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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1929)
Society News THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, l»2i VERNONIA E/ GLE, VERNONIA, OREGON TWO Mri. Wayne Lappe, Society Reporter Phone 573 penmanship. The fifth and sixth Isola Hall grade division was the making Shower Given a loose leaf work book pre Mrs.T. Throop Married at St. of senting the different pieces of ¡work indicated, “The Strong By Friends Helens Aug. 1 I Life Without Alcohol.” The Clubs camp superintendent for the O. A. company. Grange Picnic Parkers Grove Oil July 27th Fraternal Office Phone 192 Evangelical Church The Christian Endeavor so- ciety will hold their business and social meeting at the church “ '' r evening, All young peo- invited. Service next Sunday. Sunday Many members of Vernonia school at 9:45 a.m. The pastor Grange met at Parker’s grove [. i will preach at 11 a.m. and 8 on the evening of July 27, where p.m. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Duns- moor will sing. a weiner roast was held. The Young People’s societies Coffee, cake and refreshments were served following which will meet at 7 p.m. 18, this Sunday August songs were sang around a large fire, all enjoying a pleasant church is planning to have an all day meeting out in some evening. The evening was such a suc grove near by. Everybody. will cess that it was decided to hold i be welcome. _________________________ future events of this nature within the near future. Ladies Missionary Party Given Mrs. Melis At Mist Last Week Miss La Verno Thompson of Vernonia and Miss Betty Cam- eron of Portland, niece of Mrs. Cameron are guests of the Cam- [prizes will be presented at the' Mist, August 6.—A pleasant Mrs. T. R. Throop was the eron family this week. Isola Marie Hall, daughter of £tate W. C. T. U. Convention surprise party was given at the Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hall of River- at Pendleton. Other prize win recipient of many dainty and Mrs. Lawrence Adams and home of Mrs. A. R. Melis last usetul gifts at a shower given view and Clarence Fowler, son; tiers are as follows. little son returned Saturday Thursday when r good many of of Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Fowler H'Kh school: Senior, junior, in her honor on Friday after from Sultan, Wn., where Mr. her friends and the “Jolly 20” of Vernonia were married at. Jeanette Engle, Albany; Soph- noon at her home. A delicious Adams spent five weeks with gave her an apron shower in the Methodist parsonage in St. more, freshman, Lillian Pfeifer, lunch was served by Mrs. Sarah her parents. Her mother. Mrs. Spencer, Mrs. L. A. Rogers and honor of her birthday. i Helens on Thursday, August 1. Jefferson high, Portland. G. C. Brooks accompanied her A chicken dinner was served Mrs. Fowler is u native of' Grade school; Seventh and Mrs. Nannie Hall. Those present to Camp McGregor. were Mesdames, Charles Malm- by the hostess and many goodies Vernonia and has been educated (eighth grades, Izella Hendricks, Greener, Lester which had been brought by the Washington school, Pendleton; sten, H. L. in the Vernonia schools. Alga Sutherland of Portland Mowe, E. Weed, Mae Cameron, guests were served. Musical se ' Fourth grade, Gloria Ager, Hud and her mother are visiting at Mr. Fowler is employed by j son school, Portland. 413. Ed. G. W. Foust, Ben Sowers, Lee lections were given by Mrs. “ ‘ Johnson-McGraw Shingle the Margaret Dunlap, the home of Jonar Larson. Olga Reynolds and Mrs. f Dowling r Poster contest; High school, Beveridge, attended school here last year mill. ,.« r«,-. Lida Mills, A. J. Kirk, Killa while Mrs. Dunn and Mrs. Car- — Gordon Gilkey, Albany; Grade He has bought a home in school, Frieda Kreil, 5 B. district Snider, Margaret Cameron, Boyd until her graduation from here michael, Mrs. Keaton, Mrs. Yo- J’ 'J’ Society Of Christian Riverview where the young 45, Multnomah county, Portland. Nelson, Leon Lewis, Carl En- in January, when she entered School Superintendents cum, Mrs. Holce, Mrs. Dowling Church Meet Soon Grant high school, WhiTe here, couple will reside. and Mrs. Melis rendered an ap It is interesting to note that strom, Ida Johnston, George Mc she lived with her aunt, Mrs. Convention at Salem preciated selection of songs. all of the Columbia county high Donald, D. K. Beveridge, Walter Larson. The Ladies Missionary society Parker, Emma Miller, Myrtle Those who attended were Mes- Columbia County Wins school principals are returning John, County school superintendent ’ s of the First Christian church dames, Dunn, Knowles, Carmich Eula Stanton, B. T. Hall, to their respective positions for At a recent meeting of the convention was held ('' _ ___ _____ this will hold their regular monthly ael, Yocum, Dowling, Devine,, First Prizes in Contest at least the third term this fall. C. Van Blaricom, Lizzie Parker, school board it was decided to I This is a progressive step that W. W. Wolff, Lesta Garner, install a Hall-Wright heating week in Salem, August 5th, 6th, meeting at the church on next Reynolds, Wallace, Holce, Libel, ' — and 7th, under the auspices of ¡Tuesday afternoon, August 13,1 McGee, Taylor, George and East Minnie Malmsten, Sarah Smith, Columbia county wins two I the schools can well be proud K. L. Spencer, L. A. Rodgers, and ventilating system in each the county y superintendents’ as-i at ' two o ... ’clock. Mrs. George man. of the rooms of the Canip Mc first ] places. Fifth and sixths of. sociation, F Fred Peterson, county | Stankey will have charge of the i Alta Johns, C. A. Mills, Sarah Gregor schools before the fall grade division, Alma Edwards;; dent of Klamath coun- coun J program. Spencer, Nannie Hall and Miss term of school ____ begins. New superintendent NEW CITIZENS third grade division Aille Sa- [ Mrs. Frank Hartwick and Mrs. Merle Mills. floors are also to be laid in ty, president, and the state de- I Refreshments will be served. Born to Mr. and Mrs. P. L. velia. Both of Clatskanie grade partment of education, C. A. All the ladies of the community j William Briot motored to Port Those not present but sent both buildings and some new Howard, superintendent. i McDuffee, Tuesday August G, gifts were Mrs. Berg, Bertha school. and their friends are most cor land Tuesday returning to this Mrs. G. L. Buland, state presi a 714 pound baby girl. Mother Keasey, Mrs. Abbie, Airs. Ber equipment is to be added. The meeting was held in dially invited to attend. city later in the afternoon. | dent, in writing concerning the and child who are in a Portland tha Shannahan, Eric Pierson, aged 20, was Eaton hall, Willamette univer I Mrs. Bertha awards says, "congratulations, hospital are doing well. The Malmsten and Mrs. E. Belile. killed last Thursday and Ernest sity. The object of the conven the work from Columbia county young lady has been named Beeman seriously injured at the tion was to establish a central ranked among the best of the Joan Eileen. same time when a haul back theme for educational research state.” line broke, Both were choker work during the coming year. CAMP McGREGOR A great deal of credit is due setters, Mr. Beeman is reported .Many different topics that have' Born to Mr. and Mrs. V. H not only these two girls but1 Drorbaugh, Saturday, August 3 to be progressing nicely since been worked on for some time Grandma Amato, of Forest the school authorities in proniot- an 8 pound baby boy. Mrs. Dror- the amputation of an arm. He was discussed and a report. ing this work. Miss Elizabeth C, baugh und son are doing well. Grove is visiting at the home is in a Portland hospital, His , with recommendations presented. | Murray, county school superin- of her son, Carl Amato. wife and three children reside For instance, standards for tendent, is county director of rural schools, re-organization of J The teacher’s cottage house in Sultan, W’n. Christian Church the W. C. T. U. essay work, daily plans for super-1 II. S. Goodwin has taken un vision, program, The work of these girls will We are sorry to announce No. 2, was given a coat of paint Aliss Elizabeth C. etc. Miss on the interior. der contract the that because of ill health in my building of a be sent on to Washington D. five mile piece of road grade for Alurray is chairman of the com C. to compete for the national family I am compelled to give Mrs. Vern Dusenberry was a mittee on plans for a successful prizes. I up my work with the church Vernonia visitor Monday and the O. A. company, lie recent school board convention. Satisfactory Service Night and Day ly purchased a new Lorain gas The work of the third grade1 here. I will appear for the last Tuesday. shovel to be used in the con division was to copy and illus-1 services August 11th for both A runaway team can not be ■ tiate in a booklet, .Grace T. | morning and evening services. I Wilfred Declusion and bride struction of same. Ross Kellogg stopped with weak reins, nor i . Poland will operate this ma- will weak tugs and straps on the Hallock's poem, “The Song of hope to greet all the friends and have taken the Unger house as I chine while Mr. Goodwin will harness Rain Drops.” This was graded' members of the church, their home here. withstand heavy work. use the company ’ s P. & H. on neatness, attractiveness and' O. I’. Burris^ pastor. gas Mr. and Mrs. John Wornstaff shovel which he has just finish Harness should be looked over i to see that the leather parts1 are spending a few days in ed overhauling. have no cuts, holes, brands, ■ Portland. thin places, or other iniperfec-. Friends Surprise Mrs. The O. A. company is again tions that impair its strength. working early hours on account ______ Frank Warfield With New harness leather that shows of the fire hazard in the woods. on the grain side when Trucks l«ave Vernonia 10 a.m. daily Dinner on Birthday cracks sharply bent is practically worth The new camp painter for the less, and cracks in old harness Mrs. Frank Warfield was sur show that it is rotting. Breaks O.-A. is Mr. Bealls of Portland. A. K. Wilson who preceded him prised at a picnic dinner on and rips in the leather should the occasion of her birthday an be repaired promptly. was in ill health. niversary, on Sunday at Weed’s Harold Ridemour’s father has grove. About fifty of her friends ‘‘Inside*’ Information become a fire warden for the and relatives attended. thetheme song A wire basket is a good ac (J. A. and is staying at the home cessory to have in canning to of his son. of the icture Wm. Meyers Entertains matoes or peaches. As these .41 /I Fred Ellis, a woodsman for fruits must be scalded to get Friends With Dinner the O. A. company suffered a (By Mr». Mark E. Moe) the skins off, use the wire broken leg recently while at basket to lower the material V\ illiam Meyers cooked dinnei Address all communications to Mrs. Mark E. Moe, Ver work. for his wife and friends Sun quickly into boiling water and nonia, Oregon. If personal replies are desired, enclose Pagan Love Song out again. a stamped addressed envelope. The Frank Faught family will day in celebration of Mr. and --- - ....... . ... Airs. Meyers fifth wedding an Scrappy ” Lambert voices the move into the house last occu- Miss Helen Bond who has been palpitating plaint of a Polynesian GENERAL DIRECTIONS Scramble eggs with tomatoes pied by Paul Dodge as soon as niversary. The dinner was in a spending her vacation with her form of a surprise after Mrs. ■papa gone pagan. Get a load of CANNING VEGETABLES mil serve on crisp toast. the painting of it is finished. Meyers and friends returned grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L. this—it’s a tropic temptation to Rice is made tasty with toma Use fresh, young vegetable?- to and a little onion. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Kellogg Iron! a trip along the Nehalem A. Boeck of this city returned trifle. to her home in Vancouver, Wn., (2 hours from garden to can is and son are staying with the river. Those present were Mr. Peas and carrots served in Evangeline a good rule.) Goodwin family until a house is and Airs. Chas. Richardson, and last Wednesday. cream sauce. assigned to them. Miss Dorothy Carlson and John Here's "Scrappy ” all waltzy over Wash thoroughly, being cer Asparagus may be heated and Frank Tays left August 6, to Watson of Portland. Evangeline—the lure lassie from tain that all of soil has been re served on buttered toast topped return to his home in Ajo, Ari Mrs. Rex Horsman and sons I he party attended the show zona, after visiting with his moved. (bacteria that are dan with grated cheese. the wilds of Arcadia. The best returned from Vernonia Monday, gerous and difficult to kill are beach and bath ballad of the Cauliflower is good with a where they spent the week end at the Joy theatre following the father, A. Tays and brother H. dinner, the treats being stood in the soil). thick sprinkling of buttered with the former’s mother and year. #4369 A. Tays and family. Mr. Tays by Mr. Meyers who wished to stated there has been no rain Prepare as for cooking, crumbs. brother. square himself for offering such in that part of the country fo Add minimum quantity of Pagan Love Song (W’altg) To drained string beans add boiling water, and heat until it thin cream and a very little The Camp McGregor Sunday a surprise in the form of a meal. eleven months. The Copley-Plaza Orchestra for boils, and vegetable is shrunken minced onion. school, though not in session gets Boston long enough to "go Miss M. Keehn left for Port so it can be easily packed. Thicken with egg yolk. this summer, will enjoy a pic- Vernonites Enjoy native” in this heel and toe ver land Monday, and will return Pack hot or cold in clean jars Spinach souffle is very good ,nic on the school grounds Thurs- Picnic at Natal Grove to this sion of the way a pagan playa at ' city tomorrow. on which new, tested jar rub and valuable as a source of vit- "day. petting. bers have been placed. Fill jars amins. Walter Parker and fainily, Mrs. Ida Engstrom of Powell full, using enough liquid so A macedoine of vegetables Building a Nett for Mary Ted Keasey and family, ___ Butte, Mr. and central Oregon, returned puck will not be too solid. Work (combination of several vegeta- Puss Expert Fish Catcher She wanted a castle in the city quickly in hot pack so as not hies) makes a complete meal jto her home last week after a Mrs. A. B. Johnson, Mrs. Steve Cats, In their primitive state, are week’s visit with her sister, Mrs. Stevenson ami sister Rhoda horn to cool vegetable. with a mob of maids—but she’« with cheese sauce. hunters and fishers and on Bell, Mr. ami Mrs. Mike Miller tombs of ancient Egypt appear rep Add 1 teaspoonful salt to each going to be satisfied with a String beans are good with John Wornstaff. and son Marion motored to Na resentallons of cats accompanying quart of vegetable and boiling melted butter to which tomato shack in the suburbs and lots of II. W. Jones is the new tal last Sunday where they en their masters on fowling expeill water if necessary in order to catsup is added. love—according to ’’Red’’ speeder driver for the O.-A. joyed a basket picnic. lions, line of the most Interesting fill jar full. Canned tomatoes spread over Cl •ompany, since the resignment of Nichols and his Captivators. During the day games were accounts of cats ns fishers, found Screw lid tight and loosen meat loaf before baking is good Tom Cameron two weeks ago. #432$ played which included horseshoe In the Plymouth Journal, relates: slightly, turning back about 14 and colorful, too. The latter has accepted other pitching, volley ball, broad jump "There Is now at the battery, on inch; or place glass lid, put up Atparagu» employment by the company. Devil ’ s point, a eat which Is an ex ing and other games. per wire over the lid, but do Cut as desired, bring to a following the picnic dinner, pert catcher of the tinny tribe, be not clamp down the lower wire. boil for about 10 minutes. ____ Walter Peterson, engineer on Pack In the .constant habit o.' div playing of games were resum Ing In water bath dinner the wa hot, add salt and -water in which the 103 O. A. train, has brought ing Into the sea and bringing up ed until evening. ter must be deep enough to the vegetables the fish In her mouth and depos cooked, his wife to Camp McGregor to ding It in file guardroom for tlie cover jars about 1 inch; in pres Place the calls er bath live. They have taken the house use of tlie sailors. She Is now sure cooker the water level and heat for 3 recently vacated by the McDuf- Vernonia Flower seven years old and Ims long been should be just below the top of feys. String Show August 31 a useful caterer.’'—Detroit News. the rack. the boiling point with Mrs. Joe Wornstaff and sons, Do not begin counting time liter, to cover. Puck Vernonia’s annual flower show for processing until water boils. salt. Water bath for Harvey and William returned to will be held this year on Aug camp Inst Thursday after a few- Remove from canner. ' Tighten da.vs shopping and visiting in ust 31. It was decided at tne top lid or clamp down I lower Deets regular meeting of the Garden wire of glass top jar. Can only young tender beets. Portland and a Visit to the for club on Tuesday evening also When canning in half gallon Leave bn 1 inch or more of the mer’s mother nt Clackamas. to judge the seventeen gard..... jars add 5 minutes tn time Stem and all of the root and O. A. Anderson of Vernonia ■ntered in the garden contest given for pint and quart glass cook, i in boiling water or steam and formerly school superintend this spring during the lust week jars. until the skins slip easily. Skin, ent of Columbia County was a of August. SUGGESTIONS FOR USE OF pack hot. Add salt and boiling recent visitor in Camp McGregor The show will be held, in the CANNED FOODS water. Water bath for 3 hours. as a representative of the North Legion hall. hntl many other insects When opening home canned Carrots ern School Supply company. vegetables save water drained STANDARD OIL OF CALIFORNIA Can young, tender ’ carrots , y , r ___ COMPANY « f_________ _________ ______________________ • FLOWERS DISTRIBUTED Mr. nnd Mrs. Claude Kerr off for soup, with a slice of only. Scrape aS desirhd and cook Different members of the onion, a little meat or vegetable in boiling witter to cover, Puck spent Sunday with the Link fam Vernonia Garden club distribut-* extract and an addition of rice hot, add salt ’ and water bath ily, where a farewell dinner cd flowers to the merchants on or macaroni, a very palatable I was tendered them. They for 1 hour. » Wednesday soup as well as one rich i in min- leaving Portland this week Corn erals is obtained. Alb, N. M„ where Claude Cut off of cob without pre Besides heating home cooking. Bring to bailing point accepted a position as civil vegetables and adding with boding water to cover, gineer with Jack Baldridge they may be served in Pack hot, add' shit and water is logging in pine timber there. Baldridge was a former of interesting wavs: bath I hours. 17g» I |gklÀr The Crowd and r oi low Get hl Line . b . Dine al lite HORSESHOE CAFE BUUNfMflCK RFCOPO FREIGHT Kitchen Recitals "PAGAN Portland-Vernonia Truck Line P For Freight and Orders Phone 1041 ■AHE PASAN" Quit Worrying About Baking Let us furnish you with Mother’s Bread and our Delicious Pastries VERNONIA BAKERY “Kills 'em dead ” flies,mosquitoesjoaches,moths For Every Meinl) er of die Fami ly WHAT values and what quality Shoes are presented in this Clearance! It’s a definite policy of ours to rid our stocks of present merchandise before another season opens—and we’re doing it with reduced prices. From $1.50 to $3.50 ♦ WORKINGMAN’S STORE Ed. Holtham Oregon- American Lumber Co.