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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1928)
THURSDAY, FIVE VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON 1928 i MISCELLANEOUS St. Helena—First National Bank Wiggins entertained Miss Bcssla Whippet and Ford Clash I The United State! D< artineiit of 1 Agi ¡culture has a Lulletin on the 1 here inervases capital si sel: to $50,. IF YOU W ANT to i uy, sell, of McDonald to supper Sunday eve- On Inland Loop Saturday subject. rent a home or ranch, it will 000. ning. 9tf I______________________________ _ pay you to see Jos, Scott. A Whippet sedan driven by E. . the windfall apples may If you are leaving town for a I PROSPECTS FOR business: We w weeks, put your valuable sil- Barnett of Hillsboro and a Ford , * an' °. as sauce or pie apples, have many more positions for verware, jewely and other articles touring car driven by Irving be fan"ed with as little water young men and stenographers A baby girl was born to Mr. and in a safety deposit box, where Knowles of Mist crashed on the In- < Cook th^m w,t\ anu bookkeepers and well qualified September 29. " Mrs. R. Sword they will be safe from fire and land loop road about one-fourth as P°«%,e> ?w’et®n to taste’ min- young women than we can fill, mile south of Mist early Saturday: P’ck J><»«>ng hot. Process theft. Bank of Vernonia.—adv. We have also many desirable morning without severely damaging ,,tes ,n a hot water bath- o. T. Bateman has been on the places for young girls to work sick list for the past few days. Amy Hughes left last Tuesday either car. for their board and room. Long Crisp cookies are wholesome in for Eugene to continue her studies I Irving Knowles was turning his view is growing fast—come and Georgia Fairbanks has returned in music at University of Oregon. Ford in at his gate when the the school lunch box. If you have’nt grow with it. Enroll in a school to Willamette university. She played the organ at the Joy I sedan came around a blind curve a recipe, send for Farmers’ Bulle of individual instruction. Trade tin 1450-F, Home Baking. You! FOR SALE Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Meyer were theatre during the absence last |ahead of him at a high rate of will also find in it good recipes at home. Longview Business Col week of Frank Spencer who was Being unable to stop, it ■ speed. 34 ACRES—10 miles from Verno lege. in Portland over the week cr.d. __________________ 8tf called to The Dalles on account struck the back wheel of the Ford for doughnuts, for biscuits, muf- nia on county road, 5 a. cleared. fins, popovers, and various kinds Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Berney have of the illness of his mother. causing the sedan i with a crash, of cake, as well as directions for $500, with terms. Especially well WHY PAY RENT—when you can moved to St. Helens. side. buy a home on ¡¿radically rental adapted for two things, one is making yeast bread. Members of the American Le- to tip over on its 9tf The sedan was straightened up raising bees, the other I will er- terms? See Jos. Scott. Mr. "nd Mrs. Dudley Nickson of gion Auxiliary are requested by Choose designs for children’s plain if you call at my office. Keasey were in Vernonia Friday. the committee compiling the new and was able to continue on its 9tf A cook books to each send in at way with only a broken glass, a clothes with ironing in mind, J°s- Scott. Emil Messing, Judge D. B. Rea-, least one recipe and as many more sprung axle, and a bent fender. whether you make the clothes your AUTOMOBILE for sale, 1925 Stu son er and E. W. Holtham went to as they wish as soon as possible The only damage the Ford re self or buy them readymade. Fussy I debaker, reasonable. Mrs. R. A. Mountain Heart Club Will Hold ceived was a broken hub cap. Seaside on a fishing trip Sunday. to Mrs. Earl Shay, Vernonia. ruffles and queer-shaped parts take Space, or inquire at bank.______ 82 Luckily, none of the occupants of up the time of the Bazaar and Cooked Food ’ ’ laundress, and K. W. Bently of Portland is Dr. George Pasto recenty wrote either car was injured. SMALL HOUSE and garage on never look so Sale November 10 well after washing the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. an article on “Unusual Uses of and ironing as trim, smooth gar-1 Rose avenue. $600, with terms. There will be a fish pond, coun Laramore. the Blood Pressure Apparatus” Lincoln Improving New Home ments that are well-cut and made For particulars see Jos. Scott. 3tf try «tore, and needlework of all Dr. J. A. Hughes’ house, Sec of interesting materials. kinds. At Van Alstine Building. A baby boy was born to Mr. which appeared in the Medical Sen FOR SALE—Majestic “B” bat-1 and Mrs. E. Villaneux September tinel which is published in Port ond and Main street, was recently tery eliminator; Elkon All Dry I Oysters are in season again. They 16. He has been named Ronald. land and was copied in the South purchased by J. C. Lincoln, pro ern Medical and Surgery, the offi jnrietor of the Lincoln Candy are extremely valuable as a source “A” battery eliminator, reasonable. 1* Fifty-two new safety deposit cial organ of the tn-state medical Kitchen. of various minerals needed by the Apply 651 Rose aveenue. LESTER SHEELEY boxes have been installed at the association of North and South Mr. Lincoln is having the house body. . Like other fresh fish, they 4-ROOM — — - —-- modern tiiuuttn nvuov house vzai on unugi! Bridge ; Bank of Vernonia. Rent one now. Carolina and Virginia. remodeled and many modern con- supply iodine, and should be eaten street. Small cash payment, bal-i Attomey-at-Law —adv. like rent. Jos. Scott. .......................... Rtf T. Gordon and A. C. Alexander veniences added, A bedroom Is (when possible if other sea foods ance Vernonia, Oregon Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Parker visited left Vernonia on a sight-seeing trip being constructed on the large are hard to get. If you like fried l FOR RENT Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Nichols at Thursday, driving through eastern; back porch. The house will tie oysters, dip them in egg and bread ' I crumbs and then let them stand FOR RENT—4 room house, mod ’Washington, where they stopped to i painted^, and a lawn planted. jjroutdale Sunday. ern. Inquire 1162 State street. Dr. _ . inspect the latter's propertv, on to i F “ Hughes and J • his — mother tl— are a while to harden the coating be- 91* Miss Beatrice Anderson and Miss tho Canadian border, near Seattle now living in the Folger apart- fore frying. DR. L. W. GRIFFITH ; Gladys Grant spent the week end anfj returned home Sunday after- nients, , above the Vernonia Drug' LOST Eyesight Specialist Company. Mr. Lincoln and family When pan-boiling steak be sure LOST—Ladies 15 J. Swiss watch, at their homes m Portland. noon. Mr. Gordon reported that " ‘ Accurate Fitting of Glasses of have the skillet very, very hot to are still in their home back Will Be Located at Joy white gold case with white gold While Lewis Laramore was driv- ^bc apple crop in eastern Washing- the candy kitchen, but expect to at the start. Put the steak in the bracelet. Leave at Kullander’s Jew Theatre Building ing their car along Pebble Creek | *on is ‘s very very large. large, lightly greased hot skillet, turn elry Store. Reward. move into the new place soon. road a truck backed into it and ----1 I Roy A. Porterfield, W. Porter, quickly from side to side until tore off the radiator. C. J. Bleile, W. Hutchinsin, F. L. In Memoriam—Myrtle Clem well seared, then cook at reduced __ ' ’ Leonard, ------- J, F. Glancy, W. Van A sister dear from us is gone; heat to the desired degree,—rare, ’ Mrs. C. L. Gibson returned A voice we love is stilled, | medium or well done. Serve Tuesday from Portland where she Koughnut, H. D. Dodge, and R. A place is vacant in our midst i promptly on a hot platter, and add had spent two weeks with her! Rasch of Washington, D. C. rep resenting the valuation department That never can be filled. the seasoning of butter, salt, and sister Mrs. E. McCoy. i a little pepper, after meat is done of interstate commerce have been Know that your valuables are in Vernonia for the past week, Whereas it has pleased God in ( put on the platter. In turning the safe from fire and theft by appraising the railroads, They have His all-Wise providence to remove, steak, put the fork into the fat ting them in a safety deposit been staying at the Hy Van from this earthly sphere Myrtle! or edges, not into the center, or —adv. ■Clem, a loved sister of our temple, I the juice will run out. hotel. Resolved, that the removal of | --------------------- Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Lee are the Crawford Motor Company has|such a life leaves a vacancy and Slaughter After 8 to 12 Months ERNONIA Garage & Repair parents of a baby girl who was recently made deliveries on Ford | shadow that will be deeply re-! The most profitable age at which Shop, successors to C. O. born September 26. She has been trucks to C. D. Cason, Nehalem — alized by family and friends. to slaughter hogs is usually be Thomas Garage, has moved named Mary LaVonne. Dairy Products Company, and W. Resolved, that Vernonia Temple tween 8 and 12 months. O. Porterfield. J. Stockton pur the equipment and stock to No. 61, Pythian Sisters, of which The choral club will meet for Disk Ground For Seed Bed. the garage next to the Hy- rehearsal at the home of Mrs. chased a four-door sedan, C. B. Myrtle Clem was a member, de of Treharne a Ford delivery sires to extend to her family, sym | In preparing the seed-bed P. B. Wiggins Tuesday evening at Uhline Van hotel, and are installing E. A. Shipman a Ford tour- pathy in their great bereavement. I winter wheat following a cultivated 7:30 P. M. All interested in mu- truck, ing car, T. M. Kaphammer a Ford new equipment to take care Resolved, that a copy of these I crop such as soybeans or corn, there sic are invited to attend. I roadster, A. H. Erb a Ford coupe, resolutions be spread upon the rec I is considerable saving in labor if of all mechanical and electrical automo Mrs. J. A. Santee, Miss Eva and A. C. Brown a two-door se- ords of this temple, a copy printed . the ground is prepared by disking bile work, tires and repairs. Santee and A. E. Santee of Van- dan. in the local paper, and a copy be ■ rather than by plowing, specialists couver, Wash., visited Mrs. Ben tendered to her family. I of the U. S. Department of Agrl- New Denosit Boxe« Installed Committee Pythian Sisters, Ver j culture state. Bennett and Miss Florence Santee ------------------------- • The Bank of Vernonia installed nonia Temple No. 61. Sunday. All Work 52 new deposit boxes last week, Kathryn Hoffman, ¿^g^I'or 5 years Dr. Luzader, of various sizes. H. E. McGraw «■*\For Absolutely Guaranteed Ellen McDonald $5693.62 Received By eyesight specialist, has been I stated that their other boxes were 91 , , Anna Allen. County From Licenses making monthly visits to Vernonia. | all filled and there was a demand Red Clover Seed Prices for more. His next visit will be Nov. 5, 6, Advance Some Last Week Columbia county’s share of mo office at Kullander’s. Have ney received for motor vehicle Athletic Association your eyes examined.—adv. Red clover seed prices advanced operator registrations from March 1928, "" “ is last week, according to the weekly 16 to September 15, Resumes Pratices Lawrence Dickson, Marshall $5693.62, according to a statement market review of the O. A. C. ex Malmsten, LeRoy Malmsten, Robert The members of the Girls’ Ath tension service. Hay and grain just issued by Hal E. Hoss, secre- .Hoffman and Percy Bergerson have letic Association of Vernonia, have prices were generally steady to tary of state. Ask for Jimmy resumed their studies at the O. S. I practiced every Monday and firm. Butter production is increas The Oregon law provides that C., Corvallis. ing and the storage shortage is after payrpnt of administrative | Wednesday afternoon. As the students are required reduced. The wool markets are expenses the balance remaining A safety deposit box is the shall be disposed of, thrie fourth.- proper place to keep valuable to have some physical training this easier abroad. Barley prices continued to ad to the state highway fund, and papers' to insure their not being | year, most of the girls of the Ver destroyed by fire. You can rent nonia high school joined the Girls’ ( vance last week and oats and corn one-fourth to the counties in pro a box of any size at the Bank of Athletic Asociation. They practice were firm. The general trend of portion to the amount of ! every Monday and Wednesday after the hay market continues moder moneys which shall have been Vernonia.—adv. ately upward. Alfalfa is selling ceived from such counties fjr school is dismissed. Miss Bethel Edmonds of St. Hel higher than a year ago and well censes. ens visited her sister Mrs. P. B. i above two years ago. Plan Aeronautical Course Columbia county turned IViggins over the week end. Mrs. Some suctrestions of a reduction total Increased interest in study • QÍ of $255,234.71 during This is the season when chains are a in the total potato crop comes aeronautical engineering has been period. Sixteen counties turned necessity tor every automobile. The best 1 ecognized at Oregon State Col from reports of damage from frost over amounts gi eater lege in preparations to provide a and disease but on the whole the county. of drivers, using new tires, can not pre curriculum in the engineering crop continued to make favorable vent skidding in some places. Good Fattening for Poultry school suited to the needs of stu- progress. A good fattening ration Increasing production is causing I dents in this field. One specialized | course in aeronautical engineering light withdrawals of storage butter poultry may be made of 6 part; i is provided this term in the de- and a shift from bullish senti- by weighing, of corn meal. 2 part:- ' partment of mechanical engineering ment to bearishness in the dairy of ground oats (without hulls,) and 2 parts of middlings, according to which is now under the leadership products trade. the U. S. Department of Agricul of Professor F. G. Baender, for ture. Mix this ration with milk, mer designing engineer for a large “INSIDE” Information motor company. Next year courses Many fruits other than apples using 2 pounds to 1 pound in airplane and airplane engine de can be made into rood vineear. milk. sign will be added. Mechanical and civil engineering is the basis for the specialized fiefd, according to HZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZ aviation leaders. CLASSIFIER ANNOUNCEMENT *ik V ¥ Vernonia You WH! Surely Skid On Wet P veinent Model T Lse Weed de luxe Chains Jor safety Fords are still good for years of service More Gian eight mil lion Model T Fords are still in active service and many of them can be driven two, three and five years and even long er. For the Model T Ford is still a dependable and economical car and the cost of replacement parts is very small. Bring your Model T to us and let us look it over. For just a few dollars we may be able to help you get thousands of miles of additional service. Crawford Motor Company Vernonia Brazing & Machine Works Forest Grove—125,000 choice | daffodil bulbs shipped to New York i market. H H H We Fit 'Em Up H Lanterns H Auto Tops, Curtains Cushions, Seat Auto, Sign and House Painting H Cold Blast No. 2 size .................... Burn 70 hours with one filling H Hot Blast No. 2 size H Small size $1.60 $1.25 $1.20 H Decorating, Tinting Calcimining Vernonia Auto Top & H H Z H Extra large gas lamp and 1 gA lantern mantles, ea. ............. 1VC See Hoffman About It! H Hollman Hardware Co. Next door to Brown Fur H niture. Phone 1021 ZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZH I Wm. Pringle, Sr. Democratic Candidate For Sheriff A resident of this county for 50 years and a taxpayer for 35 years Economical Administration Enforcement of all Laws to the Best of My Ability” —Wm. Pringle, Sr. Paid Advertisement