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About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1910)
*«****«•**«•**« ♦ ♦ OFFH'KL PAPER «)F KLAMATH COl'NIV. « ♦ K LAM AT H REPUBLICAN. VOL. XIV. KLAMATH FALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, MARCH 24, 191«) ham TIME IS SHORT FOR REGISTERING No one can say that Southern Cull- fornia was really represented,'* LOS ANGELES. Cui.. March 23. A< cording to Pr«*sld<'nt Joseph S«'ott, the Los Angel«*« Chamber of Com- n «’■co max i ct as mediator In the «on- troveisy now raging between San Diego and Kan Francis«-«, over which IMPOKTAM K OF CITY EI.E< 'HON rlty ahull be selected as the site for MIIOl 1.0 NTIIC TARDY OXEN the World's Fair of 1915, It is un- detsood that both cities are witling to submit the question te thia bod* WÎU QUESTIONS IO BE DECIDED iNHl'RGENTH WON HY PURI4C I'AP Every R»-*Uil«n« of tin* City M«<*l«l Plarc Hlwwo'lf in a Poal- W lilp|i« <l Ini«, l.ln«* by the Power <f ilon Io Vole r<-«i«*ral Patronage Never in the history of Klamath Falla, past or future, will there be an «lection tilled with such impor tance to the voter« of the city aa will tho one that la to be held May 2, and at which Is to be choaen a mayor for the ensuing year, aa well aa a number of councilmen and city re corder. Klamath Falla la just enter inn upon an era of Improvements that will be of vital Interest to every taxpayer, home builder and renter. The city election will mean much to every one of them and should be par ticipated In by every man who will have a vote. The Drat requisite, how ever. for voting at the city election Is that you rnuat register. By a peculiar twist of the city charter and the construction placed on It by the attorneys of the city, unless a person is registered ho can not vote. There will be no swearing in of voters. It cannot bo done. There Is only one way In which a person can secure the right to vote nt the city election that Is to reg ister. The registration books are now open at the city hall. City Recorder lx<avitl state« that ho will be at his office every day, until the registra tion books close, between the hours of 9 a. ni. and 12, noon, and from 2 p. m. until 5:30 p. ni. This will afford every man an opportunity of placing Ills name on the registration books. If you fall to register you will have cause to regret It before the date for the city election arrives. It will bo your own fnult, however. The proper course to pursue Is to REGIS TER TODAY. United Press Service. WASHINGTON, I>. C„ March 23 Rcprosentattv«! Palmer, Democrat of Pennsylvania, stlrr««l things up tn the house of Representatives yester day by th«* delivery of the most vitri olic sp«*ech that han been delivered this season. Declaring that the In surgents had been whipped Into line by the refusal of public pap, charg ing that t'ongres« and the Adminis tration failed to keep party pledges, h«* poured forth a speech filled with peppery denunciation. The remarks were made during a discussion of the pension bill. In part, Mr. Palmer said: "The President's legislative pro gram will go down before the insldu- oun attacks of a system now unfor tunately under the control of the executive as well as the leglnlatlvo branch of the Government. We have witnessed the sp<*ctacle of the great est friend conservation ever had hurled from the councils of the Ad ministration, because of his over* xealous support of a cause to which he has devoted Ills life. We have seen him It'd Into court before a Con gressional Investigating commllt«*e as co-defendant with n man recognized an th«, enemy of the policy he per sonifies. W«* have rend In tho press how the President linn abandoned all but one of his conservation bills. And now we se«> th«* postal savings bank bill amended with th«* apparent ap proval of the Admlnitsratlon, in the interests of the great money centers of the country.'* NICARAGUAN INSURGENTS ARE STII.I, FIGHTING CALIFORNIA EXPOSITION United Press Service. CITY IH SELECTED I1LUEFIELD8, Nicaragua, March Nan Diego lU'fum*« to Abiti«* by th«* 23. Two thounand government sol diers are moving rapidly towards Decision United Press Service. SAN DIEGO, Cal., March 23.—The action of the representatives from the fifty California cities, which met in convention In Santa Barbara yester day. when they decided In favor of San Francisco as tho site for the World's Fair that It la proposed to hold In 1915, did not settle tho mat ter. San Diego will not accept the decision, according to Director Gen eral D. C. Collier, of the local expo sition company. He stated today: “San Diego will go right ahead with the plans for a fair In 1915. We have raised ono million dollars and wo will raise another million, and with these funds we will be able to give an exposition that will bo a credit to the State and tho Pacific Coast. The action of ytuiterday's con ference was a foregone conclusion. Bluefield«. according to splea that ar rived at Rama from the Interior to day. The town in In a panic and hnsty efforts are being made to gath er sufficient fore«* to resist an attack. Rama In tho bast* of supply for the Insurgent leader, Estrada. His army Is scattered anil It is fear«*d it will be captured. President Madris* trtxips expect to reach Rama within three days. * T. W. Zimmerman, who has been connected with the Klamath Irriga tion Project for several years, has been transferred to the North Yakima Project. He left Saturday morning with Mrs. Zimmerman for his new position. Mr. and Mrs. Zimmer man have made many warm friends during tholr residence In this city who will regret their departure very much. ♦»♦♦♦♦♦44444444 ♦ * LEADIN44 PAPER OF HOI THERM OREGON. ♦ • NO. 51 S andwitches FOSS’ ELECTION DEPOT READY FDR OCCUPANCY ALL DUE TO THE NEW TARIFF LAW MMY MMES ARE BEING MENTiONED COST WIU. BE CIOSE 10 $40,000 companied by General Franklin Bell, thief of the army staff, and he »at painfully injured in the smash-up. Mrs. Slocum di> <1 njt> n minutes after the car and machine collided and before medical care could be se cured. General Bell was removed to the Fort Meyer Hospital, where it was found that his injuries, thongh DEM4M RATIC VICTORY < Al sE> THIS <JI ESTIO N IS ALREAIH RE- severe, were not mcessarily danger FINISHING TOUCHES PUT ON THE Ititi COMMOTION BEAUTIFUL STRUCTURE < LINING < ilXslDI AKTION ous. and the chances for his rapid re covery are very bright, unless he has sustained internal injuries. Major Slocum is a nephew of Mrs. Russell Sage, who, with Maj. 8. L. Slocum, brother-in-law of the dead Democrats Claim It Is an Indication Present In* unilx-iit If.«- Many Friends woman, is wintering at Pasadena, 1« Among the Finest Railroad Sta Cal. Mrs. Sage and Major Slocum of the T urning of I'ublic tion on the Pacific Coast. Who Arr Ib-sirous of Hi» will leave for New York tomorrow, Opini«* Completed Tixlay Re-EI«*ction where the funeral of Mrs Slocum will be held. WASHINGTON, D. C-. March 23.— The finishing touches have been Who Is to be the next mayor of There was considerable commotion Klamath Falls? That Is the question put on the magnified t ae— * .pot MAY ERE< 1 **JICE PIANT here today as a result of the Demo that la coining to the forefront Ln ibe «rwtie* by the* Southern in cratic landslide in the Old Colony political affairs of the city. Mayor W. J. Roger«, who arrived here this city. No date for the formal ■ecllon of .Massachusetts, whereby ; Sanderson has announctxl his candi some days ago, is looking over the opening of the building has been an Eugeut* Foss was c I« k T« h 1 to Congress * dacy for re-election. Other names Held as a possible site for an ice nounced and will not be until word is by a plurality of nearly 6,000. The nave been mentioned as possible tim plant. Mr. R«*gers is familiar with received from San Francisco. normal Republican majority of this ber, but no definite steps have been the ice business and believes he sees When it was announced that the district Is 11,000. and Foss' -lection taken looking toward the selection in Klamath Fall« the right place for railroad company had decided to Is a staggering surprise to tho leaders of any particular person. That San the erection of «3 ice making plant. erect in this city a depot that would at the Capital. Republican Candi derson is going to have opposition is He has interviewed a number of the cost in the neighborhood of $20,00" date Buchanan, of Boston, and Re quite aparent. Few even Of his clos business men of the city and has al few people believed that that amount publican leaders arer explaining the est friends believe he can be re-elect ready met with much encouragement. would be invested in the structure defeat by saying that It is due to ed. Nevertheless, he is quite san He is going to carry on further in When the plans arrived it was seen general dissatisfaction over the tar guine himself and since he is a hard vestigations before hr reaches a defi that the station would be a fine one. iff. It was believed that the party in campaigner there are those who be nite conclusion. and the expectations have b«»en real power was not paying enough atten lieve that he will come out winner. The necessity for a plant for the ized. But instead of a $20.000 struc tion to the high cost of living, and In addition to the question of who manufacture of ice is one that will ture the company has given the city this played an Important part In win Is to be mayor, there is also to be de become urgent before long. It Is the one that will cost nearer $40,000. and ning over to the Democratic side the cided the adoption of a city charter. natural point for the re-lcing of fruit one that surpasses in elegance any large laboring vote In the Congres It has been recogniztxl for years that cars, and when the Southern Pacific thing of Its kind in the West. There sional district. the city is badly in n«M*d of a new is completed through to Natron and may be larger depots in the United Th«, Democrats ar«* in high glee charter, and one I as b«*en prepared this city is placed on the main line, States, but there is none that is finer. and claim that Foss' victory Is proof and will be submitted for the consid it must through force of its natural The fact that the Southern Pacific positive that th«' people are swinging eration of the voters at the coming location be the right point where all has seen fit to give Klamath Falls over to the side of the Democratic election. It Is quite likely that it of the re-icing will be done. This such a fine building is indicative of party, which offers the only hope for will be adopttxi, though It is going business alone will insure the success what that company expects this city a change front present conditions. to meet with some opposition. New of the industry. In addition, a de to be. The depot is the direct out Speaking of his el«»ctlon, Mr. Foss councilmen have to be elected from mand for pure ice for domestic pur come of the petition that was sent to said: the newly created wards, as well as poses Is becoming more urgent here Chief Engineer Hood, asking that *'My election is simply the demand one each from the old ones. every day. and It Is to be hoped that this city be favored with a building of th«* people that th«* Republicans Mr. Rogers will find sufficient in commensurate with what the com fulfill th«* pledges made In their plat GIFFORD PINCIIOT GOES ducement to warrant his erecting a pany expected Klamath Falls to b«' form and give honest reductions In The response to that request speaks TO MEET ROOSEVELT plant this s«*ason. the tariff. It Is a demand for the for itself, and this city has a depot Immediat«, repeal of section 2 of the Will Mc«»t th«» Ex*Pn*«id«*nt at Hi« of which it has reason to be proud APPROPRIATION FOR RAISING Urgent R<*«iu«*st tariff act. which substitutes real 1st ion That the structure is one of the THE MAINE PASSES HOUSE richest assets of the city is proven for reciprocity, and thus threatens a commercial warfare with our best United Press Service. by the impression it is making on WASHINGTON, D. C.. March 23.— United Press Service. customers.’’ people coming into the city. It has WASHINGTON, D. C., March 23.— been the cause of many investors Roosevelt is going to hear the Pin- chot side of the rupture between him The bill carrying with it the appro purchasing property. Many of these MAY HAVE REACHED BASIS OF SETTLEMENT and Taft. At least that would seem priation to defray the cost of raising have given as their reason that rail to be the program on hand, since the the battleship Maine passed the road companies are not building such - latlstr Commlssiimcr Neill Thinks 11«* ex-forester sailed for Europe Satur House today by a vote of 100 to 4. depots at points where they have any day. Yesterday It leaked out through The bill pro» ides that the army engi doubts of their future greatness. It Has Found Solution channels that are extremely friendly neers remove the bodies of the sailors stands as a message from the South United Press Service. to Plnchot that he goes to Europe at who met their death in the blowing ern Pacific that the company expects CHICAGO. III., March 23.—Labor tho urgent request of the ex-Presi- up of the battleship and have them Klamath Falls to be the metrotalis Commissioner Neill said yesterday dent, a cablegram frorm Khartoum Interred in Arlington cemetery, and of Southern Oregon and stands ready that he believed he had found a ba having been received containing the erect over their graves a suitable to do its share to make it so. sis upon which a settlement of the Invitation. monument. It also provides that an proposed strlk«, of the railroad fire If Roosevelt follows his usual Im effort be made to raise the battle men and engineers may be settled. pulsive policy, it Is not unlikely that ship aud. tf this cannot be done, then A BIG HORSE SALE FRIDAY The question of an increase In th«* he will explode against President to blow up the hull and remove it aa wages of the firemen and engineers Taft before he reaches American sol). an obstruction to navigation. Nothing in the line of a public Is to be submitted to arbitration. The At any rate, It would seem that Henry sal«» that has been held in this county commissioner refused to reveal upon Watterson's prediction that Roose has ever attracted as much attention NEW AUTO FOR HOEY' what bits!« he propos«*d to settle th«» velt would be a bitter enemy of Taft as is the one that is to be held Friday other questions of difference. befor«» a year would come very mar There arrived in town Wednesday at the Ankeny ranch, four miles its fulfillment. evening a 1910 Locomobile tor the southeast of this city. W. H. Mason The committee appointed by the use of H. P. Hoey, ^instruction en will offer for sale on that day seventy City Council to select a site for a KILLED IN COLIJHION OF garbage dump has recommended 80 AUTO AND INTERURBAN OAR gineer for the Southern Pacific. The head of fine, well broken horses, and machine will be one of the finest the indications are that the ¿tipplv acr»»s back of the slaughter house on turned out by the Loctomoblle com will fall far short of the demand, for tho Kono road. This is located about United Press Service. WASHINGTON, D. C., March 23.— pany. The multifarious duties of Mr. these horses have a reputation as be on«» mile from the bridge and was the Hoey demand that h«» have the means ing unusually fine stock. Mr. Mason closest piece of land that could be Mrs. II. J. Slocum, wife of Maj. H. of moving rapidly front one point to has provided for the serving of an Slocum, commander of Governor's secured for this purpos«» at any reas onable price. Owners of other loca Island, was killed today when the another along the line of his work, elaborate free lunch and will also tions that would have been suitable automobile In which she was riding and it Is for the purpose of aiding have buss«»s In use for the transfer of wanted as high as $100 an acre for collided with an Interurban car In the him to do so that the company has those who wish to go from this city to the scene of the sale. suburbs of Washington. She was ac furnished him with this machine. tholr land.