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About Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1921)
.THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1921 DLIGHT F. D. Mitchel of Bayocean, was a Tlllomook caller last Friday. Send Your Christmas Packages by Great Northern Transportion Co ______________ I A. J. Thompcon of Nehalem, was a etty visitor Iasi Friday. z x DAILY TRUCKS LEAVES - '■■■ 1 | F. D. Mitchel of Bayocean, was in the city Saturday. Tillamook, Portland, Astoria, The Dalles, Salem AND WAY POINTS Mr. and L. B. Lindall of Nehalem came down from Nehalem Sunday. Freight and Express, Furniture and Long Distance Hauling, Baggage and Packages Born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beltz of Tillamook, Dec. 5, a daughter. C. A. Smith a well known resident of Cloverdale, had business tn Till amook Wednesday. From Stage Line a Specialty Office—301 2nd Ave. E. ANNO UNCEMENT ------------------------------------------------------------- I Dr. Wise will be at his Tillamook office every Monday. 6tf (INCORPORATED) Next to Conover & Conover’s store Phones— 61J aad Mutual ) -------------------------------- Bom to Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Davis, of Brighton, Oregon, November 23, 1921, a daugheter. i J I! The Burge Grocery wishes to notify you that W. J. Hill of the firm has sold his interest to G. W. and G. L. Burjje and all the accounts due the above firm must be settled. Willie Anderson has just eomplet- . ed a new residence north of the low er Trask bridge in the west part of town. Fartland Offioe—486 BuHiiids St. Phon«-—Broadway <78 Dr. Wise will be at his Tillamook office Saturday, Dec. 10th. 6-lt The flood at Grand Ronde was the worst that has occurred in that sec tion tor 30 years pasit, says the Will ainina Times. DISCOVERED A COZY PLACE TO EAT Gustus A Robitsch have sold the spruce timber bought by them re cently near Haddon, to the Wheeler Lumber company, and will log and ship It to the above named mill. __ ! Excellent Home Cooking Roland, son of Arthur Beals, of this city, slashed a thumb last Sat urday while splitting kindling wood so badly that a local surgeon had to take several stitches In the wounded member. WITH Mrs. John Walling of McMinnville who was instantly killed in the big heed on collision on th« 0. W. R. & N. road last week, was a seaoad sou- * sin of Billy Withrow sf tklsvity. Absolute Cleanliness At Reasonable Prices I TOURIST CAFE Watch for announcement of our’Xmas Dinner READ THIS ! J A elty jitney driver sotnlag into Tillamook las Thursday sight from the north said that ha saw a bril liant flame some distant ahead, and concluded that hrls eity was on Are. Later o®, he dieeovered that an ettctrle light wire had fallen down and was grouaeked in a pool of water, while all kinds of lames were shooting skyward. The ligh* wae described as weijd and many heed, giving off a hsMtant affect and Illuminating the wsMr <j i eeme dietaaee ahent. I i In last week’s edition of the Headlight a lost handbag was advertised for with a reward of $5 offered for its return. The next day after the Headlight appeared the grip was returned and the reward paid. This is simply an illustra tion of how quickly Headlight classified ads get results; results that are sure. When in need of something, or when something is lost, keep the Headlight classified ads in mind amd kt us serve you. ■■............. i I TK HEADLIGHT FOR PRINTING