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About Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1922)
Friday, April 14. 1922 the TILLAMOOK HE/ rate of interest, 12 per cent. Yeai’s tax 1914; date paid March ' : 22. 1917; tax receipt No. 7357. ! 7356, 7355. 7351; amount, »28.25; rate of interest. 12 per cent. Year’s tax 1915; date paid March ! I 22. 1917: tax receipt No. 7143; W. (This is a re-record i MARCH 28. 1922 deed I amount, $15.48; rate of interest, 12 Sat. Mortgage—State Land Board filed in 1908.) . per cent. to Verne Ray Hushback and wife War De 4—Ida Wattson CLASSIFIED AD EATES Year's tax 1916; dat paid March hus- e Rel. of Migf bk Q P 362. band to Edward W. Wind' y lu» .22. 1917; tax receipt No. 1819, * M< -' ok -Verne Ray Hushbeck Lot 9 Blk 57, Rockaway 1 1820,'1816, 1818; amount, »12.84; All classified ads and readers end wi e to F. W. Christensen. »400'9 U. S. Army. Discharge of rate of interest, 12per cent. one cent per word each issue. Trac - of land in ecctions 21-28 T 1 D. Rush. 1 ear’s tax, 1917; date paid, Api41 Such advertising should be in the' SR 10 W. Due 5 years, interest 8 22, 1918, October 8, 1918; tax re Office by 10 a. m. Mondays and MARCH 31. 1922 per cent semi-annually. Chattie Mortgage—L. ceipt No. 4323, 6782, 4325, 6784 Thursdays precceding publication. War Deed—Karl Alexander Kon- mack to Tillamook Count: 4380, 6788, 4328, 6786; amount Classified ads and readers may ecki and wife to Otto Kocher, $10. »3070 Coven $13.32; rate of interest, 12 per cent. be telephoned In and charged on I ü •> T 3 NR 9.61 acre tract in Sec. 9 Yer’s tax. 1918; date paid. .r account. maturi April 1 , 1919, O tober 21. 1919; 9 W. Mortgage -Otto Kocher to Karl tax receipt No. 4284, 6989, 4285, 1ST, 195 Alex:“ dr Konecki, $340- Covers Wa ■ De FOE SALE Til lok c Bay Co 6990. 4287, 6992, 4289, 6994: last above described tract, Due ou tc th h, »10- Lot! amount, $43.32; rate of interest. 12 F FOR SALE—CEDAR POSTS CALL per cent. or before 3 years, interest 6 per 9 ke Pai k. 10 1 Ted Lyster at Beaver. Mutual cent semi-annually. Mortgage Year’s tux. 1919; date paid, De- and huj^ phone. 15-tf War Deed—J. E. Barger and wife and to Ell i $1000. Lots I cember 4, 1920; tax receipt No. to Everett T. Wells, $2000. Lot 3 end 8 Bl 's 5th Addn ¡7423, 7426. 7425; amount, $13.55; FOR SALE—2 yr. old Jersey, regis Blk. 4, Stillwell's addn. to Lincoln, to TiU ’.mook. Due 1 ■ar, interest I rate of interest, 12 per cent. tered Bull; also good windmill. now 'lillamook City, Oregon. 8 per ctnt annually. I Year's Tax, 1920; date paid, April L. A. Dottrels, Tillamook. 20tf War Deca—Thomas J. Harris to Al sel D. Lomnien and 5, 1921, September 14, 1921; tax re VAUGHN DRAGSAWS — HEAVY Abrai . Storuer and wife, $6000 A Iv. McKlmejjs, $10,000. ceipt No. 4113, 5227; amount, and light weights, with and with tiact in lo( 4- EH Gloodspeed's Park 4J.15 acre of lc nd in T 3 NR 10 W. »15.70; rate of interest, 12 per cent. out clntch. Prices reduced Feb Said G.^ C. Ruff. Ada M. Stutir, in Sec. 30 T 1 SR 9 W, and a tract Due in vc ious payments up to 10 ruary 1st. E. G. Krebs. 15-tf by metes and bounds in Thayer’s years afte < date 6 per cent interest E. M. Greibel and S. E. Tyler, as the owners of the legal title of the FOR SALE — SECOND HAND Addn. to Tillamook. annually. above described property as the same War Deed—Abram Stornier and War Dei range, dining table and a few wife to Thomas Harris, $6900- SV6 lo L. A. Couture, $1. Lot 37 Blk 61 appears of record, and each of the chairs. 416 Third Ave East. other persons above named are here of NE%, SE% of NWti and NEt4 Rockaway Beach. 18-tf of SW% . Sec. 22 T 2 SR 9 W, 160 War Deed—Everett Wells and by further notified that Sam Bauer FOR SALE—Full blood II dsteln acres. wife to Alvin Wells and wife, $10. will apply to the Circuit Court of John Stewart Bull, o yrs. old. Wnr Deed—The Nehalem' Com Uni. % interest in lot 3 Blk 4, W. the County and State aforesaid for place 3 miles west of Tillamook. a decree foreclosing the lien against pany to N. A. Rintola, $500. Asmall D. Still..ell’s Addn to Lincoln, now 26-3t 350. the property above described and tract in 1’ot 4 Sec. 2 T 2 NR 10 W Hiiamook City. Paul C. Vanderpool. being a westerly extention of Hall Mortgage—Frank Reding to Guy mentioned in said certificate. And street in Wheeler. Ford and wife, $9000. Tracts of you are hereby* summoned to appear DAIRY RANCH. FOR SALE—WILL feed about 35 cows, only 3 miles F Deed—Tillamook Lodge No. 94 lend ni See. 31, T 1 SR 9 W. In the within sixty days after the date of from Tillamook, about 1H miles to J. L. Simmons, $50. Lot 21 Blk. Hunt Farm. Due in 12 notes, $500, the first publication of this sum from cheese factory, will sell at 2, First- addn. to I.O.O.F. Cemetery. on or before 5 years and after var mons, to-wit; April 7th, 1922 exclu For information see Karl once. sive of the day of the said first pub Material Lien A. F. Coats Lum- ious payments. Fl 22tz Reding. Mortgage—Albert P. Johnson and lication, and defeqd this action or ber Co. vs. H. W. Gooch. 3403.81. pay the amount due as above shown, Covers the buildings on a 2 acre wife to Federal land Bank, $3000. FORD BUG FOR SALE HANDI- tract in the west half oftheshrdEel NE‘4 SE‘4 Sec. 32 T 2 SR 9 W. together with costs and accrued in est bug In town. 25 gallon gas tract in the W% of NW «4, Sec. 20 Except 1 rod road along north side terest, and in case of your failure tank, luggage box, tool rack, top, T 1 SR 9 W under contract of pur thereof. Due 33 years, interest 6 per to do so a decree will be rendered windshield, demountable rims, F foreclosing the lien of said taxes chase from James Williams to H. W. cent, semi-annually. spotlight, Willard battery. * W. L. Cft.—Assumed name of “Nehalem and costs agalnsj the land and prem Gooch. Dalas, Gen. Delivery. Tillamook. Telephone & Telegraph Co.” Walter ises above named. 24-t4 MARCH 29. 1922 All process and papers in this pro War Deed—T. B. Potter Realty- J. Mead, sole owner, Nehalem, Ore. FOR SALE — BARGAIN, ONE LOT ceeding may be served upon the un Co. to A. J. Davis, $10. Lot 16 APRIL 3RD. 1922 In Brighton. Oregon, In block 81, dersigned residing within the State Probate Transcript of Robert F. Blk. 21 Bay Ocean Park. lot 2, for $200, »25 down and »10 Q. C. Deed—Wheeler Co. to Della Swain, deceased, fvom Multnomah of Oregon, at the address hereafter per m^nth or $170 cash. " Peter FÍ mentioned. M. Christensen, et al $1. Lot 2 Blk county, Oregon. Dannis, Box 501, St. Helens, Ore. Geo.S.Shephejd & W.W.McCredie Q. C. Deed—Robert F. Swain, Jr. 6 Wheeler. 25-t5 Attorneys for plaintiff. Mortgage—John Mundorff and wf et al., to Minnie Swain, et al., $10. Addj-ess: 725 Gasco Building, Port FOR SALE — COWS; SOME FRESH to Federal Land Bank, $2500. 180 All R.T. and interest in various lots land, Oregon. 26t7 and heavy Bpriugers. Also fire Fl acre tracts in Secs. 17-20 and 21 T in Oceanlake Park. wood. Wm. M. Rife, Mutual War Deed—Geo. A. Hall and wife 5 SR 9 W. Due 33 years at 6 per Phone. 25-t3 NOTICE OF BOND SALE to John VanNortwick, $10. Lots cent semi-annually. War Deed—D. Billings and wife 33 and 34 Blk 18, Rockaway Beach. FOR SALE—110 acre farm in beau Sealed blds will be received by the Asgt. Mortgage—The Devereaux to U. A. McGee. $10- Small tract tiful Gray’s Harbor Co. Wash , undersigned until the hour of 8:00 by metes and bounds in Sec. 30 T 1 Mortgage Company to Godfrey Mar- priced so low and with such easy • ’ clock p. m„ the 24th day of April SR 9 W. East of Tillamook City, olf, Assn of Mortgage, Bk 3 page terms that you cannot afford to 1922, and Immediately thereafter 243-5. along county road. pass it up. On highway between W Asgt. Mortgage—Albert Marolf publicy opened by the City Council Bill of Sale—Earl and Clarance Centralia and Aberdeen. 10 acres ' - the City of Tillamook, Oregon, at C. Snodgrass to Earnest Snodgrass guardian to Katie Marolf, Asgt of upland building spot, 100 acres • lie City Hall in said City for an all right title and interest in shoe Mortgage Bk Y pg 30. Chehalis river rich overflow bot issue of Tillamook City Funding business in Tillamook and Bay-City tom land. 50 acres cleared in W APRIL 5TI1, 1922 Bonds In the principal sum of Morgage—Merrit A. Comstock known as “Snodgrass The Shoe grass and clover, 3o acres good $50,000, said bonds to be in denom and wife to G. W. Hines, $150. Doctor.” pasture and light brush. 20 acres inations of $500 or $1000 each, to U. S. Navy Discharge of Peter Lot 1 and NE% of NW% Sec 31 T cottonwood timber, 8-room house be dated May 1st, 1922, and to ma 3 SR 9 W. 85.88 acres. Wyss. substantial barn stanchioned for War Deed—The Nehal'm Harbor ture ia not to exceed twenty (20) 20 cows. Good comunity. On MARCH 3», 1922 Lot 1 years from date (bidders to specify Deed—E. S. Brubaker, pt al., to Co. to J. S. Lundy, $100- mail, milk, school truck and store W. the maturity or maturities desired.) James L. Bachclder, $10. Lot 7, Blk Blk 62, Rowe's Addn to Wheeler. delivery route. Price $150 per War Deed—Marion Edww and wf said bonds to boar interest at not to 23, 1 iilamaok Beach. acre, »2500 cash, balance on War Deed-—H. B. Lockwood annd to Randi Olson, $10- SE’4 of Blk exceed six per cent (6 per cent) per terms you can't beat. Buy di Wi annum,' payable semi-annually on wife to G. T. Bailey and wife, $1. (or lots 16 to 3o inc) Blk 22, Ne- rect from owner. Personal prop November 1st and May 1st, princi halem Bay Park. erty NOT included at this price, Tracts amounting t«o 216 acres, in Articles of Incorporation of Tlll- pal and interest payable at the consists of 20 choice dairy cows, Secs. 26-27, T 4 SR 10 W. I Fiscal Agency of the State of Ore War Deed—Cyrus Randall and M. p.mook Finance and Loan Company horses and equipment, which can gon in New York City. John Plaster, Ben Plasker and Rol be bought i f purchaser desires. C. Trobridge and wife to Gottlieb The approving legnl opinion of Incorporators. Might accept suitable city prop Hanenkrat, $4600. 65 acres In Sec. ert II. McGrath, Messrs. Teal, Minor & Wlnfree will erty or close-in ^acreage, reasona 36 T 1 SR 9 W and Sec. 1 T 2 SR 9 $80,000, 1600 shaies $60 each. be furnished the successful bidder. bly priced as part payment. Grays All bids must be accompanied by a Harbor Co. is now the home of 1.01 year 1911, together with penalty, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION certified check In the amount rtf 1 23 satisfied Tillamook families all (Publisher) interest and costs thereon upon the $1000. and must be unconditional. in the dairy Industry. Address real property assessed to you, of • The Council reserves the right to 27-t4 BN102 Headlight I DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR which you are the owners as appears reject any or all bls. U. S. Land Office at Portland, Ore FRANCES B. STRANAHAN. of record, situated in said County gon, March 28, 1922. and State, and particularly bounded 26-12 City Recorder NOTICE is hereby given that Wil and described as follows, to-wlt: liam H. Chance, of Tillamook, Ore., Tract Five (5), in block Fifteen NOTICE TO CREDITORS who, on April 6,1917, made Home (15); Tracts Four (4) and Five (5) stead Entry No. 04869, for NW^4 S Notice is hereby given that the SECEMAKER in Block Eighteen (18); Tracts One WU Sec. 27; SE^ NEU, and NU of (1), Two (2) and Three (3), In undersigned, as Superintendent MAIL ORDER WORK. PROMPT SEU, Sec. 28, Township 1 S, Range Block Nineteen (19): Tracts One Banks for the State of Oregon, is in 8W., W. Meridian has filed notice SERVICE charge of the assets and affairs of (1), Two (2) and Three (3), in of. intention to make three-year City, Bay 303 1-2 Sec. Ave. E. Tillamook, Ore eat- Block Twenty-three (23); Tracts the First Bank of Bay bles proof to establish claim to the land purpose of the City, Oregon, for i (15); Two (2) 1« Block Fifteen way above described, before the Clerk of liquidation. =^= Tract One (1) In Block Ten (10); the County Court, for Tillamook Tract Four (4) In Block Twenty- All pei sons who may have claims Dr. Wise will be at hie Tillamook plan County, Ore., at Tillamook, Ore., on are hereby against the said bank office every Monday.—Adv. tf. three (23); all in Marshlands, ac the 18th day of May, 1922. cording to the plat thereof filed and notified to make legal proofs there Claimant names as witnesses: of record in the Recorder’s Office of of by filing a duly verified claim, as Get your water glass for preserv Fred Skamp, of Tillamook. Ore., by Law provided, with the Deputy ing eggs at The Satfs'actlon Store. said Tillamook county. Chas. Hines, of Tillamook, Ore. R. You are further notified that said Superintendent of Banks in charge —Adv. F- D., Chas, Wilks, of Tillamook, Or., Sam Bauer has paid taxes on said at the office of the First Bank of R. F. D., Ocean Anderson, oí Tilla- premises for prior or subsequent Bay City, Bay City. Oregon, on or WHY WORRY monk. Ore., R. F. D. years, with the rate of interest on before the 7th day of June, 1922. I can sell or trade anything Act June 6, 1912. FRANK C. BRAMWELL. ■aid amounts as follows: u-h«ire C. W. Millership, Superintendent of Banks. Alexander Swink, Register. Year’s tax 1912; date paid March 4th St., Portland. Phone 2«t«. 22, 1917; tax receipt No. 7353, Date of first pub., March 7, 1922. 5275 Date of last pub., June 6. 1922. 7348, 7350, 7351; amount, $31.24: Filings at Courthouse Classified Ralph R. Edwards T‘ SUMMONS IN FORECLOSURE OF DELINQUENT TAX •ERTIFICATE W TH® CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, for Tilla mook. Oregon. 8AM BAUER, Plaintiff. vs. G C RUFF. ADA M. STU CREIBEL and S. E. T^ fendanta: To G. C. Ruff, Ada M. Stuhr. E. “■ Grelbel, S. E. Tyler, th.» above nanw-4 defendants: In the name of the Stats of Oregon: I ou are hereby notified that Sam ~aur is the holder of Certificates of Delinquency numbered 1070. 1072. 013, 1074, issued on the 22nd day March. 1917, by the Tax Collector the County of Tillamook, State of re on, for the amount of Thlrty- ar- 'l £ight One Hundreth Dollars aA8r’n* H»e stno- nt then due r<i delinquent for taxes for the AW, WHATS THE By LF