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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1929)
VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON THURSDAY, FEB. 1, 1929 ' News of Vernonia Schools Student* To Attend Conference The high school students had a valentine box in the assembly, February 14. All the students seemed very happy to have the box, and ap preciated the kindness of Pro fessor Wilkerson to let them have one. Typing Class Receive Certificates Benji Wilkerson, June The Koster Products started Michener, Leia Beveridge and operations Monday, after the win Beth Davis. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. ter shut down they found plenty Wilkerson and Miss Ruth Taylor of snow in the woods but not accomapnied the contestants to enough to hinder operating. Rainier. Mr, and Mrs. Sidney Baker The following Palmer Method were called to Portland on ac awards have been received. Pal count of the death of her mo Party Held By Girl* mer Method button, Frederick ther, who had been in ill health Athletic Association Roediger, Lor«n Lionberger, Har for some time. old Purney. Merit button, Helen Mrs. R. John and her mother The girls’ athletic association Burke, Betty Lee. Mrs. L. Hoagland of Scappoose held a party in the local gym visited Mrs. Geo. " ~ Baslington Wed- nasium Thursday, February 14. nesday. Everyone came in costume vary Still Again Vernonia Mr. and Mrs. Charles Uhlir ing from the pirate to the danc Win* & Wins & Win* entertained a group of their ing girl. The group was divided friends with six tables of 500 into two parts, the hearts and The Vernonia basketball team Sunday. Mrs. Geo. McDonab! and the diamonds. Charlotte Green handed Clatskanie another defeat Lode McDonald received prizes took charge of the entertain last Friday night by a score of for th/» high score. Delightful ment. Each class gave a stunt; 31-18 in a fast game on the lo- refreshments were served by the the freshmen act was judged the cal floor. hostess, delicious home made best. 'Games were played in which candies were placed at each table The game was a one-sided af- the two sides contested. The throughout the evening, Rainy Day Race decided the con fair from the beginning. The guests present were: Clatskanie team fought hard but test when Dorothy Holtham won' Mrs. Geo. McDonald, from Joy Ball. This gave the Vernonia five outplayed them. Mrs. Frank Schmidlin, They were unable to recover hearts one point more than the Mrs. Lode McDonald, diamonds. Two flashlight pictures from the lead Vernonia piled Mrs. Robert John, Mr. up in the first half. were taken. Refreshments of hot Harry Pearse, Mr. a Harold Nelson was put out of Robert Spencer, Mr. and chocolate, sandwiches and cook the game for fouls in the last ies were served. Geo. Baslington, Mr. and quarter of the game. Ralph A. Nelson, Miss Margaret, George, substituted. L. Hoagland, Hugh McDonald, Stanley Overson, Stanley Parker, This is the second time that Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bennett, Mr. Toshi Kuge. Clatskanie has been beaten by and Mrs. Harry Condit and the Vernonia, and Clatskanie has host and hostess Mr. and Mrs. LINCOLN SCHOOL beaten Rainier and nearly beaten Charles Uhlin. Mrs. Dooley and Mrs. C. W. several others of the league, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pearse Shipley visited the first grade winning this game meant a lot spent several days last week at last week. to Vernonia. Jimmie Faught who was in the This is the last game to be first grade has moved away from played on the local floor. Ver town. nonia has not lost a league game For Sale Melvin Rose who has been at this year. They can’t afford to tending school in LaGrande since loose one, and as these games ROCK CRUSHER Christmas has reentered the first depend a lot on the Bupoprt the team has, it is up to all of us grade. and trucks The first grade had a spelling that can possibly go to supoprt match Friday. Howard McGraw the team on outside flors. Let’s go! Take All or part of was the winner. Equipment All the rooms had valentine boxes last Thursday and the pu PLEASANT HILL SCHOOL Price Right pils exchanged valentines. Verla Mountc received her The following had 100 in spell merit button and Edward Baker Roy E. Smith Vernonia ing: Second grade, Harold Burke, the Palmer Method button. Bruce Holcomb, Violet Johnson, Edward, Vert* and Loretta Francis Davis, Montana French, Baker were absent Monday be- Josephine Murray. Third grade, cause of the death of their grand- Melvin Boeck, Leila Nelson, Mava mother. Williams, Edith May Holgate, The school is preparing a pro Gordon Warner, Wilma Stolen, Modena Hall, Boyd Hixson, Ber gram for Thursday afternoon tha Thompson, Margaret Salmon honoring Washington’s birthday sen, Charles McGraw, Buster all are invited to attend. Jeanette John, Flqrence Tiche- Nance, Billie Carter. Fourth grade, Irene Thompson. Fifth nor, Arvada Lines, Ida Beaver, grade, Lyla Nelson, Sylvia Sess- Doris Timme, Twyla Moton, man, Helen Holgate, Erma Roberta Andreason and Ethel Thompson. Kelly are ready for the second Benji Wilkerson of Vernonia division in their cooking won second place in the fifth work, having completed the and sixth grade division of the division the past week. county spelling contest held at Rainier last Friday. Benji was TREHARNE the only one of the four entries from Vernonia who won any Mrs. A. R. Stanton and honors. The first prize winner J. Munger called on Mrs. S. A. It will surprise you how was Helen Kolden of Columbia Morton Saturday. City. In the seventh and eighth Mr. and Mrs. A. Webb were much we can save you grade division the winners were hosts to a number of their during the year on your Hazel Clifford of McNulty and friends Friday evening after an Hilma Wirkkala of Mayger. The evening of 500, delightful refresh shoe bill. All we ask is lower division spelled for an hour ments were served. Those present that you bring your and a half while the upper divis were: Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Mor ion Bpelled five minutes larger, ton, Mr. and Mrs. A. Bergstrom, shoes to us for repairs. Prizes consist of a $5 saxu'.gs Mr. and Mrs. Prutzman, Mr. and account in some bank of the win- Mrs. Robert John, Mrs. L. Hoag ner’s choice and a $3 account for land and the host and hostess, second place, The contest was Mr. and Mrs. A. Webb. The ac- held under the supervision of the casion being Mrs. Webb’s birth Columbia county division of the day. Oregon State Teachers’ associa Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith and tion. Oliver Lindsay motored to Yam The contestants from Vernonia hill Sunday. The Timber Line ♦ Representatives Elected Freshmen are Winn.r. Mcnday afternoon the senior Ths freshmen were the win and junior classes elected the ners of the best stunt at the students who are to represent the girls’ athletic party. Vernonia high school ut Corvallis. Kathryn Malmsten, a ' fresh The seniors elected Merle man won a large beart-Bhaped Mills and Archie Adams, and the box of candy for being the best juniors elected Charlotte Green costumed attendant. She dressed and Glen Heiber. Miss Hazel us a gypsy man._______________ Malmsten will accompany the students. The students will leave Ver W. Wolff; saxophone solo, Myrtle nonia Friday morning and reach Mowe; “Should Congress Further Russell Peck; Corvallis in time to register at Immigration?” French class; French song, ten-thirty. The school is entitled to send “Building Air Castles,” Thelma four representatives, but was re Spencer; vocal solo, “Trees,” quested to send no more stu Alice Dübendorf; “Life and Ra dents as the college campus dio,” Catherine Hoffman; violin solo, Charlotte Green; “The Real would be too crowded. The representatives transpor Value of Athletics,” Neal Bush; tation ts paid by Vernonia high “Eulogizing the Flag,” Betty school, but after the students Cambell; vocal solo. La Velie reach Corvallis, their -board and Gosa; Wind music, Girls’ Glee. room is provided for. Every year students from all j Student* Take Exam* The students have been taking over the state are sent as re presentatives to Corvallis ami ! their .six weeks examinations Eugene, for the purpose of this week. bringing new ideas back to the school. WASHINGTON SCHOOL The typing students having filled the necessary requirements, were given their typing awards Friday afternoon. Merle Mills, Alberta De Rock, Dorothy Throop, and Russel Peck were given Remington cer tificates for typing twenty-five words per minute with ten or less errors. Betty Culver, Myrtle Hall, and Oliver Mellinger were given Remington silver pins for typing fort^ words or over per minute with seven or less errors. Erma Kent of the first grade Merle Mills, William Culver, Mrs. Judd Greenman has been absent for several days Neal Bush, Catherine Hoffman, Give* Interesting Talk with flu. and Myrtle Ozment were given Before School Students The following in the second Underwood certificates for typ I grade had 100 in spelling last ing thirty words or over per Hazel ' Rundle, minute with five or less errors. A very interesting and instruc week. Howard Charlotte Green received an tive program was given by the I Parker, Billie Holmes, Betty Underwood silver pin for typing high school students at the high I Schalock, Kiyoko Kuge, Truman FridayafteXon. Sh“>’ Lucllle Mil’ 1.1 T.1 • .1 „ Bs___ ~ — Many of ' |^ht’ fifty words or over with five or school 4 4* z> » rl n rl The n cw Vi crc* CI, Kess errors. the .. parents r* attended. songs The typing stuaents are doing by the glee clubs were reported Those having 100 in arithmetic extraordinary work this year „ un to be exceptionally well sung. in the fourth grade are Haze! der the supervision of Miss Hazel E—1 This js the f ¡rst time that the Chapman, Rose Yana, Louise Malmsten. I boys’ glee club has done any Crawford, Rachel Throop, Hazel Ross, Everett Meeker, Elma Lit ’ part singing in public. f. Science Cl... Studying Mrs. Judd Greenman gave an tle. In spelling, Hazel Chapman, Interesting Topics interesting talk using for her sub Willa Crowder, Robert DePue, The general science class has ject, “Visions, and using the Louise Crawford, Marjorie Huge- been studying many interesting head and will power.” The five nin, Dorothy Overson, Pauline topics, such as magnets and mag minute talks by the different Dial, Doris Phelps, Leona Fetsch, netism, levers, electricity, and students were also unusually in Wilburn Hall and Raymond Hall. Attendance in the fourth grade different kinds of machines. They teresting. Those who were pres have also been following Byrds ent and heard the program stat was 100 per cent Monday for expedition to the South Pole. ed that it reflected a great deal the first time since the Christmas The Btudents find that science of credit on both the teachers holidays. The fourth A and fifth B are is very interesting as well as and pupils who took part. educational. The program follows, Selec- making an intensive study of the tions by the Boy’s Glee club: life of Washington thi» week. Friday’ is Washinpton’s birth Glee Club Working on Song “To Greet the Spring,” Girls’ day and no school will be held Glee; speech, Mrs. Judd Green The Las Alegros glee and that day. Orioles have Tiegun working on man; “Our Next President,” six 2 class after a week’s ab the song "Nightfall Lubestraum” Ethel Tousley; “By the Waters sence with tonsilitis. of Minnetonka,” solo, Mrs. W. by Fraz Liszt. The eiphth vrade are havinp an attendance contest between the boys and girls. Last month the pirls won. This month 14 boys in the clas sand 19 girls. Report cards will be issued next week and examinations are beiny piven this week. Twn trophies are being offered to grade, school basketball teams this year. The tournament for the cup offered to grade school basketball this year. The tourna ment for the cup offered by the elementary coaches’ association will be held at Rainier for n cup which is being offered by the commercial club of Rainier. Results were recently received for the examinations held in January for geography in the seventh grade and agriculture in the eighth. All those taking the examinations passed. The follow ing are those who passed the geography examination in order of merit. Bert Mills, Juanita Mossman, Delmar George, Alice Watts, Willie Marks,-Reba Adams One secret of easy housekeeping is to Thelma Johnston, Aubrey Austin, Robert Cline, Marjorie Meeker, have a boiled or roast ham in the ice box I Arnold Trude, John McKee, for emergency use. Everyone likea them, Grace Mills, Warren Aldrich, especially if you select it here where prime Verda Chapman, Virginia Field- ing, Wilma Johnston, Anna Lang- quality hams always await your order. pap, Celesta McDonald, Audrey Austin. The following passed in agri culture. The names are listed alphabetically. Chester Baker, Harold Bergerson, Anderso Brim mer, Melvin Chapman, Harvey Edens, Haryl George, Ellis Hall, Donald Holtham, Melville Malm sten, Bernice Miller, Irene May, Arthur Nanson Donald Northrup, Mildrel Nutt, Kenneth Parker, A. L.. Bowniar1, Manager Oscar Rss, Clyde Sesseman, Wil liam Tisdale, Richard Young. The following had one half an ex emption and only had to take half of the examination. Junior Aldrich, Leia Beveridge, Vernon Bronkey, Gladys End, Faith Hiatt, Clarence Lindsay, Helen Scribner, Louise Whitsell. The following in the fifth grade had 100 in spelling all last week. Annabel Heath, Andrew Donald, Elbert Brock, Eleanor Edens, Elizabeth George, Gene vieve Alexander, Fred Hender son, Helen Murray, Joe McKee, Lucille Lindberg, Leone Mills, Lolamae Smith, Lillian Updike, HAMS Roasting or Boiling Choice Cuts of Meat Game and Poultry in Season Red & White MEAT MARKET La Velio Gosa Editor Planning Your Insurance Ju.t a. an architect plans yonr home, so *■ plan your lire in.uranc. to meet vvvry raquira- meat. • Trucks leave for Portland 10 a.m and connect with Our parposa i* to so« that you have amnio and proper coverage for any emergency, at the lowavt practicable coat. Appleton Fast Freight Portland to Salem Operated by Owners Portland-Vernonia Truck Line I Jos. Scott Tel. office, 104l--Freight 342 r Thia aerviao la offered to you entirely without any charge or obligation on your part. Il reflect* our desire to bo of prac tical help i. proteating you from financial loss duo to fire. I the home of Mrs. Pearse’s par ents at Astoria. Mrs. L. Hoagland of Scappoose is visiting at the home of her daughter Mrs. R. John. Wm. Lindsay motored to Port land Thursday returning Sunday. P. L. Larson spent several days in Portland last week on busin ess. Word was received from Geo. Bennett of Yamhill _ __ of ___ the _____ death ’f her father William Leeper, dr. Leeper was well known in •nd around Vernonia, he was jmployed by the Lindsay Lumber company as night watchman. He had been in ill health the past year and a few months ago went to the home of his daughter at Yamhill. Mrs. Archie Koplin under went | a major operation at a Portland hospital last Saturday. SCHICK! the right start! Every extra chkk you hum meant doll&ra in vour pocket. Our customers raise more of the chicks they buy because we furnish them in a Liv-a»4ra Starting Brooder, Start your chicks right and you will raise more of them. Let us give you our prop* osition to raise your chicks in a Liv-an-Gro Start- ing Brooder. Write, or come to our hatchery and see bow different chicks are when started right. SuBemberlevery*__________________ Writ, lot iUuaUaUd «Uloc, or ràit IH. J. H. Sell Box 306—Vernonia KLINE SHOE SHOP T OPEN DAY AND NIGHT M. F. Dooley, Prop. Expert Repair Werk Blacksmithing See u* for repair work on your car work Guaranteed SHELL OIL AND GAS Be 70 Portland-Vernonia Truck Line Daily Service FIVE f were, Oregon-American Lumber Co. But no one can tell which ones may die before that age. The safe way to play the game, es pecially as far as your family is con cerned, is to carry life insurance to protect them, should anything happen to you. We will with pleasure explain our differ ent plans to you. PHomicr or CtNEHAl. MOTOS* Pulse-Stirring Performance matches Its New and Original Style There’« no argument anywhere. Everybody agree«. All unite in praising the appearance of the New All-American . . . Its colors and con tours and distinguished style . . . And there are many who go even further. The piany who have driven this great new car. Thay enthuse over its pul«e-nlirring performance. Over its glorious power, acceleration and speed . • . un matched in any other car offered at such moderate price! GILBY MOTOR COMPANY Vernonia, Oregon Lindley & McGraw Reliable Insurance ALL-AMERICAN SIX ii Y OA KI A v/> I