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About The Silverton journal. (Silverton, Or.) 191?-1915 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1914)
they are, in harmony with their con te"tion. Mrs. Bliven gives her whole case away when she admits that prayei ai d faith in miracles is good for th« ignorant. I suppose she means that Published mry Frulay momins •« Silverton. Oregon. by it will not make them more so. Bui By Guy Fitch Phelp*. can Christianity be both a blessing J. E. HOSMER, Editor. and a curse? I admin* Mrs. Bliven ENJOYED BY ALL CHILDREN AND GROWN FOLKS There are two articles iu The Silver- conduct. I stand ready to defend these for being willing to face what sh« ton Journal of November 20th, which i positions, and invite Materialists to can't handle. Why don’t Materialist, Inatructive ami Educative. are replies to me. One is from Mrs. meet me here honestly ana without the establish u few of their Sundays just Warfield, of Idaho; and the other from usual cheap sneer which is ever on the as a sample? 1 would be delighted tc Mrs. Bliven. Mrs. Warfield's article • lip of unbelief. I take the ground attend and s e what kind of inspira is its own condemnation. 1 shall not that it will destroy reason to claim un tion you have for the race. But re ( waste time in answering it in detail. i intelligent, reasoning personality is member, when you set up your Sun Those who reaii it and get its spirit and necessary to puint a lily, and then in day shop you can’t have anything that lack mental culture will commend the next breath say that blind force goes with Christianity. Of course you i m for passing it by. If she had said worked out all the varieties of actual wouldn’t want it, so you must not Entered at the poatoffice at Silverton. Oregvn, i nothing, or produced any argument, I li'ies. That is UNREASONABLE, and talk about purity, or honesty, or kind at second-claaa rates. would pardon her lack of refinement [contrary to every law of logic, and all ness, or truth, or love or mercy, o* Subscription. 50c per year, in advance. Single copies, 5 cents. and reply to her. But she ha.- not. the infidels in the world cannot prove pity, or forgiveness, or hope or un Advertising rates made known upon applica There is such a bitter spirit in her ' the contrary, and they will not try. selfishness or revelation, or intuition, tion. Church people of the right sort are article, such a snarl, that it proves or ideals moral, or a moral universe, Thia paper stand* fur freedom of thought, free dom of the nre»». freedom of speech. equality of ner a victim of that braggart self- the freest of fears of any class. Dread or home relations, or th«* training of opportunity and the religion of righteousne*». It conceit and prejudice which goes with of retribution is not a matter of church i* radically apposed to every form of superstition childen, or the virtue of young women, and tyranny, or licensing or permitting any form materialism. She says she burntxi the j teachings, it is in the soul of a man. or the honor of young men, or holy of evil. bible at twelve years of age. 1 believe it is not of the things which goes with aspirating for the soul; and you must it. Her article is evidence of that fact. sin; therfore, infidels, because they not talk About anything spiritual, or I pass you up, Mrs. W. till you get have souls and have sinned, are tor- prayerful, or tender, or high, for ALL i mented with fear; the) are ever seek down to business. THESE ar«* handled and pronounced Mrs. Bliven seems to be a woman of 1 ing to argue with some one, to try and upon by Christianity: Christianity convince themselves that they are In spite of the fact that there are more refinement, and 1 venture that right, because they are so terribly teaches them and demands that Chris she is a victim of a bad combination tians practice them, so, of course, you n.oss backs in this country, America afraid they may not be. I am a is the most progressive country on the or circumstances. If she will be hon ¡Christian, and from year to year have will not touch on any of those sub WE MUST GROW OR DIE! globe. We are not like some nations, est with herself, and take up right not one fear of any sin«! or descrip jects. Then you will not have any of ( • lines of study she will find God, and the beautiful music of church, or the ail mossbacks. The Sihurton Journal must keep its Subscription list I will tion. There is nothing to be afraid of. book** written on moral lint's, or the 'J Our eleemosynary and business or expand into a normal soul. But a study of Mrs. Warfield’s article lives of Christians. You will cut out <• trowing or it will surely die. We need your help, but we mention a few things her articles car ganizations, our railroads, our electric ries which are worthy of notice. But I will reveal the fact that it is saturated a'l history sacred, an<l put aside all o want to give even more than value received. engineering, our inveintions of all Get us one or more at fifty centa a year. Use I will say here, that I wish the Mat- [ with fear, and she tries to run a bluff the b'bles in the world. You will re- ;; kinds are the best in the whole world. ” the following blank: by talking about "holy spooks, ” etc. erialists would put up some one who k” ‘■*,v* •* "k“ Tessin came to this country to get will not shrink from going down to I The same thing that makes a horse- ject everything that pertains to Go«l A FREE PRESS into the gulf stream of electric investi the bed-rock of evolution. We have ■ thief take a drink of whiskey, and joke or a future life. You will do away with Christmas and Easter, and all gation, and he got what he was look not ente~ed the subject scarcely. Why just before being hanged. Is thut th«* dates of the church, because these ing for as his wonderful work surely do Materialists blow such loud bugles fearlessness ? • ■ things pertain to Christianity. But testifies. Th nations of Europe, un about the demonstrated facts of the Mrs. Bliven admits that infideis ■ • less it is France, lack our nerve and science (?) of evolution, and when one | : “like good neighbors.” 1 suppose thut when you have done all this. Mrs. The Hubncription price han been changed from $1.00 to I > Bliven, what will you have left? Don't push, and France hasn't the room to tries to pin them down to those things 1 is the reason they keep a good way 50 cent» per year. expand. Here we have new territory they utterly refuse to be held any from the naked head-hunters of the you think you will get rather tired of « • Tom Paine and discussions on cows ? > for all kinds of enterprises and having where. I know why: the whole mat Congo. This is quite an admission for EDITOR OF SILVERTON JOURNAI < > this, the best talent of all nations is erialistic hogwash is a bluff, just a she is surrounded by Christians, whom No, you can’t ta’k about honor or vir ■ • SILVERTON, OREGON. coming her* to expand and find op- big bluff; and when you demand facts she has been culling fanatics and tue, r such subjects, for all that was ♦< ► portunties. Not so with the old coun you get a slop-over about Tom Paine superstitious, etc. But individuals are handle«! in the highest fashion in the i > Enclosed find $ , for which send THE JOURNAL to tries. They are stale; their progress and the "holy spook,” of which Mrs. not at stake in this debate. What we teachings of Christianity centuries be the following: must be slow, but America has room, W. so elegantly expresses herself. Let wunt is to get at the root of material fore you were born, an«l you must not • > Name be beholden to Christianity in any way, is growing—is very much alve. Materailists put up some one who ism, and this she is not able or willing for that is a thing that weakens all In our rapid transit over the track knows enough about the theories of to do. She says that Materialists want Address but the "ignorant,” you know. Another of progress there is indeed great dan their class to really go to the bottom to be good citizens because it "makes bluff. And last: You must not talk Name ger, and the real principles of truth of the things, and we will see how we friends and success in business." 1 am about “Overcoming evils,” when you and justice must dwell in the minds fare. < > glad to say that Christians have higher set up your Sunday, for that is what Address of our individual citizens in order to The constant assertion of infidels motives for being good. A Christian the Bible and Chistianity talk about, Name force us to keep the track, nut nothing (Materialists) is that to believe in i is taught to be good even if he goes and some ignorant fanatic might get o • • is more progressive than our schools the Supernatural is a crime against , to the stake for his principles. And 1 up and quote “Overcome evil with o Address < ► and nothing makes for good citizen reason and advancement. Now 1 may should hate to tell any one to be good good.” (Bible.) Name ship like education after a proper be pardoned if I say this is another that he might get along "in business." • In closing let me correct Mr. Olin home environment is first laid for a one of their bluffs. I believe there is Let me see, isn’t that what infidels say Ross, who said that Washington was Address foundation. a God in this universe; I believe in people join the church for, to make an infidel. Washington was a devout Name These two America has—the home what they call the super-natural; I money ? and don’t they call them hypo member of the Episcopalian Church, and the school, and now that nearly all believe in Christ as the Savior Divine crites ? The fact is, the business world and was a man of prayer. (Encyclo- Address the states are killing the great enemy I of all who will receive him; I believe is a thing without heart or soul, and it | pedia Britannica.) Mr. Ross also stood i > of home ana school, the saloon, and as the bible is the inspired word of God. crushes the widow and the orphan. I for Darwinian evolution. Let him the people are at last aroused to in Very well . Now what has this done to Yes, Materialists “like good” neigh masticate the following: The British vestigate the poverty making grafts my reason? There is not a line of in bors, but their teachings have many ' Association for the Advancement of of fenzied finance, we will swiftly, in vestigation that I do not welcome. I a bad one. What is there to restrain Science met recently at Melbourne. the near future, find the way to make have Ingersoll’s lectures; I have waded a man w'th evil desires if there is That convention bluntly denied every this “a land without a slave.” through the insult to common sense, never to be an accounting for his sin ? feature of Darwin’s teaching on spe the Age of Reason (it speaks for it I am glad Mrs. Bliven makes a differ cies and the survival of the fittest. self) I enjoy every science where men ence between Roman priests and Prot They said: "Modern research lends have investigated, and I turn not away estant preachers. 1 am free to admit not the smallest encouragement or from any. And I challenge the Mat that Christianity cannot be judged by sanction to the view that gradual ev for MAX BURGHOLZER’S new book of 32 pages erialists to get down to business and some who preach it. But no one who olution occurs by the transformation argue the points of their own faith. is honest will define true Christianity of masses of individuals, though that When a person is fully convinced Have I shunned the subjects which by the scarlet woman of the seven fancy has fixed itself on the popular that the teachings of an organization they call liberal ? Am I not on their hills. Now, Mrs. Bliven, you speak of imagination. A'most the last shred is right and when he thinks that he own ground ? Why don’t you test one the “worthless husks of theology.” of this error, with which Victorian can do good by joining the same he is Christian and see if his reason is in What ao you mean by that? Some philosophy* loved to clothe itself has doing just the right thing when he | working order. I have no time to thi gs taught by preachers are worth been destroyed. Those who would pro unites wth said organization. | waste on such “slop” as oozed out of less. But please define what you claim it, must hereafter base their But when a person joins just for the the bitter soul of Mrs. W., for it is mean, so I can get at it. Do you mean faith on superstition and not on de sake of business or to use the Church not reasonable nor argument, but if the doctrine of vicarious suffering? monstrated scientific fact. The va for a cloak to deceive people and you have some who is the*e with the Don’t work in the dark; come into the riations which result in evolutional make them believe that he is what he knowledge, put him on the job and we open and make your statements and changes .... are not added from with It's a good one to read and pass to a neighbor is not, then it is no* all right and the will let the readers of The Journal de meaning clear. Why do you speak of out by the effects of experience and churches would do well to be very cide whether a man loses his reason God as a super-natural power? Do environment.” careful about encouraging such. In because he believes in Christianity. Materialists know enough about the There, Mr. Ross, how do you like f ct it would be very much to the The fact is, Materialists are the nar universe to say what is natural and that from the British Association for Church’s interests to weed out such row ones. Because others do not get what is super-natural ? Suppose I the Advancement of Science? Notice hypocrites if they have to enter the down and admit their theory of dirt take the ground that all is natural, that they call you Darwinian folks name to the death warrant of every O, what fool« these mortals be! But temple with whips and turn over the and blind force, which they fondly want and that no law is transgressed in a “superstitious,” yes, “SUPERSTI man who shall be officially murdered it was SO easy! All one must do is tables of the money changers to do it. reasoning people to say came from miracle—what then? Suppose I say TIOUS.” Read that again. You say by the state of Oregon, until thut de to put a nice little X right beside each Of course it is hard sometimes to de chance, they instantly cry “fanatic,” all is super-natural, and that every I dont’ like science, here is some for decree of yours is revoked. odd number. It didnt' require even tect some of the sly ones but if the etc. But that is just the point in de opening leaf is a miracle—what then ? you; how does it taste? Then notice, Men held as one of the strong ob the effort to read the measure over! manageme t of the Church will always bate: Let us not beg the question. I Don’t handle these profound things too, that it overthrows the whole Dar jections to giving us the ballot, that “Vote ‘No’ and we did. remember to apply the test that “by say that no one can look on the almost with such loose fingers; modesty is winian theory — which you believe — our heads are not big enough to hold their fruits ye shall know them” they endless forms of nature, and her per very becoming in the field of the nat Two measures out of twenty - nine that members and forms are the re more than one idea at a time, ?nd our will soon be able by reprimand, by dis fect laws, working out the million ural vs. the super-natural. sult of outward needs. Next, Olin! first journey to the ballot box seems carried. Of course these two were cipline or by expulsion to weed out adaptations of one thing to another, Mrs. Bliven says that “faith in pray easily understood, and if we wish to the false ones and purify their church without being compelled to make a er and miracles is weakening.” I sup Now a quotation from Huxley, and I to bear out their estimate of us to the be very charitable with ourselves we am done. He said in the Fortnightly letter. and be growing into righteousness in place for infinite intelligence and pow pose she means morally and mentally; might add that if we had understood Review some years ago: “I believe stead of retregrading or simply exist er, and I am here to debate that with if so—for as usual we have to guess Or perhaps we women are prideing the rest of them as wel1 as we did in immortality; and unless there is such ing. One of the cardinal doctrines of pen or on the platform with any one at what she means.—I simply put the ourselves upon being “read up” in these two, we would undoubtedly have all orthodox churches is the doctrine the Materialists may bring up. So get characters and minds f Christians lie a change as is spoken of in the fif news-paperdom. Perhaps THAT ac carried a lot more of them. But be of “turning the other cheek also” and down off the upper shelf and give us side those of infidels s d let the facts teenth of First Corinthians the soul counts for election returns, for did not cause we lli I) NOT understand them no better test can be applied. Does a the real issue. Now answer this: Is speak for themselves. Mrs. Bliven, will live on forever in wretchedness.” every capitalistic newspaper in the —we did as we were told and voted member endeavor to love his enemies ? it a fact that Christians are not schol please tell us why these things are State shriek from the house tops, "NO." Does he tur» the other cheek when he ars? That the teachers in colleges weakening? Are not Christians the “If you don’t understand a measure thinks an enemy has smitten him? are all infidels? It is astounding that most industrious of all classes? Study We voted down our Normal Schools vote ‘No’.” “And isn’t it a lot easier Does he go out of his way to gain a infidels will make such statements with a> y church membership and see if this to "vote No” than It is to spend one’s and will now continue to send a great victory through peace negotiations or all the libraries of the world open to is no. true. I happen to know that as time at trying to understand such number of our boys and girlH to other does he use violence and forsake all them. Here on a shelf I have Inger a rule the moral backbone and intelli And once again the “sovereign pee- dreadful things as "the 8-hour day,” or States for pedagogical training. O, the cardinal doctrines of his Prince of soll’s lectures; along side of them I gence of every ocality centers in the pul” of Oregon have expressed them "the $1500 exemption law” or "the but we are wise! And ALWAYS the Peace? demand for trained teachers increases have books written by Christian logi church. Is it weakening to look up to selves at the ballot box! right to work measure?” The churches need purification, and cians. Now I take them down and our mothers? George Washington* The W. C. T. U. and the Ladies’Aid, If you don’t understand a measure and we "vote down” our training will be done through when they secure compare them, and with all honesty whom infidels claim as one of their in particular, are boasting how "We vote "No,” shrieked the Morning Bar schools and starve ourselves intellect* ually. O, hut we a r e wise! So wise it, a mighty work will be done through am compelled to say that Ingersoll members, knelt before his mother and put the State dry!” barian of Portland. that we d n’t even need to read our the union of all churches, and the was not sound even in his views of received her blessing before going to And we are all quite willing to give “When in doubt about a measure devils of darkness will be cast into science, and that he stood for what the head of the nation. Do we not ad- them as much credit for this batch of vote't down,” screamed the Telegram. voter’s pamphlet or to study up on these things. Sure not! We can vote swine of humanity and soon be lost in scientists of today are throwing off, m're him for it? Why is it weaken votes aB they may desire—in-as-much "It is always safe to vote ‘No’ on “NO’ wit’hout any study or fore such as Darwin’s theory of evolution. ing to look away to the Infinite for as Somebody, honors as yet unclaimed, the sea of oblivion. The fact is that infidels have spoken help? And why do you expect the ig has also voted to go on hanging the measures that you do not understand,” thought! Whats’ the use of having asserted the Journal, and all the rest brain fag when we can "vote no” and and written to their own little herd of norant? You say it weakens all but sons of the same triumphant voters. said "Amen.” And we fool voters— save it all ? the ignorant. That is, Christianity is a open - mouthed mockers so long that Our good President stood on his dig Now who do you suppose did that? we "sovereign peepul”—we who insist nity and said: We will not recognize they expect to bluff over the hard good thing for the people on the Con Where are the women of Oregon? And newspaperdom is feeling Huerta as the head of the Mexican places with even ieasoning people, and go, but not for those in New England. Who was it that voted to live for an upon having the initiative and the ref "mighty brash” just about now, and ia erendum — we "fell for it. ” They got government; but when President Hu make assertion take the place of fact. What logic. This proves that the whole other two years in the middle ages? acting about like Tom Sawyer did it all. We couldn ’ t even do enough erta tendered to President Wilson the Now I take the ground that to believe infidel contention is a personal hatred when he took inventory of his day’s re Where are the mothers of Oregon? thinking of our own to see that it of God. If disbelief in the Bible is the annual payment of the “Pious Fund” there is a God in this universe is not Or did you vote to hang your sister’s migkt be a wise plan NOT TO VOTE ceipts for “letting” the boys white from the Mexican government to the unreasonable. Second, that to believe acme of mental and soul conditions, son? Perhaps she was voting for the AT ALL on the things we did not wash the hack yard fence. U. S. for the Jesuits in California. he has revealed himself is not unrea which is exactly what infidels teach, same thing. Who knows? understand and in that way leave such why are not the head - hunters the 1 Yours for education, Wilson took it. Wasn’t that a recog sonable, third, that the Bible is just Every one of you who voted for measures to the consideration of those nition of Huerta as the supreme au such a book as the race might expect grandest moral and intellectual people Fiora F. Foreman. to guide it into sane human lines of on earth? Let infidels explain what capital punishment has signed your who understand them. thority in Mexico? REPLY TO MATERIALISTS THE GEM THEATRE, m <S res Never ets Old AMERICA TO THE FRONT THE SILVERTON JOURNAL-1 Send 10 Cents A TEST How To Reduce The Cost HOW WE VOTED