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About Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1922)
TME TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT pamkvoux War Deed. H. L. Edmunson ft Keating, president, He.en Krugan, wf. to L. R. Edmunson. $1.00 E*4 vice-president, Darcey Coffman, sec of SEU and NW>4 of SE’4 Sec. 6 retary, Lois Hansen, Edna Blanch T 1 SR 8W. ard, Nola Flagg, Cora Pike, Ger- War Deed, fearl McDonnel, et-al, War Deed. D. T. Edmunds and wf. Mtg. L. R. Edmunson to General trude Wilson, Ardath Peterson, to F. H. Lawk et-al. $10 00. Lot 1. to Vincent W. Ryzner & wf. 1175. Finance Co. $250.00 NWU of SEU Ruby Snoddy, Adeline Thompson, Lot 2 Bik. 10 Ocean Park Addn. to Tllla- Blk. 4 Maloney’s Addn. to Sec. 6 T 1 SR 8W. Due 90 days int. Edith Morris, Hetlie DeAtley. Ar- inook. Park. 8 per cent maturity. leta Morris, Myrtle Mather, War Deed. W. S. Walton ft Affidavit of A. M. Austin, re War Deed. Lloyd C. Smith to R. Schiffman. Geo. G. Bingham ft wf. $10-00. Lots) garding description of Sea View B. Linville ft wf. $50-00. Lots 15 ft Beaxer Sewing Club 1 & 2 Blk. 32 Neskowin. Park. 16. Blk. 1. First Addu. to Bar View. The Beaver Sewing Club has as U. S. Army Discharge of Magnus ' War Deed. H. T. Botts to Mary U. 8. Army Discharge of Julian B. local leader Mrs. E. D. Bell, The Hansen. I Jones. $1.00. Lot 14 Blk. . 20 Sea Siam. club was organized February 14, Bill of Sale. Clay S. Tayor ft wf. View Park. --h. Part. Rel. Mtg. Mrs. Lena Lom- with the following members: Vera to V. J. Love & wf. $10.00. Live Rei. of Sappington, Chat. Mtg. L. H. Kenney J** 1st men to Rudolph Zweifel. president, Awanna stock ft Hay & Stock etc. in Central I Natl. Bank. $800- Livestock & tract on which is located store at Lane, vice-president, Goldie Hop- it!. Creamery Co. Secs. 28 ft 29 T 4 SR 1 kins secretary, Buetta Fisher, Mil- Dodge car. Due on demand, int. 8 Mohler, from Mtg. Bk. 7 pg. 126. 10W. Sal. Mtg. Mortgage Company Hol dred Edmunds and Thelma Hopkins. percent quarter-annually. War Deed. Charley S. Wells ft wf. War Deed. Mary A. Margarrell & land America to William W.( Arm- Beaver Cookery Club to Herman D. Schroeder $1100.00. hus. to Nellie M. Murphy. $1.00. Lot strong. Rel. of Mtg. Bk. 2 pg. 500- • he Cookery Club at Beaver has a Lots 1 & 2 Blk. 15 Park Addn. to 4 Blk. 501. 7 Stillwell’s Addn. to Tilla- membership of six girls under the Tillamook. Mortgage. William M. Arm- local leadership of Mrs. E. D. Bell. mook. War Deed. Lucius J. Hicks & wf. j War Deed. H. A. Williams & wf. strong to Julius & Anna Tohl. ! to W. £. Spencer, et-al. $200-00- to Tillamook County Bank. $5200. $2000 00. Tracts of lands in Sec. The members of the club are: Ev elyn Gharst, president, Thelma Hop Lots 3 & 4 Blk. 6 Manhattan. Due on kins, vice-presidnt, Awanna Lane, A tract of 7.7 acres in the SW part 28 and 38 T 3 NR 10W. War Deed.e L. D. Romine ft wf. of the J. S. Tripp D. L. C.T. 1 SR or before 3 yrs. int. 7 percent semi secretary, Mildred Edmunds, Goldie to Edward Snodgrass & wf. $10-00- 9W. annually. Hopkins, Vera Sappington. Sec. SE’4 of SW’4 and S»4 of SE’4 War Deed. Verne Ray Rushbeck War Deed. John T. Berry to Louis Nehalem Garden Club 2 T. 3 NR 9W. F. Brendler. $10-00. SE*4 of SW’4 & wf. to J. G. Kennedy. $50.00 trate The Nehalem Garden Club has War Deed. Zeruiah Large to Sec. 31 T 1 NR 9W. 40 acres. of ’4 acre in Lot 3 Sec. 28 T 4 SR six members with Miss Sarah Parr Thomas P. Thompson. $165.00. Lot War Deed. W. D. Blalock & wf. to 10W. as local leader. The members of the 3 Blk. 4 Bayley Park Addn. to Gari G. W. Himes. $10.00. Lands by War Deed. Mrs. C. P. Harris to Club are: Vernard Thompson, presi baldi Cove. metes and bounds in Sec. 31 T 3 SR Geo. L. Supress ft wf. $10.00, et-al. dent, Irma Larsen, vice-president, Chat. Mtg. E. M. Clark & wf. to 9W. Tracts of land in Sec. 13 and the C. ! Kcenia Neketin, secretary, Charles Tillamook Co. Bank. $3450.00. Live Notarial Commission of Alexan W. Hendricks D. L. C. T. 1 SR 10W. Thompson, Frances Crawford, Hans stock, farm implements, machinery, drina Rock. War Deed. Mary Jones ft hus. to j Herchenhein. 1 Buick car and 1 fishboat and fish- Chat. Mtg. C. J. Sears to W. Roen- Alice Jordan. $10 00. Lot 14 Blk. Ing gear. Due 6 mo. int, 8 per cent. icke, $150.00 Covers livestock,, im 2o Sea View Park. Nehalem Camp Cookery Club • A club in Camp Cookery has been annually. Chat. Mtg. O. H. Peterson to Til plements, etc. Due Dec. 1, 1922. lamook Co. Bank. $550.00. Live organized at Nehalem under the U. S. Army Discharge of Glenn T. Int. 6 percent maturity. leadership of Miss Sarah Parr. The Woolfe. Sat. Mtg. Harold B. Johnson, to stock. due 6 months int. 8 percent. members are as follows: Charles Q. C. Deed. Lee F. Affolter & wf. Ruther- William R. Rutherford, et-al. Rel. Mortgage. William R. to Fred C. Affolter. $10 00- W’4 of Thompson, president, Hans Herch- j i ford & wf. to Pacific Coast Mortgage of Mtg. 2-638-40. SW ’4 Sec. 5 and E’4 of SE*4 Sec. enhei in, vice-president, Gordon Hast- E ’ ft of Deed. Mary F. Worthington to Company. $500-00 covers ings, secretary, Louis Briggs, Ver- I 6 T 6 SR 10W. 8W’4, SE’4 of SE ’4 Sec. 6 T 3 Frank Worthington. $10.00 et-al. nard Thompson. Q C. Deed. John A. Affolter to SR SW, 160 acres. Due Feb. 1. 1927. Trac of 18’4 acres in Sec. 19 T ' 4 Fred C. Affolter Nehalem Poultry Club $10.00. E ’ 4 of SR 10W. Also all blk. 18 and Lot 6 per cent annually. A Poultiv Club at Nehalem has 2 Blk. 17 Maloney’s Addn. to SEU Sec. 6 and W’4 of SW% Sec. Mortgage. William E. Ruthe been organized at Nehalem. Miss 5 T 6 SR 10W. foid ft wf. to Pacific Coast Mtg Co. Ocean Park. Sarah Parr is local leader. The U. S. Army Discharge of Fred C. Sat. Mtg. Mortgage Company $100.00 covers last above des. members are: Hans Herchenhein, Affolter. Holland-American to Emil Bensch- cribed lands. Due $20.00 on Feb. War Deed. James H. Corlett ft wf. president, George Crawlord, vice 1, 1923 and yearly thereafter until cldt & wf. Rel. of Mtg. Bk 2 pg to B. A. Garber. $8000- SE’4 of president. Vernard Thompson, sec- paid. Int after maturity 10 percent 592-4. retary, Louis Briggs, Thomas Ne- Chat. Mtg. L. E. Todd to Tilla- NW’4. E’4 of SW’4 and NE’4 of per annum, (2nd Mtg.) ketin, Elsie Tubbessing, Walter SE ’ 4 Sec. 10 T 6 SR 9W. 160 acres. Covers Meeh Lien. Merle Holden-vs. Ne mook Co. Bank. $270.00. War Deed. Wesley Rush ft wf. to Ludtke, Angeline Fuller, Alfred 1 Ford car. Due 4 mo. int. 8 per- halem Valley Bank, $160 00- Covers Wesley I. Rush. $1.00. 5 acre tract Karniki the "Maples Shingle Mill” located cent maturity. Sec. 17 T 1 SR 8W. Tillamook Calf Club Chat. Mtg. Joe Nufer to Tilla- on Lots 1 & 2 N>4 N’4 Sec. 23 T 3 The Tillamook Holstein-Fresian War Deed. Robert Wichinger & mook Co. Bank. $299. Covers live Calf Club has been organized for NR 9W. stock. Due 6 mo. int. 8 percent ma wf. to H. C. Maynard ft wf. $1800. """"Meeh. Lien, Roy H. Rozell vs. Ne- turity. 2’4 acre tract in Chas. H. Haynes this year with the following mem- halem Valley Bank. $19 8.00 covers i bers: Flora Schild, president, Theo- Mortgage. Emil Benscheidt & wf. L. L. C. T. 1 SR 9W. | dore Powers, vice-president, Lily same Mill aH foregoing lien. Chat. Mtg. Wm. Stuivenga to D. to Lois Watt. $1200.00. Covers 30 ! Schild, secretary, Theodore Jacob. A. Bailey. $1000. Livestock, Imple Meeh. Lien. Harry A. Leece, Bar acre tract in Sec. 35 T 1 SR 10W. ry H. Farris ft Roy H. Rozell, part Due 1 yr. int. 7 per cent, seml-an- ments, etc. Due 6 mo. int. 8 percent Jack Mowery. Francis Powers, Paul Pi wers, Delia Vaughn, By n Nel quarterly. ners during" business as Leece. Far nually. Alfred Johnson. William War Deed. I. L. Hale & wf. to son, ris ft Rozell vs. Nehalem Valley Mortgage. Ivan E. Glst & wf. et- Bank. $732.36. Covers same mill al, to Amanda T. Haberlach. $2000. George H. eBnson. $600. Tract 50 x I Vaughn, Rosa Schild. property as both of foregoing Liens. Covers 2 tracts of 47.03 and 19.12 100 ft. in size. Sec. 21 T 1 NR Wheeler Poultry Club The Poultry Club at Wheeler un —Note: This Mill was run by said acres. Sec. 21 T 4 SR 10W. Due 3 10W. adjacent to East Garibaldi. War Deed. Chas. T. Morgan & wf. der the local leadershrip of A. C. i Leece. Farris ft Rozell as agents for yrs. int. 8 percent semi-annually. Mid Nehalem Valley Bank. Contract of Sale, W. B. Alder- to Irene Martin. $1.00 et-al. Lot 12 Canterbury, has twelve members as follows: Milo Houser, president, Mortgage. Amanda J. Spencer to man ft wf. to Arnold Walker, et-al. Blk. 13 Garibaldi Park. War Deed. Chas. O. Edwards to William Cyphert, vice-president, j First Natl. Bank of Tillamook. $400. $32,000.00. Covers 41.97 acre tract Covers Lot 30 Blk. 57 Rockaway in Sec. 26 T 1 SR 10 W. $300 cash Lloyd M. Henry. $1500-00. W’4 of Arthur Canterbury, secretary, Eu- SW’4, SE% of SW’4 and SEU Cec. gne Hansen, James Hamilton, Earl Beach. Due 1 yr. int. 8 per cent and the balance in payments. Cronen, Harold Jensen, Charles | Q. C. Deed. Geo. F. Russel & wf. 34 T 4 SR 10W. 160 acres. quarterly. Q. C. Deed. Chas. O. Edwards to Welton, Forest Shininger, Patrick • War Deed. Oscar T. Holt ft wf. to to Alma H. Spicker. $10.00, et-al. Webster Holmes $400.00 Lot9 Blk. Lot 3 Blk 1 and Lot 1 Blk. 2 Clov Lloyd M. Henry. $10-00. Right of Soderberg, Chester Shininger, Leon Way over of NWU Sec. 34 T ard Emery. erdale, Ore. 7 Pacific City. i 4 SR 10W. Bay City Poultry Club Deed. Webster Holmes & wf. to Q. C. Deed. Alma H. Spicker to War Deed. C. L. Large, et-al, to At Bay City a Poultry Club of fif Bird L. Beals. $10.00. Lot 9 Blk. 7 Florence Russell $10 00, et-al. Lot Charles F. Best, et-al. $300 Lots 1 teen ____________ members has ____ been organized. Pacific City. 1 Blk 2 and Lot 3 Blk. 1 Clover ft 14 and West 60 ft. Lots 13 Blk. Rev. J. T. Keating is the local lead- War Deed. Olive Holt Cook to G. dale, Ore. 5 Garibaldi Cove. 1 er. The members are: Richard Hays, H. Ward. $400 00. Lot 8 Blk 7, Pa Mortgage Geo. P. Russell & wf. Affidavit of F. R. Beals, as president, Miriam Keating, vice cific City. to Tillamook Co. Bank. $164.75. description of lands of Jeff Fleck president, James Noles, secretary. Deed. G. H .Ward ft wf. to Bird Coveis Lot 3 Blk 1 and Lot 1 Blk. wf. adjacent to Malaney’s Addn. Delma Schiffman, Myrtle Mather, L. Beals. $10.00. Lot 8 Blk 7 Paci 2. Cloverdale, Ore. Due on or be- Ocean Park. Rhoda Reynolds, Marie Cahill, fic City. fore 1 yr. int. 8 percent quarterly. War Deed. Anna Kelly to Joseph Lawrence Wilson, Everett Provost, War Deed. Tillamook Co. Bank War Deed. Anna Stritzinger, wid Kelly $1.00 Lots 16 and 17 Blk. 8 Roy Hays, Lee Blanchard, Roy to F. R. Beals. $1.00. Lots 1 ft 2 Blk. ow, to McClure & Schmauch Co. an Manhattan eBach. Blanchard, John Sanderson, Henry 10 A. A. Miler’s Addn. to Tilla Meeh. Lien. Roy Andrus against Sauce. Laura Reynolds. Ore. Corp. $10.00. SH of SW’4 mook City. Oregon. ftuva eio u0. Cov Eva an N. . 4»ii;urv McGee, ( auii Amt. . $26.00. Mohler Sewing Club Q. C. Deed. W. J.. Patterson to L. Sec. 4 and SE% of SE’4 Sec. 5 T 3 er 8 the property known as Ramsey NR 10W. 120 acres. A Sewing Club has been organiz A. Edgar ft wf. $10.00. et-al. All Notice of location of Placer Min Hotel, or now "Netherlands Hotel”( ed at Mohler, with Mrs. C. M. R. T. ft Int. In the North 3-4 of the ing Claim, being the NEU. Sec. 10 tn Tillamook on Lot 6 Blk 2 Lin-1 Young as leader. The members are 8EU of SE’4 Sec. 6 T 2 SR 9W. coin (now Tillamook) City. as follows: Gertrude Young, presi Q. C. Deed. N. A. Griffis ft wf. T 3 SR 9W. H. Hansen, (and 7 War Deed. T. B. Potter Realty dent, Bessie Lee, vice-president, others, locators.) to L. A. Edgar ft wf. $10-00, et-al. Co. to Frank A. Harvey. $10-00 et Winnified Alley, secretary, Doro- Water Location Notice of Water ftll R. T. ft Tnt. In the North 3-4 of al. Lot 21 block 3 Bayocean Park. the SE’4 of SE’4 Sec. 6 T 2 8R 9W. from Beaver Creek 80 miners inch .War Deed. Nehalem Harbor Co. to thy Kebbe, Mary Brigham, Esther Stevens, Angellne Fuller, Esther Asgt. Mtg. W. J. Patterson to L. es for use on above claim. Nehalem Valley Bank. $10-00. Lot Zurfluh, Nellie Davis, Mildred Kru A. Edgar $10 00, et-al. Assigns Mtg. Power of Atty. G. Boppre, J. Han 2 Blk. 3 Wheeler and Lot 6 Blk. 6 ger, Beulah Springer. Bk. 9 pg. 388, covering North 3-4 sen, et-al, 6 others to H. Hansen, Rows’* Addn. to Wheeler. Mohler Cooking Club of SE’4 of SE’4 Sec. 6 T 2 SR 9W. I power to locate mining claims in A Cooking club of nine members, War Deed. Laneda Inc. to Louis Tillamook county, Oregon. COUNTY CLUB NOTES with Miss Mildred Tilden as local War Deed. A. H. Harris ft wf. to A. Bouget ft wf. $100 00. Lot 9 Blk. leader, has just been organized at Harry I^each. $1050 00. Lots 4 and 13 Manzanita Beach. Academy Cooking Club Deed. Rachel Wheeler, et-al. to 5 Blk. 2 Sunnymead Addn. to TII- The Cooking Club organized at Mohler. The members are: Esther Jacob H. Cook. $10.00. Und. U Int. lamook City, Ore. St. Aiphonsus Academy has eight Stevens, president, Foreste r Parks, Tomlinson, in various tracts of land amount Sat. Mtg. State Land Board I to members, with Miss Gertrude Brooks vice-president, Reona ing to 1000 acres in T 2 8R 9W and Wm. K. Webb ft wf. Rel. 1 Mtg. as local leader. The members are: secretary. Gertrude Young, Gladys Q-186. T 2 SR 10. Clara Brooks, president. Irene Jacob, Berg, Bessie Lee, Walter Ludtke. Mtg. Lydia Morgan to Alvin Mtg. Geo. Russell ft w*. to First vice-president, Catherine O'Hara, Angellne Fuller, Winnifred Alley. Stornier. $2200 00. Watch tower Natl. Bank. $336.96. Covers Lot 3 secretary. Agnes Kamph. Georgia Mohler Garden Club The aGrden Club at Mohler, with property In Tillamook on First Blk. 1 end I mt 1 Blk. 2 Cloverdale, Vldito, Helena Weber. Roxella Blas Str-'ct East and also SE’4 of NE*4 Oro. Due on or before 6 mo. int. 8 er, Mary Brooks. Andrew Lagler as local leader, has nine members, as follows: Leslie Sec. 12 T 2 SR 10W. Due 1 yr. int. »•«¡•••nt maturity. Blaine Sewing Club 8 per cent at maturity. Sheriff’s Deed. John Aschim sher A Sewing Club has been organiz Young, president. Harold Kebbe. Mtg. O. A. Schultz ft wf. to R. E. iff to Henry L. Bettmann. $1975.00- ed at Blaine with Mrs. Katherine vice-president. Harlan McKimena. Williams. $2024 00- Covers lots 3- Cover» 8WU Sec. 18 T 4 SR 9W. Edson, local leader. The following aecretary, Ivan Ludtke, Geo. Ludtke. 4-5-6 Blk 6 Park Addn. to Tilla 142.27 acres sold on foreclosure of girls are members: Emma La pen. Wendell Scovel. Stanley Kebbe. mook (also property In Aberdeen, Mtg. president, Lucille Hollett. vice-pres Walter Ludtke, Milo Sellon. Wash.) Mtg due 1 yr. Int. 8 percent War Deed, Brighton Develop- ident. Adeline Bedortha. secretary, Wheeler Cooking Club semi-annually. ment Co. to M. Owen. $210 00. Lots Norma Kostlc, Alma Ayer. On February 22. a Cooking Club Sat. Mtg. John Vogl to William 1. 2, 3 and 4 Blk. 23 Brighton was organized at Wheeler. Margar Long Prairie Sewing Club Squires Rel. of Mtg. Bk pg. 484. Beach. The Long Prairie Sewing Club, et Reed is the local leader, and the Wrtoh Tower property in Tilla U. 8. Navy Discharge of Geo. with Mrs. Blanche Hogan as local members of the duh are: Luella mook City. Weston Smith. leader, has the following members: Lane president, ituth Darnell, vice- Sagt. Mtg. L. 8. Huchbeck to Cft. W’ater Right State of Oregon Bertha Zlrr, president. Margaret president. Mabel Soderberg, secre Frank Paul Vai Con. Asgt. of Mtg. to The Whitney Company. Covers Becker, vice-president. Ruby Blum, tary. Harriet Hamilton. Nellie Ross, Bk pg. 448-7. 3 50 cu. ft. per second from "Whit secretary. Carrie Blum. Lena Blum. Mae Black. Chat. Mtg. O. E Etfenberger to ney Brook’” for use on the El-J Sec. Virginia Murphy. Alice Hanenkrat, Academy Sewing Club Union Flschermans Cooperative 21 T 1 N R 10. The St. Alphonsus Academy Sew Esther Smith. Packing Co. $179. Covers 1 fishboat War Deed. Joseph Russell to Jos ing Club has a membership of 20. Nehalem Sewing Club ft gear, Due 7 mo. 6 percent int. eph H Hobson »10 00 Lots 1 ft A Sewing Club under the local Mias Gertrude Brooke is local iead- maturity. 2 and SE»4 of NEU Sec 3 T 3 NR leadership of Mrs. Geo. Blanchard er. The members of the club are: War Deed. Union Fischermans 9W. 151.$9 acres. Elvira has been organized at Nehalem. Helen Klehm. president. Cooperative Packing Co to Ed. Mortgage. Andrew Zuercher ft The members are: Eva Eggleston, Woclfe. vice president Ione Tal- Kelly. $1200 I mt a 7 ft 8 wf to N. . Hansen $2911.50. Tracts president. Julia Briggs, vtce-preel- cott, secretary, Elizabeth Briane. Wheeler. •f land in Sec. 2 T 1 NR loW and dent, Ella Hall, secretary, Kcenla Mildred Johnson. Margaret Abra- Mtg. Hermann Thun « w f. to Sec. 35 T 3 NR 10W Due $311.50 Neketin. Helen Neketin Frances ham. Evetyn Hanenkratt. Clara Rtate Land Board. 8 1500 EMi of on or before 30 days and $2600-06. Crawford. Eva Crawford. Ruth Til Brooks, Isabel Kehr. Florence Wat NEU and SEU of 8WU See. 16 on or before 3 yrs. 8 percent int. den. Ivan Alien. kins. Mary Weber. Menctta Ban- T 3 SR 8W. Due 1 yr tnt 6 per semi-annually. deni. Dorothy Esch, Frances Bar- Bay City Sewing Club cent, semi-annually. Patent. U. 8. to Carrie Powell. The Bay City (tewing Club, with gett, Evelyn Miller, Josephine Bls- U. 8. Army Discharge of Gilbert I 8H of 8U See. 11 T 5 SR 9W 80 Mrs H K. Nolee local leader, has er. Rosie Biaer, Grace Kamph, Marie ft. Rock. acre». the following members: ftlmeda Bet sc b art, Leona West. TMDAY, MANCH DAILY RECORDS TILLAMOOK COUNTY 11 Fresen^' a FEDERATED RELEASE A fifteen chapter play of African adventure, battles with beasts, clashes with canibals in every chapter. In offering this GREATE"T OF ALL animal features we have a new innovation, Here it is. We are going to run three chapters each week—showing the entire series in the short time of five programs. Starting dates Tuesday and Wednesday March 14-15. You’ll want to see all of it! It's the greatest thriller you’ve ever had an opportunity to see! Remember it starts next Tuesday and Wednesday with a seven reel installment. “FOX NEWS” each time with it. It’ll be just like reading a book—3 chapters a week. Daily Truck Service Mutual Give me a Winchester Tool every time Men who make their living by their skill with tools find’ In Winchester Tools special refinements of deeign, niceties in finish, sturdy construction. They produce more and better work at the end of the day. For the skilled mechanic or the "handy man” Winchester tools are made to save his time and temper. Other Winchester Tools of Exceptional Service Nall Hammers. Wrenches, Auger Bits, Saws, Pliers and Fine Winchester Ball Pein Hsm- mer—Perfectly balanced for a hard, true blow. Forged from crucible steel that will not mushroom or chip. Patented interlocking wedges. Winchester Chisels - Special crucible steel made in one piece from tip of the blade through the «ocket. Ass* Irl ment of patterns and blade widths. Winchester Iron Pltnez —High quality, tempered cut ters, held rigidly in position. Quick, accurate adjustment. Smooth, Jack, Fore and Jointer planee. Winchester Screw Drivers — Blades of single piece of chrome steel securely flt’ed to handles. Stand up under the hardest kind of use. King-Crenshaw Hwd. Co THE I STORE