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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1928)
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1928 VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON HOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF orable John Phillip, Judge of the the radio battery does not come in Administrator above entitled Court, on the 22 contact with them, for the fumes day of October, 1928, which said from the battery will weaken cot In the County Court, order directed that this Citation be tons or any sort of drapes. State of Oregon, When cut flowers bepin to droop, County of Columbia, served upqn the non-resident heirs, PROBATE DEPARTMENT and all persons unknown, by pub put them in fresh water, then In the matter of the estate of lication once a week in the Verno I plunge scissors and hand into the Christ Field, deceased. nia Eagle for four successive weeks, water and snip off an inch or two Notice is hereby given that the a newspaper published at Vernonia, of the stems. No air can enter the stems and in a short time the undersigned has been appointed Ad Columbia County, Oregon. flowers will revive. ministrator of the estate of Christ WITNESS my hand and the seal To determine the freshness of Field, deceased, by the County of said Court affixed this 22 day eggs place an egg in a basin of Court of the State of Oregon, for of October, 1928. cold water, and it should sink, If Columbia County, antPhas qualified. Date of first publication, October a fresh egg is held in front of a All persons having claims against 25, 1928. candle flame in a dark room the said estate are hereby notified to Date of last publication, Novem- center will look clear. present the same to me at my of Soiled gasoline may still be usable fice, Vernonia, Oregon, with ber 22, 1928. vouchers and duly verified, within J. W. HUNT, Clerk of the Coun as the impurities will settle to the bottom and the clear gasoline may six months from the date hereof. ty Court. be poured from the top. Dated and first published Novem By H. E. VEAZIE, Deputy. For paint varnish stains probably ber 1, 1928. the best solvents are turpentine, Last publication November 29, Money For Warrant* alcohol and ammonia. 1928. I have money on hand to pay the Meat juice or blood stains ape J. W. Brown, Administrator of the Estate of Christ Field, Deceased. I , following endorsed county road protein compounds and heat coag ulates these substances as it would GORDON R. WATT, Attorney. warrants: Road district No 4 endorsed to an egg and for that reason is avoid and including August 6, 1928; Road ed. Two methods for removing these NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF district No 5 endorsed to and in stains are soaking the spot in cold cluding July 10. 1928; Road dis water, then washing with soap, or Administrator trict No 6 endorsement to and in adding ammonia or salt to water, In the County Court, cluding September 26, 1928; Road and washing with soap. State of Oregon, district No 8 endorsement to and To raise the nap of wool goods County of Columbia, including September 17, 1928; Road place a wet piece of the same ma PROBATE DEPARTMENT In the matter of the estate of district No 9 all outstanding en terial over the spot and iron with dorsed warrants; general road fund a moderately hot iron. The piece Ambrosio Damisog, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the endorsement to and including Sep will adhere and the nap raises when undersigned has been appointed Ad tember 29, 1928; Mist-Clatskanie pulled apart. If the nap is worn off ministrator of the estate of Am market, endorsement to and includ this will accomplish very little, When cleaning with gasoline, the brosio Damisog, deceased by the ing October 30, 1928. Interest ceases Friday, November garment is best well covered with County Court of the State of Ore 16, 1928. gasoline and placed in a tightly gon, for Columbia County, and bas Bessie H. Gobba, County Treas. covered vessel and allowed to stand qualified. All persons having claims several hours, or over night. If the against said estate are hereby noti-1 gasoline is warmed by being placed fied to present the same to me at in a dish of hot water, the dirt will my office, Verionia, Oregon, with be dissolved more quickly and vouchers and duly verified, within i easily. Bix months from the. date hereof. (From School of Home Economics) Dated and first published Novem n,«eSbaSsent«a,aMarsaO-Mall»: Mn Gravy is made glossy by adding ber 1, 1928. BIBLE THOUGHT AND PRAYER salt to flour before moistening. Last publication November 29, If pannta will have their children memo Warm water in place of cold in 1928. riae a Bible selection each week, it wiU pmoa sures a smooth product. J. W. Brown, Administrator of a priceleee heritage to them in after year a. With roast pork or ham, cinna the estate of Ambrosio Damisog, GOD IS MERCIFUL—Thou art deceased. a God ready to pardon, gracious mon apples or pineapple browned GORDON R. WATT, Attorney. and mercifol, slow to anger, and of in butter are delicious. If it is desirable to keep scrambl great kindness.—Nehemiah 9:17. PRAYER—O God, may Thy mer ed eggs hot for a time after pre IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE cy enable us to turn from every paring, they may be cookede in a STATE OF OREGON FOR evil way onto Thee and in Thy double boiler and kept there until COLUMBIA COUNTY time for serving. mercy live. IN THE MATTER OF THE’ The best salad course at dinner Question: To whom is strength ESTATE OF CITATION is a light course. One of the sever promised? MARTIN TOBIN, DECEASED. al salad greens with a dressing is Answer:—Isa. 40:31. To Mrs. V. R. Tobbin Potter, preferable. Meat, fish, and sweet Mrs. Ben Tobbin Wells, Mrs. Tobin fruit salads at dinner, are consid Certified Seed Clover in Oregon Kemp, James Tobin, Charles Tobin, ered too heavy. and a daughter of Mary Tobin Ladino clover was grown by a For those who like cheese, there Lindsay, deceased, address Andover, number of farmers in Oregon this are many good dishes. Cottage S. D., John F. Tobin, Salt Lake, year for seed certification. It is cheese may be used as a salad, in Utah, George R. Tobin, Louis S. probable that there will be several sandwiches, or in a hot loaf. The Tobin, Robert Tobin, Margaret Tob good crops with certification com flavor of cheese combines well with in Helm, Ruth Tobin Curtiss, Lin plete, and, according to G. R. Hys- eggs, pears, pineapple, apples, ba coln, Neb., Martin Tobin, Bridge lop, agronomist at the college, most nanas, asparagus, cauliflower, peas, Carton, Ballyfarnon, Ireland, Mrs. of the certified supply of seed in celery and potatoes. Mary Duignan, Knockkranny, Kea- the United States is in Oregon at dus P. O., Co. Roscommon, Ireland; present. Limestone Good For Lawns Maggie McLoughlin, Grangemore, Ground limestone is often a very Supply Mineral* in Mash Kingsland, Casterea, Ireland; Katie Fowls do not have much capa satisfactory dressing for lawns that Green, 9 St. Francis Gardens, Cab- ra Rd. Dublin, Ireland; Mrs. Annie city to store minerals. Most of are made up principally of Ken Ralph Miss Nora Tobin, both of these •■necessary constituents have tucky blue grass or white clover. 193 Millbrook Rd. Southhampton, to be provided continually in the On lawns of this type it is not ad England; James Tobin, 781 Fenton mash in the form of shell, salt, visable to use sulfate of ammonia Place, Dubuque, Iowa; Walter J. meat meals, ground bone, milk as it tends to make the land too sour for the blue grass and clover Tobin, Montana Bank, Bldg., Bill products and limestone. and this established. If creeping ings, Mont.; and a son of Mary bent is used in the lawn it is un- Late Planted Grain Slow Tobin Sampson; St. Paul, Minn.; Spring sown grain in Oregon is, desirable to use limestone at all, 1 Mrs. Mary Tobin Crowley, 3531 Elliott Ave. Minneappolis, Minn., if the season is good, likely to but liberal applications of sulfate heirs at law of Martin Tobin de give more productive results than I of ammonia are good. The creep- ceased, and to all other persons un grain sown after the middle of ing bent grass will usually thrive known, interested in the estate of November. Often the late planted in soils that are too sour for most grain is slow to sprout and a good of the weeds so that after a few Martin Tobin, deceased. deal of the seed rots, finds the ex- years' application of sulfate of am- IN THE NAME OF THE STATE périment station. OF OREGON, GREETING: You and each of you are hereby com Mrs. Hawkins' Mother Injured manded to appear in the above en Word has been received by Mrs. titled Court at the Court House in B. B Hawkins that her mother, the City of St. Helens, Columbia | Mrs. Miller has been seriously in County, State of Oregon, on No- jured in an automobile accident at vember 26, 1928, at 11 o’clock a. Huntington, Ark., while driving m. to show cause, if any exist, why with her son and his wife. The an order of sale should not be mad« car was knocked over an embank Auto Tops, Curtains authorizing and directing the ad ment by another car and rolled Cushions, Seat ministrator of said estate to sell at over twice. private sale the following described Teal property situated in the coun HOME POINTERS ty of Colombia and State of Ore it is best to be careful when ar- gon, to-wit: ranging the window draperies that Auto, Sign and A tract of land of aboot 40 < House Painting acres in Sec. 2 Tp. 5 N. R. 4 West] MARK EVERY GRAVE of the Willamette Meridian, as re served by Martin Tobin, deceased Memorials in granite and marble at reduced prices ia his deed to the Fir Tree Lumber WRITE FOR PARTICULARS Co., dated April 6th. 1910, and re Decorating, Tinting corded in Book 13 at page 280 of Oregon Monument Works Calcimining the Deed Records of Columbia Fourth and Main St, Hillsboro county, Oregon, on the 9th day of April, 1910, to which deed record reference is hereby made for a more complete description of said M. D. COLE land and rights therein, as prayed for in the petition filed by said Dentist administrator in the above entitled .•state. Next door to Brown Fur Vernonia, Oregon This Citation is issued pursuant niture. Phone 1021 We Fix ’Em Up Vernonia Auto Top & Paint Shop to an order duly made by the Hon- monia generally the creeping bent lassies class. Cooked food sale by is able to survive where many of Junior C. E. Saturday. I’lan to help the weeds will not. these children in the food sales. Dinner Thanksgiving day at the Church of Christ church 6:00, no charge. Men of the Bible school 10, men’s class in mill, or women who live alone, are charge. This is family day. Bring especially invited to share in the the whole family to Bible school fellowship on Thanksgiving day. Esther Leavitt, Minister. next Sunday. How many entire fam ilies will be there? Memorize Psalm 122:1. Canary Grata Successful Communion 11, “Let Us Give Thanks,” sermon by Mrs. Leavitt. Reed canary grass, which has Junior and intermediate C. E. so been found successful as a forage cieties meet at 6:30, splendid pro crop in swampy sections of west grams. Evening worship, orchestra ern Oregon, is attracting considera prelude 7:25, sermon “Ingratitude.” ble attention in the midwest states. Bible study Thursdays 7:30, Book Various newspaper stories about its of Revelation. usefulness in this state having in terested ........... farmers in Iowa Loyal Gleaners meet at the home,«.«^ ... Minnesota, ........------ - — —- of Mrs. Jim Monger Friday after- and other sections of the Mississippi noon. valley. Reed canary grass is hardy Candy sale Saturday by Loyal and grows in many of the swamps in the middle west. It is an excel« lent pasture grass and is one of the high yielding hay grasses of the Iowa experiment station. Harry Williquette Jeweler and Expert Watchmaker LESTER SHEELEY Attomey-at-Law Vernonia, Oregon Manufacturing Jeweler WORK GUARANTEED Opposite Joy Theatre When Winter Winds Blow You can feel snug and comfortable if your bin is full of Gasco Bric- quetes. It is free burn ing ,light in ash, yet it gives more heat and burns longer than many other kinds. BRICQUETS $17 per ton Sold in Portland for $15.75 VERNONIA TRADING CO Lodge Notices Mountain Heart Rebekah Lodge No. 243 No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets every sec ond and fourth Thursdays in W. O. W. hall, Vernonia. Visitors al ways welcome. Mrs. Myrtle John, N. G. Mrs. Hazel Thompson, Sec. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS HARDING LODGE 116 Meets every Monday at 8 P.M. in Grange hall. R. M. Aldrich, C. C. Harry Culbertson, KRS Woodmen of the World W. O. W. Vernonia Camp No. 655 meets every Wednesday night at 7:30, at the new W.O.W. hall. Visiting members welcome. ROBERT LINDSAY, C. C. H. S. Strong, Cuerk. A. F. & A. M. Vernonia Lodge, No. 184 A. F. & A. M., meets at Grange Hall every Second and Fourth Thursday nights. Visitors Welcome Levert Goodin, Secretary. American Legion Vernonia Post 119, American Le gion. Meets second and fourth Tues- days each month, 8 p. m. John Hay, Adjutant. GENUINE Ford Batteries 13 PLATE $8.50 Allowance Made on Your Old Battery Crawford Motor Co. FORD DEALER Order of Eastern Star Nehalem Chapter 153, O. E. S. Regular communi cation first and third Wednesdays of each month. All visiting sisters and brothers wel come. Catherin« McNeill, W. M. American Legion Auxiliary Meet* first and third Mon days of each month nt the Legion Hall. Mrs. C. J. Nance, President. Mrs. P. Wideman, Secretary. I. O. O. F. LO.O.F. Lodge No. 246 meets every Tuesday night a* 6 o’clock, ia Grange halL Vis itors always welcome. John Glasener, N. G. H. E. Stevenson, See.