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About The Silverton journal. (Silverton, Or.) 191?-1915 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1914)
T he S ilverton J ournal ■ ■ VOL IV. PAPAL NOTES i ■■ —... — .................... . .... .... .x »■. ............ — SILVERTON, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1914. DRAFT OF AN INSPECTION BILL Declaration of Principles of Ibe New Organization Known as the RECORD OF A BUSY LIFE No. 5. A TEAM OF BULLS II. Rome’s Motive in Plac As we go to press we receive a let A bill drufled by Wm. Lloyd Clark Guardians of Liberty. ing Bibb in Jail. In z former letter we did something ter from Wm. Lluyd Clark. for th« inspection by the commission- During the past twenty-two years, toward the proper grooming of the era of the county in which such in We, members uf the order of Guar Mr. Clark has traveled over UUO.OOO first of a pair of “bulls” — the one Rome is still on the Job and the stitutions uro situated, und should be dian» uf Liberty, in natiunal cunven-1 miles; delivered 3,700 lectures; written named “In Coena Domini.” Today we Inquisition i* working overtime. At Five Pope ware deposed und one ab passed by every stale in tlie Union: tiun assembled, impelled by the cots- groom the other bull—"Aeternus ille” Red Wing, Minn., H. F. Fowler, the dicated. Wonder how that tita into the ' victiun tiial the greatest treasure pos ' and published 14 different books and AN ACT —translated "Eternal he.” pamphlets exposing Romanism; sold infallib'e pupacy7 advance man for the patriotic lec sessed by the citizens ur these United • * • This bull was led out of the stable tures, was arrested for distributing To provide fur the inspection Of all | Stales is that uf civil and religious through the mail and otherwise, 200,- i he result» of the election do not public ur private husp tals, reforma liberty, ana with an earnest intent to 000 books and pamphlets; collected by pope Sixtus V, on March 1, 1589. the following handbill announcing indi ate that Wilaun’a popularity ia tory homes, houses of detention, con encourage and promote a deeper, one of the mort complete libraries in Its history is interesting. Luther had Billy Parker's lectures and thrown in strung enough to enable him to sur- vents as>lums, sectarian seminaries, stronger and mute active luyaity to the world on the Ruman Catholic ques- given the Germans the Bible in their , jail for advertising obscene “exhibits.” render the country to the Jesuits with schools or Institutions, by the commis the fundamental idea» of the founders ' tion; traveled thousauds of miles on own language. William Tyndall had At the last moment ft was found im in his own boat, translated the New Testament into possible for Mr. Parker to reach Red sioners of the county in which such in of tins republic, du declare the foiiuw- American rivers out u protest. • • • stitutions are situated, by the grund ing to be our declaration of principles: working in river towns and cities English; and had paid with his life Wing in time to meet his date. C. W. F irst—We unite as nun - sectarian, meantime doing editorial work on for the work he had done. Of course Bibb was appealed to, and agreed to When a Roman Catholic assut, jury thereof, or by anj person or per Ffriend of special privilege, ami other sons appointed by a judge of a court nun-partisan, nun-racial mural force weekly and monthly publications. He Rome pretended that she loved the stop on his way to Buffalo, N. Y., and has faced the euemy under all circum Bible; and that her theology was ad Mr. Parker’s date. He arrived in wise a nonentity, can be returned to of record, upon a petition signed by to prumute pure patriotism and a sac stances, from the arena of intellectual founded on it; and hail learned that Red Wing about 5 p.m., had his dinner twenty persons of suid county. red regurd for the welfare uf our congress with an increased majority it combat to the drunken, maddened she must give some public attention to and was quietly enjoying his after di,.- country. It is our belief that every show» how poorly informed are the Section 1. rn'ibs in the city streets, His work the old Book. ner smoke, when a knock on the door uverage voters. citizen should hold sacred his civil has won the commendation of some of Be it enacted by the Stale and the aroused his quietude. On opening the The so-called “ Vulgate ” — the trans • • • duties and responsibilities, and it is House of Representatives of the com our desire and purpose that every of the greatest men in this and other lation of the Bible into Latin was in door Mr. Bibb faced the chief of pol “I'rotestantism, the murderous hug, monwealth of ----- - in General As countries. the hands of the priesthood; and by ice, who very gently broke the news to is slowly dying of corruption ami con sembly met, und it is hereby enacted fice of the nation, state and munici theCouncil ofTrent, had been declared him that he wag under arrest. Mr. pality shall be held by men of abil genital rottenness, and she will not by the uuthority of the same: Th t to be of authority—rather than the Bibb grabbed a book on the table, Norwegian-American Auxiliary much longer encumber the nurth.” — every private und public hospital, re ity, integrity and true patriotism. We Hebrew and Greek Originals. That is “Jesuitism Unveiled,” and accom Organize. Western Watchman (Cath.j, Apr. 23, formatory home, house of detention, hold that no citizen is a true patriot —for purposes of study and use by panied the chief to the city jail, where who owes superior temporal allegi quoted in American Citizen. Go to it, convent, asylum, sectarian seminary, Abraham Vereide, State Secretary the priests themselves, the Vulgate he was incarcerated for the space of ance to any power above that of his “Father" Phelin. school or institution, shall be open at ub'igation tu the principles of the con of the Norwegian-American Auxiliary trai slation should be used rather than an hour until the magistrate was • • • Panama Pacific International Exposi the Originals—written by the Proph reached to name the ball. At 8:15 Mr- any und all times to the inspection of stitution uf the United States. tion, who is on a tour throughout the ets and Apostles! Bibb was liberated and went directly A cartoonist suggests the use of the commissioners of the county in Second—As the fathers established, to the armory where it is said he went a phonograph for suying the M ums . which any such institution is situated, so are we reso'ved to maintain the stale organizing the Sub - Organiza There were in existence manuscripts yl'here c uld be a nickle slot attached the grand jury thereof, or to the in complete separation of church and tions of the Auxiliary, visited this city of the Vulgate—older than the inven after the hierarchy in fine “southern Tuesday and met with the leading Nor style.” He flayed Rome to the satis for the graft and a jumping jack ap spection of uny person or persons duly state. wegians of Silverton at 2:00 P. M. and tion of Printing; from which copies faction of his audience. The next day paratus for the monkey shines of the appointed by a judge of a court of Third—We deny the right of any had been made for the printer. In priest. May be the new Pope will con record in the suid county, upon a pe political or ecclesiastical urganiz*tion organized a Sub-Urganization of the making these copies, writers and print Bibb appeared before the court and tition being presented to him requir Order in this city. gave bond. Trial of the case comes sider it. to manipulate or control the sovereign • • • The aim of this organization is to ers alike, had made just such mis up the 14th of December at Red Wing. ing the same, signed by twenty citizens citizenship of our people or to dispose takes as any of us may make today, A pin-headed 'awyer, one F. M. Wil A critic accounts for the great num of said county. of their civil rights and privileges for gain a suitable Norwegian representa i’ like work. So pope Sixtus resolved Section II. ber of drunken priests by charging it political office or power and we are tion at the World’s Exposition at San to print an edition of the Latin Bible, son, a toe kissing, go called Protestant, Francisco in 1915. First will be the to the taste formed by the daily tuking that should be free from the errors of appears to be the too! Rome used. This It shall be the duty of each und all determined that citizens shall exercise of Communion wine; but he is mis county commissioners, to visit, unan these rights and prvilege» unmolested, collection of funds necessary for the copyists and printers. He himself puppy swore out the warrants for both taken. The wine hus turned to blood nounced, every private or public home, answerable only to his conscience and undertaking which will be realized made the correcfons; and his edition Fowler and Bibb, and we surmise when through voluntary subscription. Ex before the priest swallows it and it is house of detention, convent, asylum, his God. was printed at the Vatican press; with Bibb gets through with this pin supposed that even the tuste is that of sectarian seminary, school ur institu- Fo’rth—We unite to protect and hibits for competition display and de this “bull”—“Aeternus ille”—as a sort headed, so called lawyer, he will wish he had been born a century later. We blood. The Catholic "Maas" is a sort tiun once every four months, to nute preserve the free institutions of our coration, representative of Norway and of preface or introduction. Norwegians in all the various lines of serve notice on this pin-head that of sacred cannibalism. country, e pecialiy our public school the conditions and treatment and to The proverb tells us that “the legs there is an after clap he will remem endeavor, are desired. • • • rece've the complaints uf the inmates system, against any foreign or men Norway Day Pageant, June 7th, has of the lame are not equal.” Any one ber t this fight. The cowardly Roman acing influence and we particularly The U. S. acta as collet-ting agent thereof. been designated Norway Day, and as —be he pope or hoodlum, who tries Catholic mayor of Red Wing said to F. protest against the diversion of any for the Jesuits. The nation which Section III. public fund or lands to any religious one of the features the Auxiliary is to propagate a falsehood, will sooner B. Jordan at the time H. E. Fowler is Supposed to keep its hand» out of planning a pageant which shall be the or later betray himself. For centuries was arrested, that the city would drop It shall be the duty uf the county purpose whatever. church affairs, presents its bill to greatest procession of Norwegians ever before Pius IX in 1870 compelled the all prosecution of Fowler if he, Jordan, commissioners to file a full and com- 1 will also mention here the names Mexico once a year, Mexico hands over assembled in America, at the exposi council to declare the pope infallible, would call off the meetings. This skunk p'ete report uf the result of the in of a few men prominent in the na the money, ami the U. S. in turn hands tion in 1915. It is the desire of the many cf them—and their hangers on, would sell the city of Red Wing out spections of the above institutions in tional organization of the Guardians it over to th« Jesuits to do "missionary organization to have Silverton do her had argued this; but other persons if he could get the infamy of his sys the cuurt uf common pleas of the coun of Liberty: work” in California. "Isn’t that going part towards this successful event. had as vigorously disputed it. Sixtus tem protected. What else could he ty, and publish the same in two daily Hon. John B. Cockrum, grand sire, some," aakH the American Citizen. newspapers of genera) circulation, the Sovereign lodge, Independent Order Mr. B. B. Haugan who is ex-Congress- had claimed that “the pope is the di have meant? • • • man and ex-editor of a leading journal rect master of the whole world.” Car first day of the month of January and of Odd Fellows. On Sunday the chief of police was With all the wet, ami all the Cath- July of each year. Hon. George M. Hansom, supreme in Minneapolis, Minnesota, is consid dinal Bellarmine had disputed it. This ordered by the mayor and city attor iolic vote, und being the nominee of chancellor Supreme Government, ered one of the ablest platform orators will remind you of that “Unity of Doc ney to prevent the people from attend Section IV. three political parties, the Knights of in the western part of the Union, will trine” that Rome pretends; it may also ing the meeting, and he attempted to * ny comm'ssioner ur person ap Knights of Pythias. Columbus candidate for the legislature Francis E. Clark, president United address the people in the Norwegian remind you weak kneed Americans, carry out those orders by standing in got less than the average vote oi pointed by the court, for violating any Society of Christian Endeavor. language at the W. O. W. Hall Sunday that the pope claims to be your “over- the doorway of the hall and kept the those who were elected; still, his elec provision of this act shall be deemed at 2:30 P. M. on this subject, and will lord!” William B. Melish, grand master, people out. After the crowd had in tion shows u woeful lack of informa- guilty of a misdemeanor, and on con Knights T'mplar, encampment of the explain this extensive movement more Well—Sixtus printed his copy of the creased to about a hundred people, J. t'on on the part of a majority of anti viction shall be punished by a fine of fully. Bible; and his bull got off the bellow B. Jordan mounted the steps of the United States. Catholic voters. No well-informed not less than $100 for the first offense, Norway is sending a battle-ship and that this copy “must be received and armory and talked to them for about Hon. George B. Griggs, Great In- patriot will vote u K. C. into a legis and >500 for any additional offense. cohonee, Improved Order of Red Men exhibits from the Fair held during the held as true, legitimate, authentic and five minutes, after which they were lative body. summer months of 1914 at Christiaaia, undoubted, in all public and private ready to enter the armory with or Section V. of the United States. • • • •Irvin C. Bleam, supreme comman Norway. This will be a display of par disputations, etc. etc. The final bel without the consent of the chief of Any official agent, employee or other Peru is one of the members of the person refusing to permit, or inter der Ancient and Illustrious Order ticular interest, as it is an up-to-date low of the old bull was characteristic. police, but just at the moment that collection from every part of Norway. Any one who should disobey this order a serious fight and blood shed seemed “Pun American Union,” of which our fering in any manner with the inspec Knights of Malta. U. 8. is also a member. The organic tion f any such private or public hos- Rishop William Burt, Buffalo, N. Y. Norway has appropriated 150,000 should be excommunicated. Like others inevitable, E. P. Johnson spoke up and law of Peru reads: "The nation pro 1 ital, reformatory home, house of de Lieutenant-General J.C. Bates, Wash crowns, 50,000 of which is for a war of its kind, Sixtus was strong in curs said, “Men. let’s turn this into a rel ship to take part in a naval pageant. ing; and his bulls never missed trying igious meeting, I know enough about fesses the Catholic and Apostolic Rel tention, convent, asylum, sectarian ington, D. C. Officers of Auxiliary are as follows: to gore other folks. igion und the State protects it, and seminary school or institution, by the David B. G. Rose, 33 A A. Scottish religion to talk it and we will then President, Rev. A. O. White. does not allow the public exercise of county commmissioners, the grand Rite, Kentucky. But chemistry—handled by a Jesuit, see if the chief cares to keep us out First Vice-President, Rev. J. C was too much for Sixtus. In a former of the hall.” Upon this move of John any other." Why don't the Catholic jury thereof, or any person duly ap F. A. Pope, national president, Pa- Roseland. bunch thut is just now so zealous for pointed and authorized by a court of trotic Order Sons of America. letter it was shown that sometimes the son’s the chief stepped aside and left Second Vice-President, Rev. B. A. job of playing pope was not healthy— the premises, remarking that he had "Freedom of Worship” in Mexico ask record in accordance with the terms Bishop Charles Edward Cheney, Illi Borrevik. Wilson and Bryan to cease to recog of this act shall be deemed guilty of a nois. that between 1585 and 1605, by the no orders to stop a religious meeting, Secretary, M. G. Gunderson. nize he government of Peru 7 Rev. Charles L. Goodell, D. D., New “grace” of the Jesuits, some six men in fact, the chief himself is a good misdemeanor and shall, upon convic Finançai Secretary, O Seims. • • • who had tried the job, had quit it American citizen and a gentleman all tion, be punished by a fine of not less York. Treasurer. N. Diggemess. Dr. J. D. Buck, 33 A. A. S. R. Ma quite suddenly. The Jesuits did not the way through. than >500 and six month ’ s imprison In Java is a creature culled the Vam Local Committees of the Auxiliary seem able to control the elections; but After the people got inside the hall pire. It is an enormous bar that sucks ment for the first offense, and for each sonry, Ohio. George Russell Downs, national shall be formed on the initiative of they certainly did control the tenure Mr. Jordan put it to a vote of the au up the blood of the victims whose sleep additional offense not less than >1,000 authorized representatives, or volun of office. commander, Army and Navy U ion. dience as to their choice on the prop it prolongs by wafting over them an fine and imprisonment. teers who may be recognized by the J. Franklin Crowell president Am osition, that, should they have a relig Yes — Sixtus died; then Urban died — Cut out the above Bill, mail it to air full of freshness and perfume by Executive Board of the Auxiliary are when Gregory tried it awhile. The ious meeting or go on with the "Rot tl e motion of its vast and scented your Representative and ask him to erican Civic Alliance. as follows: Isaac S. Hurst, Los Angeles, Cal. tenness of Romanism," as advertised. matter of the Bible printed by Sixtus introduce this or a similar Bill at the wings. The world’s Vampire is the R >- Committee on Publication: John General Horatio C. King, Brooklyn, Upon taking a vote one man voted for had been before the authorities — schol man Catholic Hierarchy which has very next session of your state legis Goplenud, C. A. Benson, J. Alm. N. Y. I religion and all the rest of the audience ar of the Roman sect knew that, spite been sinking our Protestant nation lature. Get behind this movement! Way and Means: A. A. Ulvin, H. Rev William Schoenfield, New York. voted for “Rottenness.” Billy Parker of his infallibility, Sixtus had made no into deeper s'eep by wafting over it L. L. Hand, New Jersey state coun Haaland, C. T. Brokke. then gave his lecture as advertised and less than 2,000 changes in the text of an air of Religious purpose while tak Exhibition and Display: S. A. Ness, cil, Junior Order American Mechan the Bible—blunders some of them— we expect to have more trouble with ing possession of the reins of govern Cites the Constitution Chas. Bentson. ics. the papes later on, as the true Ameri ment capturing the pr'ss, and filling Decided to meet next Monday even may be; but others deliberate corrup La Forest J. Page, secretary Ver can citizens of Red Wing have no in tions of the text. the offices and schools with enemies of ing at Commercial Club Rooms at Roman Catholics throughout the mont Consistory 33 Masonry. tention of surrendering to the pope or liberty. Cardinal Bellarmine—a Jesuit—ad United States plan to unite in a de Robert E. French, grand lodge, F. 8:00 o’clock. his agent, “Howly” Father Carey, or • • • dressing pope Clement VIII, said:— mand upon Congess for the enactment and A. M., Nebraska. Ex. his tools, F. M. Wilson and J. J. Ferrin. The Catholics now demand “Free of a special law excluding anti-Cath- wicked and benighted parents who are “Your blessedness knows into what AMERICAN PATRIOTS, do you dom of Worship” in Mexico. Only 19 olic publications from the United sending their children to the godless danger Sixtus V has brought himself realize what these moves are done for? and the whole church in attacking the years ago the Catholics of Texacapa, States mail, and threaten to boycott public schools. The American Federation of Patriotic Mexico,by regular judicial order,burn the administration if it will not obey A lady friend of mine, a most in correction of the sacred books accord Societies and Voters are now starting ing to the sentiments of true learning; ed to deuth ten heretics—6 men, 3 orders. The day fixed for this letter telligent and respectable Catholic a campaign where they are going to nor am I sure that any graver danger women and one baby. These victims writing is the 8th of December, the mother, to’d me she never was in such draw fire and smoke every day, and ever happened. ” He would not, how were tried and condemned as enemies Feast of the Immaculate Conception. The Jesuits are particularly vicious a plight in her life. She had a child of the Church. Did our Catholics then Our Congressmen are undoubtedly toward the public school In the Holy in the public school, and, of course, ever, endanger the notion of the pope’s the hierarchy, as is plainly to be seen, demand "Freedom of Worship” in Mex familiar with the First Amendment to Family Church, the largest parish in remained seated. Women knelt all infallibility; so he proposed that the 1 being unable to stop us with mobs and ico? Not a bit of it They do so now the Constitution, which provides that Chicago, in 1902, during a mission, at around her. Right by her side knelt Bihle published by Sixtus, should be riots, are now attempting to pile up only beenuse they no longer have pow “Congress shall make no law * * * ab which there were present at least 2500 a drunken woman, who, as she prayed reprinted under his name—but with court costs enough to stop us that way. I want every true blooded er in that country to burn heretics. ridging the freedom of speech or of people, all being women, the Jesuit from the bottom of her heart, in unison a preface showing that “in the first American who reads this immediately edition of Sixtus, some errors had with her pastor, peered right into her The good Pope Pius was then in of the press,” and will not be threndened preacher said: write the national secretary at 612 crept in, through haste, by the care Parents who send their children to face, and nearly suffocated her with fice. President Wilson speaks of his by partisan fanatics to pass any spe lessness of the printers or of others.” Globe building, and take out a mem "pure and gentle character, unaffected cial law for the benefit of the Catholic the godless public school are going the fumes of whiskey. It is needless • bership in the American Federation, Yes, you can prove anything you piety and broad and thoughful sym church. If abusive and slanderous pa straight to hell. I make this statement to add that my friend was not con which costs only >1. Ex. wish—if your wit esses have “liberty.” pathy with his fellow men.” Did this pers were to be excluded from the in the presence of the Blessed Sacra verted to the parochial school. Some priests refuse absolution to The Jesuits have argued that the pope "pure and gentle” Pope rebuke his mail, nearly every Catholic paper in ment. Now, I want you good mothers, Do you believe in dreams? Your faithful followers in Mexico for burn the country would have to be stopped. whose children attend the parochial parents whose children attend the pub is infallib'e; but sometimes the infal ing heretics? Not a word. On the In the use of scurilous and abusive school, to kneel down and offer up lic schools. Others compel parents, lible fellow plunders; and the under dream of a home will come true if you contrary, the Mexican priestB were but language the Catholic press of the with me, from the bottom of' your through the confessional, to promise taker has to be called in; and a new will let the CASCADE REAL ES obeying the teachings of the "good and country is easily in the lead. — Luth hearts, three Our Fathers and three to send their children to the parochial man put on the job. Great Scheme— TATE COMPANY tell you how to buy isn’t it? “L.” Hail Marys for tha conversion of these schools. a home on the installment plan. eran Herald. gentle Pope. By L. I). Ratliff A Page from Father Crowley’s Book