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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1928)
tfc r noma facile VERNONIA, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1928 VOL. 7 NO. 1« in Hay Found Government Corner Plain Ceremony Good Boxing Poison By Red Cross Feeding Rabbits Mac’s'Pharmacy Stake Travels Far Livestock deaths as a result of Is Moving Into section corner Names Temple Card Expected eating Drive Opens stake A set government sweet clover hay have re up near Stevenson, Wash., sulted in prejudice against this type 1859, has just been found on of feed. If properly cured, how beach at Port Orford more than Masonic Grand Lodge Offi Gordon-Burbank Match Be ever, this hay is equal to alfalfa Larger Quarters In Vernonia in the 500 miles distant. cials Guests of Vernonia ing Staged on Money Back Mrs. H. B. Church Is Local Chairman According to a report received on November 14, at the Portland office of the U.S. Forest service from A. G. Jackson of the Siskiyou forest, a government corner stake was recently found on the beach at Port Orford. The stake is of Douglas fir, 4 inches square, plainly scribed as what surveyors call a “meander corner” which is usually set along streams. Upon checking the original central land office plats in the forest service offices in Portland, it was found that this stake was set in 1859, by Van Vleet and Newson, who were surveying the mid-Columbia region in the vi cinity of Stevenson, Wash., in that year. This survey was approved on April 16, 1860, et Olympia, by James Tilton, surveyor-general of Washington territory. The stake was evidently set origi nally near the high water mark on the north bank of the Columbia river and subsequently was taken out by floods, drifting down the river to the sea, and finally, after no one knows how long a time, find ing a resting place at Port Orford, more than 500 miles from its origi nal location. The stake is reported to show clearly the old markings and to read MCS11T2NR7E on one side and MCS2 on the opposite side, which, in a surveyor’s language, means meander corner of section 11 township 2 north range 7 east, and meander corner of section 2. Lodge Here Saturday. Guarantee Basis. in feeding value and is as palatable. It is molded or spoiled sweet clover hay or silage which produces a type of poisoning in cattle, according to F. L. Ballard, state county agqnt leader. Examinations indicate that blood from animals suffering from the results of consuming spoiled sweet clover hay shows loss of coag ulating power. When this condition becomes acute the blood passes through the walls of the blood ves sels and the immediate cause of death is loss of blood. Investiga tions in North Dakota indicate that the disease is primarily one of young cattle, but is not uncommon in older cattle. Exhaustive experiments have proved that sheep sometimes react to this poison but under normal conditions do not. At the North Dakota experiment station rabbits have been used as an indicator as they react to the poison more rap idly than young cattle, often ar riving at the bleeding stage with in six days. Feeding the rabbits and cattle from the same supply of sweet clover or hay or silage has been recommended a3 one way of testing the feed. There are no au thentic reports of any poisoning from sweet clover hay carefully cured in the field and stored in such a manner as to avoid wetting and subsequent heating. Modern Soda Fountain Hai The dedication of the Masonic That there will be a fight, and temple was attended by one of the a good one, is the positive an Been Installed largest assemblages of Masons and nouncement of Jack Capri, match affiliated bodies ever seen in north maker for the Vernonia baxing western Oregon. Fully 350 were commission, for the coming boxing present from this community and match Saturday night between Sai adjacent vicinities, Portland, Long lor Willie Gordon and Jack Bur view, Kelso, St. Helens, Seaside, bank. This is being staged with a Astoria, Clatskanie, Rainier, Scap money back guarantee and the poose, Forest Grove, Hillsboro and cards announce that all fighters Will Ob»erve Golden Rule Sunday New Store Hat Attractive Feature other points in Oregon and Wash will be on the ground at 2 p.m. December 2; Budget Calls ington. In Sound-Proof Record Room that day and all camps will be no The dedication was in charge of tified immediately on the arrival of For $6,000,000 For Phonographs the Grand Lodge of Oregon. Rex the fighters. I W. Davis, of Salem, grand master, This precaution has been taken presided over the ceremonies as because of ill feeling arising from Active solicitation for Red Cross Mac’s Pharmacy will move this sisted by Milton W. Myers of Salem, the non-appearance of Young Sam memberships has been started in week to the new location in the deputy grand master, Dr. Otto W. Langford, one of the headliners for Vernonia. Mrs. H. B. Church is building next to the Joy theatre Hagmier, JSeaside, senior grand the last fight card on election day. chairman of this district for 1928 which was recently purchased from warden; Herbert Toney, McMinn In the semi-final, Dove Knight and has already raised money nearly Lewis Brown. No effort has been ville, junior grand warden; Wm. of Connacher camp will mix with equal to any amount ever raised G. Wharto, Portland, senior grand Andy Lewis of Portland. Knight is spared by K. A. McNeill, the prop here in former years. She has ask rietor, in making this an up-to-date, tyler; Rev. W. W. Youngston, Port a main eventer and Lewis is ex ed prominent members of various modern drug store, and many new land, senior grand chaplain; Loyal pected to put up a good scrap for organizations to make special ap H. McCarthy, Portland, grand mar him. features have been installed. peals for contributions in their shal. The following appointive of Probably the most notable ad Vernonia fighters who will ap lodges or clubs, and states that ficers also assisted: Charles L. Wood pear on the card are Joe Raymer, dition to the beauty of the store every house in Vernonia will be Portland, Ivan A. Shearer, Vernon Dane Brady, Young Gordy, and is the new Weber soda fountain canvassed in order to secure a ia, Mr. Wendell and Mr. Bartlett, Sam Scott. which occupies a prominent posi good representation in the Red Portland; Mr. Hanna, Vernonia, Mr. tion in the fore part of the store. Cross membership in Vernonia this Rosebrough, St. Helens. The Weber soda dispenser is said year. With simple pomp and ceremony Grade School Deafeats to be the most modern equipment In writing to the International these officials performed the dedi of its kind and embodies many im St. Helens Grade 7-6 Golden Rule committee in New cation amid the good fellowship and provements over the conventional York, President Coolidge said: “I friendship of the attending Masons fountain. The Vernonia grade school de- regard International Golden Rule and well wishers. The attendance feated the St. Helens grade school It is electrically refrigerated in Sunday as a movement of much im of eight Grand Lodge officials, 7 to 6 on the Vernonia field Sat- six different zones which means portance. Begun in an attempt to marked an epoch in dedication cere urday. The football game was that the syrup jars, the crushed care for the orphaned children monies in Oregon as being the loosely played, much yardage be- fruit jars, bottled drink compart of Bible lands, it has beeen extend largest number ever attending such ing gained by both teams. In the ment, the syrup and soda coils, the ed to other countries. a ceremony and bespoke the esteem third six-minute quarter, St. Hel- ice cream compartment and the The wedding was solemnized at in which Vernonia lodge is held for .ens scored by an off-tackle brick compartment are all kept at “Practical help is the best ex the Christian church parsonage be its initiative and aggressiveness in from the three-yard line. They a different temperature. This com pression of friendship. The aid we tween Laura Mae Martz, daughter plete refrigeration insures the serv building such a temple for their ed to convert. may give of our abundance to those of Mrs. Sadie Martz of Woodburn At the regular meeting of the home. less fortunately situated than we In the last quarter Vernonia ral and Charles H. Schultz. Present at ing of fountain drinks cooled to The evening was marked by a lied 34 degrees at all times and elimiu- should be of great value in bring Parent Teacher association it was and moved the pigskin down the ceremony were Mrs. Sadie Martz ates decided to try serving milk in the program including speeches by all the field the icing of drinks. ing about the application of the by long end runs, for and her three sons, Charles, Glenn for one month. The idea schools grand lodge officials who compli The syrups are contained in her- Golden Rule to the settlement of ward passes and line bucks to the and Mrs. and Roy Martz, and Mr. mother who wishes her any is that mented Vernonia Lodge No. 184, metically sealed gallon jars, main misunderstandings among nations as child to have a half pint of milk, A. F. & A. M., one of the newest 10-yard line, where Arthur Hanson W. R. Warner and their two sons tained at a constant low tempera well as among individuals. carried around left end for a touch Ralph and Gordon. which would be served at the morn lodges in Oregon and having a ture and are served under 15 “I hope the voluntary observance After the ceremony a wedding pounds pressure. Hermetical sealing recess, would pay fifteen cents membership of only about 75, for down. He also carried the ball over of this day may become increasing- ing from the 10-yard line for the extra supper was served at the Horseshoe a week in advance to the teacher. protects the syrups from dirt, dust ly prevalent in America and This makes the cost only three cents having been able, through the ac point as the final whistle blew. Cafe by Mrs. W. R. Warner, sister or other foreign substances. tive cooperation of its members and throughout the world.” of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Schultz a day and the members of the Masons residing here and elsewhere, The ice cream compartment has Members of the Near East com Parent Teacher association feel that to complete a temple worthy of a Rebekahs Hold District will make their home in Vernonia, a capacity for 30 gallons of bulk, mittee state tha. by no one is the the glass of milk is worth infinitely much larger and richer lodge. where Mr. Schultz is employed at and 12 gallons of brick ice cream. Convention at Clatskanie the stage depot. spirit of the Golden Rule under more than that especially to chil Ray Charlesworth’s orchestra Monel metal, with its bright silvery stood better than by the orphan dren who are abnormally under played several selections which were appearance -is used for all metal children of the Near East, They weight. The annual district convention of heartily applauded by the assembled parts. The .counter is a remarkably are always eager to give in their Mrs. Judd Greenman was appoint company as were also the violin Rebekah lodges of this district was finished piece of oak, stained in Chamber of Commerce turn. held at Clatskanie November 13. ed a committee to see the city solo by Miss Charlotte Green, vocal driftwood one o^ the newest colors. On Golden Rule Sunday each council about having a curfew rung solo by Miss LaVelle Gosa and Twenty members attended from Men Attend Meeting Seven leather cushioned seats on Vernonia. Mrs. Louise Perazzi, pres year the Near East Relief orphan- at nine o’clock every night. Mrs. piano solo by Mrs. W. Culver. a tiled base insure the comfort of Held At Cathlamet ident of the Rebekah Assembly, pre ages observe the day, sacrificing E. A. Green was appointed chair Previous to the dedication the the patrons. their meat or a full meal, and con- man of the committee in charge Women’s Missionary Society of the sided for both the afternoon and The most striking feature of the evening sessions. tributing the savings to some need. of the Red Cross memberships. Miss Evangelical church served a chicken fountain, however, is the vari-col- Lodges taking part were: Clats Last year the children on the Is Krause reported that her room had supper in honor of the Grand Lodge W. W. Wolff and Lester Sheeley ored tile front which adds a fin land of Syra and at the Kephissia purchased a clock with the $2.50 officials and officers of Vernonia kanie, Rainier, St. Helens and Ver attended the meeting of the board ishing touch of beauty to the en nonia, the latter putting on the of governors of the Lower Colum tire equipment and has elicited street orphanage in Athens ate won for the largest attendance at lodge. only bread on Golden Rule Sunday the meetings last month. An Indian A buffet luncheon consisting of initiatory degree. The next conven bia Associated Chambers of Com many compliments from people who and saved enough money to finance song by boys of the second grade sandwiches, ice cream and cake was tion will be held in Vernonia. Of merce at Cathlamet, Wash., Nov have visited the store since the for a year a day nursery in one and piano solo by Nelle Green con- served by the ladies of Nehalem ficers elected from Mountain Heart ember 12. The Columbia River fountain has been installed. of the refugee camps. They re eluded the afternoon program, The Chapter, No. 153, Order of Eastern lodge were Mrs. Mae Mellinger and Sun, published there, made the fol- The back bar was built locally peated the sacrifice at the time of treasurer reported a balance of Star assisted by girls of the Order Mrs. E. S. Thompson. lovring comment on the meeting last by W. S. McDaniels and reflects the Corinth earthquakes and con $65.72. week: of Rainbow after the program. great credit on his ability as a cab tributed toward the maintenance of Following the reports of com inet maker. It is designed to match The lodge has been the recipient Station KOAC Resumes a feeding station for 500 baby C T C Tire» Back mittees, the different communities the rest of the store fixtures. The of many beautiful gifts by both Regular Broadcasting , were asked to submit their prob- sufferers. local and outside members so that counter is of oak flooring and like On Market Again [ iems, that a united effort could be Perhaps the most touching of when completely finished the temple Corvallis, Nov. 19.—Back on the made to solve them and several the fountain is finished in drift all the sacrifices was that of a will represent one of the best if An announcement of interest to not the best temples in Columbia air after a complete remodeling, were discussed. Lester Sheeley, sec wood. The mirror is 44 by 80 in group of ex-orphan boys in Jerusa ches. The frigidaire compressor is radio station KOAC is now broad tire dealers and tire consumers lem. By scrimping and saving out county and will be the meeting casting its daily programs over a retary of the Vernonia Chamber in a concrete pit underneath the throughout Oregon, Washington and of Commerce, gave a very interest of their first small wages, they sent place from this week for Vernonia new modern 1000 watt set. Pro fountain which eliminates the noise $65 to help certain Americans who, California was received recently Lodge No. 184, A. F. & A. M„ ev grams for the present will be broad ing talk on the road problem con of the motor in the store. from J. F. Cullen, recently elected fronting Vernonia. Mr. Sheeley is they heard, were in distress. To ery second and fourth Thursday, The fountain is also equipped and general manager of Nehalem Chapter No. 153, O. E. S. cast during the noon hour, from a forceful speaker and presented the Near East Relief director to president 2:30 to 4 o’clock in the afternoon, his subject in a convincing manner with an automatic toasted sandwich the new C. T. C. ~ Tire & - - - - Rubber whom they intrusted the money for every first and third Wednesday and from 7 to 8 o’clock in the machine. an electrically heated which won the approval of the or- coffee urn, two milk shakers, and transportation they said, “America Co., Portland. and Order of Rainbow for Girls. evening. T C ” is well known The name ‘ C ganization. helped us when we were in distress. a hot cup for serving hot drinks. Markets, weather reports, brief A discussion of the fishing in- We have heard about the Mississ throughout the Pacific states, due Thrift Essay Contest The whole store has been rede timely farm topics and a few musi I dustry and propagation was had on to intensive advertising and ener ippi and Vermont floods and want cal numbers will make up the noon the floor but no definite action corated and made up-to-date. getic sales wMS done over the past Now Being Conducted to help in our turn.” The money Another feature, of particular in program. Afternoons, dedicated to was taken. was sent to the Red Cross in Wash several years. The C T C Tire & terest to music lovers is a sound the interests of the housewife, will A radio thrift essay contest is Rubber Co., according to Culleen, is The next meeting of the associa- proof record room. This room situ-, ington, whose acknowledging letter include the -popular Aunt Sally’s be held at Longview ated near the back of the store has expressed full appreciation of what the new company that has just being conducted throughout the Pa chats. Lectures and items of gen- l-tion u[ will taken over the plant and all assets cific northwest by the American, at wnlcn which ume time ! about Jan January 12 8l the gift meant in live and grati- ......... - — v — ...... - • — ...................... ««1 interest, including some agri- the various members of the legia_ a glass door and panels, and in of the old Columbia Tire Corpora- j Trust company of Portland. Prizes tude and sacrifice. sures patrons the pleasure of listen tion, ......... and will start at once to man-!of deposits on one of the Company s cultural material, will be used in the ] a j ure be present. : ,.x_ x _ xu _ _______ xi • z»x _ . . .. x _____ i __________ r — ' ouonincr brtity ing to phonograph records without from ¡evening hour. ufacture and distribute the new C thrift accounts and range outside interruption or interference. Bergerson Tallest Man . , * ““* ' a new high wave length T C line, which includes tires and $100 to $5 in the senior division] Assigned The lighting fixtures are very 534.4 meters, KOAC is now Annual Christian Endeavor which includes all persons over 12 of tubes. . % . { , - On O. S. C. Rook Team In the announcement of the new years of age and from $25 to $5 ] found at the extreme upper end j adequate. Three large white chande Rally Held at Clatskanie liers provide the main illumination. mcludes of the dial. organization Mr. Cullen also gave in the junior division which ^ludes | Three reflected lights in each win Oregon State Agricultural Col details regarding the new C T C all persons under 12 years W age.] ---------------------- | . Chamber Eating Ducks Tonight The annual Christian Endeavor dow and three lights in the back lege, Corvallis, Nov. 22 — Gilbert lire. It will be competitive in price The winning essay in each division Bergerson, a former Vernonia high I and built on the modern trend, will be read over radio station KEX I Members of the Vernonia Cham- rally was held at Clatskanie last bar add additional light and beauty school man, is playing tackle on which places a premimum on long and over radio station KTBR, dur her of Commerce wil lenjoy a duck week end. Delegates from Vernonia, to the store. Plate glass windows have been the Oregon State freshman foot wear and durability. Those who re ing one of the American Trust dinner tonight at 6 p.m. to be served Yankton, St. Helens, Scappoose, As- ® . in ____ — v.‘ ' k.. ’. r Ladies Aid A 1.1 at the Christian toria and and ClatakAnie nrnsent. put in and swinging doors which ’ . s regular talk i hours. The hy O the Clatskanie w.r, were' present, ball team. He is expected to win member favorably the old C. T. C. company his . freshman class numerals in tire of the Columbia Tire Corpora first three winners in each division church social room. The ducks are: Saturday eveninb was spent in i are set back about two feet from football. He is registered in the tion will have a pleasant surprisie, will be announced over those sta- being furnished by sportsmen of entertainment, Sunday afternoon an the front of the store. The windows I the the Chamber Chamber of of Commerce Commerce and and the the executive executive meeting meeting was was held and ’ are large enough to allow good dis school of vocational education and as the new C T C Tire & Rubber tiong “. E. I plays. The store is 20 by 98 feet The essays are limited to 1000 ¡cooking is done through the cour- Sunday eveninp the regular C. education and is a pledge to the Co. product has a heavier non-skid and much larger than. the present Sigma Phi Sigma fraternity. tread, built on heavier carcass, the words in the senior division and to' tesy of Wm. Warner of the Horse- meeting was held. The C. E. took location. The front has been paint Bergerson has the distinction of | side wall construction made heavier 500 words in the junior division. If "hoe Cafe. Those selling tickets■ charge of the church services for I ed green and buff. beeing the taijest man oh the fresh-] also in proportion. Heavier weight requires that all essays shall be up-! for the affair are giving the infor-j that evening. The dispensary is fully equipped man team, being 6 feet 6 inches! cord ply and high grade amber on some phase of thrift and that mation that there will be a whole --------- ------ —— and the larger space makes it pos- tall. In addition to this he is one friction stock are used. The recon they be written in such a way as duck on each plate. , Kammer Win» Prize» Wins Prizes . _ . . - • sible for everything to be arranged of the heaviest men on the squad, struction is in all models of the will be likely to increase active in-] At Beaverton Air Meet handily and for prescriptions to be Sunday la Family Day weighing 217 pounds. So far this C T C line, including balloons, terest in thrift. The contest ends dispensed quickly and accurately. The men's class of the Christian season he has proved to be one of high pressure tires, and commercial December 31 at midnight. ------- . _____ Frank ______ Kammer, _ pilot of the The new stove is a circulating heat- the hardest men on the yearling heavy duty types. Not an ounce of Material is being furnished pros- church will have charge of the team to get by. Bergerson is doped reclaimed rubber is used n. any pective essayists by means of 15- Sunday school Sunday. This is to Eaglerock airplane owned by the er which provides an even tempera- Vernonia Flying Service, won every! ture throughout the store. to be a big assistance to the varsity new C T C tires. minute thrift talks made over radio! be family day and they are anxious prize but the parachute jump at! In his advertisement this week, team next year. station KEX every Thursday even- to see how many whole families the air meet held at Beaverton last'Mr. McNeill extends a cordial in »«.ov Sow Alfalfa in Spring ing at 5:45 o’clock and over radio J can be present. The men’s class is lilt an Ilicrv lltiu ai to the public to inspect the Chief Jenkins To Speak Success with alfalfa in western station KTBR even' Thursday even-j financing the improvements which week. They included a dead stick' vitation 8:30 church. — Last landing, stunting, and a 15-mile new store, which will be formally uregon usually depends uepenas upon spring ing at a :ov o ’clock. cioca. The i ne talks will, are being made to ™ the —... ............ Rev. G. W. Plumer has announ- Oregon opened Monday morning of next ced that Chief L. V. Jenkins of the sowing without a nurse crop and us- embrace a history of thrift from its week a new flue was put in and race. participating in the air week. Every effort has been made He is its this week storm doors are being ing inoculated seed on a fine, firm most primitive beginnings to Portland police department will de meet at Colfax, Wash., this week. to provide for the convenience of i put on and an entry made. liver an address at the time of the river bottom lands usually do not present day status, patrons and equip the new store I — — — — — — — need so much lime but many of| ----------------------- ?• evening service in the Evangelical Mrs. Dolph Hardesty of Seaside with everything of a standard com the plaster applied early in the Paul Wiggins, who is working in Miss Alma Kullander returned on church here Sunday. He will bring parable with the best pharmaciea a special singer with him, accord spring is helpful, finds the experi-, Valsetz, spent the week with his Monday from a ^week’s vacation in spent a week visiting the R. A. of today. Smith and M. J. Hanson families. Independence and Eugene. ment station. family here. ing to Mr. Plumer. To Solicit Everyone Will Serve Milk To School Kiddies j j Martz-Schultz Wed ding on Tuesday Next to Joy Theatre