Image provided by: Tillamook County Library
About Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1922)
notice io totem HEADU6MT OASSflED AHVERTISOOTS CLASSIFIED AD RATES All classified ads and reader* one cent per word each Issue. Such advertising should be in the Office by 10 a. m. Mondays and Thursdays preccedlng publication. Classified ads and readers may be telephoned in and charged on account. FOR SALE FOR SALE—DAY OLD WHITE Leghorn Baby Chicks from select ed heavy laying strains, $14.00 per 100; »7.25 per 50; $3.75 per 25; 17c each as long as they last. They will hatch March 28th. Hatching eggs $6 per 100; »1 per setting of 15. Cockerals, fine birds one year old »2.50. Send in your order. Frank K. Strueby, Garibaldi, Ore. 23-t2 FOR SALE—REGISTERED JER- sey Bull, 3 years old. St. Mawe’s strain. Price 8125.00. Inquire Headlight. H. C. Wilkes, Mohler. 22-14 * FOR SALE—7 PASSENGER BUICK, model 1919, in A-l condition. L. W. Travis, Mohler, Ore. 21-t4 FOR SALE—ONE NEW WADE drag saw; one new feed cutter; one new 14 inch plow; two resi dence lots on 9th street. H. H. Rosenberg. 21 t4 FOR SALE—CEDAR POSTS CALL Ted Lyster at Beaver. Mutual phone. 15-tf * ■ ■» The L. D. Club. The L. D. Club met at the home of Mrs. Henry White’s Wednesday afternoon, March 15th, with Mrs. Styles assisting hostess, The after noon was spent with the usual work. A delightful afternoon was spent by all. Among those present were Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Boone, Mrs. Burm, Mrs. Gabrielle, Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Hays, Mrs. Hinkle, Mrs. Hoag, Mrs. Hoy, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. O’Dell, Mrs. Ostrander, Mrs. Jud Rosenberg, Mrs. Styles and Mrs. White. The guests were Mrs. Aschim and Mrs. Woods. The club will meet with Mrs. Anderson April 7, with Mrs. Armentrout assisting hostess. • • • Dinner Party. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Partridge and Miss Ruth Partridge gave a delight ful dinner party at Hotel Elmore, Rockaway, on Sunday last. The party was in honor of their guest, Miss Olson, of Portland, formerly of Mindon, Neb. • • • “500” Party at Bay City. Mr. and Mr*. H. N. Tillman en- tertained at a ’’500” party last Thursday evening. A delicious light luncheon was served, and a delight ful evening was enjoyed by every one. Among the guests present were: Mr. and Mrs. Claude Coffman, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Ashley, Mr and Mrs. A. M. Whyte, Miss McInnis and Orval Bodie • • • FOR SALE—2 yr. old Jersey, regis tered Bull; also good windmill. L. A. Daniels, Tillamook. 20tf Surprise Party. PRIVATE SALE OF HOUSEHOLD The friends of Mr .and Mrs. Har- furniture on Goyne Ranch, South ley Witt surprised them last Sunday Prarle. Apply any day but Satur evening when they gathered at their home for a party In honor of the day. lltf anniversay of the birthday of Mrs. FOR SALE—AM LEAVING THE Witt. A musical program was ren country and will arrive at Red dered by the Wilkins’ orchestra, at Frant Barn, Sheridan, Ore., Fri the conclusion of which the re day, March 17th to sell my Jersey maining part of the evening was milk cows, 6 fresh and 4 heavy spent in playing cards. Dainty re springers; registered Jersey bull. freshments were served, after which F. H. Clark, Sheridan, Ore. Rt. 2. the guests departed wishing Mrs. ' 21-2 Witt many happy returns, Among FOR SALE — THOROUGHBRED those present were: Mr. and Mrs. white Leghorn pullets. Tancred Henry Tillman, Mr. and Mrs. R. strain, laying. Also Kieskey Wilkins, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Patter Northwest Brooder stove used one son, of Tillamook and Mr. and Mrs. Harley Witt. season. Walter Stamn, Bay City. • • • 21-t2 H°use Party at Wheeler. VAUGHN DRAGSAWS — HEAVY A merry house party was given and light weights, with and with out clutch. Prices reduced Feb last Saturday evening at the home ruary 1st. E. G. Krebs. 15-tf of Mr. and Mrs. William Mix, by their three sons, Eugene, Claude FOR SALE—2 yr. old Jersey, regis and Reginald, when they entertain tered Bull; also good windmill. ed a number of friends and class L. A. Daniels, Tillamook. 20tf mates, Appropriate decorations FOR SALE — SECOND HAND were tastily arranged for the occa The living room was decor range, dining table and a few sion. ated in blue and white, the high chairs. 419 Third Ave East. 18-tf schoof colors, and the dining room in pink and green; a huge bowl of IF YOU WANT EGGS AND POUL- pink carnations ns a table center try, used to Western climate, we piece emphasised the entire color have 52 varieties that win and scheme, and the scent of the flow lay. John Hoffman, Tillamook. ers made the luncheon a delightful Ore. 13-12 affair. Dancing was the diversion of the evening. FOR SALE 2 yr. old Jersey regis Among those present wore Mr. tered Bull; also good windmill. and Mrs. William Mix. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Daniels, Tillamook. 20tf Shim Reed. Mildred Hibner. Mae Black, Marion Davidson, Ruth Dar- FOR SALE OR TRADE — GOOD nell, Dorothy Jensen. Dorothy Shin- windmill. In first class condition, Inger. Lieta Bradley, Vena Gentry. will sell cheap or trade for—what Katherine McClintock. George have you? Daniels Jersey Farm, Wann. Billy Vosburg. Leo Sohler. L. C. Daniels, prop.. IX miles Joe Ross, Herbert Lundy. Stanton north of Tillamook. 22tf Rennlngtr, Walter Kelly, Reginald FOR SALE — 7 ROOM HOUSE, Smith. Gene Smith. Claude Simth. Floyd Easont. chicken house and woodshed, Robert Cronen, • and • • 31000; $800 cash, balance $10 per month and interest. Grab Kill Kare Klub. this quick Write BN101 Head The Kill Kare Klub met at the light. 22ts home of Mrs. A. W. Plank on Fri- day. March 17. Mrs. R. T. Boals FOR SALE HEGISTERED JER- assisted. A delightful afternobn sey Bull 2 yr. old. Daniels Jersey was spent, and everyone had an en Farm, L. C. Daniels, prop.. 1 X joyable time. A dainty luncheon miles north of Tillamook. 22-2t was served. The table decorations DAIRY RANCH FOR SALE WILL carried out the spirit of the day. feed about 35 cows, only 3 miles Small shamrock* were tastily ar front Tillamook, about 1H miles ranged with a harmonious back front cheese factory will sell at ground of color. The invited guests once. For information see Karl were Mesdames Crenshaw, Tucker. Williams and Miller. Reding. 22ti • • • FOR ■ r Society RENT LIST OF REGISTRARS FOR TIL- LAMOOK COUNTY The following persons have been appointed offical registrars in their respective localities, and any per son who is not already registered and who wishes to vote at the Pri mary Election on May 19, should take advantage of this opportunity while the books are in the hands of the Registrar. The Registrars will have the books for about thirty days, or from March 15 to April 18, 1922, at which time the books will be closed. H. S. BRIMHALL, County Clerk. SHERIFF'S SALE Notice is hereby given that the BARRICK * HALL undersigned sheriff of Tiilamosk Attorney! at Law County, Oregon, by virtue of at- tachment execution issued 1 out of National Buildinc of the Circuit Court of the State 1 Oregon, for Lane County, upon a Oregon Tillamook judgment and order of sale duly entered in said court on the 24th Xi 7 day of June, 1920, in favor of Til lamook County Bank and against W. H. Effenberger and Oscar A. Effen- f berger, defendents which writ com DR. J. E. B-H 1.ARER mands the undersigned to sell the following described real property Surgery of the defendants attached in said Suite 110 I.O.O.F. Building cause, towit: The West half of the southwest quarter of section one and the eart Oregon Tillamook half of the southeast quarter of sec tion two, in township two irorth of range ten west of Willamette Mer- S idian. Will on Monday the 10th day of R. T. BOALS. M. D. April, 1922, at the hour of ten o’ clock A. M., at the court house doer Surgeon and Physician in Tillamok City, Tillamook County, Oregon, sell at public auction, to the I. O. O. F. Buildinc highest bidder for eash in hand all of said property or sufficient there Tillamook Oregon of to satisfy the judgment in Laid and _______ 4 cause in favor of said Dank against said defendants for the sum of Two Thousand Dollars, with interest thereon at the rate of seven DAVID ROBINSON percent per annum from August 14th, 1919, the further sum of »200.00 a» attorney*'fees and the Physician and Surgeon costs and expenses of the sale, less, however, a credit of »124.78 on the principal amount of »2000.00 and National Bldg. Tillamook, Ore. the interest thereon paid to May 28th, 1920. Dated this 2nd day of March, 1922. JOHN ASCHIM, Sheriff of Phone 78-J Tillamook County, Oregon. First published March 7, 1922. DR. C. H. POLLOCK, D.M.D. Last published April 4. 1922. Dentist PRECINCT POSTOFFICE HENRY TOHL Nehalem Nehalem, Oregon T. E. ASHLEY Bay and Kilchis Bay City, Ore. 8. H. ROCK Little Nestucca Oretown, Ore. EARL AYER Blaine Blaine, Ore. GEO. W. PHELPS Garibaldi Garibaldi, Ore. W. H. CHRISTENSEN Neskowin Oretown, Ore. E. L. MeCABE Cloverdale Cloverdale, Ore. P. D. OTT Hebo Hebo, Ore. HENRY L. KING Bayocean Bay ocean, Ore. L. F. BRODE Sandlake Sandlake, Ore. WILLIAM GILBERT Beaver Beaver, Ore. J. J. KREBS Rockaway Rockaway, Ore. NOTICE TO CREDITORS W. A. ROWE Notice is hereby given that the Brighton Brighton, Ore. undersigned, as Superintendent of G. B. NUNN Wheeler Wheeler, Ore. Banks for the State of Oregon, is in charge of the assets and affairs of the First Bank of Bay City, Bay City, Oregon, for the purpose of I liquidation. All persons who may have claims against the said bank are hereby Benefit American Legion notified to make legal proofs there of by filing a duly verified claim, as Under Auspices Tillrmook by Law provided, with the Deputy Box Commission Superintendent of Banks in charge APRIL 15TH, 1922 » i at the office of the First Bank of Men wishing to go on leave | Bay City, Bay City, Oregon, on or . before the 7th day of June, 1922. names immediately with FRANK C. BRAMWELL, Ernest Wells, Pac. Tel & Tel. Co. Superintendent of Banks. H. S. Mann, Tillamook Garage • Date of first pub., March 7, 1922. «/ Date of last pub., June 6. 1922. BOXING CONTEST Swift & Company NOTICE TO CREDITORS Lodge Directory | Silver Wave Chapter No. 18 0. E. S. Stated communications first and third Thursdays of each month in Masonic Hall. Visitors welcome. CORA L. MILLER, Secretary Marathon Lodge No. 93. Knights of Pyth las. Regular meeting Monday evening at 7:45 sharp. By order of the Chanceller Commander. y. r . c. Corinth Relief Corps No. 54 Dept of Oregon, meets on first and third Friday evenings of each month, at 8 p. m., in the W. O. W. hall. Visi tors welcome. Mrs. Clarence Stanley, President Elisabeth Conover, Sec’y.. Corinth Post.No, 35,Dept of Oregon Meet* on second and on fourth Saturdays of each month at 1:80 p. .m in W. O. W. J. S. DIEHL, Comdr. H. W. SPEAR, Adjt. 215-18-17 Tillamook Bldg. OREGON TILLAMOOK, Johnson Chapter No. R. A. M Stated convocations every first and third Fridays. Visitors welcome. I. E. Keldson, Sec. DR. 0. L. HOHLFELD Veterinarian Bell Phone 8F2. 24 Tillamook Lodge No. 57. A.F. & A.M- Mutual Phone Tillamook Stated Communication seo- ond Wednesday In each month Visiting Brethren welcome. Harvey Eblnger, Sec. Oregon DR. J. G. TURNER Eye Specialist Permanently located in Tilla mook. Private office in Jenkin’s jewelry store. Latest up-to-date instruments and equipment. Ev enings and Sunday by appoint ment. Tuesday eve., 7:30 p. m. Rebekahs Wednesday evening Notice is hereby given that the Camp 2-4. Thursday undersigned has been appointed by FOURTH STREET MARKET the County Court of Tllamook coun Complete Lens Grinding Fac ty. Oregon, administrator of the Es X tory on the Premises. Any lens PORTLAND. OREGON tate of Kathryn V. Christensen, de i Chiropractic duplicated. ceased, and all persons having J Consists entirely of ADJUSTING Tillamook. Oregon Will pay you top market prices claims against said estate are here the movable segments of the by nqtifle.d to present the same to X. 7 SPINAL COLUMN to normal posi > said administrator duly verified ac tion thereby removing the for your cording to «law-within six months CAUSE of disease. from the date of this notice. «OREST L. HOWARD H. T. Botts Dated this, 14th day of March, Geo, P. Winslow DRESSED 1922, CHIROPRACTOR ’X F. W. CHRISTENSEN, Ad BOTTS & WINSLOW 211-13 Tillamook Building I ministrator of the Estate of Both Phones Lawyer* HOGS AND CALVES; Adjustments will be given in the Kathryn V. Christensen, De home if patient 1* unable to ceased. Tillamook Oregon PROMPT REMITTANCES come to office. 21-5 I Attorneys for the Estate. X Botts & Winslow, i I Tillamook Specials I ______ NOTICE OF FILING FINAL I I ACCOUNT Mutual' rBMl 121 M Ralph R. Edwards z Light weight TILLAMOOK IRON WORKS General machinists and Acme all Enameled Range, $99.00 ' Notice is hereby given that Jud smiths. 9 x 12 Katona Velvet Rug_... 27.50 son H. Rosenberg, the admininstra- 9x12 Gold Seal Cong. Rug 15.50 tor of the estate of W. H. Hawkins, H. Sander Bed. Spring, Matress complete, 24.00 deceased, has filed with the County X | Clerk of Tillamook County, Oregon, Blue and white checked Cong. 33-pieces plain white dishes.... 4.90 his final account and that the Coun ty Court of Tillamook County, Ore gon, has set Saturday, the 19th day TILLAMOOK FURNITURE CO. of April. 1922 at ten o’clock A. M. The Second-hand Store at the Court House in Tillamook Phone 73W No. 3 1st St. 1 City, Oregon, as the time and place for healing any and all objections to said account and all persons are hereby required to present any ob jections they may have to said final account at said time and place. Dated this 3rd day of March, SHOEMAKER 1922. JUDSON H. ROSENBERG, Ad- MAIL ORDER WORK. PROMPT i minisrator of the Estate of SERVICE i W. H. Hawkins. Deceased. I Botts A Winslow, 303 1-2 Sec. A vs. E. Tillamook, Ore’Attorneys for the Estate. VAUGHAN black 7 X SPRING HOUSE CLEANING FOR RENT 5W First Si.. 2 furn ished housekeeping looms with bath. |12 per month; 1 furnished single room 18 per month 20tf L. A. BARRICK DO YOUR H AULÌ Nt hen you think of moving think of— prepared to haul ANYTHING L. A. BARRICK Trans. Service PHONE 1UW DRAGSAW At E. G. KREBS i Birthdav Party a’ Garibaldi. Mi and Mrs. H I. Sheldon, of Garibaldi, gave a birthday party for Robert Marshall, mechanic’ • in the Sheldon garage, on Monday. even- Ing. Among the Invited guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. Swink. R. E. WANTED TO bUY Miller. Alfie Vandrepool, Holger Jphnson and Fayle Langley. • • • WHEN YOU HAVE CATTLE rOR sale call Ed. H.<dley, Mutual Mr. and M s. Ed Wood, of Rocka phone. 18 If way. celebrated their seventeenth weditng anniversary last Wednes day. The invited guests included: MISCELLANEOUS Mr and Mrs. J. J. Krebs. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Menard. Mr. and Mrs. FOR TH ADE 4 At RES X MILK Wrn. Munk. Mr. and Mia James fiont Newberg. 1 acre in cher- Craig. Mrs Clara Russell, and .Mr. * lies. fffiou 9 room plastered house Sf-hrants A delicious luncheon was with basement, dtt> water, elec- served after which the * trie light*, bath, !?.Tgr sleeping spent playing cards. porch, large barn To trude for • • 1 small daily ranch that would lun I Mrs. F A. Belt« of the Plssker 10 or 12 cows. No agents. G W. Apts , entertained on Fridny st a Worden, owner, Newberg. Oregon. charming "At Home.’’ The rooms » i 91t2 wore exquisitely decoraUrd — th* piedominating color scheme being TH?: OREGON TRUÇJC LINE Siren. Dainty grsaik Candle shade* I Trucks will call at your real end baskets of siren minify tgither deuce or place of business for house carried out lhe color note. hold goods and outgoing freight JOHN MATHERS, Arent. I Phone 81 J or Mutual 13-tf I 1 FOR YOUR all paper, Oils, Paints Turpentine, Etc.