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About Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1922)
THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT PAGE EIGHT FAMOUS HOLSTEINS SOLD Geo. P. Wlnalow H. T. Botta _ _ - —• BOTTS A WINSLOW Continued from Pace One Lawyen the herd. These offers he refused, taking the position that as a breed- er it would be unwise to dispose of his best animals, but would sell the 1 * entire herd of a price sufficiently at i tractive could be agreed upon. Beals’ herd was later exhibited at the Oregon State Fair at Salem and the Pacific International Livestock Exposition at Portland, going over the top at both of these expositions I , with Grand-champinships and blue I ribbons in competition with the best in the United States. At the Pacific International Carnation Farms again renewed their efforts to purchase t certain members of the herd but were told by Mr. Beals that he would not budge from his position to sell all or none. Negotiations were at that time started for the purchase of the entire herd culmin- , ating in the transfer being made last week. However, Mr. Beals re tained his herd sire and a few choice females which will be sup plemented from time to time, he in forms us, with pure bred animals of the very best quality. Mr. Beals speaks in the very highest terms of his herdsman, James Trent, whom 1 he gives credit for the big records achieved by his herd. Tillamook County got more wide- 1 spread, effective advertising through this wonderful herd of cattle that were assembled and developed by I Mr. Beals at Highland Grove Farm than through any other medium in the history of the county, its re- ' m< val from th« county is a distlnc- i tive loss. Mr. Beals informs us that he hopes to be able in the next few ! yeais to develop a herd of equal or and black- better standing than the one just disposed of. It is hoped he will be successful. Through the courtesy of the Portland Evening Telegram there is published elsewhere in this paper a photograph of the cattle ex hibited at the Pacific International by Mr. Beals with the comments or the Telegram. Oregon Tillimook DAVID ROBINSON Phyzicia» and Surgeon National Bldg. Tillamook, Ore. Public Accountant-Notary Public General Bookkeeping, Auditing, Income Tax. New Elliott Addressing Machine and Mailing Lists. 303 Second Ave. E. Bell Phone 61J Mutual Phone Phone 76-J DR. C. H. POLLOCK, D.M.D. Dentist 215-16-17 Tillamook Bldg. OREGON TILLAMOQK, Bell 121 M Mutual TILLAMOOK IRON WORKS f General 'machinists H. Sander BARRICK & HALL Attomeyi at Law National Building Oregon Tilllmook IS ONE OF THE MANY FORMS Protection ALWAYS ON THE JOB IS THE MOTTO OF THIS AGENCY The Three Rivers Cheese factory Boiler Explosion occurred on Wednesday and was adjust ed on Friday—7LESS THAN 48 HOURS AFTER THE LOSS.—We are happy that no livse were lost and no one hurt. This Agency writes EVERY KNOWN KIND OF INSURANCE. The records of many years and services of this office are at your command. Prompt adjustment and i payment of all * claims is the established rule of settlement, Your insurance requirements will have our personal attention at all times. Rates on application without obligation. W e are no further from your inquiries than the . THE INSURANCE MAN 21 Years In Tillamook r GEM THEATRE A comedy drama of American married life with HELENE CHADWICK and RICHARD DIX in the stellar roles. Most pictures finish with a mar riage, but that is just where this begins. With married life, it’s outs and ins. The newlyweds, the baby carriage, and all the dear domestic capers you laugh at in the funny papers. BRIGHT EYES—A two reel Ben Turpin comedy. —The fellow with the funny eyes. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2—“Groundhog Day” TOWN IDEAS featuring EILEEN PERCY. The question of what "groundhog day” may bring forth with re gards to weather is but a guess! There can De but one guess as to "big town ideas” with Eileen Percy—It’s a cinch R’ll be good. THE 9ON OF TARZAN—Episode No. 13. this one—and two more. OLD NEST Just A story of—your life—your borne—your mother —as they might have been or as they are. "THE OLD NEST" will awaken deep in your heart memories of the MOTHER to whom you ran with your chidlish troubles. A few questions that will come to your mind when you see “THE OLD NE8T”—Have I grown away from the "old home?" When did I write "home” last? Did I remember my "mother’s” last birthday? "THE OLD NEST" is a greater picture than "Humor esque” and is played by a cast of twenty-one stars. We can t tell you what a wonderful story it is. All we can say is—you’ll always remember it and be glad that you did see It! Come early— tell your friends of it—bring your neighbors to see it! FOX NEWS FRIDAY-SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 3-4 Millionaire shot! Former Butler accused! cannot agree! What’s behind it? Jury' JEWEL CARMEN IN First a mystery, strong in suspense. The ro mance, fine in sweep. Then a trial—not as has been shown many time« before—but one that takes you behind the scenes, into the jury room where the die is cast. The story of a "Nobody" wife and a "Somebody" husband. Let nobody make you miss "NOBODY”—Two nights only! NO PLACE TO UVE—Star Comedy. Mrs. George. The subject of REMARKABLE RECORD OF address will be “Why Girls Go LIGHT SIX STUDEBAKER I Hawkins, registering from Wrong." Mrs. George has addi eas Kilchei Point, is at Portland, He Jan. 24, 1922 ed audiences of women and girls has jmt returned from a two- Williams A Williams all over the country and the months trip through the East, He church should be packed to hear Tillamook, Ore. is wit|) the Whitney Lumber com her. The big "Booster Choir” will pany, vhich is building a large Dear Sirs;- have its first rehearsal on Thurs- Regarding the conversation we day afternoon at 4:00- We owe it mode: a mill in Tillamook county.— had this morning about, the Light to ourselves, to our country, and Oregon Journal. Six Studebaker I am driving. I to our God, that we put our lives Mr. J. E. Springer, traffic mana bought the car Sept. 24, 1921, trom under the best possible influences ger or the Great Northern Transpor Wenatchee Produce Co, of Wen for good. We urge your attendance tation Co., was in ,the city Satur atchee,, and drove the car at all of these services; that these day conferring with Agent Mathere. i from there to Seattle and down the meetings be made a blessing to our The company is putting in the ser I coast to Los Angeles, then over to oi tv and to thg w*** * * • C. L.. Dark, Pastor. vice a fecial medal truck to leave Port- Port Phoenix, Artz., anti oacx to uu» au - I geles. The trip to Phoenix was over land atp:00 P- m., arriving Ln Til the desert and through sand pulls lamook the following morning. Presbyterian Church which required a lot of low and in Sunday School—10» a. m. Morn Mr. uid Mrs. Ike Hiner arrived termediate gear work. I then drove ing Worship:—11. a. m. Subject in the :lty Monday with the body of all over the state of California, in “True Sanctification.’’ Evening Wor Mrs. Hiner’s father, J. F. Jackson. cluding a drive to Eureka, Calif., ship—7:30 p. m. Subject “The Di Mr. Jackson was one of the pioneers from San Francisco, the first week vinity in Humanity.” Our creed: of this county. He was burled in in January. Thursday, an. 19, 1922, Unity of Love, Life and Spirit; ai- I figured the amount of gasoline versity of form, thought and ser Tillamook. consumed from the time I bought vice. All are welcome. Mr. ind Mrs. H. A. Goodman left the car and I averaged better than Allan A. McRea, Minister. Sunday for Portland where they ex 19 miles on a gallon. During that pect to make their home. Mr. Good time I have driven 9343 miles. The Christian Church man until recently was a clerk at tread on all of my tires has barely Next Sunday we invite you to all started to wear and I will get at the A. X. Pennington store. services. Special music by Junior and least 15000 miles on this set. There Senior choir and orchestra. If you — M. D Frost, a brother-in-law of has been a lot of bad and mountain were present last Sunday you will Earl Dmrqrn of this place was in the roads on my trips to say nothing of know about our fine music. Bible city Monday from Chehalis, Wash the sand in the desert. school Jo a. m. A growing, going I ington. He is considering locating I also drove up last week from school. Morning sermon at 11 o’- I California having no trouble to get clock. Evening here, it is said. 7:30. Sermon that through. will help you. C. E. at 6:30- A large The only repairs on the car has number of young people. Wed. ev Jack Cronin of Portland is here on busisess this week. Mr. Cronin been grinding of valves at 4500 ening—7:30. A cordial Invitation is one of the stockholders of the miles. to the public. Yours very truly, Lantz Oil Burner Co., and expects to Harry E. Tucker, Minister H. W. KIDDER, R"p. Blatch- see the company do big things tn ford's Calf Meal Co. of the very near future. Wankegan, Wash. —Adv. H. M. Burford of the Tillamook Transfer company left for Portland Lutheran Church Monday to be at the bedside of his Services will be held Sunday, Jan. mother who is prostrated over the death of her husband which occurr 29th at 10:30 a. m. at the Seventh SEELEY, FAMOUS IN THIS SPEC Student Day Adventist Church. ed last week. IALTY, CALLED TO PORTLAND Deffner will preach the sermon, A A. F. Coates was surprized last cordial Invitation is extended to all. F. H. Seeley, of Chicago and Phil night by the arrival of his twin adelphia. the noted truss expert, will personally be at the Benson brother A. S. Coatee of Raymond, Reformed Church Hotel, and will remain in Portland Wash. Sunday School at 10- a. m. Morn Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and ' P J Worrall manager of the Til- ing Worship at 11 o'clock. Subject; Thursday, January 23, 24, 25 and Rejection i lamook Hotel states that the hotel “Christ’s Preaching 26. Mr. Seeley says: "The Spermat | accommodated 12,000 guests daring at, Nazareth.” Evening services at ic Shield will not only retain any 8. This meeting will be under the I the year of 1921. auspices of the Heldelburg League case of rupture perfectly, but con tracts the opening in 10 days on tne Mrs. M. W. Harrison concluded a and the choir and will consist of average case. Being a vast advance ' visit in the city with relatives and various musical selections, readings ment over all former methods—ex left for her home in Portland Tues- and a brief address by 'be pastor, emplifying instantaneous effects im The general subject will be: "God . day. in Our Lives.” You are cordial'y in mediately appreciable and with I standing any strain or .position no vited to attend these servlcjs. The new county veterinarian. Dr. matter the size or location Large W. G. Lienkaemper, Pastor J. N. Shaw, is expected to nrrive or difficult cases, or incisslonal here with his family from Corvallis ruptures (following operations) Saturday. Methodist Church specially solicited. This instrument Revival meetings each night received the only award in Eng F. A. Beltz left Monday on a busi during the week except Friday, land and tn Spain, producing re ness trip to Los Angeles and San , Francisco Mr. Beltz xpects to be Brother and Sister George. singing sults without surgery. Injections, Evangelists are conducting tire medical treatments or prescriptions. | gone about two weeks. services. An inspirational song Mr Seeley has documents from the service for 30 or 40 minutes each United States Government. Wash Mrs. Felix Kebbe of Mohler was operated on in a local hospital re ! evening, with special music by the ington, D. C., for Inspection. He will ¡evangelists. On "Friday evening af- be glad to demonstrate without cently for appendicitis, and is re- i ter the sermon, the teachers and charge or fit them if desired. Busi ported as Improving. I officers of the Sunday School will ness demands prevent stopping at ! meet. Special meeting tn the- Sun- any other place in this section. Great Northern Transporta- The tion Trucks will call at your resi I day School, Sunday morning led by P. 8.—Every statement in this no- dence or place of business for house I Bro. George. AH scholars are urg- i tice has been verified before the Fed- I ed to attend. A big mass meeting , eral and State Courts.—F. H. Seeky- hold goods and outgoing freight. I for women and girls above 12 years' Home Office. 117 N. Dearborn St., JOHN MATHERS. Agent Chicago, Ill. —Adv. Phone 61 J or Mutual. ll-tf of age on Sunday at 2:30 led by j LOCAL NOTES Rupture Expert Here TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 31 and FEBRUARY 1 THE j ROL LIE W. WATSON,^ I Ceres, Lillian Anderson, Pomona. Pleasant Valley officers were ln- Fairview Grange met - at -- their ---- hall stalled with the Fairview officers, January 12th, and the following Dolph Tinnersteti was the install officers were installed: S. V. Ander ing officer. Mrs. Joe Williams rep [ DR. 0. L. H0HLFELD son, Master; John Schild, Overseer; ' resented Goddess of Liberty. Dolph Oscar Tittle, Lecturer; Will Max Tlnnerstett was assisted by Mrs. Veterinarian well, Treasurer; Bertie Tlnnerstett, Claud Ackley, Grace Jacob, Anna Scretary; Robert Stillwell, Steward; Schild, Bertie Tinnerstett and’ Sol Bell Phone 8F2. Mutual Phone Dolph Tlnnerstett, Assistant Ste lie Smith in the installation and the Oregon ward; Anna Schild, Lady Assistant work was well done and very ef Tillimook Steward; Edward Weston, Gate fective. Keeper; Mrs. J. Schild, Chaplain; i Wallowa to have new sidewalks. Minnie Maxwell, Flora; Mrs. Lucus, Pleasant Valley Grange gave a pro gram under the direction of Mrs. DR. J. E. SHEARER Ike Moore. The program constated N of instrumental music, songs, read Surgery ings and ■> dialogue entitled "Tho DR. J. G. TURNER Burlesque Grange.” The program Eye Specialist National Building was well arranged and enjoyed by Permanently located In Tilla Tillamook, ■ Oregon ala. The attendance was good, and mook. Private office in Jenkin’s J the get-together meeting work was jewelry store, Latest up-to-date of great interest among the Grange instruments and equipment. Ev- people. f enlngs and Sunday by appoint- R. T. BOALS, M. D. ment. Roseburg.—Çeunty orders one Complete Lens Grinding Fac Surgeon and Physicitn tory on the Premises. Any lens mile Garden Valley highway pave«. I duplicated. I. o. O. F. Building tho Barview lifesaving station wet» Tillamook. Oregon visitors tn Tillamook Monday. Oregon Tillimook BIG a TELEPHONE or MAIL BOX. X. DANGEROUS CURVE AHEAD Offered By This Agency This policy covers the Assurer’s Boiler, the property of Assured where boiler is located, and also for consequent damage to property of other s or for injuries or loss of life to the public.' Grange Officers Are Installed SUNDAY-MONDAY, JANUARY 29-30 OF