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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1929)
THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 19M VERNONIA lAGLE. VERNONIA. OREGON TWO Society News 0 Mrs. * Society Reporter Wayne Phone 573 Bears Disturb of Girls At Yellowstone Engagement of Hazel Malmsten Is Announced Clubs Lappe, Miu Mary Greg >ry Announcing the arrival of Miss Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marcus A. Gregory, born at the Emanual hospital, Monday, July 29, at PortiancL Mother and daughter doing well. Vernonia Girl Uses Airplane On Trip North form on Liberty street at arm ory. 9:00 Public dances. 9:30 p.m. 40 et 8 (stadium, fairgrounds). 11:30 p.m. Midnight matinee, Capitol theatre. MrCr-iw 39 «reen candle«, «W, Hnrtwirk 171*11 Iwllik | |p] containin ace(j jn K special pink holders. Families Attend cut and served those pre- FI *>11 Ill on Hillahnrn A large Mr coo tvuson eoo neumon niiisDvru clock handsome wag presented ■ — I I as a present *a from aaa his • ••« a friends, a aW UUfl, ■»<_ _____i if__ it 17» (By Mr«. Mark E. Moe) ■ VEGETABLE CANNING YOU CAN! "For the fruit you cannot use There’s a can, ,And for the meat that you might lose There's a can; If you put up peas and beans, Corn and squash, and leafy greens, There’s a can! “Then for the unexpected guest There's a can. When you truly need a rest, There’s a can. If the children whine and fret, And the meal you hate to get, Oh, yes! Your can! “If some dollars you should There’s a can. For some furniture—let’s say reed. There’s a can. Take some cans from off the shelf To the market—claim your pelf, Ah, that's a can!” Next week’s issue of the Eagle will contain an article on canning vegetables, Be sure to send or phone your questions in early. — Milk to moisten enough to form into loaf. Mix ingredients in order given, bake in oiled pan in a moderate oven about one hour. Phonographs made by Brunswick E-Z Terms sold by Mac’s Pharmacy Crawford Motor Co Authorized Sales Agent for Tarts Mi cup butter 1 cup sugar 1 egg 1 % cups flour 2 teaspoons baking powder White 1 egg Blanched almonds 1 teaspoon sugar % teaspoon cinnamon. Cream the butter, add sugar gardually, and egg well beaten; then add flour mixed and sift ed with baking powder. Chill, toss one-half mixture on a .floured board, and roll one- eighth inch thick. Shape with a Nut and Celery Loaf doughnut cutter. Brush over A Meat Substitute with white of egg, and sprinkle 1 cup ground nuts with sugar mixed with cinna- 1 cup chopped celery mon. Split almonds, and ar- 1 cup crumbs range three halves on each at teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon onion salt or equal distances. Place on a but-I bake eight I tered sheet, and juice minutes in a slow oven. 2 teaspoons melted fat. Ford Products Crawford Motor Co. 5 Minutes Drive To Enjoy a Few Game* At the Vernonia Golf Course Quit worrying About Baking Only Golf Course in Columbia County Ehe Sure Road To Health For Member»hip See J. C. Lindley Vernonia GARAG SERVICE Standards tomobile». The management of this gar age prides itself on its ability to accommo date it» patron» with every new factor I that make» for better service. THINK of the present and the future . garage—you'll appreciate the thorough and personal attention. We also have a greasing and washing rack, and th»» Are You Insured ? our mechanic» are the be»t in town. VERNONIA OARAGE & REPAIR SHOP Phone 1161 L. E. Fredrickson, Mgr. Let us furnish you with PLAY GOLF Mother’s Bread and our Delicious Pastries VERNONIA BAKERY The Meat or Poultry for Dinner ready to provide the meat or poultry you need for your din ner. It is so handy to order from us—just step to the phone, call 721, and leave your order. We guar antee quality. Nehalem Market <& Grocery Vernonia have changed in gar age aervice a» style» have changed in au Try .... at Liver and Orange Slice liver and pour hot wa ter over slices. Remove skin, sprinkle on salt and roll in flour. Fry onion in fat and cook until brown. Put slices of liver in fat and cook until brown. Add sliced oranges and a little boiling water. Simmer until ten der. Remove, and thicken gravy, fresh Serve with sections of orange. Sand . Portable THE NEHALEM VETERAN Address all communications to Mrs. Mark E. Moe, Ver nonia, Oregon. If personal replies are desired, enclose a stamped addressed envelope. I Mr. and Mrs. H. E. McGraw the bird being in action at th« Miss Melba Laramore left The novel experience of hav Friday, August 9 Wednesday on a vacation trip, 9 a.m. Legion business ses- and family and Mrs. F™nk cutting of the cake and shrilled ing their food stolen and sleep Mr. and Mrs. H. Fogel Hartwick attended the Luther :a wdd protest. Those present She will travel to Seattle from sion (capitol building). disturbed by bears was the most Entertain At Home Mr. and Mrg Earl Snyd Portland by airplane and will 9 a.m. Bowling tournament, and Schlegel reunion at the | exciting event of the vacation Henry John With a Bridge Party visit reatives unti August 8, Winter Garden, 333 N. Hight Shute park in Hillsboro last Mr ,nd trip to the Yellowstone National when she will sail on the S. S. street Sunday, July 28. children, Jeanette, Milo aud and The occasion was also the 50th Maxine( Mrs. H. A. Wilson and park by Bessie McDonald, Della 10-11 a.m. Sight seeing trips, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fogel Queen together with 166 stu wedding anniversary of Mr. and npDhp ,v, f ■ ■■•■piiews. Marvin, - Geòrgie and ■ Cline and Helen Hieber who were hosts at an informal bridge dents on the University of Ore leaving armory. —' Gustof P Hood Huit. 11-12 a.m. Post stunts, down Mrs. J. L. Walker of P party at their home Friday even gon study trip. Many points of returned Sunday. River. About 75 attended. were: Mrs. interest will be visited in the town streets. They left Vernonia on July ing. The guests 12 m. Band concert, Wilson _ of _ _______ Hillsboro, interior of Alaska among them 14 with Mrs. Cline and Mrs. Irene Chapman park. McDonald driving to Malta, Ida- Mrs. Charlotte Brady, Mr. and the old trail of ’98. Two Misses Celebrate 1:30 p.m. Retirement of col ~ T. Bateman, Ralph ho, where Mrs. Cline and Mrs, Mrs. O. Eighteenth Birthday ors and adjournment. Belt Liar In Town McDonald stayed to visit rela- Clem, Mrs. A. Igou, and the 2:30 p.m. State championship Bill Warner now has compe tives while the other members hosts and hostess. tition at the Horseshoe cafe, a >»nior baseball game and stunt The Misses Beulah Parker and of the party continued their trip new waitress keeps her parrot finals at Olinger field. Isola Hall celebrated their 18 th to the Yellowstone park. On the 3:30 p.m. Auxiliary glee club birthday anniversary together at at the restaurant. The parrot way they stopped at American Camp Fire Girl» Waller hall. the home of George Parker on Falls, Idaho, where the largest Hold Meeting At Cabin for he past year lived at a golf contest. 7 p.m. Drum corps champion Saturday. Others who attended .club, and is a frightful liar. power dam in the northwest is ship contest and fireworks, Ol- were Misses Mary F Laramore, located. jnger field. The Lolila group of Camp Marjorie Ida Mae Hawkins, At the Yellowstone park no 9 p.m. Public dances. King, Mildred Childs, Frances one is allowed to molest any of Fire girls under the guardian- Catholic Ladies To 11:30 p.m. Midnight matinee, Place, Vera Goodin, Christine the animals. The bears, ela and ship of Miss Bessie McDonald Sponsor Card Party Capitol theatre. Rainey, Maybelle Drorbaugh and moose are allowed to roam at will hold their meeting at the Birkenfeld Saturday 12:30 a.m. Informal parade, Allie Simmons. will. Bruno, the king of the Camp Fire cabin tonight. They form on Liberty, Armory (come bears at the park, stood in the will work on their garden and as you please). Eugene—$209,000 fine arts middle of the road and refused plan the program for the winter. The Catholic ladies of Birken Saturday, August 10 building will be erected on Uni to move which necessitated a feld are sponsoring a card party 9 a.m. Legion business ses- versity of Oregon campus. detour through a field to pass next Saturday evening, which sion (Capitol building). him. When they reached the Mrs. Sitts Hostess To 9 a.m. Bowling tournament, road again and looked back Willing Workers Aid will start about 8 o’clock at the 9 a.m. Golf tournament, Sa- A daughter was born Monday there stood Bruno watching evening to Mr. and Mrs. C. En- Society Last Week Birkenfeld hotel. Pinochle and lem Golf club. them and when he saw them gen at Treharne. The new ar 500 will be played during the 10-11 a.m. Sight seeing trips, rival which has been named looking stuck his tongue out. The Willing Workers Aid so evening of August 3. A special leaving armory. Betty Charmaine weighs 6% He wanted some candy but these ciety of the Christian church 11 a.m. Trophy feature of this event will be young ladies were a bit wary . . and prize .pounds. Mother and child are do were entertained at a silver tea the drawing of a door prize awards by department command ing well. of a bear roaming at large. Wednesday, July 24, in the er, hall of representatives. That night Miss McDonald was which will be given away. 2:30 p.m. Convention parade, Surprise Party on H. A. Wilton awakened from a sound sleep church parlors. Mrs. Sitts acting Refreshments following the form hostess. on Court street, east of A number of his friends sur with the feeling that someone games will be served. Reba Adams, Rose Sitts and 12th. was watching her. Peering at prised II. A. Wilson last Sun Everyone is welcome to at- Ruby Howell played and sang 4:30 p.m. Meeting of new ex- day on his birthday anniversary through the automobile win tend. ecutive committee. was a big black bear and several selections. at his home in Treharne. 9 p.m. Public dances. ' a delightful - chicken dinner scream that this frightened Sunday, August 11 young lady let out awakened Garden Club Will was served the honored guest 8 a.m. Sight seeing trips visiting friends, and during _ the whole camp and frightened Hold Meeting Tuesday neighboring cities. course the birthday cake the intruder away. After being assured that the bears were pets The regular meeting of the and were perfectly harmless the Garden club will be held Tues young ladies settled down to day evening, August 8 at the sleep again. Not long afterward Evangelical church. Mrs. A. C. The program for the 11th an another visitor put his head Knauss will give a talk on lilies through the window. This time and Mrs. Wm. Van Doren on nual American Legion conven- Miss McDonald was not frighten iris. Plans for the flower show tion at Salem is as follows: Wednesday, August 7 ed and quietly informed the to be held in the near future 1 p.m. Registration of dele- bear to go away. Still he stood will be completed at this meet gates, , alternates and visitors, there and not until he was given ing. at i registration headquarters, a severe boxing on one ear did Klett building. he leave. Later everyone was Thursday, August 8 awakened again by the rattle Sridge Club Meet At of pans and dishes. The bear Home Mrs. Kullander 7:30-9:30 a.m. Registration of delegates, alternates and visit who was administered the pun ishment was taking revenge and The Bridge club met at the ors. 9:30 a.m. Public opening cer- was then on the last of the food. jiome of Mrs. A. L. Kullander Wilson park band He had eaten all the food ex- on Tuesday afternoon. The high emonies, Ci :ept the coffee, salt and pepper. score was made by Mrs. / A. J. stand. 10- 11 a.m. Sight seeing trips, During the five days in the Black. Those attending ' were: leaving armory. park the loop trip was made, Mrs. A. J. Black, Mrs. M. Grun- ( 11 a.m. Opening Legion ses- The places of interest visited den, Mrs. M. Ruhl, Mrs. J. < C. were the Old Faithful geyser, Lindley, Mrs. W. R. Meyer, , Mrs. skins, hall of representatives, Grand Canyon and Mammoth W. A. McNeill, Mrs. Geo. Ogg, capitol building. 11- 12 a.m. Post stunts, down Springs. On the second day they Mrs. E. A. Green and the • hos- town streets. drove to the top of Mt. Wash tess. 12 m. Adjournment (meeting burn. Mount Washburn is 1000 of delegation chairmen). feet lower than Mr. Hood. The Vernonia Bakery 12:30 p.m. Drum majors young ladies were not molested Partners Entertain luncheon (Marion hotel). by bears any more and took 1:30 p.m. Legion business pictures of them not three feet Montana Visitors ¡session ______ (capitol building). away. Nick Ginoff, Mr. and Mrs. N.L„1:8° pm' Band con‘*«'t, Wil- C. Peterson and Miss Ana Thi-i r ' _ . Record Crowd Attend badeau of Missoula, Mont., who j ' ,P "?'. e lrcn'ent col- Eastern Star Dance visited in this city last week as! a Jou*nnlent. the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. ...% p;™;. Grand promenade, One of the most enjoyable J. McGhee and Mr. and Mrs. B.’40/1 8 dances of the summer was held A. Vickery of this city, were* J?'™.' Dedication of Salem airport, exhibition on Friday night at the Masonic taken for a trip along the Co- fjyjn— P' Vernonia Tel. 611 hall sponsored by the Eastern lumbia river highway to Seaside r()a e y the army stunt squad- Star social club. Music was fur and also visited the Tillamook. „ , | 6 P-1?- Barbecue, Salem muni- nished by Jack Carlson’s Blue beaches. The Petersons were favorably c'Pa‘ a‘rport' Rose Room orchestra of St. Hel ens. Punch was served by Mrs. impressed with this section of 7:30 P-m. Auxiliary glee club F. D. McPherson, Mrs. J. E. the country and intend to return concert and Legion ritualistic Tapp, Mrs. A. Childs and Mrs. this winter to spend about two.cont*st’ Wllson park. C. A. Wolfolk. months in Vernonia. 1 8:30 Pm- Parade, 40 et 8, We are especially Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Malmsten announce the engagement of their daughter, Hazel Luella to p. E. Griffin of Segourney, Iowa. The wedding will take place during August. Mr. Griffin Mi» Hazel Melmcten is expected to arrive from Se- through which Japanese lanterns gourney shortly. were strung. Eight tables with centerpieces of bowls of roses Willing Worker» To were placed throughout the lawn. Meet at Home of Mr». Mrs. R. A. Olson, Mrs. Sam and Mrs. E. Knight R. L. Stubbs August 7 Jackson dressed in Japanese costumes served the guests. Mrs. R. Stanton of Timber The next meeting of the Wil ling workers aid society will be sang two songs and Frank Mills held at the home of Mrs. ~ R. L. played several selections on his Stubbs on the O.-A. hill August banjo. Throughout the evening a Filipino orchestra entertained 7. Mrs. Stubbs and Mrs. E. the guests. Knight, hostesses. Every old and new member is urged to be present as the Enjoy Week End Out membership contest closes and ing At Arcadia Park the winning side will be an- nounced at this meeting. A group of young people of Vernonia spent an enjoyable Ice Cream Social At Olson Home Success week end trip at Arcadia park chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. O. Sponsored by the Loyal Glean T. Bateman. Swimming, dancing ers of the Christian church the and a chicken dinner cooaed by ice cream social given at the girls were the pleasures of the Olson home in Riverview, the trip. Those attending were: Betty ' ~ Saturday evening was a decided Misses Macile Roberts, Phelps, Violet success. Ann Culver, The lawn was beautifully de Messrs. Gilbert Miller, Thor corated with firs, cedars and dif- Roberts, Loel Roberts and the ferent shrubs from the woods chaperons. Kitchen Recitals Fraternal Office Phone 192 Catholic Chapel Car Coming to Vernonia Tuesday, Aug. 13 Jesuit Priest In Charge of Car / Services Every Morning and Evening While Car Is Here SEE ( Lindley & McGraw Insurance of all Kind» Phone 151 The public is cordially Invited to attend K-