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About Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1922)
JEIDAY. MABCH 10, 1922 THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT NEMUGHT CUSSIFŒD ADVERTISEMENTS PAGE THREE OR ..ALE 2 yr. old Jersey, regis tered Bull; also good windmill. L. A. Daniels. Tillamook. 20tf HOUSE ~AND LOT FOR_SALE—IF interested call at 811 3rd St. G. H. Foland. 17-t4 We found some young lady's BETTER HOMES FOR OREGON seventy years old, was used by the Canby—Union high school to be powder puff the other day. and we The program was built here. Is proposal. AIM OF WOMEN OF OREGON schoolmaster. have been powdering the face of CLASSIFIED AD RATE clever and full of local color. A bas- Forest Grove—Local bakery will our typewriter ever since. Kind 'o "Better Homes for Oregon” is the kc» lunch was served after school, Kives the office a homey atmosphere. slogan around which the practical the coffee being furnished by the install electric oven. All classified ads and readers scientific practicers of Oregon home ladies. Fourteen dollars was real- i Scio—New lodge hall completed one cent per word each issue. The Bay City school was well making will rally for their first izd from the entertainment, and 'at cost of $5,000. FOR SALE — SECOND HAND Such advertising should be in range, dining table and a few represented at the lecture Monday separate conference at the State will be used to buy supplies for the the office by 6 p. m. on the Wed Salem to have |75,000 cold stor night. About twelve students made college, Corvallis, March 20—25. Sunday school. chairs. 416 Third Ave East. nesday preceeding publication. age plant. the trip in the rain to hear the his "And the slogan will be made _______ _________ _ ________ 18-tf tory of Oregon Indians. Classified ada and readers may vital," say the leaders of the move Everybody for a good time March North Powder—100 men employ IF YOU WANT EGGS AND POUL- be telephoned In and charged on ment. The opening address of Dean 17th. ed putting up 10.000 tons ice. try, used to Western climate, we OR. W. A. WISE of Barview was Ava B. Milam, "Homemaking from account. have 52 varieties that win and in the city Wednesday and reports a new standpoint," will sound the lay- John Hoffman, Tillamook that he has taken over the Barview keynote. FOB SALE Ore 13-12 grocery store. His daughter has The conference has always here GET YOUR GASOLINE AT THE FOR SALE—; yr. old Jersey, regis been appointed postmistress for tofore been held in connection with Barview. Dr. Wise states that his Farmers' week, when some of the TILLAMOOK GARAGE. 27 cents tered Bull; also good windmill. cottages at the beach resort are be- women thought they were expected per gal. 19-3 L. A. Daniels, Tillamook. 20tf for SALE—SETTING EGGS PR0°M Whitney ing filled 1 company now by employees of the to play "second fiddle" in the men's FOR SALE—CEDAR POSTS CALL orchestra. In conformity with the dark Rhode Island Reds. Chases' 7 Ted Lyater at Beaver. Mutual development of a better standard of on Kllches river road, or Auto ' phone. 15-tf L. P. REY, of Bay City, was a home and homemaking the method Paint Shop. 20-lt recent visitor to our city. has been changed to meet the new FOR SALE—2 yr. old Jersey, regis _- ' ---- “------- — t needs.—O. A. C. Experiment. tered Bull; also good windmill. . FOB RENT There will be Swedish meetings L. A. Daniels, Tillamook. 20tf FOR RENT—5 W Ftrit“St., 2 furn at the Maple Leaf School House * BAY CITY NOTES ished housekeeping mom« with Sunday the 12th at 10:30 a ,m. PRIVATE SALE OF HOUSEHOLD and 7:30 p. m. bath, $12 per month; 1 furnished furniture on Goyne Ranch, South Mrs. Nevins has been 1U for aer- single room »8 per month 20tf Missionary Bjorkquist. Prarie. Apply any day but Satur eral days. It is reported that she Is down with influenza. day. lltf WANTED TO BUY Presbyterian Church Mrs. G. N. Thompson, of Salem. Sunday School—lo. a. m. Morn- has been visiting with her daughter, FOR SALE—7-ROOM BUNGALOW, WHEN YOU HAVE CATTLE FOR 19000000« C Subject: Mrs. Archie Blair and family. a new built house In City, very sale call Ed. Hadley, Mutual ing Worship 11. a. m. "Tasting the Future World. . ’ convenient, for reasonable price. ’ ____ Even- Dr. and Mrs. Hawk were in Port Phone. 18 tf ing Worship—7:30 p. m. The drama land for a few days. Werner Michel, 901 First Sc., Mrs. Hawk of Job will be given. Five charac was visiting friends while the doc City._______________________19-t2 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE—40 ACRES ALL LEVEL I THE OREGON TRUCK LINB ters will interpret the Drama. The tor was attending to business mat Prologue and Epilogue: Mr. J. W. land 4 miles south of Tillamook i Trucks will call at your resl- Heyd. Job: Glen Anderson, Eliphaz: ters. OF DAIRY COWS Miss Jessie H. Warren left Thurs ou good gravel road mile to dence or place of business for house A. A. McRea. Zopher: C. W. Bar- day to enjoy a vacation. Miss War pavement, for >4000 or will sell hold goods and outgoing freight, rick. Bildad: Newton Anderson. ren has been the manager of the in 10 acre tracts on easy terms. JOHN MATHERS, Agent. Everybody Welcome. We will offer for public sale ten head of our choice grade Jersey local telephone exchange for the 17-t4 Phone 61 J or Mutual. 13-tf Minister. Allan A. McRea, cows; these will include some of our best. past four years. The dance at the Bay City theat We are doing this to make room for reg. Jerseys. Also offer two VICTOR LEARNED of Cloverdale The nicest courtesy you can show U. B. Church re last Wednesday night was well young registered bulls from register of merit dams. was in the city Wednesday. “Vic” is your guests is to have their visits Sunday School 10 a. m. Public Wor attended. Quite a few out of town well remembered by the boys of the mentioned in these pages. The ship 11. a. m. Revival service 7:30 dancers were present and seemed to These cows all have cow testing association records. My herd is old 10th Company as the cook who nicest courtesy you can show your p. m. Preaching 8. p. m. Subject: have a real good time. v used to dish up those delicious hot friends is to let them learn of your "Preparation for Soul Winning." Orville Bodie has been sick for a cakes at the post exchange at Fort visits through these pages when There will be Revival service each few days but is reported to be bet- Columbia. . t y ever you go away, and we will con- evening throughout the week ex- ter again. Mr. Bodie is employed at FREE FROM TUBERCULOSIS sider it a courtesy whenever you cept Saturday. Song services at the Nelson & Company store. LYLE SMITH is in the city from give us an item of any kind. 7:30 and preaching at 8. p. m. You Mrs. Donna Walker, former Bay Have had seven test without a reactor. Two of these will be welcome to these services. Portland, having been called here by City school teacher, spent Tuesday the illness of his father Dr. I. M. J. E. Fry, Pastor. MRS. A. J. OLSEN and daughter. visiting friends here. Mrs. Walker Teats Were Made By the Smith. Mr. Smith was in the avia of Portland, are visiting her par Is spending a few days at the home tion business here last summer, hav ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Van Patten. Methodist Church of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. Mc Sunday School at 10 o’clock, The Millan, at Haddon. ing had his training during the war both in this country and in France. MRS. ROSE WILKES of the coun morning sermon at eleven o’clock. Charles H. Jones and family ty agents office is snowed under The subject of the morning sermon moved Into the Larson residence PROF. COLLINS, principal of the with work. Maybe Pine and Doc will be "Preach the Word.” The last week. MARCH 2, 1922 Bay City school, was in the city J Shaw will have a heart and give her Young Peoples' meeting at 6:30. Miss Jennie Finlayson, of River Monday and Wednesday. He at- [ a little rest. Busy times around The subject of the young peoples’ dale. has been visiting her step he tested 74 head and found no reactor. Our herd was established tended the Boy Scout lecture Mon- the county clerk’s office these days, meeting will be "My Debt to a mother Mrs. Emme Finlayson, of in 1817. If you buy in this sale you get cows we have been build day night and the basketball Wed- The girls are all too busy to talk Good Book.” The evening discourse Nelson & Co. ing up for 55 years. Sale to be held at at 7:30. The subject of the evening nesday night. about pay day. William Provost. Bay City brick discourse will be "Worship God." mason, has been busy at Manhattan, —------ -r-r o »» ------ l . •« . ■ i «w ii The Church prayer meeting on >4 Henry Sauce has purchased the Wednesday evening at 7:30- A cor interest of J. B. Morris In the Fln- dial Invitation is extended to all to layson property, and has moved hl. 3ft miles East of Tillamook NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC worship with us. fr.mily into the new home. Charles L. Dark, Pastor. The Rev. J. T. Keating has been 111 Bankable Notes at 8 percent Interest TERMS : 3 months. for a few days. Mrs. G. N. Thomp Reformed Church son, who substituted in the pulpit Vaughn OP Larson have dissolved partner JOE DONALDSON, COLONEL J. W. HUGHES. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Morn for Rev. Keating last Sunday, Owner. 'Auctioneer. ing Worship at 11 o’clock. Subject preached an able sermon. ship, and G. C. Vaughn has taken over the "The Source of the Christian's Peace.” A Lenten 8ermon. The ev WHEELER NOTES entire business. ening services at 8 o’clock will be F. A. Craft, a new man at camp held under the auspices of the choir All accounts due and past due must be and the Heidleberg League, consist 4, and a chocker setter, was severe ing of reedings, musical selections ly injured last week, when he was paid before March 15th, and you are re- i and a short address by the pastor. struck by a log. Both legs were General subject: "What Does Fol broken in two places. He was rush- quested to come in and make arrangement lowing Christ Mean?” You ar« cor ed to the Wheeler hospital and later to Portland. dially invited to these services. for settlement. Mrs. William Christensen, h W. G. Lienkaemper, pastor. two children, and her sister, M Is. Vaughn r# Larson. The date te March IT. The Moose Josephine Jackson, returned Ball. week from Portland and after 91 month’s visit with friends. N. O. Nochols, in charge dian affairs, of the Department Interior, was In town transacting business the first of the week. Harry Haak, who spent Wednes day in Wheeler, stated that they ex- pected to resume logging at the Helloff camp in the near future. Mrs. Joe Thompson. of Kelso, Wash.. returned home Thursday. THURIDAY-FBIDAYL MARCH 16-17 Mrs. Thompson has been visiting SUNDAY-MONDAY. MABCH 12-13 » her mother. Mrs. Zimmerman. PAULINE STARKE (Star of "Salvation Neill ELLIOT William Cyphert, fifteen year old GLORIA WALLACE son of Mr. and Mrs. L. I. Cyphert, Is DEXTEE SWANSON REID —IN— down with an attack of acute ap- pendicitls. —IN— R. H. Cady returned from a busi ness trip to the Dalles. Dr. McGee, of Nehalem, made a professional call here Tuesday. AUCTION SALE Government Veterinarian Dr. Shaw Don Meadows Farm, March 27 Cr GEM THEATRE TILLAMOOK DON’T TELL EVERYTHING You mustn’t breathe it to a soul—but the man A she loved had told het too much of his past, picture that thrills with lively sensations and true charms with and beauty. 1» »t ...... cuainu wnu it Il ’s B fashion imuivu — ------ - - that "What You Don't Know Wont Hurt You . tuai num xvu wu v i*»«- ------ See the answers vividly lived in this play, pulsing with metropolitan life and thrills tn the great outdoors. IFE AGAINST FE A drama off wifely love and wifely suspicion. Told with all the power of the big stage drama on which it was founded—“The Price " • SPOT CASH—one-reel 8nub Pollard Comedy. AN IDLE ROAMER—two-reel Century Comedy. TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY. MABCH 14-15 SATURDAY. MARCH 18 ♦ THE MIRACLES OF THE JUNGLE. Warner Brother's marvelous animal adventure and romance in the w Ida the Jungle" IS NOT a ture in book form which has ««®«n c *^thus will be shown three chapters a< a you'll be able to see and. enjoy -«.g« Titles of duction in the short /ime of A ••The City of the first three chapter, are: No. I- ™* C"T,_ Lions No. J—"The Passage of Death “The Jungle Attack.” Tuesday-Wed- Chapter. No. 4. No. S. and No. « Tue^iay needay. March 21 and 22. feature— DONT MISS this quick action r*pl wonderful see the atart and—the finish in fl<* program«». FOX NEWS shown with each program PAULINE FREDERICK IN THE STING ot the LASH An amazing story of a woman's love. She mar ried a man, he turned out to be a craven disrepu table fiend. She had married him for better or fo r worse—and she made a man of him by "The Sting of The Lash.” A picture with a lesson of life in it—A elimax you'll never forget. love TAPS AND HARD KNOCKS—two-reel comedy ROCKAWAY NOTES COUNTY BANK E. Higgens was seriously Injured when he fell from a ear of lumber ▼ he was unloading the other day. P. T. Church, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Chamberlain, and W Monk, consti tuted a motor party to Portland last DIRECTORS week. Mias Doris Painton left last Mon day for Salem where she la to at tend school. A. G. Walling la spending a week T. M. LT8TKR R. E. WILLIAMS at Redland. I Mra. F. P. Miller was called to the JAMES WILLIAMS H. T. BOTTS bedside of her mother at St. Helens last Wednesday. It is reported that DAVE FITZPATRICK WM. MAXWELL her mother is seriously HI. E. P. Miller is circulating a peti D. KURATL1 JOHN ERICKSON M. ABPLANALP tion among the people to have a jetty built from the railroad right of way west on the creek. This will drain the low land and save the park. So far he has secured 21000 without solicitation. A novel entertainment was staged at the church last Friday evening by the Rockaway Sunday School A MEMBER "District School” was conducted with D. G. Van Seyke. of Twin FEDERAL RESERVE Rocks, as school master, The old- SYSTEM er people costumed-as children were nunils. The school was called to order by a bell that belonged to the great grandfather of one of the pu pils. A Webster spelling book, over a