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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1929)
HURSDAY, FEB. >1. 1929 VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA. OREGON NEW ARRIVALS Whoopee” Dresses, Sportees, Sport blouses, Skirts, and Sport Shoes NEW AND ATTRACTIVE MERCHANDISE' a RRIVINQ EACH DAY \DELTA UH EEL Phone 801 Vernonia C. W. Johnson, stock and bond have been staying at the home ially trained crew of show men to and Mrs. H. Harold Christie [ Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wolff broker of Portland was a Ver of her parents Mr. and Mrs. direct the work behind the scenes Wednesday. were in Portland Saturday. Charles Bergerson during Mrs. so that from Li front of the foot nonia visitor Friday. Carl Amato of the O.-A. camp lights the assembled dealers may spent a few days with iiis family Bergerson’s illness. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Whitaker Raymond Eseniino of this city witness the most impressive stage in Forest Grove returning Sun- and Emil Messing went to Port- I. Holly and R. J. Hart motor- show ever sponsored by any man- purchased a Chevrolet sedan from land on business Friday. the Gilby Motor company Friday. ed to Portland Friday to witness facturer in automobile business. day. Orville Young of headquarters a hockey game played between Gilby Motor Co. is hearty in their Sidney Ratcliffe visited friends A letter was received recently W. O. Porterfield has been ill in Rainier over Saturday and from W. L. Ratcliffe who is in the Portland Buckaroos and the opinion that a more interesting camp, I.-P. was a Vernonia via itor Saturday. Seattle Eskimos. Mr. Ilart who Sunday. 'or the past few days with flu. Tujunga, Calif., for his health. played with the Eskimos a few or instructive presentation would Ben Stoops of the I.-P. camp be virtually impossible to stage. Mrs. R. F. Brown journeyed to Mr. Ratcliffe reports his health years ago renewed acquaintances I H. H. Hixson drove to Portland During the present year the was a Vernonia visitor Friday much improved. Portland Monday for a visit with with many of his friends who ■ Chevrolet Motor Company has and Saturday having some den- Monday on a business trip. her relations. laid out a sales program calling tai work done. M. Murray drove a car load still play on the team. I Sam Arnett visited friends in children to Rain- for the merchandising of 1,259,- of grade school Jean Sharp of the upper I.-P. Rainier Saturday and Sunday. Tom Crawford went to Port to attend a Zone Local Manager At 090 units, which is the greatest camp was a Vernonia visitor Fri- land Tuesday and returned with ier Friday night annual quota ever established by day and Saturday. spelling contest. Chas. Schmidlin from Brauns a new Ford car for delivery. tends Automobile Ex this the world’s largest builder of Mr. and Mrs. Lou Althous of ■hopped in this city Tuesday. Bergerson who Mrs. Charles hibition in Pórtland automobiles. This is considerably Vernonia had dinner at the home E. F. Huber, purchased a new I Mrs. D. C. Cason who has been Ford roadster, Friday from the had been seriously 111 for the past in advance of the sales mark of of Mr. and Mrs. H. Harold few weeks with a bad heart at ill with tonsilitis for the past Crawford Motor company. 1928, which in itself Stet a record Christie Friday evening. Highly enthused over business tack is much improved. Dr. G. T. Leek is much better. for the company up to that date. Mr. and Mrs. Al. Acheson and for the entire Portland zone, Forest Grove is the at- Via of Mrs. W. F. Briot is spending While at Portland, Mr. Grant , Meriff Oscar Weed, was a the week in Portland with her tending physician. Frank Hartwick, of Gilby Motor expressed himself as highly family and Miss Lorraine Ache fVernonia visitor Fr'day night and mother. son were Mist visitors Sunday. Co. local Chevrolet dealer organ Emil 1 Roy, head mechanic for ization, returned to Vernonia to pleased at the very obvious pros We are glad to see the O.-A. Saturday morning. perity that exists in the Oregon 105 on the run again and Jack Mrs. Judd Groenman journey- > ne S. P. & S. transportation day after attending a series of Mrs. A. E. Ritchey journeyed ed to Tacoma Friday to attend ( ompany ’ at Vernonia is reported meetings held at Portland Wed area. He pointed out that the Heenan out to wave and give his ‘to Portland Sunday for a visit a wedding. sick during the later part of the nesday and Thursday presided rapidly expanding road-building cheerful hello to us. programs, the increasing activity ¡with friends and relations. week. over by R II. Grant, Vice-Presi and the rain and snowfall that Mrs. George Ogg is about CARD OF THANKS dent in charge of sales of the ___ Mrs. O. T. Bateman and again after having been confined Mrs. Don. Williams and son presage bumper crops through I wish to express my apprecia ■ laughter Beverly June left Mon- to bed with tonsilitis. Bobby were reported on the sick Chevrolet Motor Company. Mr. out the state have already promis tday for Portland where they will list the later part of last week. Hartwick was one of scores of ed and will continue to assure the tion to the officers and members Do not forget! On Saturdays Both are now doing better and Chevrolet Dealers who visited prosperous area this territory has of the Misisonary Society for Spend a week visiting friends. the beautiful flowers received the Vernonia Bakery has cream Mrs. Williams is again seen on Portland to attend the sessions. known. during my recent illness. , puffs, Boston cream pies and the streets. With Mr. Grant on the trip to Mrs. R. R. McGregor. Portland were C. J. Seifert, as chocolate eclairs.—adv. Mrs. Clarence Wardle is back sistant manager of dealer finance KEASEY WARNING Mrs. I.olla Nance and Mrs. T. in Vernonia again after having and accounting; H. H. Goodrich G. Allen, were reported on the spent a few months in Corvallis of the used car Sales Promotion Hereafter any minor under the The women’s club of Keasey sick list the later part of the where her son, John was attend Divisioi\; J. A. McLane of the met at the home of Mrs. H. age of 21 years, found in a pool week. ing college. the Fleet Division; D. J. Pearce, Harold Christie, Thursday, Feb hall, whether playing or for any Manager of Parts Merchandising; ruary 14. Those present were other reason will be arrested. of J. O. Libel, a merchant Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Brower No excuses will be accepted. Ben Bennett and Walter Ben- W. F. Newton of Sales Promotion Mrs. J. L. Campbell, Mrs. Wil- Birkenfeld was a Vernonia vis- will in a few days make this city Harry Phelps, Marshal. ett went to St. Martin’s Springs, Division; E. W. Fuhr, Pacific kinson, Mrs. Thomas Pettijohn, 292 itor Saturday. their home. Mr. Brower who has Pash., for a week. Coast Regional Manager; A. C. S. Mrs. E. J. Failhurst, Mrs. Carl been employed by the S. P. & S. Olsen, Regional Accounting Man Devaney. Some of our members Baker—$269,000 hotel under George W. Nelson, Rindmaster transportation The W. B. A. will hold a company for the ager and W. C. Herring, Regional were not present on account of construction here. of the United Railways spent ooked food sale in old Mac’s Monday in Vernonia inspecting past three years has been trans Sales Promotion Manager. Vis sickness. The next meeting will 'harrflacy Saturday. the interchange tracks in this ferred ol to the Vernonia run. itors were met at Portland by W. be held at the home of Mrs. Wil Mrs. Fred Brewer and daughter city. Mrs. J. W. Brown, is in the J. Richmond, Zone Sales Man kinson of Tara station. Many in are back in Vernonia after a Good Samaritan hospital at Port ager, and a number of other zoue teresting subjects were brought Special on Saturdays at the land, where Mr. Brown advises officals. up at this meeting. months stay in Portland. Vernonia Bakery, Parker House 3he is to undergo a serious op Mr. and Mrs. Carl Devaney' The meeting at Portland was Earl Shay has purchased a new rolls at 15c per dozen or 2 dozen eration. Mr. Brown drove to tile third of a series to be conducted called at the home of the Chris-. .Chevrolet coach ask from for the quality. Gilby for 25c.—adv. city Friday to vrsit her, throught the Western Region. tie’s Monday evening. Motor company of this city, the Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Belongia Mr. and Mrs. A. I . Kullander . Don Williams has left the em- The 1929 gatherings are held in car was delivered to the buyer Custom-built; all electric order that the Chevrolet Motor of the upper Inman-Poulsen motored to Independence Satur yesterday. S. P. & S. of- day t<5"' spend the week end with ployment of the Vernonia Mer Company may get its sales pro camp returned Thursday from 19 tube Radio-Phonograph cantile company to accept a gram directly before the 25,909 Portland where they spent a few combination. Uses screen-grid Vernonia Friday, In Mother’s bread you get a relations. position with the Vernonia Meat persons who make up its dealer days shopping and visiting. tubes. You have never heard loaf that compares with the best Mrs. J. Gilpin and son James Market, starting on his new job and factory organization. The Mr. and Mrs. Van Vleet of the! a radio or phonograph that of them and in quality surpasses Monday morning. Junior, returned to Vernonia Oregon-American camp returned first of the meetings was held at most of them. Ask for Mother’s sounds as good. Long distance Thursday after a weeks visit with bread and you Georgia Jolley is visiting her New York some time ago and was from Portland where they spent I on ground alone. Volume friends in Portland. a few days before the camp I sister, Mrs. Wesley Sheeley in presided over by Mr. Grant. —adv. enough for an auditorium. Will Two groups of officials, similar starts. this city.. Georgia has been liv Judd Greenman Carl and S A group of Leslie McCormick of the I.-P. sell at very low price since to the party which was in Port ing with her sister, Vasti at St. Davidson motored to Portland 'ificials were in Helens for the last year, and is land recently, are covering the camp has gone to Portland where I am building another set. No pfter completing an inspection of during the week end on a bus- going to school in that city. Eastern, Middle Western and he will make his home and study trouble to show. iness trip. Jthe bridges on the United Rail Southeastern nreas. II. J. Klinger, aviation under Tex Rankin. sways. A. J. Witchel, Chief En- A. L. Kullander, Jule Lindley General Sales Manager is in Mr. and Mrs. H. Harold Chris DR. PASTO Mrs. G. W. Plumer left Ver JLineer, N. Needham, resident en nonia Monday for Ostrander, and H. E. McGraw, motored to charge of one, while D. E. Ral tie accepted an invitation to din- gineer, were in the party with Washington to visit with her sons Portland Friday on banking bus ston _and M. D. Douglas are in i ner last Tuesday evening at the 'officials of the G. N-. Railways, and their families for a few days. iness, and while in the city visit charge of the other. I apartment of Mr. and Mrs. Lou IMiich is one of the parent roads ed Miss Alma Kullander at the More than a carload of scen I Althous of Vernonia. After din Sf the S. P. & S. Railways. Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Emanual hospital. Miss Kullander. ery, stage properties and special ner the four taking in the high Terrian, Wednesday 13, a baby is reported as progressing. lighting equipment are necessary1 school basketball game. I Now Once again you can buy boy weighing eight pounds. For 5 years Dr. Luzader, to the presentation of the sales1 Mr. and Mrs. Al. Acheson and «hose delicious Hot Cross Buns program in each city. The serv- family and Miss Lorraine Ache Mrs. Clarence Nance motored kt the Vernonia Bakery. They eyesight ; specialist, has ices also are required of a spec- son called at the home of Mr. are a real treat so don’t miss to Portland Tuesday where she been making monthly i visits to ■them. They make a welcome will visit friends and relations Vernonia. His next visit will be during her stay in the city. ^variety in the diet.—adv. March 4 and 5, office at Kul- Mrs.. W. V. Lindley who has lander’s. Have your eyes been ill with- pneumonia for the examined.—adv. past two weeks is slowly im- S. H. Goodman who is employ proving. ed by the Pacific States Electric Rev. G. W. Plumer left Ver- company with headquarters in nonia for Liberal, Oregon where Portland spent Tuesday in Ver he will hold a series of meetings nonia in a business conference with G. W. Ford,' of the Colum for 19 days. bia Utilities company. The Pythian Sisters will hold Mike Miller and R. J. Hart mo the first of a series of card * tored to Portland Sunday to at parties in the W. O. W. hall next Leave Vernonia For Portland Tuesday at 8 o’clock. Both bridge tend the hockey game between Seattle Amateurs and Portland via. St. Helens, 7:10 a.m., and 599 will be played. Amateurs. 11:10 a.m., 5:50 p.m. daily. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bush drove * Peggy Erickson, was recently to Portland Thursday to sign Leave Keasey 10:30 a.m. and contracts for “talkies,” which called to Aberdeen Washington, will soon be installed in the Joy to come to the bedside of her 4:40 p.m. daily except Sun sister, who is reported critically theatre in this city. ill in the hospital in that city. day* and 7:30 p.m. Saturday*. Tom Rennie, owner of the G. F. Montague, of Portland Vernonia Fruit and Grocery store Leave Vernonia for Portland is visiting with James Gilpin, in motored to Portland Sunday and this city. Mr. Montague may lo- via Forest Grove 7:00 a.m., will return to this city Wednes cate in this city and dispose of daily except Sundays, 3:00 p. day. his Portland property. m. daily, and 5:40 p.m. Sat Miss Margaret Anderson was Elmer Hamilton, owner of urdays. ill with tonsolitis for a few days last week but is reported to be Hamilton Motor company of Forest Grove was a Vernonia better. visitor Friday consulting with Ticket*, complete Information, William Charlesworth and Otis Lloyd Baker and Clarence Powell Hyland motored to Portland Sun regarding fighters for the Le etc. of R. M. ALDRICH, Aft. day in Mr. Charksworth’s new gion’s next smoker February 22 Ford sedan, returning to this city at the Grove. J. J. Hoyd*r, Gen. Agent later in the evening. It would be difficult to find’an F. L. Weber, Traveling Bob Gilbreath of Riddle Ore individual who would not ap Passenger Agent gon, spent Friday in Vernonia preciate a birthday cake on their consulting with Otis Hyland re birthday. The " Vernonia Bakery garding information of his broth- takes a pride in making pretty birthday cakes been Gilbreath who has er Ike and they are as lost in the woods around Rose- good inside as they are beauti- ful outside. ____ __ burg. Remember your loved ones—give them a cake on Charles Twineham spent Sun- thefr birthday.—adv. day in Portland visiting relations and friends and taking in the Mrs. Don. B. Grable of Long latest “talkies.” Mr. Twineham view, Wn., returned to her home returned to this city Monday. Friday. .Mrs. Grable and Tyrmau 8-80 Super XHXHXHXHXHXHIXHXHXHXHXHXH Transportation Cn. NEW STYLE STAGES Flower Vases, Jars, Mantle Pieces, etc Modernistic designs Special . . $1.19 See our window display HOFFMAN HARDWARE Spokane, Portland & NOW OPEN Rose Hotel SPECIAL SHOE SALE Ladies, Gent« and Children’« Footwear ; Largest Assortment in town—Look over our stock and convince yourself Also Full line of Stetson hats and Neustadter Goods foi merly Commodore Hotel on Rose avenue Hot and cold water in all rooms Reasonable rates day or week M. Bills, Prop. Holtham i Vernonia Cabinet Shop Cabinets Windows Door Frames Built=in —“If it’s made of wood—we can build it.” —Let us figure on your windows and doors. Geo. H. Stankey Phone 273 The Hollywood Cigars, Candies, Soft Drinks, Pool and Snooker Most men one reason are mighty why we particular about carry such a big their tobacco. Tbis is stock and use utmost care to keep it in perfect condition at all times. L I__ I___ I__ I__ I Old Style Bacon Thin, evenly streaked slabs of bacon, chosen with care from young, corn fed pigs. Sweet with their heavy cure of sugar. Smoked for days in a slow aromatic haze of hickory smoke. You never tire of it. Nehalem Market <& Grocery