Dr. J. A. Hughes Johnston & McGraw Physician end Surgeon Office Phone 663 Vernonia, Res. Phone 664 - Oregon Shingio Co. VERNONIA