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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1929)
Wrtwnia r—= V(.U ME 7 Albert Childs Local Goll Champion VERNONIA, OREGON, THURSDAY, Starting Fire On Forest Lands Causes Arrest and Fine AUGUST 1, 1929 NO. 52 Ain Wallace Breaks Favor Hold Leg Falling Through Taxpayers Will Save Money Bridge At Mist Smokers In Mist, July 31.—Ain Wallace n Building ____ 1 o 1 3M I By Grade School of Mist fell through an Legion Hall bridge near this village and Charles Fanshier was arrested Sunday by J. J. Russell, state fire warden for setting fire on forest land on the St. Helens highway, while picking blackber ries, in the cutting owned by Committee Says Boxing Beats Jack Bush in Finals the Clark and Wilson Lumber company, near what is known as Is Help to Town On July 27 Camp 10 crossing. The fire was discovered and exting jished by Frank Baker and Al. Hanson, Fanshier was tried in the court of Justice of the Peace W. J. Fullerton at St. Helens, where he pleaded guilty and paid Smoker Mean« of Drawing Many Another Child«-Bu»h Match To a fine. Play 36 Holes Golf Bagli Library, U if O . Promises Support broke his leg. Mr. Wallace was rushed to Clatskanie where he received medical aid. Now, Explains Committee Eugene A. Davis In jures Foot At Camp The Original Idea of Building Lincoln School On Corey Hill Was To Pre vent Smaller School Children From Running Risk of Injury By Crossing Eugene A. Davis an employee of the K. P. company was injur Railroad Tracks. Local Chamber Plan For Big October Meet If Invited, Other Cities May Join Association President Attends ed last Thursday while pushing trucks at the Koster Products The election on a proposed rooms into classroom service, would duplicate teachers with Expect To Entertain Over 400 siding, when his left foot got under the wheel of a rear truck. bond issue of $75,000 for the which brings the building be- out relieving present overcrowd Thi. Fall; R. M. Aldrich ing. In Town Over Week End; He suffered a bad ankle sprain. purpose of building a new grade low standard, Be Arranged Within The Local Folks Complete school in District No. 47 comes ' The present building lacks District Valuation at Maximum Chairman Helps Business at a time when Vernonia should ventilation and proper sanitary Summer School Neer Future At no time has the ability plan well ahead in providing equipment. The heating plant of the district to finance the school facilities. i has had to be entirely remodel- building of a new school been The regular meeting of the University of Oregon, Eugene, A special meeting of the exe A Citizens Advisory Com- ed to provide heat for basement better than at the present time. local chamber of commerce last The first annual Vernonia July 31.—Among those who are cutive committee of the Ameri safety point The present valuation is slight Thursday at the Horseshoe cafe, mittee appointed by the school, rooms. From a golf tournament conducted by finishing summer school work can Legion was called Tuesday directors have studied the situa- alone, the future life of the ly over $3,000,000 and has per presided over by president W. Vernonia Golf club and played at the University of Oregon are evening for the purpose of mak Hundreds attended the picnic tion in this district and have re-1 building is short, for last year haps reached he peak, with the W. Wolff, was well attended M. Smith and Mrs. Han- on the local course was won by Addison ___ __ was necessary to make re- prospect of a gradual decline with many out of town visitors ing new arrangements with the last Sunday at Parkers grove, commended the immediate con- ! Albert Childs who defeated Jack nah M. Smith of Vernonia. _______ ____ „ commission being present. Boxing c„..—..—---- sponsored by the Harding lodge struction of more school build- pairs to prevent the buckling as timber is logged off. Nearly 600 students register Vernonia Bush in a 36 hole tournament. for the continuation of holding ¡he Knights of Pythias, Ed Ballagh, president of the ing. The election called for __ | and warping walls from collaps- Even with this decline in val- The contest ending last Satur ed at the university during the smokers in the local Legion hall. Many games and races were August 12, at the Washington ' ing. Lower Columbia Associated six weeks summer session. A uation, the bulk of the cost ol day. It seemed logical to the com the proposed bond issue, which Chambers of Commerce was call It was decided that in the held, among which featured a school is on a proposed bond new feature of this summer will The tournament ended three be the commencement exercises, .1ULUIC, veil pci HIV glUOOj -- -------- ---------------- —— mittee that building construction would be paid off in five years, ed on for an address, and spoke future, ten per VCI1U cent VI of the gross ’-o °f war between ladies and issue for such construction. __ en which ____ was __ won __ 1 by the up and two to go, with the win August 30, after the post ses-j receipts would be turned over;P' should be planned on the basis More School Room Needed be carried by timber in >n the district meeting which ner halved 33 hole to end the sion, at of eventually replacing the pres would which degrees i 1 =___ will __ ; be _ ¡to the Legion fund of Vernonia 1 ladies who according to Happy terests. The present proposeo would be held in this city in The steady increase in the ent Washington school with a match. granted to those who have filled post which would cover rentals, .Thompson, who was chief coach number building would cost each tax- October, at which some 24 or of children attending new 16-room building, which for the fair sex, Members of the local golf graduation requirements. Pre etc. the ladies payer approximately 7 0 cents nore cities would be represent losing Vernonia grade schools has over could be done for $75,000 in •club are looking forward to a vious to this .those eligible for agreed that started to pout when Mr. Ballagh suggested that All present per year in the five years on ed. Walter crowded the present Washington cluding the equipment. future match between Childs degrees have been held over un smokers sponsored in this city ground, and the Sir president Wolff invite other each $100 of valuation or $3.74 and Bush. They are at present til the regular June commence- were beneficial, especially look Raleigh’s on the team decided and Lincoln schools until last Lincoln school, a suitable and cities close by such as McMin year it became necessary to find permanent building, now serves during the entire five years. considered the two best players ment. nville. Forest Grove, Hillsboro ing from the standpoint taken in the ladies favor by losing, If the construction of a per co attend the district meeting Swimming races, horseshoe additional room in the Grange the western end of the district. on the local course. The regular session closes at the last Chamber of Com- Placed on Corey hill originally manent school building is again with the intentions of inviting The Nehalem Grocery won August 2, and post session be merce meeting when Lester pitching, broad jumping, pie eat hall. The school board spent con to make it possible for the deferred, and timber is removed these chambers into the associa- from the Joy theatre in a 36 gins August 5, lasting until Aug Sheeley and others pointed out ing contest, three legged race, hole match last Sunday, win- ust 30. During the post session that at least one half of those sack race and many other events siderable money fitting up for smaller children to attend school from the district, the cost even cion which is in reality working a narrow margin, with some students will remain on attending these boxing events livened up the afternoon, every temporary use two rooms in the without crossing the railroad tually of a new buliding will for the development of the en- ning by 1 Bush forcing Childs to play his the campus to study while a I in this city, came from out of one enjoying a full day of fun Grange hall and now the state tracks, it has now become neces fall entirely on the remaining fire northwest. and a good time. Again Mr. has inspected tnese rooms and sary for the board to send these property owners, who then will best at all times. The match large number will take the Alas-¡town, George A. Nelson, county agri was so evenly contested from kan kail cruise. This trin ivhieh will 1 The local merchants acknow Thompson came to the front by will not permit their use until small children from the east individually pay more for a small cultural agent, invited members trip, which they have been school than the would pay now further improv- winning the “ Human, ” race, of the chamber and all farmers start to finish that the outcome take nearly 185 students on a ledge that considerable business side of town across the railroad was in doubts until Childs’ final picturesque tour of the north, is brought into town from the whatever that be, but he not ed. tracks, because Washington for a larger school, besides hav in this city to attend the Far- For the next year it is esti- ing in the meantime paid the putt rolled down at the 34th will occupy two weeks, and a visitors who are in the city on alone won first, but also second school became overcrowded. mers excursion which was held hole for a half, the match end- third will be spent on the cam Saturday evenings to attend the and fourth prizes in the thrilling mated that four rooms outside Thu3, one of the very pur heavy maintenance and altera chat day at 2;00 p.m. to inspect of Washington and Lincoln tion costs on the present build ing 3 up and 2 to go. The first pus. During the post session the 'fights and ................... poses for which the Lincoln he alfalfa plantings on the heartily indorse hair-splitting dangerous contest. The committee active in schools will be necessary in or- school was built is being de ings. 9 ending all square. At noon campus is exceptionally quiet and I forms of activities of this sort Sword, Weed, Baker and Parker der to take school care of the ending the first 18 holes, Childs many students take advantage of which have a tendency to draw ichaige ~f making the picnic a feated, the. committee points These considerations point to farms. Outside of the out, and any additional develop the present time as being the grand success were Harry Cul attendance. was 2 up on Bush. Jack Bush this opportunity to do intensive people into the city, The soil in this vicinity is Grange hall there is no other came back strong and squared work. Earl ment to school facilities on logical time for Vernonia to especially adopted to the raising The boxing commission have bertson, Frank Schow, building in town which would the match at the 21st hole, but Corey hill, with pupils drawn build adequate permanent >f alfalfa advised Mr. Nelson, spent hundreds of dollars in Smith and Bill Aspland. The following merchants and be available for school purposes. to such development from the schools. Childs regained the lead on the and suggested that the local the purchase of ring and other County Publisher« Meet 23rd hole, holding it until the The development of Vernonia east side of the railroad tracks, To reason that Vernonia will hamber encourage farmers here The five newspaper publishers equipment, and it was pointed business men donated prizes match ended. of Columbia county, Art Steele ' out by members of the recent which were awarded to the win ».nd the Nehalem valley is still would simply place more children need less school facilities in the to grow alfalfa. in its infancy. With the wealth in jeopardy at the crossings, future is to assume the fertile On well established fields of the Clatskanie Chief, , A. E. Chamber of Commerce meeting ners of different events. Lee Bauman and Harry John Veatch of the Rainier Review, that many local boys who were Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia of timber in this district and The development in Vernonia Nehalem valley holds no poten three to five tons per acre. son of Seattle and Portland are Fred Tooze of the St. Helens interested • in boxing received a Bakery, Bank of Vernonia, M. the long life of the Oregon- and surrounding territory with tial resources but timber. Such Careful estimates made of the in the city auditing the books Sentinel, Ira Hyde of the St. .neat income from the smokers Murray, Safeway store, Work American mill, assured by its in the school district has largely reasoning is obviously fallacious. cost of producing Alfalfa in De ingman’s store, Miller Mercantile present substantial timber hold been east and north of the bus Lumbering will be supplanted by cember 1925, indicated that the of the local branch of the Shell Helefls Mist, and Mark E. Moe jield in this city. Oil company and also visiting of the ■ .. chtgle, Two or three are in favor of company, Mellinger Hardware, ings and by the continual pur- iness section of the city. This agriculture, stock raising, and cost of raising alfalfa was only _ , met in friends. St. Helens Saturday with Arne having the Legion start dances Vernonia Drug company, Asp- ¿liases of additional timber, makes the site of the present kindred pursuits that will sus about $8.67 per ton as compared clover and G. Rae of Eugene, Oregon news i every Saturday evening and not land Plumbing, C. E. Shoemaker there is every reason to believe Washingon school, at the junc tain a greater population than with $11.38 for L. W. Baker and Mr. and paper field manager, for the permit the boxing commission to Barber shop, Dad’s Sandwich i that the development of Ver- tion of Rock creek and Bridge now needs school facilities. It $12.30 for vetch and oats. Be Mrs. Gus Cohen motored to purpose of forming a county or use the Legion hall for any shop, Vernonia Mercantile com- nonia will continue, that more streets, a logical point for the is the history of the north Pa sides the lower cost of produc Portland Tuesday and while in ganization and to discuss prob smokers, and while the present pany, Joy theatre, Corey Econ families will move in, and that assembling of children. cific slope that the lumberman’s tion and higher yields per acre, the city visited Mrs. Baker who lems in the newspaper field. executive committee which is in omy store, Kullander’s Jewelry our school attendance will grow feeding Busses which now haul axe has been closely followed alfalfa has a higher is convalescing at the Portland I Mrs. Moe and daughter Joy ac- charge of the hall are in favoi- store, M.i F. Carkin, Crawford la . ger. large number of children, can by the ploy and the tools of value that other legume crops •sanitarium. Mrs. Ba -r is re-r companied Mr. Moe to St/Hel of staging smokers semi-month- Motor company, Nehalem Market The committee estimated that drive with safety to the school more settled, permanent indus and a much longer life. Some ported as doing well. fields, said Mr. Nelson, were pro ens. Iy, a new set of officers will and Grocery, Nehalem Valley where Lincoln and Washington without crossing railroad tracks try. That this will happen in the ducing full crops in the county be installed within the next two Ice -and Creamery company, schools now have a total of 15 or climbing steep and dangerous Nehalem valley as it has else ten years after being planted. weeks, and they may change Frank B. Schow, Gilby Motor available classrooms, within an- grades. company, Lincoln Candy Kitchen, other year or two 21 rooms The best time to seed alfalfa In addition the present dis where seems perfectly reason the present plans. tribution of children has result- able to assume, in the opinion in Columbia county as has been Regardless, however, it was Joy Barber shop, Mac’s Phar would be necessary. The need for considering a ed in overcrowding at Washing- of the committee, and having demonstrated by the successful pointed out, that in the event macy and Shell Oil company. Winners of the games and new school building at this time' Ion school and it was the opin assumed it, the provision of growers, is from about the first the new Legion officials were not in favor of having smokers the events staged during the is more urgent because during ion of the committee that new school facilities for the present of June. Late planting will give staged in their hall, that other [day were, horseshoe pitching, C. the past few years the board construction should be located and a greater future population a better opportunity to get the quarters could be found in this Deeds; fat mans race, W. L. has been compelled to add to at this point. Providing addition at a time when lumbering will ground into better condiion. Mr. Nelson said that the Co Van Doren; tug of war, free the original Washington school al rooms and teachers at Lin- pay more than half the bill is city. lumbia couny economic report for all, Harry Culbertson; mens building and convert basement coln school for the upper grades good, sound business sense. Full Realization of Benefits of New Road Are recommended a large increase of three legged race, Gordon Watt | Second Annual Picnic alfalfa acreage because it is the and Noble Dunlap; broad jump Local Folk Complete Unknown to Grangers, Is Opinion of Lester The second annual Pioneer cheapest source of protein open E. Knight; novelty race, H. Summer Course. U.ofO. I picnic will be held on Sunday, Sheeley, Secretary of Highway Association. to dairymen. Mayfield; mens relay race, J. u. ¡August 11, at the Wallace school A booklet covering, growing Nanson and H. Culbertson; mar Many members of the local house, on Cedar mountain, in alfalfa in Columbia county was John Erickson was injured ried women’s race, Mrs. Art Legion post, and Columbia coun-1 northern Washington county. In commenting on the resolu- Nehalem highway without prac- The missionary car, which is passed out by the county agent tion recently passed by Warren ¡tically any support from Colum- last Thursday at the Koster Pro Miller; ladies nail driving con ty Voiture of La Société will | Former residents of the moun sponsored by the Catholic Mis Grange urging that no money I *?‘a c°unty and have not ob- ducts company camp. by a fall test, Mrs. Ed. Ballagh; ladies leave next Wednesday for Salem tain and their families are in sionary society will visit Gales to those who attended the ex- be spent by the county on the1 Je£ted to the construction of ing tree, and suffered a severe horseshoe pitching contest, Mrs. to attend the state convention vited to be present at that time. creek and Timber before com cursion, Mr. Nelson being the author. . .................... ladies relay race, of the American Legion, which proposed Apiary-Vernonia market °^er market roads which are cut on his head receiving medi Earl Smith; Mrs. A. Miller and Mrs. Hard- will be held a the state Capitol Come and bring your basket ing to this city and should ar Lester Sheeley reported on importance road, Lester Sheeley, secretary °nly minor ____ as cal aid by a local doctor. rive in Vernonia on Tuesday, progress the roads committee lunch. esty; race for girls 12 to 16 August 8, 9 and 10. roads; ’ but when a body of the West Coast Highway as- market *” August 13, according to word had made regarding the survey years of age, Dorothy Black, sociation, issued the following Grangers take upon them- Mrs. Chas. E. Koontz f Some of the Legionnaires who recently received. girls under 12, Nedine Aldrich, have signified their intentions of A. Corey Trades Home of the new road to camp No. 8, statement criticizing the Grange s® ‘v®8 dictate to the people Dies At Hillsboro boys race 12 to 16 years of age, attending are, A. L. Kullander, ' Here For a Farm And and stated that Clark and Wil of the county and Rainier and for the action taken: son engineers and the county Floyd Smith, boys 1 race under Tennis Club Plans ¡the Nehalem valley where the P. Murphy, M. E. Carkin, H. E. “At a grange meeting held' House at Beaverton Mrs. Chas E. Koontz died at 12, Clifford Smith. engineers were working on this McGraw, Dr. W. H. Hurley, Earl at Warren about a week ago a market road funds are to be 10:45 a.m. Wednesday at her Two Tournaments at the present time, Enough spent it is high time to have a Washburn, P. Hewes, J. Coving resolution was adopted by the Corey traded home in Hillsboro. She A. his eight is sur- were available for at least This Coming Month funds ton, A. E. Ritchey, D. Nickson, room residence on Corey hill, grange delegates which had for show down. vived by her husband, and two the grading of this work, at “It will be remembered that sons, Chet Alexander of this Connie Anderson, J. Grady, Z. last Monday for a four room its purpose the prevention of the present time, said Mr. Shee Ness, C. Nance and Wm. Folger. house and 6 acres of land lo- the expenditure of market road when Wesley VandercOok and city and state prohibition officer The Vernonia Tennis club has ley. __ i George E. Alexander. The local post will be represent cated one-half mile east of tentatively planned two tourna- money for the Apiary-Vernonia W. D. Comer proposed the con- Ed. Holtham appointed on a ed by four delegates. market road project. — Do these struction of a bridge between Beaverton, which had been own ments for August. A return en- committee to investigate the grangers who profess to have Longview and Rainier these I. W Pct. ed by C. Vogel who is employed gagement with Vancouver, Wn., sanitary conditions of the city, the best interests of Columbia gentlemen interviewed the Co Business Men To ¿Sawmill 2 0 1.000 Early New Garage at the Nehalem market in this is planned for August 18 at that reported that the council had in Organize For Baseball Planing mill county at heart know that the lumbia county court with refer 1 1 .500 city. place, and a tournament to be vited the head of the state board To Be Completed Soon taxpayers in the Nehalem val-| ence to the construcion of a 0 1 .000 The Corey family will move held here August 11, is being of health, Dr. V. F. Stricker to Game Here August 8 Shipping Dep’t. ley voted to bond Columbia road to the Nehalem valley high Stacker Bldg. 0 1 .000 to their new home next Friday, planned in reply to an invitation Charles T. Early, Portland and Mr. Corey will remain in from the Portland Y. M. C. A. their meeting, to listen to any county for $360,000 to construct way from Rainier and at that The Sawmill nine jumped in W. W. Wolff, president of the suggestions offered by the the Columbia River highway time received the unanimous Chamber of Commerce, appoint to the lead in the O.-A. Twilight capitalist advised that his new this city to manage his store. for matches. health expert which would be through Columbia county, with support of the county court and ed William Aspland and Earl league Tuesday evening when brick show room and garage, lo-; In order to encourage local beneficial to Vernonia, and that , out which its final completion a promise to construct the road Smith as captains of baseball they got the breaks and defeat cated on the corner of Rose tennis players to practice up a a complete report would be would have probably been de | at the earliest possible time. teams composed of business men ed the planing mill gang by the Avenue and Bridge street, would Mist-Clatskanie Road bit, impromptu matches are be made by his committee follow layed a number of years? Do Some time later county Judge of this city, who will meet Aug close score of 2 to 1. This makes not be completed until August Nearing Completion ing arranged for this coming ing this meeting. these same grangers know that Philip made a speech at Ver ust 8 at the local ball park, to two wins against no losses for 10, on account of a change of C. Leahman, representing the Sunday to be played on both the they have been relieved of taxes nonia at a road meeting called play for the championship of the lucky sawmill bunch and plans on construction having O.-A. courts and the Tennis club Oregon Legionnaire, the official been made recently. The entire About $40,000 will be expend for the purpose of stimulating due to the construction of this Bridge street, None who are begin to look as though they — this — year towards the com- court in the park between play publication of the department of same Columbia River highway interest in this road, and in players on the regular Vernonia might cop another pennant. The building will be fireproof with ed entrances on Rose avenue and pletion i of _ the __ _____________ Mist-Clatskanie ers on the hill and those in Oregon for the American Legion very forceful language, lauded which was built past many of; team will be permitted on the aggregation outhit the sawmill expressed the appreciation of his on Bridge streets. The agency j road which should be completed town. the project and stated that he their doors because they did lineup. The game will start at boys, made no errors while the of a few popular cars have been , the later part of November ac- department for the cooperation In both tournaments there was in favor of using all of the not have to levy special taxes 3 o’clock or about one hour fol sawyers were amassing a total secured, and the garage and re-1 cording to roadmaster J. W. will be matches between both Vernonia post gave during the I funds of the market road de for construction and mainten-1 lowing the regular chamber of of five, but yet they could not pair facilities will equal that of Barney, men and women as well as mix past few years. ance? Do they forget that the partment on this road after the commerce meeting. win their game. L. Schwab was appointed by ed doubles. There will be an 1 completion any other in the county advised of the Mist-Clatska- Nehalem valley which has paid; The road has been under con- The boys who do the original Admission will be charged, the chamber to handle the pub opportunity to play for every | nie road. until recently nearly 50 per J but rumors have been spreading handling of the lumber scored G. W. Johnson, who will be in struction for the past five years licity of the chamber for the cent of the taxes of Columbia 1 “At the time that the reso about the city that some of those their two runs in their half of stalled as manager as soon as and grading will be completed one who wishes to participate in Portland papers. R. M. Aldrich county never opposed the bond lution for the designating ___ _____ in August with the surface work the matches Sunday, starting chairman on a committee which of selected in the lineup are so the first inning when Ferren the building is completed. issue or construction of the Co | this road was presented to the anxious to grandstand before and Linn singled to put men which will be composed of crush about 8 a.m. will handle the details for the lumbia River highway through ; Columbia county court, this their friends that they are of- on the bags. McGregor then Arm Cut By Wire ed rocked finished in Novem- large district meeting here in Columbia county although they same Judge Phillip objected fering free rides to the ball park. rolled an easy one down to Three New Families October, promised a report on Working in Woods ,,c" received only $40,000 of the very strenuously to the expen E. Holtham, who has been select Richardson who was pulled so ______ The first contract for the Have Moved to Natal committees appointed at the proceeds from the sale of these diture of funds on this road ed to pitch for 1 of the teams, far away from the bag in get next meeting. Walter Van Blaricom had the wor>‘ wa" ,et in >924, and the bonds, or less 12 per cent of and one of these same grangers already offered his services to ting the ball that in recovering forearm of his left arm severly.road wh'ch 18 12 m,|es ,on«j h" Natal, July 29.—Natal has the total proceeds. . stated that he has interviewed the Detroit Tigers, knowing that and running back to the base he cut last Thursday from a piece ®fhtt miles of new nght-of-way three new families who have Columbia County “The records of the roadmas- Judge Philip and that the judge he will be turned down, but and McGregor collided at the of wire while working in theiwhich 18 completed with the ex- moved in recently. They are Mr. Pomona Grange Meet — ter’s office show that practical ' is opposed to the project or anxious to show the letter to initial sack and during the mix- woods of the Koster Products c — and ®pt . .*°, n. °5 _ . l e , widening and and Mrs. Jimmie Lume ly all of the projected market the expenditure of any funds his acquaintances, just as long up while both men were down company, and was rushed to this straightening which is being three children, who are living in St. Helens August 3 roads in the county will be com- i on it. Now will some one ex as it is a letter from the big Ferren and Linn crossed home city for medical attention. done this year. A total of $170,- one of the houses on the Clyde pleted this year which will leave plain why Judge Philip has had guns. plate for the sawmill's two tal 000 has been expended and at Johnson ranch. Mr. and Mrs. ™_______ Pomona grange scheduled __ _____ is ____ -r.___ available for new construction a change of heart in such a short lies. This ended their scoring the competion, $210,000 will James McCormick and two chil- to meet with the Warren grange Sawmill Employee Injured next year approximately $40,- time? Does he keep his ear to for the day and also their hit- o wrcnvne ■>■• O.-A. Install Radiator« the, at St. Helens on August 3. Ar- S. u B. mammicn Mnlmsten wrenched hi« have been spent. Grading and dren who are living in ....... ®«®.Pt J»® th® ^d w»»®" \i»ht "shodder'T^’w«^ wbib widening are now in progress on home they purchased from Mr. 1 rangements aro now being made 000 less money used for main the ground and listen to the A new radiator • steam heat singled for the ------ tenance and repair. But evident harpings of grange meetings to ing system has been installed ferren ----- second working at the Johnson and Mc road district No. 9, on both and Mrs. Jake Neurer, and Mr to hold an alfalfa excursion that ly the grangers at the Warren tell whether to construct a road during the past week at the time to get on. and Mrs. Leo Graham and day after the meeting, between Graw shingle mill, but returned sides of this city. The planer nine marked up to work the early part of this meeting want these funds spent lor not? Does he have to consult home of Jndd Greenman, the O. three children, who are living 4:30 and 6 o'clock p.m. on roads near their farms so any body of grangers or any A. offices and the guest house. their only tally in the second week. New Cheek« Al Bank The most extensive alfalfa in one of the houses on the on a triple by Norgorden and that they will not be obliged to other organization to determine plantings in the county are in In circulation at the present Neurer farm. vote any road taxes in the fu- ■ what is the proper course to Creamery Employee Cut« Hand a single by Greenman. the Warren district and it will, Vi.«. Hotel lattali Naw Heater time are attractive new checks. j follow in conducting the bus The stacker building takes on ■M. E. Williams, employed by the no doubt, be of interest to the Injure« Hand With Ase The Vista hotel have installed which the Bank of Vernonia are iness of Columbia county? the shipipng department this i grangers to visit these fields. It Nehalem Valley Ice and Cream Endeavoring to assist “Road districts No. 8 and 9 an electric water heater during furnishing its patrons. Friday afternoon and then the "These same grangers probab ery company cut his right hand — give them an opportunity will which are located in the Ne- The new check is white with mother chop some wood • he nest week which la the very for an outing after attending halem valley, have regularly vot- ly do not know that the com on a piece of broken glass Tues sawmill will take on the ship latest in circulating type. a border of orange, and a spread Monday, Peter McDonald, 8, the grange session during * ths ed special road taxes for the pletion of this road would cause day necessitating the taking of pers next Tuesday. The inatallatlon was made by eagle standing on a shield be erated the top of his left Please turn to page 8 Please turn to page 8 several stitches. with an axe. <tay. eoMtraction and repair of the ’ the Columbia Utilities company. fore the rays of the sun. Hundreds Attend K.P. Picnic Here Resolution By Warren Grange Condemning New Road Strongly Criticized Injured By • Falling Tree Missionary Car Here On Aug. 13 Sawmill Beats Planer Shavers